基于stm32f107 stm32cube 和 LWIP 协议实现 udp 组播通信

最近在做一个基于stm32f107 实现 UDP 组播通信的项目,项目基于 stm32cube 配置生成,如下图:

基于stm32f107 stm32cube 和 LWIP 协议实现 udp 组播通信_第1张图片

基于stm32f107 stm32cube 和 LWIP 协议实现 udp 组播通信_第2张图片


#ifndef __MULTICAST_H__
#define __MULTICAST_H__

#include "lwip/udp.h"
#include "lwip/pbuf.h"
#include "lwip/igmp.h"
#include "User.h"

/*port */
#define UDP_MULTICASE_RECV_PORT 8642    // multicast port for recive
#define UDP_MULTICASE_SEND_PORT 8642    // multicast port for send
#define  MULTUDP_BUF_SIZE     2048

extern struct udp_pcb* udp_server_multi_pcb;             //组播PCB控制块
extern ip4_addr_t ipgroup_rev,ipgroup_send;

void multicast_send_data(unsigned char * data,unsigned short len);
void udp_server_rev(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p,const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port);
void Multicast_Config( void );
void MulticastUDP_SendTest(void);

#endif /* __MULTICAST_H__ */


  * @file    udp_echoserver.c
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @version V1.1.0
  * @date    31-July-2013
  * @brief   UDP echo server
  * @attention

© COPYRIGHT 2013 STMicroelectronics

* * Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License"); * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ****************************************************************************** */ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "main.h" #include "lwip/pbuf.h" #include "lwip/udp.h" #include "lwip/tcp.h" #include "lwip.h" #include #include #include "multicast.h" #include "User.h" #define PRINT(...) /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct udp_pcb* udp_server_multi_pcb; // 组播PCB控制块 ip4_addr_t ipgroup_rev,ipgroup_send; // UDP发送 void multicast_send_data(unsigned char * data,unsigned short len) { struct pbuf *p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_TRANSPORT,len, PBUF_RAM); memcpy(p->payload, data, len); udp_sendto(udp_server_multi_pcb, p,&ipgroup_send,UDP_MULTICASE_SEND_PORT); pbuf_free(p); } // 组播接收,回调函数 void udp_server_rev(void *arg, struct udp_pcb *pcb, struct pbuf *p,const ip_addr_t *addr, u16_t port) { #if 1 ProtoFrame_t UdpRxTemp; if( p != NULL ) { if( p->tot_len >= sizeof(ProtoFrame_t) ) memcpy( (void *)&UdpRxTemp, p->payload, sizeof(ProtoFrame_t) ); else memcpy( (void *)&UdpRxTemp,p ->payload,p->tot_len ); // 校验数据是否符合协议 if( (FrameCheck(&UdpRxTemp) == 1) || (FrameCheck(&UdpRxTemp) == 2) ) { UdpRxCmd[UdpRxCmdWrite] = UdpRxTemp; UdpRxCmdWrite = (UdpRxCmdWrite+1)%MAX_CMD_BUFF; } if( FrameCheck(&UdpRxTemp) > 1 ) // 转发数据到 485 { TxCmd[TxCmdWrite] = UdpRxTemp; TxCmdWrite = (TxCmdWrite+1)%MAX_CMD_BUFF; } /* Free the p buffer */ pbuf_free(p); } #else // 回显功能 /* Connect to the remote client */ udp_connect(pcb, addr, UDP_MULTICASE_SEND_PORT); /* Tell the client that we have accepted it */ //udp_send(pcb, p); udp_sendto(pcb, p,&ipgroup_send,UDP_MULTICASE_SEND_PORT); /* free the UDP connection, so we can accept new clients */ udp_disconnect(pcb); /* Free the p buffer */ pbuf_free(p); #endif } void Multicast_Config( void ) { err_t err; IP4_ADDR(&ipgroup_rev, 224,0,0,100); // 用于接收组播的地址 IP4_ADDR(&ipgroup_send, 224,0,0,100); // 用于发送组播的地址 #if LWIP_IGMP igmp_joingroup(IP_ADDR_ANY,&ipgroup_rev); // 只需要将接收地址放入igmp组,发送的不需要 #endif udp_server_multi_pcb = udp_new(); if ( udp_server_multi_pcb ) { /* Bind the upcb to the UDP_PORT port */ /* Using IP_ADDR_ANY allow the upcb to be used by any local interface */ err = udp_bind(udp_server_multi_pcb,IP_ADDR_ANY,UDP_MULTICASE_RECV_PORT); if(err == ERR_OK) { /* Set a receive callback for the upcb */ udp_recv(udp_server_multi_pcb,udp_server_rev,NULL); } else { udp_remove(udp_server_multi_pcb); PRINT("can not bind pcb"); } } else { PRINT("can not create pcb"); } } // 测试发送的方法 void MulticastUDP_SendTest(void) { multicast_send_data("igmp test\r\n",11 ); } /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/


