第一部分 核心语汇
Everyday Expressions
n. [C] 年龄;年老
Children enter school at the age of six, don’t they?
n. [C](常用大写)时代
the Stone Age/the space age/in the age of Shakespeare (石器时代/太空时代/莎士比亚时期)
vt./vi. 成熟,变老
Her son’s accident aged her quite noticeably. (她儿子的事故使她明显地衰老了。)
aged (年老的);
ageless (不老的,永恒的);
ageism (美)(年龄歧视:尤指对老年人的歧视)
age-group (某个年龄段);
常见搭配Useful Phrase
中年 --- middle age
十几岁的女孩 --- teenage girls
法定选民年龄 --- voting age
法定可以喝酒的年龄 --- drinking age
成年 --- to be of age/to come of age
未成年 --- to be under age
超龄 --- to be over age
习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs
age before beauty --- 老人优先
Act your age. --- 别耍孩子气 (Don’t be a baby.)
look one’s age --- 容貌与年龄相称
senior citizen --老人
生活用语 Street Talks
A: I want that teddy bear. It’s lovely. (玩具熊)
B: Simba, you’re 29 years old. Act your age. Don’t be such a baby.
A: There’s one seat here. You take it, Tom.
B: No, no, no, please. Age before beauty, professor. (老人优先)
A: Oops, sorry I’m late, Jean.
B: So you’re finally here, David? I waited (for) ages,you know? (很久了)
A: Come on, let me make up for it.
电影对白 Transcripts
句型 You know it’s easier to be killed by terrorists than it is to get married over the age of forty. 《西雅图夜未眠》
All children are hideous at the age of eight. 《西雅图夜未眠》
Do you want me to say that you’re really really short foryour age and that they shouldn’t say anything because it
would hurt your feelings? 《西雅图夜未眠》
对话 Mr. Robinson: Ben—how old are you now?
Ben: Twenty. I’ll be twenty-one next week.
Mr. Robinson: That’s a hell of a good age to be.
Ben: Thank you. Thank you very much. 《毕业生》
谚语 Proverbs
At 20 years of age the will reigns; at 30 the wit; at 40 the judgment.二十意志支配,三十智慧做主,四十判断当家。
名言 Quotations
A lady of a “certain age”, which means Certainly aged.
Lord Byron (1788-1824), English poet. Don Juan, cto. 6,st. 69.
n. [C] 回答(to)
I have gotten no answer from him (to my email).
n. 答案
I have no ready answer to the question.( 我没有现成的答案。)
n. 答复
I’ll give you an answer after mature consideration.( 我考虑成熟后再给你答复。)
vt. 回答
Why didn’t you answer me?
vt. 适合,符合,满意
answer sb’s needs/requiements
answerable (to the people) 可回答的(对人民负责);
answer back (回答);
answering machine (录音电话);
answer phone (电话录音机)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
直截了当的回答 --- a direct answer
模棱两可的回答 ---an evasive answer
应声开门 --- to answer the door (bell)
接电话 --- to answer the phone
负…责任,保证 --- to answer for
迅速应对,明白地说 --- to answer up
回答,响应 --- to answer up to
习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs
answer the call of nature --- 上厕所
answer sb back --- 顶嘴
生活用语 Street Talks
A: Did you call Tom last night?
B: Yeah, I called but nobody answered. I’ll try again later.
How come you didn’t answer the door,Bill?
He thinks he has all the answers. (什么都懂)
If you come home late, do you have to answer to your wife?
Robert, I can lend you my car, but you’re gonna answer to me if you wreck it.
电影对白 Transcripts
句型 Here’s someone who has the answer. 《阿甘正传》
And always, answer every question with “Yes, Drill Seargent.” 《阿甘正传》
对话 Drill Seargent:Gump! What’s your sole purpose in this army?
Forrest: To do what ever you tell me, Drill Seargent?
Drill Seargent: God dammit, Gump. You’re a God damngenius. That is the most outstanding answer I’ve ever
heard. You must have a God damn IQ of 160. You are Goddamn gifted, Private Gump. Listen up, people... 《阿甘正传》
谚语 Proverbs
A soft answer turns away wrath.婉言可以息怒。
Answer a fool according to his folly.以其人之道,还治其人之身。
Everyday Expressions
n. [C] 手臂
He always carries his child in his arms.
vt. 武装,装备
The United States armed itself in preparation for the war. (美国已武装起来,准备打仗。)
armament (武器装备);
army (陆军);
arms (武器);
arm-in-arm (手腕手的);
arm shop ((美)兵工厂);
arm-rest (扶手);
arm chair (单人沙发)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
备战 --- a call to arms(pick weapon,cheer/to be ready for the war)
举起双臂 --- to raise one’ s arms
双手叉腰 --- to set the arms akimbo
保持距离 --- to keep at an arm’s length
热情地接待 --- to receive with open arms
习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs
(an) arm and a leg --- [美俚] 昂贵的价格
生活用语 Street Talks
A: Jack and Rose had quite a quarrel last night.
