Exynos4412裸机开发 —— RTC 实时时钟单元

      RTC(Real-Time Clock) 实时时钟。RTC是集成电路,通常称为时钟芯片。在一个嵌入式系统中,通常采用RTC来提供可靠的系统时间,包括时分秒和年月日等,而且要求在系统处于关机状态下它也能正常工作(通常采用后备电池供电)。它的外围也不需要太多的辅助电路,典型的就是只需要一个高精度的32.768kHz 晶体和电阻电容等。


一、RTC 控制器

        实时时钟(RTC)单元可以通过备用电池供电,因此,即使系统电源关闭,它也可以继续工作。RTC可以通过STRB/LDRB 指令将8位BCD码数据送至CPU。这些BCD数据包括秒、分、时、日期、星期、月和年。RTC单元通过一个外部的32.768kHz 晶振提供时钟。RTC具有定时报警的功能。


1 -- 时钟数据采用BCD编码。

2 -- 能够对闰年的年月日进行自动处理。

3 -- 具有告警功能,当系统处于关机状态时,能产生警告中断。

4 -- 具有独立的电源输入。

5 -- 提供毫秒级时钟中断,该中断可以用于作为嵌入式操作系统的内核时钟。


二、RTC 控制器寄存器详解

1 、Time Tick Generator 





/**********************************RTC independ register********************************/
#define		RTCINTP			__REG(0X10070030)
#define		RTCCON			__REG(0X10070040)
#define		TICCNT			__REG(0X10070044)
#define		CURTICCNT		__REG(0X10070090)

typedef struct {
				unsigned int ALM;
				unsigned int SEC;
				unsigned int MIN;
				unsigned int HOUR;
				unsigned int DAY;
				unsigned int MON;
				unsigned int YEAR;

#define		RTCALM (* (volatile rtclam *)0X10070050)

typedef	struct {

				unsigned int BCDSEC;
				unsigned int BCDMIN;
				unsigned int BCDHOUR;
				unsigned int BCDWEEK;
				unsigned int BCDDAY;
				unsigned int BCDMON;
				unsigned int BCDYEAR;
#define 	RTC (* (volatile rtcbcd *)0X10070070)


#include "exynos_4412.h"

void mydelay_ms(int time)
	int i, j;
		for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
			for (j = 0; j < 514; j++);
//*(volatile unsigned int *)(0x11000c20) = 0;
 *  裸机代码,不同于LINUX 应用层, 一定加循环控制
void do_irq(void)
	static int a = 1;
	int irq_num;
	irq_num = CPU0.ICCIAR&0x3ff;  //获取中断号
	case 57:
		printf("in the irq_handler\n");
			EXT_INT41_PEND = EXT_INT41_PEND |((0x1 << 1)); //清GPIO中断标志位
			ICDICPR.ICDICPR1 = ICDICPR.ICDICPR1 | (0x1 << 25); //清GIC中断标志位
	case 76:
		printf("in the alarm interrupt!\n");
		RTCINTP	 = RTCINTP | (1 << 1);
		ICDICPR.ICDICPR2 = ICDICPR.ICDICPR2 | (0x1 << 12); //清GIC中断标志位
	case 77:
			printf("in the tic interrupt!\n");
			RTCINTP	 = RTCINTP | (1 << 0);
			ICDICPR.ICDICPR2 = ICDICPR.ICDICPR2 | (0x1 << 13); //清GIC中断标志位
	CPU0.ICCEOIR = CPU0.ICCEOIR&(~(0x3ff))|irq_num; //清cpu中断标志位
void rtc_init(void)
	RTCCON = 1;
	RTC.BCDYEAR = 0x16;
	RTC.BCDMON = 0x2;
	RTC.BCDDAY = 0x25;
	RTC.BCDHOUR = 0x15;
	RTC.BCDMIN = 0x24;
	RTC.BCDSEC = 0x50;
	RTCCON = 0;
void rtc_tic(void)
	RTCCON = RTCCON & (~(0xf << 4)) | (1 << 8);
	TICCNT = 32768;

	ICDDCR = 1;  //使能分配器
	ICDISER.ICDISER2 = ICDISER.ICDISER2 | (0x1 << 13); //使能相应中断到分配器
	ICDIPTR.ICDIPTR19 = ICDIPTR.ICDIPTR19 & (~(0xff << 8))|(0x1 << 8); //选择CPU接口
	CPU0.ICCPMR = 255; //中断屏蔽优先级
	CPU0.ICCICR = 1;   //使能中断到CPU
void rtc_alarm(void)
	RTCALM.ALM = (1 << 6)|(1 << 0);
	RTCALM.SEC = 0x58;
	ICDDCR = 1;  //使能分配器
	ICDISER.ICDISER2 = ICDISER.ICDISER2 | (0x1 << 12); //使能相应中断到分配器
	ICDIPTR.ICDIPTR19 = ICDIPTR.ICDIPTR19 & (~(0xff << 0))|(0x1 << 0); //选择CPU接口
	CPU0.ICCPMR = 255; //中断屏蔽优先级
	CPU0.ICCICR = 1;   //使能中断到CPU
int main (void)
		printf("%x %x %x %x %x BCDSEC = %x\n",RTC.BCDYEAR,

   return 0;


16 2 5 15 24 BCDSEC = 50
in the tic interrupt!
16 2 5 15 24 BCDSEC = 51
in the tic interrupt!
16 2 5 15 24 BCDSEC = 52
in the tic interrupt!
16 2 5 15 24 BCDSEC = 53
16 2 5 15 24 BCDSEC = 53
16 2 5 15 24 BCDSEC = 54
in the tic interrupt!
16 2 5 15 24 BCDSEC = 55
in the tic interrupt!
16 2 5 15 24 BCDSEC = 56
in the tic interrupt!
in the alarm interrupt!
16 2 5 15 24 BCDSEC = 58
in the tic interrupt!
16 2 5 15 24 BCDSEC = 59
in the tic interrupt!
16 2 5 15 25 BCDSEC = 0
in the tic interrupt!
16 2 5 15 25 BCDSEC = 1
in the tic interrupt!
16 2 5 15 25 BCDSEC = 2
in the tic interrupt!
16 2 5 15 25 BCDSEC = 3
in the tic interrupt!
16 2 5 15 25 BCDSEC = 4
in the tic interrupt!
16 2 5 15 25 BCDSEC = 5
in the tic interrupt!

