WI-FI STA的电源管理模式---容易混淆的概念说明


  • Active mode: The STA receives and transmits frames at any time. The STA remains in the awake state. STA处于激活模式;
  • Power save (PS) mode: The STA enters the awake state to receive or transmit frames. The STA remains in the doze state otherwise. STA处于省电模式,在省电模式下,STA可以睡眠,节省电量;也可以醒来,用来收发数据;注意:在省电模式下,STA可以处于睡眠和醒来两种状态;此处的醒来和激活模式容易混淆,在省电模式下,AP会给STA缓存为接收的数据;而激活模式下,AP不回缓存数据;

STA刚接入AP的时候出于激活模式:A non-AP STA shall be in active mode upon (re)association.


  • a STA shall inform the AP by completing a successful frame exchange (a Management frame, Extension frame or Data frame from the STA, and an Ack or a BlockAck frame from the AP);STA必须是带确认的交互来通知AP自己的电源管理模式;
  • 因此不能用PS-Poll来改变模式,因为PS-POLL的ACK是optional的
  • 通过交互的帧的字段:Power Management subfield(位于MAC帧控制字段)来指示电源管理模式:
    1 indicates that the STA will be in PS mode. (省电模式,可睡可醒)
    0 indicates that the STA will be in active mode.(一直醒)