找到stm32f1xx_hal_eth.c文件中的 ETH_MACDMAConfig 函数 ,如下图,将代码改成:

基于stm32f107 stm32cube 和 LWIP 协议实现 udp 组播通信_第3张图片


  * @brief  Configures Ethernet MAC and DMA with default parameters.
  * @param  heth: pointer to a ETH_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
  *         the configuration information for ETHERNET module
  * @param  err: Ethernet Init error
  * @retval HAL status
static void ETH_MACDMAConfig(ETH_HandleTypeDef *heth, uint32_t err)
  ETH_MACInitTypeDef macinit;
  ETH_DMAInitTypeDef dmainit;
  uint32_t tmpreg1 = 0U;

  if (err != ETH_SUCCESS) /* Auto-negotiation failed */
    /* Set Ethernet duplex mode to Full-duplex */
    (heth->Init).DuplexMode = ETH_MODE_FULLDUPLEX;

    /* Set Ethernet speed to 100M */
    (heth->Init).Speed = ETH_SPEED_100M;

  /* Ethernet MAC default initialization **************************************/
  macinit.Watchdog = ETH_WATCHDOG_ENABLE;
  macinit.Jabber = ETH_JABBER_ENABLE;
  macinit.InterFrameGap = ETH_INTERFRAMEGAP_96BIT;
  macinit.CarrierSense = ETH_CARRIERSENCE_ENABLE;
  macinit.ReceiveOwn = ETH_RECEIVEOWN_ENABLE;
  macinit.LoopbackMode = ETH_LOOPBACKMODE_DISABLE;
  if (heth->Init.ChecksumMode == ETH_CHECKSUM_BY_HARDWARE)
    macinit.ChecksumOffload = ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_ENABLE;
    macinit.ChecksumOffload = ETH_CHECKSUMOFFLAOD_DISABLE;
  macinit.RetryTransmission = ETH_RETRYTRANSMISSION_DISABLE;
  macinit.BackOffLimit = ETH_BACKOFFLIMIT_10;
  macinit.DeferralCheck = ETH_DEFFERRALCHECK_DISABLE;
  macinit.SourceAddrFilter = ETH_SOURCEADDRFILTER_DISABLE;
  macinit.BroadcastFramesReception = ETH_BROADCASTFRAMESRECEPTION_ENABLE;
  macinit.DestinationAddrFilter = ETH_DESTINATIONADDRFILTER_NORMAL;
  macinit.PromiscuousMode = ETH_PROMISCUOUS_MODE_DISABLE;
  macinit.UnicastFramesFilter = ETH_UNICASTFRAMESFILTER_PERFECT;
  macinit.HashTableHigh = 0x0U;
  macinit.HashTableLow = 0x0U;
  macinit.PauseTime = 0x0U;
  macinit.ZeroQuantaPause = ETH_ZEROQUANTAPAUSE_DISABLE;
  macinit.PauseLowThreshold = ETH_PAUSELOWTHRESHOLD_MINUS4;
  macinit.ReceiveFlowControl = ETH_RECEIVEFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE;
  macinit.TransmitFlowControl = ETH_TRANSMITFLOWCONTROL_DISABLE;
  macinit.VLANTagComparison = ETH_VLANTAGCOMPARISON_16BIT;
  macinit.VLANTagIdentifier = 0x0U;