B: Well they must have made up, because I just saw them walking along the river arm in arm.
A: Wow, Jean. What a cute car you’ve got!
B: Oh yeah, it cost me an arm and a leg. (一大笔钱)
My mother is an unhappy woman. She keeps everybody at an arm’s length. (保持距离)
电影对白 Transcripts
对话 Ben: Where isElaine?
Mrs. Robinson: I’ll be with you in a moment, Benjamin. Do you have a patrol car in the vicinity of twelve hundred
Glenview Road? Good. We have a burglar here.Just a second. I’ll ask him. Are you armed? No--I don’t believe he
is. Thank you.
Ben: What have you done to her?
Mrs. Robinson: I think we have everything quite under control now, Benjamin. Would you like a quick drink
before you go?
Ben: You can’t stop me from seeing her, Mrs.Robinson. I’llfind her. 《毕业生》
谚语 Proverbs
Justice have long arms.法律的制裁是无边的。
Everyday Expressions
n. 后背,背部
He lay on his back for three months. (他已卧床三个月了。)
vt. vi. 后退
Mary backed her car a little into the parking space. (玛利把车倒出一点儿并驶入停车位。)
vt. 支持
The bank refused to back the plan.银行拒绝使用财政支持这个计划。
adj. 后面的
The kids entered through the back door.
adv. 后面;回来
I’ll be back in a minute.
backer (赞助者);
backing (流行音乐的和声)
backbone (脊椎,支柱);
background (背景);
backstroke (仰泳);
backbiter (背后诽谤者);
backyard (后院);
backstage (在舞台的幕后);
backseat (汽车的后坐);
backspace (电脑的推格键)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
来回地 --- back and forth
后备计划 --- a back up plan(in case the present plan fails)
支持某人 --- to back someone up
支持某人 --- be at sb’s back
生病卧床 --- be on one’s back
背着某人说坏话 --- be behind one’s back
不理,看不起,背弃 --- to turn one’s back on
后退 --- to back away
习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs
back and belly(肚子) --- 浑身上下
Back off! --- 闪开!
back the wrong horse --- 下错了注
through the back door --- 走后门
break one’s back to do sth --- 拼命工作
get off one’s back --- 不再烦某人
behind one’s back --- 背着某人
生活用语 Street Talks
A: Tom, it’s 11:00 pm now. Where is your graduate thesis? It’s supposed to be handed in tomorrow morning.
B: Yeah,yeah, please Jean! I know the deadline is tomorrow, but if you don’ t get off my back,I’ll never get it done. (让我安静一会儿)
A: Move on VV, I’ll always be here backing you up!
B: You’re so sweet Fredy! Thanks.
I’ve got a pain in my back.
电影对白 Transcripts
句型 Welcome back to “ You and Your Emotions”. 《西雅图夜未眠》
We’ll be right back, after this break, with your listener response. 《西雅图夜未眠》
Let’s take a call before we get back to “Sleepless” Knoxville,Tennes see, you’re on the air, talk to me. 《西
My husband will be back quite late. 《毕业生》
Everyday Expressions
vt. 吹;吹到
The wind blew the ship toward the island.
vt. 用气吹
Kids blow trumpets(喇叭).
vi. (风)吹
It was blowing hard.
vi. (物体)随风飘动
The red flag was blowing in the wind.
vi. (喇叭)鸣叫
I like to hear a siren(汽笛) blowing.
n. 痛打;殴打
Father struck me a blow on the ass.
n. 精神上的打击
The bad news was a blow to Ann.
blower (吹风机)
blow-dry (吹风机把头吹干);
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
吹熄 --- to blow out
爆炸/放大(照片)--- to blow up
伤害某人 --- to deal a blow
擤鼻涕 --- to blow my nose
习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs
to blow smoke (to talk nonsense) --- 胡说八道
blow the test --- 把考试考砸了
come to blows over sth --- 为某事打起来
生活用语 Street Talks
The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into bigger and bigger ones.
I knocked him down at a blow.
The attack dealt a heavy blow(重大打击) to the enemy’s army.
They came to blows over the argument—cry into a fight.
I got a once in a life time opportunity. But I blew it.
电影对白 Transcripts
句型 Mother, go outside and blow out your candles. 《情归巴黎》
You’d blow(搞砸) a billion dollars for this? 《情归巴黎》
对话 David: What aboutPatrick and the merger? You’d blow a billion dollars for this? I see.
