





















++1、API的积累:API的合理利用不仅可以减轻自己的编码负担,而且往往可以提高程序的运行效率;这也是钻哥开始“Unity API”独立打造分类的初衷

++2、Shader编程:想要做出一款精品游戏往往需要有高效的Shader的支持;Unity提供了一套改良的“Shader Lab”系统,优化了繁杂的“Open GL”编程











++++【Unity API】分类:https://blog.csdn.net/vrunsoftyanlz/category_7637520.html

















++C3、Public Function共有函数











++++[Inherits from]







using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{

    public string myUrl = http://i360game.com/images/yanlzforvr360.jpg;


    IEnumerator Start(){

        WWW myW = new WWW(myUrl);

        yield return myW;


        renderer.material.mainTexture = myW.texture;


    }    //立钻哥哥:IEnumerator Start(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzComponent{}



++++注意:当在WindowsWindows Store Apps使用文件协议来访问本地文件,需要使用“file:///”(带有三个斜线);


立钻哥哥:The security sandbox present in web-player builds prevents you from accessing content not hosted the server where the webplayer is hosted.













++B2、 Variables变量























AssetBundle assetBundle;


using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{

    public string myUrl = http://i360game.com/myserver/myBundle.unity3d;


    IEnumerator loadMyBundle(){

        WWW myW = new WWW(myUrl);

        yield return myW;




    }    //立钻哥哥:IEnumerator loadMyBundle(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzComponent{}










AudioClip audioClip;


++++该数据必须是一个OggWeb/Standalones),MP3phones, Flash),WAVXMITMODS3M格式的声音剪辑;在播放读取之前,该剪辑将被完全下载;使用GetAudioClip(bool threeD, bool stream)重载为音频流数据,而不是下载整个剪辑

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{

    public string myUrl = http://i360game.com/myserver/...;


    void Start(){

        WWW myW = new WWW(myUrl);

        audio.clip = myW.audioClip;

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Start(){}


    void Update(){

        if(!audio.isPlaying && audio.clip.isReadyToPlay){



    }    //立钻哥哥:void Update(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzComponent{}










byte[] bytes;












int bytesDownloaded;












string error;













bool isDone;












MovieTexture movie;


++++数据必须为一个Ogg Theora格式影片



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;




public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{

    string myUrl = http://i360game.com/webplayers/Movie/yanlzSample.ogg;


    IEnumerator Start(){

        //Start download

        WWW myW = new WWW(myUrl);


        //Make sure the movie is ready to start before we start playing

        MovieTexture movieTexture = myW.movie;


            yield return movieTexture;

        }    //立钻哥哥:while(){}


        //Initialize gui texture to be 1:1 resolution centered on screen

        guiTexture.texture = movieTexture;

        Rect temTex = guiTexture.pixelInset;


        transform.localScale = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        transform.position = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0);


        temTex.xMin = -movieTexture.width / 2;

        temTex.xMax = movieTexture.width / 2;

        temTex.yMin = -movieTexture.height / 2;

        temTex.yMax = movieTexture.height / 2;


        guiTexture.pixelInset = temTex;


        //Assign clip to audio source

        //Sync playback with audio

        audio.clip = movieTexture.audioClip;


        //Play both movie & sound




    }    //立钻哥哥:IEnumerator Start(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzWWW{}










float progress;













string text;













Texture2D texture;






using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{

    public string myUrl = http://i360game.com/ourcams/mypicture.jpg;


    IEnumerator Start(){

        WWW myW = new WWW(myUrl);

        yield return myW;


        renderer.material.mainTexture = myW.texture;


    }    //立钻哥哥:IEnumerator Start(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzWWW{}










Texture2D textureNonReadable;



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{

    public string myUrl = http://i360game.com/ourcams/mypicture.jpg;


    IEnumerator Start(){

        WWW myW = new WWW(myUrl);

        yield return myW;


        //renderer.material.mainTexture = myW.texture;

        renderer.material.mainTexture = myW.textureNonReadable;


    }    //立钻哥哥:IEnumerator Start(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzWWW{}










ThreadPriority threadPriority;



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{

    public string myUrl = http://i360game.com/myserver/myBundle.unity3d;


    IEnumerator Start(){

        WWW myW = new WWW(myUrl);

        myW.threadPriority = ThreadPriority.Low;


        yield return myW;


        //Get the designated main asset and instantiate it.