  /*------------------------ ETHERNET MACCR Configuration --------------------*/
  /* Get the ETHERNET MACCR value */
  tmpreg1 = (heth->Instance)->MACCR;
  /* Clear WD, PCE, PS, TE and RE bits */
  tmpreg1 &= ETH_MACCR_CLEAR_MASK;
  /* Set the WD bit according to ETH Watchdog value */
  /* Set the JD: bit according to ETH Jabber value */
  /* Set the IFG bit according to ETH InterFrameGap value */
  /* Set the DCRS bit according to ETH CarrierSense value */
  /* Set the FES bit according to ETH Speed value */
  /* Set the DO bit according to ETH ReceiveOwn value */
  /* Set the LM bit according to ETH LoopbackMode value */
  /* Set the DM bit according to ETH Mode value */
  /* Set the IPCO bit according to ETH ChecksumOffload value */
  /* Set the DR bit according to ETH RetryTransmission value */
  /* Set the ACS bit according to ETH AutomaticPadCRCStrip value */
  /* Set the BL bit according to ETH BackOffLimit value */
  /* Set the DC bit according to ETH DeferralCheck value */
  tmpreg1 |= (uint32_t)(macinit.Watchdog |
                        macinit.Jabber |
                        macinit.InterFrameGap |
                        macinit.CarrierSense |
                        (heth->Init).Speed |
                        macinit.ReceiveOwn |
                        macinit.LoopbackMode |
                        (heth->Init).DuplexMode |
                        macinit.ChecksumOffload |
                        macinit.RetryTransmission |
                        macinit.AutomaticPadCRCStrip |
                        macinit.BackOffLimit |

  /* Write to ETHERNET MACCR */
  (heth->Instance)->MACCR = (uint32_t)tmpreg1;

  /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:
     at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */
  tmpreg1 = (heth->Instance)->MACCR;
  (heth->Instance)->MACCR = tmpreg1;

  /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFFR Configuration --------------------*/
  /* Set the RA bit according to ETH ReceiveAll value */
  /* Set the SAF and SAIF bits according to ETH SourceAddrFilter value */
  /* Set the PCF bit according to ETH PassControlFrames value */
  /* Set the DBF bit according to ETH BroadcastFramesReception value */
  /* Set the DAIF bit according to ETH DestinationAddrFilter value */
  /* Set the PR bit according to ETH PromiscuousMode value */
  /* Set the PM, HMC and HPF bits according to ETH MulticastFramesFilter value */
  /* Set the HUC and HPF bits according to ETH UnicastFramesFilter value */
  /* Write to ETHERNET MACFFR */
  (heth->Instance)->MACFFR = (uint32_t)(macinit.ReceiveAll |
                                        macinit.SourceAddrFilter |
                                        macinit.PassControlFrames |
                                        macinit.BroadcastFramesReception |
                                        macinit.DestinationAddrFilter |
                                        macinit.PromiscuousMode |
                                        macinit.MulticastFramesFilter |

  /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:
     at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */
  tmpreg1 = (heth->Instance)->MACFFR;
  (heth->Instance)->MACFFR = tmpreg1;

  /*--------------- ETHERNET MACHTHR and MACHTLR Configuration --------------*/
  /* Write to ETHERNET MACHTHR */
  (heth->Instance)->MACHTHR = (uint32_t)macinit.HashTableHigh;

  /* Write to ETHERNET MACHTLR */
  (heth->Instance)->MACHTLR = (uint32_t)macinit.HashTableLow;
  /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACFCR Configuration -------------------*/

  /* Get the ETHERNET MACFCR value */
  tmpreg1 = (heth->Instance)->MACFCR;
  /* Clear xx bits */

  /* Set the PT bit according to ETH PauseTime value */
  /* Set the DZPQ bit according to ETH ZeroQuantaPause value */
  /* Set the PLT bit according to ETH PauseLowThreshold value */
  /* Set the UP bit according to ETH UnicastPauseFrameDetect value */
  /* Set the RFE bit according to ETH ReceiveFlowControl value */
  /* Set the TFE bit according to ETH TransmitFlowControl value */
  tmpreg1 |= (uint32_t)((macinit.PauseTime << 16U) |
                        macinit.ZeroQuantaPause |
                        macinit.PauseLowThreshold |
                        macinit.UnicastPauseFrameDetect |
                        macinit.ReceiveFlowControl |

  /* Write to ETHERNET MACFCR */
  (heth->Instance)->MACFCR = (uint32_t)tmpreg1;

  /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:
  at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */
  tmpreg1 = (heth->Instance)->MACFCR;
  (heth->Instance)->MACFCR = tmpreg1;

  /*----------------------- ETHERNET MACVLANTR Configuration ----------------*/
  /* Set the ETV bit according to ETH VLANTagComparison value */
  /* Set the VL bit according to ETH VLANTagIdentifier value */
  (heth->Instance)->MACVLANTR = (uint32_t)(macinit.VLANTagComparison |

  /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:
     at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */
  tmpreg1 = (heth->Instance)->MACVLANTR;
  (heth->Instance)->MACVLANTR = tmpreg1;