Linus: Get going. Go on. Don’t miss the plane. 《情归巴黎》
谚语 Proverbs
Strike the first blow: it’s as good as two.先发制人,其效加倍。
Blow your own soup ,not mine.各人自扫门前雪,休管他人瓦上霜。
Everyday Expressions
n. [C] 书,书籍
Please give me two copies of the reference book.
n. [C] 帐簿
an account book/ a telephone book(帐簿/电话号码簿)
vt.vi. 登记,预约
All the seats in the restaurant are booked.
bookish (书生气的);
bookcase (书箱);
bookshelf (书橱);
bookstore (书店);
bookworm (书虫);
bookkeeper (计账员);
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
说明书 --- book of words
订票 --- to book the ticket
做假帐 --- to cook the book
咬文嚼字 --- to speak like a book
已经注册登记,已入会员名单 --- be on the books
除名,退会 --- be off the books
习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs
go by the book --- 严格遵守规则制度
hit the books --- 努力学习;扎书堆
bury myself with text books --- 认真开始学习
生活用语 Street Talks
A: What do you mean we have no place to stay?
B: All the hotels in town are booked up.
The accountant comes in once a month and goes over the books. (查帐)
We don’t have to go by the book here.
电影对白 Transcripts
对话 Linus: Did we have an appointment?
Mack: It’s not in my book. They showed up. I put them in David’s Office.《情归巴黎》
Becky: There is practically a whole book about how that statistic is not true.
Wyatt: God damn. You brought it up.
Annie: I did not, Wyatt. Do you even read that book?
Wyatt: Did anybody read that book all the way through? 《西雅图夜未眠》
谚语 Proverbs
Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.书籍如朋友,应该少而精。
We can’t learn men from books.不能从书中了解人。
Everyday Expressions
vi. 顾虑
I only cared for your safety.
vi. 在乎;介意
I failed but I don’t care.
vi. 愿意(用于否定句和疑问句中)
Would you care to go to the movies with me?
n. 注意;小心
Give more care to the work.
n. 照顾;管理
Mama left the baby in the care of the nurse.
n. 忧郁;操心
I have a lot of cares.
careful (谨慎的);
careless (粗心的);
carefree (无忧无虑);
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
照顾… --- to care for...
当心 --- to take care
喜爱某人 --- to care for sb
习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs
not careless --- 一点也不在乎
daycare/childcare --- 幼儿园
health care system --- 医疗系统
Who cares? --- 没人关心
生活用语 Street Talks
This poetry is realistic. I don’t care for it very much.
I don’t care for fishing.
I don’t care much for a car.
Take care! You may get lost.
Please handle this package with care.
I miss those carefree days when we were hanging out(聚在一起) on campus.
电影对白 Transcripts
句型 I’ll take care of him. 《毕业生》
Your mama sure does care about your schooling, son. 《阿甘正传》
I don’t care what she did to her hair. 《情归巴黎》
对话 Driver: Where areyou going?
Jenny: I don’t care. 《阿甘正传》
谚语 Proverbs
Want of care does more harm than want of knowledge.缺乏谨慎比缺乏知识危害更大。
Many cares make the head white.忧虑多了白了头。
Everyday Expressions
vt. 变化;改变
Heat changes water into steam.
vt. 换衣;换车
Angela always changed her clothes.
vt. 交换
Let’s change seats.
vi. 改变
Peter has changed since then.
vi. 换衣
Mellisa changed for the party.
n. 零钱
Do you have change for a 20 dollar bill?
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
人事变动 --- a personnel change
物理变化 --- physical changes
天气突变 --- a sudden change in the weather
可喜的变化 --- a welcome change
实行改革 --- to carry out changes
换气 --- to take a change of air
转手 --- to change hands
改话题 --- to change the subject
不用找了--to keep the change
生活用语 Street Talks
I want to persuade you to change your mind.
Let’s take a taxi for a change. I’m sick of bus.
It’s always good to have some spare change with you.
I’m a changed man. (我是个改过自新的人)
电影对白 Transcripts
句型 She changes the station and then decides to change it back. 《西雅图夜未眠》
It changes practically everyday. 《西雅图夜未眠》
Listen, next week my schedule changes《阿甘正传》
I’ve changed my mind. 《情归巴黎》
谚语 Proverbs
Wise man change their minds,fools never.智者改变主意,愚者从不改变。
We don’t always gain by changing.变动并不是总有好处。
Everyday Expressions
n. 圆
We danced in a circle. (大家围成圆圈跳舞。)
n. 圈子;集团
Successful people can easily win a brilliant circle offriends.
n. 范围
This article touches on a wide circle of subjects.
vt. 环绕;盘旋
The happy news soon circled around.
circular (圆形的);
circulation (血液循环,流动,流通)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
交际圈 --- circle offriends
学术界 --- academiccircles
商界 --- businesscircles
家庭圈子 --- a familycircle
政界 --- politicalcircles
转了一整圈,周而复始 --- to come fullcircle
站成一圈 --- to stand in acircle
兜圈子 --- to circle around
围成一圈 --- be in a circle
习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs
go around in circles --- 瞎忙(无进展)
talk in circles --- 兜圈子(not get to thepoint)
生活用语 Street Talks
If you bet on the race, bet on Bill——he can run circles aroundthe others. (肯定赢)
I swam circles around Mark, even though he thought he wasa good swimmer. (游得快)
Circle around, everyone! I have something important toell you! (快过来,围成圈)
A: It’s really cold outside.