    }    //立钻哥哥:IEnumerator Start(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzWWW{}










float updateProgress;














string url;





















WWW(string url);

WWW(string url, WWWForm form);

WWW(string url, byte[] postData);

WWW(string url, byte[] postData, Hashtable headers);







++++(WWW(sring url);):这个函数创建和发送一个GET请求,流将自动开始下载响应

++++WWW(string url, WWWForm form);):这个函数创建和发送一个POST关于表单数据包含一个WWWForm参数的请求;这是与调用new WWW(url, form.data, form.headers)相同的;流将自动开始下载响应

++++(WWW(string url, byte[] postData)):这个函数创建和发送一个POST关于元素post数据包含在postData的请求;流将自动开始下载响应;如果需要post在一个自定义格式的原始postData到服务器,使用这个版本

++++(WWW(string url, byte[] postData, Hashtable headers);):这个函数创建和发送一个POST关于原始post数据包含在postData并且在哈希表头自定义请求headers的请求;流将自动开始下载响应;如果需要post在一个自定义格式的原始postData到服务器或如果需要提供自定义请求表头,使用这个版本



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{

    public string myUrl = http://i360game.com/ourcams/yanlzpicture.jpd;


    IEnumerator Start(){

        WWW myW = new WWW(myUrl);

        yield return myW;


        renderer.material.mainTexture = myW.texture;


    }    //立钻哥哥:IEnumerator Start(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzWWW{}






















AudioClip GetAudioClip(bool threeD);

AudioClip GetAudioClip(bool threeD, bool stream);

AudioClip GetAudioClip(bool threeD, bool stream, AudioType audioType);















void LoadImageIntoTexture(Texture2D tex);






using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{

    public string myUrl = http://i360game.com/ourcams/yanlzpicture.jpd;


    IEnumerator Start(){

        //Continuously get the latest webcam shot from outside Fridays in Times Square and DXT compress them at runtime


        //Create a texture in DXT1 format

        renderer.material.mainTexture = new Texture2D(4, 4, TextureFormat.DXT1, false);


            //Start a download of the given URL

            WWW myW = new WWW(myUrl);


            //wait until the download is done

            yield return myW;


            //assign the downloaded image to the main texture of the object

            myW.LoadImageIntoTexture(renderer.material.mainTexture as Texture2D);


        }    //立钻哥哥:while(){}


    }    //立钻哥哥:IEnumerator Start(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzWWW{}










void LoadUnityWeb();





using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{

    public string myUrl = http://i360game.com/webplayers/yanlztestscene.unity3d;


    IEnumerator Start(){

        //Start streaming the data file

        WWW myStream = new WWW(myUrl);


        //Yield until stream is done.

        yield return myStream;


        //Load it!



    }    //立钻哥哥:IEnumerator Start(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzWWW{}








#E5、Static Functions静态函数

#E5、Static Functions静态函数

++E5、Static Functions静态函数













static string EscapeURL = ../string_strong_s_/strong_Encoding_strong_e_/strong_System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;





using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{


    void Start(){

        string escName = WWW.EscapeURL(Fish & Chips);

    }    //立钻哥哥:void Start(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzWWW{}










static WWW LoadFromCacheOrDownload(string url, int version, uint crc = 0);






++++LoadFromCacheOrDownload()必须用来替代“new WWW(url)”,为了利用缓存功能


++++如果缓存文件夹没有剩余空间来缓存增加的文件,LoadFromCacheOrDownload将从缓存中迭代删除最近最少使用资源包,直到有足够的空间可用来存储新的资源包;如果剩余空间是不可能的(因为硬盘满了,或当前缓存文件都在使用),LoadFromCacheOrDownload()将绕过缓存并下载文件流到内存就像“new WWW()”调用



using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{

    public string myUrl = http://i360game.com/myserver/myassetBundle.unity3d;


    IEnumerator Start(){

        var myW = WWW.LoadFromCacheOrDownload(myUrl, 5);


        yield return myW;




            yield break

        }    //立钻哥哥:if(){}


        var myLoadedAssetBundle = myW.assetBundle;

        var asset = myLoadedAssetBundle.mainAsset;

    }    //立钻哥哥:IEnumerator Start(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzWWW{}










static string UnEscapeURL = ../string_s_Encoding_e_System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;





using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

using YanlzXREngine;


public class YanlzWWW : MonoBehaviour{


    void Start(){


        //string escName = WWW.EscapeURL(Fish & Chips);

        string plainName = WWW.UnEscapeURL(Fish+%26+Chips);


    }    //立钻哥哥:void Start(){}


}    //立钻哥哥:public class YanlzWWW{}











++++【Unity API】分类:https://blog.csdn.net/vrunsoftyanlz/category_7637520.html




































++++【Unity API】分类:https://blog.csdn.net/vrunsoftyanlz/category_7637520.html













++++立钻哥哥Unity 学习空间: http://blog.csdn.net/VRunSoftYanlz/

++++虚拟现实VR资讯: https://blog.csdn.net/VRunSoftYanlz/article/details/89165846















































































































++++立钻哥哥Unity 学习空间: http://blog.csdn.net/VRunSoftYanlz

