HALCON算子 - SetSystem


    static void HOperatorSet.SetSystem(HTuple systemParameter, HTuple value)

    static void HSystem.SetSystem(HTuple systemParameter, HTuple value)

    static void HSystem.SetSystem(string systemParameter, string value)


1. 以星号(*)标记的参数:全局合法且排外

2. 无星号(*)标记且不以(tsp_)为前缀:全局合法,且非排外。即不会阻塞其它调用操作

3. (tsp_)前缀:

      1). 无(tsp_)前缀,对当前线程以及在该操作之后启动的线程均有效,但在调用之前启动的线程无效

      2). 有(tsp_)前缀,仅对当前线程有效。其它已经运行的线程不受影响






Number of significant bits of int2 images. This number is used when scaling the gray values. If the value is set to -1 the gray values will be scaled automatically (default).






"default_font" *):











Image Processing:

"neighborhood", "tsp_neighborhood":


HALCON算子 - SetSystem_第1张图片

"init_new_image", "tsp_init_new_image":

Determines whether new images shall be set to 0 before using filters and thus to make sure that the values returned by a filtering are consistent if the program is executed repeatedly on systems with the same configuration. Note that this is not necessary if always the whole image is filtered or if the data of unfiltered image areas is unimportant.

value: "true" or "false"

"no_object_result", "tsp_no_object_result":


"empty_region_result", "tsp_empty_region_result":


"store_empty_region", "tsp_store_empty_region":

Quite a number of operations will lead to the creation of objects with an empty region (= no image points) (e.g., Intersection,Threshold, etc.). This parameter determines whether the object with an empty region will be returned as a result ('true') or whether it will be ignored ("false") that is no result will be returned.

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true"

"clip_region", "tsp_clip_region":



Determines if the zooming of images is performed with integer arithmetic ("true") or with floating point arithmetic.

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true"

This parameter determines whether the shape models created with CreateShapeModel or CreateScaledShapeModel are completely pregenerated ("true") if this is explicitly specified in one of these operators. This parameter mainly serves to achieve a switch between the two modes with minimal code changes. Normally, only one line needs to be inserted or changed.

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "false"

This parameter determines whether the shape models to be found with FindShapeModel, FindShapeModels, FindScaledShapeModel, FindScaledShapeModels, FindAnisoShapeModel, FindAnisoShapeModels, FindPlanarUncalibDeformableModel, FindPlanarCalibDeformableModel, or FindLocalDeformableModel may lie partially outside the image (i.e., whether they may cross the image border).

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "false"

This parameter determines if the graphic card context used in the operator RenderObjectModel3d is cached for future uses of this operator. The caching speeds up future uses of this operator but requires additional resources. To explicitly delete the context, set "opengl_context_cache_enable" to "false" and call RenderObjectModel3d once. "opengl_context_cache_enable" can only be set to "true" if the graphic card supports the rendering of 3D object models.

value: "true" oder "false"

Default: "true" if supported by the graphics card.

This parameter determines if the graphics card accelerated hidden surface removal is used in CreateShapeModel3d, FindShapeModel3d, ProjectShapeModel3d, and ProjectObjectModel3d. "opengl_hidden_surface_removal_enable" can only be set to "true" if the graphics card supports the acceleration of the hidden surface removal algorithm. The minimum requirements are OpenGL 2.0 and the extensions GL_EXT_framebuffer_object and GL_ARB_texture_float. Use GetSystem with the parameter Query set to "opengl_hidden_surface_removal_available" to determine if these requirements are fulfilled. Please note that these features are not available via Windows Remote Desktop or X11 forwarding.

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true" if supported by the graphics card.

This parameter determines if the visualization of 3D object models via DispObjectModel3d uses advanced OpenGL features or OpenGL 1.1 features only. If set to "false" HALCON determines the capabilities of the graphics card automatically. Set this parameter to "true", if you face visualization problems.

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "false".

This parameter determines the DPI resolution that is stored in image files written with WriteImage in a format that supports the storing of the DPI resolution.

value: Resolution in DPI.