  /* Ethernet DMA default initialization ************************************/
  dmainit.ReceiveStoreForward = ETH_RECEIVESTOREFORWARD_ENABLE;
  dmainit.FlushReceivedFrame = ETH_FLUSHRECEIVEDFRAME_ENABLE;
  dmainit.TransmitStoreForward = ETH_TRANSMITSTOREFORWARD_ENABLE;
  dmainit.TransmitThresholdControl = ETH_TRANSMITTHRESHOLDCONTROL_64BYTES;
  dmainit.ForwardErrorFrames = ETH_FORWARDERRORFRAMES_DISABLE;
  dmainit.ReceiveThresholdControl = ETH_RECEIVEDTHRESHOLDCONTROL_64BYTES;
  dmainit.SecondFrameOperate = ETH_SECONDFRAMEOPERARTE_ENABLE;
  dmainit.AddressAlignedBeats = ETH_ADDRESSALIGNEDBEATS_ENABLE;
  dmainit.FixedBurst = ETH_FIXEDBURST_ENABLE;
  dmainit.DescriptorSkipLength = 0x0U;

  /* Get the ETHERNET DMAOMR value */
  tmpreg1 = (heth->Instance)->DMAOMR;
  /* Clear xx bits */

  /* Set the DT bit according to ETH DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame value */
  /* Set the RSF bit according to ETH ReceiveStoreForward value */
  /* Set the DFF bit according to ETH FlushReceivedFrame value */
  /* Set the TSF bit according to ETH TransmitStoreForward value */
  /* Set the TTC bit according to ETH TransmitThresholdControl value */
  /* Set the FEF bit according to ETH ForwardErrorFrames value */
  /* Set the FUF bit according to ETH ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames value */
  /* Set the RTC bit according to ETH ReceiveThresholdControl value */
  /* Set the OSF bit according to ETH SecondFrameOperate value */
  tmpreg1 |= (uint32_t)(dmainit.DropTCPIPChecksumErrorFrame |
                        dmainit.ReceiveStoreForward |
                        dmainit.FlushReceivedFrame |
                        dmainit.TransmitStoreForward |
                        dmainit.TransmitThresholdControl |
                        dmainit.ForwardErrorFrames |
                        dmainit.ForwardUndersizedGoodFrames |
                        dmainit.ReceiveThresholdControl |

  /* Write to ETHERNET DMAOMR */
  (heth->Instance)->DMAOMR = (uint32_t)tmpreg1;

  /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:
     at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */
  tmpreg1 = (heth->Instance)->DMAOMR;
  (heth->Instance)->DMAOMR = tmpreg1;

  /*----------------------- ETHERNET DMABMR Configuration ------------------*/
  /* Set the AAL bit according to ETH AddressAlignedBeats value */
  /* Set the FB bit according to ETH FixedBurst value */
  /* Set the RPBL and 4*PBL bits according to ETH RxDMABurstLength value */
  /* Set the PBL and 4*PBL bits according to ETH TxDMABurstLength value */
  /* Set the DSL bit according to ETH DesciptorSkipLength value */
  /* Set the PR and DA bits according to ETH DMAArbitration value */
  (heth->Instance)->DMABMR = (uint32_t)(dmainit.AddressAlignedBeats |
                                        dmainit.FixedBurst |
                                        dmainit.RxDMABurstLength |    /* !! if 4xPBL is selected for Tx or Rx it is applied for the other */
                                        dmainit.TxDMABurstLength |
                                        (dmainit.DescriptorSkipLength << 2U) |
                                        dmainit.DMAArbitration |
                                        ETH_DMABMR_USP); /* Enable use of separate PBL for Rx and Tx */

  /* Wait until the write operation will be taken into account:
     at least four TX_CLK/RX_CLK clock cycles */
  tmpreg1 = (heth->Instance)->DMABMR;
  (heth->Instance)->DMABMR = tmpreg1;

  if ((heth->Init).RxMode == ETH_RXINTERRUPT_MODE)
    /* Enable the Ethernet Rx Interrupt */

  /* Initialize MAC address in ethernet MAC */
  ETH_MACAddressConfig(heth, ETH_MAC_ADDRESS0, heth->Init.MACAddr);


而且实际发现,在我改了st32f1xx_hal_eth.c 中函数 后, LWIP_IGMP 宏即使为 0 也可以实现组播通信!!

代码量比开启 LWIP_IGMP 宏少了 2K 左右。但是就是所有的组播地址中的数据都会被收到,如果要针对某一地址进行组播通信, LWIP_IGMP 宏还是要设为1才行。

基于stm32f107 stm32cube 和 LWIP 协议实现 udp 组播通信_第4张图片