B: Come over here, boy! Let’s sit in a circlearound the fire.
电影对白 Transcripts
句型 And I do have thefinest coterie in Vienna, and the most glittering circle of friends, and I dogive some rather gay
Because I could circle the block. 《谎言大师》
对话 Kenneth: Hey, howyou doing?
Fletcher: I’ve slipped into the seventh circle of Hell!Thank you, and you?《谎言大师》
谚语 Proverbs
Circles, though small, are yet complete.圆圈虽小,但他们是完整的。
Everyday Expressions
n. [C] 班级
He is first in English in his class.
n. 社会阶级
ruling class/the upper class/the middle class/the lowerclass(统治阶级/上层阶级/中层阶级/下层阶级)
n. 等级,种类
He is a top-class actor.
n. [C] 课
Do you enjoy the computer class in New Oriental school?
v. 分类;归类
It may be conveniently classed under A, B, and C.
classify (分类);
classy (有品位的);
classic (经典的)
first class (头等舱);
business class (公务舱);
economy calss (经济舱);
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
高级旅馆 --- classy hotel
一流运动员 --- top classathlete
上课 --- to take aclass
旁听课 --- to sit in on aclass
旷课 --- to cut out aclass
习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs
class act --- 值得称赞的行为
classis-classis --- (女人)美丽的身段
生活用语 Street Talks
A: Your helping out that old woman was a class act.
B: No, it’s nothing special. Age before Beauty.
A: Hey, man. Look over there!
B: At what? A: There! Victoria is coming to her car.
B: Wow, such a classis-classis I’ve never seen.
A: Please! John.
Her answer to that angry guest was a classy way to handlethe situation. (高雅的方式)
电影对白 Transcripts
句型 I sit next to themin my Home Economics class all the time《阿甘正传》
对话 Jenny: He’s very smart. He’s one of the smartest in his class. Yeah, it’s OK. Go talk to him...Forrest, I’m sick.
Forrest: What, do you have a cough or a cold? 《阿甘正传》
Linus: Is he a world class philanthropist, or what?
Louie: Just a squeeze. 《情归巴黎》
名言 Quotations
The history of all hitherto existing society is thehistory of class struggles.
Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-95),German social philosophers, revolutionaries.
The Communist Manifesto, sct. 1 (1848; repr. in KarlMarx: Selected Works, vol. 1, 1942).
Everyday Expressions
n. [C,U] 云
Large, black clouds signaled a coming storm.
n. 阴影
Steven sat on the bench, while clouds of black despairsettledover him.
n. 飞过的一大群
A cloud of insects fly into the bathroom.
v. (使)脸色变阴沉
When Jerry heard the news of his wife’s accident, his face clouded over.
cloudless (晴朗的);
cloudy (多云的)
常见搭配 Useful Phrases
乌云 --- dark clouds
厚云 --- heavy clouds
暴风云/雷雨云 --- storm clouds
蒙蒙的尘埃 --- a cloud ofdust
心不在焉;空想,不现实 --- to be inclouds
处于困境,失意 --- to be underthe cloud
习语与俗语 Idioms &Slangs
cloud nine --- 极乐境地;飘飘然
cloudy memory --- 记忆不清晰
cast a cloud over sb --- 给某人心里蒙上阴影
have one’s head in the clouds --- 做白日梦 (be dreaming)
生活用语 Street Talks
A: What’s up with Sally? She’s on cloud nine! (高兴的坐不住)
B: Well, her favorite rock star spoke to her!
A: That explains it! I hope she’s not floating inthe clouds. (想入非非)
A: What’s wrong?
B: My mind feels all cloudy after getting hit on thehead. (头晕)
A: When was your first kiss, Sam?
B: Well my memory is a little cloudy. Let me think a sec,uh…Oh I got it. It’s 5.
The freight truck caused a cloud of dust as it went downthe dirt road.
Get your head out of the clouds and get down to work! (别做白日梦了)
电影对白 Transcripts
对话 Dr.Marsha: Butsomething must be missing if Jonah still feels you’re under a cloud.Now just a few questions: Are
you sleeping at night?
Jonah: He doesn’t sleep at all. 《西雅图夜未眠》
谚语 Proverbs
Black clouds thunder a great deal, but rain little.乌云雷声大,雨点小。