Default: 300

"width", "tsp_width"
Determines the internal image width of the system. This size is used for clipping regions or implementing an assumption of memory sizes, if an operator has no further image information. This size is interpreted as maximum width of all HALCON image objects. It will be increased, if images of greater width will subsequently be instantiated. See also ResetObjDb.

value: Internal image width.

Default: 128

"height", "tsp_height"
Determines the internal image height of the system. This size is used for clipping regions or implementing an assumption of memory sizes, if an operator has no further image information. This size is interpreted as maximum height of all HALCON image objects. It will be increased if images of greater height will subsequently be instantiated. See also ResetObjDb.

value: Internal image height.

Default: 128

"current_runlength_number", "tsp_current_runlength_number":
Regions will be stored internally in a certain runlength code. This parameter can determine the maximum number of chords which may be used for representing a region. Please note that some operators raise the number automatically if necessary.

The value can be enlarged as well as reduced.

value: Maximum number of chords.

Default: 50000


"parallelize_operators" *)
Determines whether HALCON uses an automatic parallelization to speed up the processing of operators on multiprocessor machines. This feature can be switched off by setting "parallelize_operators" to "false". Even then, HALCON will remain reentrant (and thread-safe), unless the parameter "reentrant" is set to "false" via SetSystem. Changing the value for "parallelize_operators" can be helpful, for example, if HALCON operators are called by a multithreaded application that also automatically performs the scheduling and load balancing of operators and data. Then, it may be undesired that HALCON performs additional parallelization steps, which may disturb the application's scheduling and load balancing concepts. For a more detailed control of automatic parallelization, single methods of data parallelization can be switched on and off. "split_tuple" enables the tuple parallelization method, "split_channel" the parallelization on image channels, "split_domain" the parallelization on the image domain, and "split_partial" the partial, internal parallelization of an operator. A preceding '~' disables the corresponding method. The method strings can also be passed within a control tuple to switch on or off methods of automatic data parallelization at once. E.g., ["split_tuple","split_channel", "split_domain", "split_partial"] is equivalent to 'true'.

The methods supported by a specific operator can be viewed in this reference manual or obtained via the operator GetOperatorInfo with the parameter value "parallel_method".

value: "true", "false", "split_tuple", "split_channel", "split_domain", "split_partial", "~split_tuple", "~split_channel", "~split_domain", "~split_partial"

Default: "true"

"reentrant" *)
Determines whether HALCON must be reentrant for being used within a parallel programming environment (e.g., a multithreaded application). If it is set to "true", HALCON internally uses synchronization mechanisms to protect shared data objects from concurrent accesses. Though this is inevitable with any effectively parallel working application, it may cause undesired overhead, if used within an application which works purely sequentially. The latter case can be signaled by setting "reentrant" to "false". This switches off all internal synchronization mechanisms and thus reduces overhead. Of course, HALCON is then no longer thread-safe, which causes another side-effect: HALCON will as a consequence no longer use the internal parallelization of operators, because this requires reentrancy. Setting "reentrant" to "true" resets HALCON to its default state, i.e., it is reentrant (and thread-safe) and it uses the automatic parallelization to speed up the processing of operators on multiprocessor machines.

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true"

"thread_num" *), "tsp_thread_num"
Sets the number of threads used by the automatic operator parallelization (aop) of HALCON. The number includes the calling thread and is restricted to the number of processors for efficiency reasons. Decreasing the number of threads is helpful if processors are occupied by user worker threads besides the threads of the automatic parallelization. With this, the number of processing threads can be adapted to the number of processors for best efficiency. If a processor affinity was set for the HALCON process, the parameter value "default" resets the number of threads to the number of assigned processors. Else, "default" sets the number of threads to the number of processors. If the thread-specific variant is used, HALCON reserves the specified number of threads exclusively for the calling thread. If no thread number was set so far for a specific thread, GetSystem returns value -1 for parameter value "tsp_thread_num". The sum of all thread-specific reserved aop threads can not exceed the number of threads, set by "thread_num". Specifying thread number 1 switches off the automatic parallelization (thread-specific when indicated).

value: 1 <= Value <= "processor_num", "default"

Default: "default"

"thread_pool" *)
Denotes whether HALCON always creates new threads for automatic parallelization ("false") or uses an existing pool of threads ("true"). Using a pool is more efficient for automatic parallelization. When switching off automatic parallelization permanently, deactivating the pool can save resources of the operating system.

value: "true", "false"

Default: "true"


This parameter determines whether the output characters of the operator FwriteString are displayed directly on the output medium. If set to "false" the characters will be flushed only after entering the operator FnewLine.

