Build Settings----包含
编译设置 (指令集,编译目录,编译选项,部署,链接,签名,内核模块,包,版本管理,测试,搜索路径,编译语言,编译警告)
A--> Architectures--体系结构(指令集)
1:Base SDK 指的是当前编译用的SDK版本
2:Supported Platforms--支持的平台
3:Build Active Architecture Only:它只编译当前的architecture版本
5:Valid Architectures 该编译项指定可能支持的指令集,该列表和Architectures列表的交集,将是Xcode最终生成二进制包所支持的指令集
B-->Build Locations -- 编译目录(文件目录)
1:Build Products Path 产品文件和编译时临时文件都将放在这个目录的子目录中
2:Intermediate Build Files Path 编译时临时文件的存放位置。编译中间文件格式为product,如。
3:Per-configuration Build Product Path 当前编译设置下的产品存放位置
4:Per-configuration Intermediate File Path 当前编译设置下编译时临时文件的存放位置
5:Precompiled Headers Cache Path 存放预编译头文件的位置。通过这个配置,Targets可以互相共享预编译的头文件
C--> Build Options -- 编译选项(编译器选择,debug文件类型,Bitcode,生成的文件类型,私有API验证)
0:Build Variants 此项可以设定生成产品的变种
1:Compiler for C/C++/Objective-C--->选择编译器
2:Debug Information Format 这个选项决定了记录debug信息的文件格式
3:Always Embed swift standard libraries 是否 总是嵌入switf标准库
4:Enable Bitcode 启用Bitcode(一种中间代码)
5:Enable Testbility 这是单元测试有关选项,项目里如果没有单元测试 就关了吧
6:Generate Profiling Code 是否生成配置代码。默认选择NO。
7:Precompiled Header Uses Files From Build Directory 未改动的文件保留成预编译文件
8:Scan All Source Files for Includes 扫描include文件所包含的所有源文件。
9:Validate Built Product 这个选项决定了是否在编译的时候进行验证
10:Require Only App_Extension-Safe API APP 扩展API 的使用
D--> Deployment (部署) / signing (签名) / Linking (链接)
G--> Headers(头部) / Kernel Module (内核模块) / Packaging (包) / Search Paths (搜索路径) / versioning (版本控制)
Preprocessor Macros:可以这个里面定义一些预处理的宏。例如,Xcode 自动帮你在 Debug 里面定了一个宏 DEBUG=1,这样就可以用这个宏来判断当前的App是不是Debug版本了
1:Deployment 部署
1:Additional Strip Flags
2:Additional Install Group
3:Additional Install Owner
4:Additional Install Permissions
5:Additional Permissions Files
6:Deployment Location
6:Deployment Postprocessing
6:Install Group
6:Install Owner
6:Install Permissions
6:Installation Build Products Location
6:Installation Directory
6:Resources Targted Device Family
6:Skip Install
6:Strip Debug Symbols During copy
6:Strip Linked Product
6:Strip style
6:Targeted Device Family
6:Use Separate Strip
6:Headers 头部
1:Run unifdef on product headers
2:Unifdef Flags for product headers
7:Kernel Module 内核模块
module identifier
module start routine
module stop routine
module version
1:Bundle Loader
2:Coppatibility Version
3:Current Library Version
4:Dead code stripping
5:display mangled names
6:don`t dead- strip inits and terms
7:dynamic Library install name
8:dynamic Library install name base
9:exportd symbols file
10:generate positioan-dependen executable
11:initialization routine
12:link with standard libraries
13:mach-0 type
14:order file
15:other librarian flags
16:other link flags
17:Path to link map file
18:perform single-object prelink
19: prelink libraries
21:perserve private external symbols
22:quote linker arguments
23:re-Exported framework names
24:re-Exported library names
25:re-Exported library paths
26:Runpath search paths
27:separately edit symbols
28:single-object prelink flags
29:symbol ordering flags
30: unexported symobls file
31: warning linker flags
32: write link map file
convert copied files
create info.plist section in binary
defines module
executable extension
executable prefix
expand build setting in info.plist file
force package info generation
framework version
info.plist file
info.plist other preprocessor flags
info.plist output encoding
info.plist preprocessor definitions
info.plist preprocessor prefix file
module map file
preprocess info.plist file
preserve HFS data
private headers folder path
private module map file
product bundle identifier
product module name
product name
property list output encoding
public headers folder path
strings file output encoding
wrapper extension
8:Search Paths
always search user paths
framework search paths
header search paths
linrary search paths
rez search paths
use header maps
user header search paths
code signing entitlements
code signing identity
development team
other code signing flags
provisioning profile
provisioning profile(depreacatef)
8:text- based API
Apple LLIV 8.0 - address sanitizer
Apple LLIV 8.0 - code generation
Apple LLIV 8.0 - custom compiler fiags
Apple LLIV 8.0 - language
Apple LLIV 8.0 - language - C++
Apple LLIV 8.0 - language - modules
Apple LLIV 8.0 - language - OC
Apple LLIV 8.0 - perprocessing
Apple LLIV 8.0 - warning policies
Apple LLIV 8.0 - warnings -all languages
Apple LLIV 8.0 - warnings - C++
Apple LLIV 8.0 - warnings - OC
Apple LLIV 8.0 - warnings - OC and ARC
Asset catalog compiler - options
Inerface Builder storyboard compiler - options
OSACompile - build options
Static Analyzer - Analysis policy
Static Analyzer - Generic issues
Static Analyzer - issues -OC
Static Analyzer - issues -Security