CRI(Container Runtime Interface)是 Kubernetes 定义的与 contianer runtime 进行交互的接口,将 Kubernetes 与特定的容器解耦。Kubernetes早期的版本,对于容器环境的支持是通过 hard code 方式直接调用 Docker API,支持更多的容器运行时和更精简的容器运行时,Kubernetes 提出了CRI。
Containerd 在 1.0 及以前版本将 dockershim 和 docker daemon 替换为 cri-containerd + containerd,在 1.1 版本直接将 cri-containerd 内置在 Containerd 中,作为一个 CRI 插件
Containerd 内置的 CRI 插件实现了 Kubelet CRI 接口中的 Image Service 和 Runtime Service,通过内部接口管理容器和镜像,调用 CNI 插件给 Pod 配置网络
// grpcServices are all the grpc services provided by cri containerd. type grpcServices interface { runtime.RuntimeServiceServer runtime.ImageServiceServer }
路径,注册 CRI 服务插件,类型为 io.containerd.grpc.v1,ID 为 cri
# ctr plugins ls
io.containerd.content.v1 content - ok
io.containerd.grpc.v1 version - ok
io.containerd.grpc.v1 cri linux/amd64 ok
// Register CRI service plugin
func init() {
config := criconfig.DefaultConfig()
Type: plugin.GRPCPlugin,
ID: "cri",
Config: &config,
Requires: []plugin.Type{
InitFn: initCRIService,
配置信息,配置文件 /etc/containerd 目录下 config.toml
func initCRIService(ic *plugin.InitContext) (interface{}, error) {
ic.Meta.Platforms = []imagespec.Platform{platforms.DefaultSpec()}
ic.Meta.Exports = map[string]string{"CRIVersion": constants.CRIVersion}
ctx := ic.Context
pluginConfig := ic.Config.(*criconfig.PluginConfig)
c := criconfig.Config{
PluginConfig: *pluginConfig,
ContainerdRootDir: filepath.Dir(ic.Root),
ContainerdEndpoint: ic.Address,
RootDir: ic.Root,
StateDir: ic.State,
1.1.1 getServicesOpts
getServicesOpts 函数从 plugin 上下文获取服务选项,类型为 io.containerd.service.v1,这个时实现了内部的服务
// getServicesOpts get service options from plugin context.
func getServicesOpts(ic *plugin.InitContext) ([]containerd.ServicesOpt, error) {
plugins, err := ic.GetByType(plugin.ServicePlugin)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get service plugin")
} 定义 map 一系列服务
for s, fn := range map[string]func(interface{}) containerd.ServicesOpt{
services.ContentService: func(s interface{}) containerd.ServicesOpt {
return containerd.WithContentStore(s.(content.Store))
services.ImagesService: func(s interface{}) containerd.ServicesOpt {
return containerd.WithImageService(s.(images.ImagesClient))
services.SnapshotsService: func(s interface{}) containerd.ServicesOpt {
return containerd.WithSnapshotters(s.(map[string]snapshots.Snapshotter))
services.ContainersService: func(s interface{}) containerd.ServicesOpt {
return containerd.WithContainerService(s.(containers.ContainersClient))
services.TasksService: func(s interface{}) containerd.ServicesOpt {
return containerd.WithTaskService(s.(tasks.TasksClient))
services.DiffService: func(s interface{}) containerd.ServicesOpt {
return containerd.WithDiffService(s.(diff.DiffClient))
services.NamespacesService: func(s interface{}) containerd.ServicesOpt {
return containerd.WithNamespaceService(s.(namespaces.NamespacesClient))
services.LeasesService: func(s interface{}) containerd.ServicesOpt {
return containerd.WithLeasesService(s.(leases.Manager))
1.1.2 containerd.New 函数
路径,创建一个 client 连接到 containerd 实例
client, err := containerd.New(
1.1.3 NewCRIService 函数实例化 criService
// NewCRIService returns a new instance of CRIService
func NewCRIService(config criconfig.Config, client *containerd.Client) (CRIService, error) {
var err error
c := &criService{
config: config,
client: client,
os: osinterface.RealOS{},
sandboxStore: sandboxstore.NewStore(),
containerStore: containerstore.NewStore(),
imageStore: imagestore.NewStore(client),
snapshotStore: snapshotstore.NewStore(),
sandboxNameIndex: registrar.NewRegistrar(),
containerNameIndex: registrar.NewRegistrar(),
initialized: atomic.NewBool(false),
实现了接口 CRIService,包括如下:定义 pkg/server/services.go
// CRIService is the interface implement CRI remote service server. type CRIService interface { Run() error // io.Closer is used by containerd to gracefully stop cri service. io.Closer plugin.Service grpcServices }
grpcServices 实现了接口 Runtime 和 image 服务
// grpcServices are all the grpc services provided by cri containerd. type grpcServices interface { runtime.RuntimeServiceServer runtime.ImageServiceServer }
// Run starts the CRI service.