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true"

This parameter determines the format that is used for writing an OCR training file. The operators WriteOcrTrainf, WriteOcrTrainfImage and ConcatOcrTrainf write training data in ASCII format for version number 1 or in binary format for version number 2 and 3. Version number 3 stores images of type byte and uint2. The binary version is faster in reading and writing data and stores training files more packed. The ASCII format is compatible to older HALCON releases. Depending on the file version, the OCR training files can be read by the following HALCON releases:

1 - All HALCON releases

2 - 7.0.2 and higher

3 - 7.1 and higher

value: 1, 2, 3

Default: 3

This parameter determines how file and directory names are interpreted that are passed as string parameters to and from HALCON. With the value "locale" these names are used unaltered, whereas with the value "utf8" these names are interpreted as being UTF-8 encoded. In the latter case, HALCON tries to translate input parameters from UTF-8 to the locale encoding according to the current system settings, and output parameters from locale to UTF-8 encoding.

value: "locale" or "utf8"

Default: "locale"


"halcon_dir" *):
This parameter returns the root directory of the HALCON installation.

value: Name of the directory.

"example_dir" *):
HDevelop example programs (e.g., loaded via the Browse HDevelop Program Examples dialog or via the HDevelop examples sections in the reference manual) will be looked for in the directory "example_dir". Note that if you set "example_dir" to a directory that does not contain the installed HDevelop example programs, the above mentioned mechanisms to load HDevelop example programs will fail.

value: Name of the directory.

"image_dir" *):
Image files (e.g., acquired via ReadImage and ReadSequence) will be looked for in the currently used directory and in "image_dir" (if no absolute paths are indicated). More than one directory name can be indicated (search paths), separated by semicolons (Windows) or colons (Unix-like systems). The path can also be determined using the environment variable HALCONIMAGES.

value: Name of the directory.

"3d_model_dir" *):
3D object model files (e.g., acquired via ReadObjectModel3d) will be looked for in the currently used directory and in "3d_model_dir" (if no absolute paths are indicated). More than one directory name can be indicated (search paths), separated by semicolons (Windows) or colons (Unix-like systems).

value: Name of the directory.

"lut_dir" *):
Color tables (SetLut) which are realized as an ASCII-file will be looked for in the currently used directory and in "lut_dir" (if no absolute paths are indicated). As default, HALCON will search the color tables in the sub-directory 'lut'.

value: Name of the directory.

"help_dir" *):
The online text files {German or English}.hlp, .sta, .key .num and .idx will be looked for in the currently used directory or in the path specified by "help_dir". This system parameter is necessary for instance when using the operators GetOperatorInfo and GetParamInfo. It can also be set by the environment variable HALCONROOT before initializing HALCON. In this case the variable must indicate the directory above the help directories (that is the HALCON home directory).

value: Name of the directory.


Determines the behavior regarding HALCON low level errors.

If the parameter "do_low_error" is set to "false", then no low level errors are thrown. However, the low level error messages still appear in the output console (a window containing a log of the most recent messages) that can be opened via the window menu.

If the parameter "do_low_error" is set to "disabled", the low level errors are suppressed and are not listed in the output console.

If the parameter is set to "stderr", the corresponding low level error message is printed to standard error.

If it is set to "message_box", then a message box containing the error text is opened (this functionality is implemented on Windows systems only).

The parameter value "callback" can be used to determine a callback function, which should be called in case of a low level error. The address of this callback function is specified in the second index entry of the parameter value.

The signature of the callback function is the following:

  Herror LowErrorCallbackProc(const char* err_text)
On Windows 32 bit systems, the __stdcall naming convention is used:
  Herror (__stdcall  LowErrorCallbackProc)(const char* err_text)
The parameter value "callback" can be used in HDevelop only if the callback procedure is set to 0, in which case the output of low level error messages is omitted.

If low level error messages should be printed to file, then the parameter value "file" should be used together with a file handle referring to a corresponding file previously opened via OpenFile.

The parameter values "callback" and "file" can be used only in combination with a corresponding procedure and file handle, respectively.

With the exception of the parameter value "false", the parameter "do_low_error" can be assigned multiple values. In case of a low level error, the corresponding actions are executed in the order of the values as passed in the input parameter tuple. If the tuple contains a certain parameter value multiple times, then only the first occurrence of the value in the tuple is taken into account, i.e., it is not possible to execute the same action multiple times in case of a low level error . If "do_low_error" is assigned multiple values or either the value "file" or "callback", then it cannot be set in combination with other system parameters in the same call of SetSystem.

Every setting of "do_low_error" via SetSystem overrides the previous setting of the parameter.

The single parameter value "true" corresponds to the parameter value "message_box" on Windows systems and "stderr" on Unix-like systems.

value: "true", "false", "disabled", "stderr", "message_box", "callback", "file"

Default: "false"

"cancel_draw_result", "tsp_cancel_draw_result":
Many draw operators (like, e.g., DrawRegion or DrawRectangle1) can be canceled by ending the drawing with the right mouse button without new objects being drawn or existing objects being modified. The stop button of HDevelop can also be used to abort draw operators. The aborted draw operators return empty objects or empty tuples, respectively. "cancel_draw_result" controls the behavior of aborted draw operators.

The following values are available for


"true": The draw operator returns no error.

"exception": An exception is raised.

Default: "true"

Sets the seed of the thread specific random generator used in the operators TupleRand, AddNoiseWhite, AddNoiseDistribution, GenRandomRegion, and AddNoiseWhiteContourXld. If no seed has been set, the random generator is seeded with the current system time on the first call of one of the operators listed above. Afterwards the value used as seed can be queried with GetSystem.

This parameter accepts integer values or the string "default" to re-establish the default behavior.

Determines the mode of the measurement of time intervals with CountSeconds.


"performance_counter" measures the elapsed system time with preferably high precision. HALCON uses the most accurate time measurement method provided by the operating system. If no high precision measurement method is available, a lower resolution method is used. On Windows systems the Performance Counter is used. For more information about the Performance Counter on Windows refer to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) documentation. The Performance Counter provides the highest precision (below one millisecond). However, it may not work correctly on some systems due to issues with energy management and/or multithreading. If the Performance Counter is not supported by the operating system, the setting "multimedia_timer" applies. On Unix-like systems (e.g. Linux and macOS) the precision is also generally below one millisecond, and it may also be affected by problems due to energy management and/or multithreading. If you encounter such problems you should use the "elapsed_time" setting.

"elapsed_time" measures the elapsed system time similar to the setting "performance_counter". The difference is that other measurement methods are used which are less accurate but generally not much affected by problems due to energy management and/or multithreading. The precision is in general one millisecond. This setting should be used, if the measurements using "performance_counter" are unreliable and a precision of one millisecond is acceptable.

"multimedia_timer" measures the elapsed system time using Multimedia Timers on Windows. Please refer to the Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) documentation for more information on Multimedia Timers. This method has in general a resolution of one millisecond. If such a resolution cannot be achieved on your system you may use the Windows functions 'timerBeginPeriod' and 'timerEndPeriod' in order to increase the precision (see MSDN). On Unix-like systems there are no Multimedia Timers and therefor the setting "performance_counter" applies.

"processor_time" measures the time the running HALCON process occupies the CPU. This kind of measuring time is independent of the CPU load caused by other processes, but it features a lower resolution on most systems and is therefore less accurate for smaller time intervals. Please note that the runtime of many applications is not only affected by CPU processing time. A lot of applications will be affected by input/output or memory management. For such applications the setting "performance_counter" or "elapsed_time" should be used instead.