func (c *criService) Run() error {
logrus.Info("Start subscribing containerd event")
logrus.Infof("Start recovering state")
if err := c.recover(ctrdutil.NamespacedContext()); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to recover state")
// Start event handler.
logrus.Info("Start event monitor")
eventMonitorErrCh := c.eventMonitor.start()
当 CRI down 掉重启进行恢复工作
// NOTE: The recovery logic has following assumption: when the cri plugin is down:
// 1) Files (e.g. root directory, netns) and checkpoint maintained by the plugin MUST NOT be
// touched. Or else, recovery logic for those containers/sandboxes may return error.
// 2) Containerd containers may be deleted, but SHOULD NOT be added. Or else, recovery logic
// for the newly added container/sandbox will return error, because there is no corresponding root
// directory created.
// 3) Containerd container tasks may exit or be stoppped, deleted. Even though current logic could
// tolerant tasks being created or started, we prefer that not to happen.
// recover recovers system state from containerd and status checkpoint.
func (c *criService) recover(ctx context.Context) error {
2.1.1 对所有 sandbox 进行恢复
client.Containers 列出所有 sandbox 的容器,根据 lable io.cri-containerd.kind = sandbox
loadSandbox 加载 sandbox 的 metadata,NewSandbox 实例化 Sandbox 包括 metadata,status, 网络 namespace
sandboxStore.Add 把 sandbox 加入到缓存中
// Recover all sandboxes.
sandboxes, err := c.client.Containers(ctx, filterLabel(containerKindLabel, containerKindSandbox))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to list sandbox containers")
for _, sandbox := range sandboxes {
sb, err := c.loadSandbox(ctx, sandbox)
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("Failed to load sandbox %q", sandbox.ID())
log.G(ctx).Debugf("Loaded sandbox %+v", sb)
if err := c.sandboxStore.Add(sb); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to add sandbox %q to store", sandbox.ID())
if err := c.sandboxNameIndex.Reserve(sb.Name, sb.ID); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to reserve sandbox name %q", sb.Name)
2.1.2 恢复所有 container
列出所有 container,根据 label io.cri-containerd.kind = container 过滤
// Recover all containers.
containers, err := c.client.Containers(ctx, filterLabel(containerKindLabel, containerKindContainer))
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to list containers")
for _, container := range containers {
cntr, err := c.loadContainer(ctx, container)
if err != nil {
log.G(ctx).WithError(err).Errorf("Failed to load container %q", container.ID())
log.G(ctx).Debugf("Loaded container %+v", cntr)
if err := c.containerStore.Add(cntr); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to add container %q to store", container.ID())
if err := c.containerNameIndex.Reserve(cntr.Name, cntr.ID); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to reserve container name %q", cntr.Name)
2.1.3 恢复所有 image,加载到 cache
// Recover all images.
cImages, err := c.client.ListImages(ctx)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to list images")
c.loadImages(ctx, cImages)