Default: "performance_counter"

Please note that the settings "performance_counter" and "elapsed_time" measure the elapsed system time. As a consequence the measured time intervals are affected by the system load while measuring. If these settings are used to measure the runtime of a given application it should be ensured that other processes do not affect the measurement.

Determines the mode of measurement used by the operators supporting timeouts.


"elapsed_time": see description in section "clock_mode"

"multimedia_timer": see description in section "clock_mode"

"performance_counter": see description in section "clock_mode"

Default: "multimedia_timer" on Windows systems, "elapsed_time" on Linux systems

Determines the maximum number of regions returned by Connection. For value=0, all regions are returned.

value: >=0

Default: 0

Pointer to external function for memory allocation of result images. This function should have the following signature: 'void* ExternAllocFunc(size_t)'. If 0 is passed the HALCON allocation function will be used.

value: Function pointer.

Default: 0

"extern_free_funct" *)
Pointer to external function for memory deallocation of result images. This function should have the following signature: 'void ExternFreeFunct(void*)'. If 0 is passed the HALCON deallocation function will be used.

value: Function pointer.

Default: 0

"image_cache_capacity" *)
To speed up allocation of new images, HALCON does not free image memory of image objects but caches it to reuse it. With this parameter, you can set an upper limit in bytes for this HALCON image cache. Freed images are cached as long as the upper limit is not reached. This functionality can be switched off by setting "image_cache_capacity" to 0.

value: Limit for HALCON image cache.

Default: 16777216 (16MByte)

Cache mode of global memory, i.e., memory that is visible beyond an operator. It specifies whether unused global memory should be cached ("shared") or freed ("idle"). Generally, caching speeds up memory allocation and processing at the cost of memory consumption. Additionally, HALCON offers the option to cache global memory for each thread separately ("exclusive"). This mode can also accelerate processing at the cost of higher memory consumption. With the action parameter "cleanup", cached memory blocks can be freed physically again.

value: "idle","exclusive","shared","cleanup"

Default: "exclusive"

"temporary_mem_cache" *), "tsp_temporary_mem_cache"
This parameter controls the operating mode of the temporary memory cache. The temporary memory cache is used to speed up an application by caching memory used temporarily during the execution of an operator. For most applications the default setting ("exclusive") will produce the best results. The following modes are supported:

"idle" The temporary memory cache is turned off. This mode will use the least memory, but will also reduce performance compared to the other modes.

"shared" All temporary memory is cached globally in the temporary memory reservoir. This mode will use less memory than "exclusive" mode, but will also generally offer less performance.

"exclusive" All temporary memory is cached locally for each thread. This mode will use the most memory, but will generally also offer the best performance.

"aggregate" Temporary memory blocks that are larger than the threshold set with the "alloctmp_max_blocksize" parameter are cached in the global memory reservoir, while all smaller blocks are aggregated into a single block that is cached locally for each thread. If the global memory reservoir is disabled, the large blocks are freed instead. The aggregated block will be sized according to the temporary memory usage the thread has seen so far, but it will not be larger than "alloctmp_max_blocksize" (if set) or smaller than "alloctmp_min_blocksize" (if set). This mode balances memory usage and speed, but requires correctly setting "alloctmp_min_blocksize" and "alloctmp_max_blocksize" for the application's memory usage pattern for effectiveness.

Note that cache mode "idle" is set in exclusive run mode, whereas the other modes are set in reentrant mode.

For backward compatibility, the values "false" and "true" are also accepted; they correspond to "idle" and "exclusive", respectively.

value: "idle", "shared", "exclusive", or "aggregate"

Default: "exclusive"

"temporary_mem_reservoir", "tsp_temporary_mem_reservoir"
If set to "true", the global temporary memory reservoir is enabled. If it is set to "false", it is disabled and any memory blocks put into the reservoir are freed instead.

Any thread that needs a new temporary memory block for its temporary memory cache will first check if the reservoir has a block available and only allocate more memory from the system if it does not. Blocks are put into the reservoir by threads operating their caches in the "shared" or "aggregate" modes.

Note that the global setting of this parameter overrides the thread-specific setting, i.e., if "temporary_mem_reservoir" is set to "false", "tsp_temporary_mem_reservoir" will have no effect.

value: "false" or "true"

Default: "true"

The maximum amount of memory the global temporary memory reservoir may cache, in bytes. If set to -1, the cache is limited only by the amount of available memory.

value: -1 or >= 0

Default: -1

"alloctmp_min_blocksize", "tsp_alloctmp_min_blocksize"
Minimum size of memory blocks used by the temporary memory cache, in bytes. (No effect if "temporary_mem_cache" == "idle"). With the default setting -1, HALCON will use a heuristic based on the current image size to determine a sensible block size. For most applications this will be the best choice. If the parameter is set to a value greater than or equal to zero, HALCON will use this size instead. Note that if an operator requires temporary memory objects larger than the "alloctmp_min_blocksize", it will ignore this parameter.

value: -1 or >= 0

Default: -1

"alloctmp_max_blocksize", "tsp_alloctmp_max_blocksize"
Maximum size of memory blocks used by the temporary memory cache, in bytes. (No effect if "temporary_mem_cache" == "idle"). This parameter can be used to limit the size of temporary memory cache blocks determined by a heuristic when "alloctmp_min_blocksize" is set to -1. In general, it should not be necessary to set this parameter unless the temporary cache mode "aggregate" is used. In "aggregate" mode, this parameter additionally limits the size of the aggregated cache block, and determines the size threshold for blocks to be placed into the temporary memory reservoir. value: -1 or >= 0

Default: -1

"database" *)
Determines whether instantiated iconic objects should be listed in one of the five relations (gray-value data, region data, XLDs, iconic objects and object tuples) of the HALCON database. The relations can be used for, e.g., debugging purposes. See also CountRelation, ResetObjDb.

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "false"

Flag, if MMX operations are used to accelerate selected image processing operators ("true") or not ("false"). (No effect, if "mmx_supported" == "false", see also operator GetSystem)

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true" if CPU supports MMX, else "false"

Flag, if SSE operations are used to accelerate selected image processing operators ("true") or not ("false"). (No effect, if "sse_supported" == "false", see also operator GetSystem)

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true" if CPU supports SSE, else "false"

Flag, if SSE2 operations are used to accelerate selected image processing operators ("true") or not ("false"). (No effect, if "sse2_supported" == "false", see also operator GetSystem)

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true" if CPU supports SSE2, else "false"

Flag, if SSE3 operations are used to accelerate selected image processing operators ("true") or not ("false"). (No effect, if "sse3_supported" == "false", see also operator GetSystem)

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true" if CPU supports SSE3, else "false"

Flag, if SSSE3 operations are used to accelerate selected image processing operators ("true") or not ("false"). (No effect, if "ssse3_supported" == "false", see also operator GetSystem)

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true" if CPU supports SSSE3, else "false"

Flag, if SSE41 operations are used to accelerate selected image processing operators ("true") or not ("false"). (No effect, if "sse41_supported" == "false", see also operator GetSystem)

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true" if CPU supports SSE41, else "false"

Flag, if SSE42 operations are used to accelerate selected image processing operators ("true") or not ("false"). (No effect, if "sse42_supported" == "false", see also operator GetSystem)

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true" if CPU supports SSE42, else "false"

Flag, if AVX operations are used to accelerate selected image processing operators ("true") or not ("false"). (No effect, if "avx_supported" == "false", see also operator GetSystem)

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true" if CPU supports AVX, else "false"

Flag, if AVX2 operations are used to accelerate selected image processing operators ("true") or not ("false"). (No effect, if "avx2_supported" == "false", see also operator GetSystem)

value: "true" or "false"

Default: "true" if CPU supports AVX2, else "false"

"language" *)
Language used for error messages.

value: "english" or "german".

Default: "english"
