Flex Viewer 开发教程(7)Widget与服务器交互


本小节将不涉及具体的代码细节,因为Widget与服务器的交互不会因为Flex Viewer的架构而有所不同,了解了Flex程序如何与服务器端进行交互,直接应用到Widget中即可。下表是Flex与服务器端进行交互可用的技术,具体细节可参考《Flex 4 in Action》中的第15章。


Server Support




(includes REST and RPC hybrids)


Simple Widget-based applications; speed and real-time UI updates aren’t required.

Easy implementation via the HTTPService object; RPC hybrid protocols can be invoked using RemoteObject.



Data aggregation from external web services.

Easy implementation; pull data from multiple outside resources regardless of platform.


  -BlazeDS&LiveCycle Data Services(LCDS):Java,

  -.NETZend: PHP


  -WebOrb: .NET, Ruby, PHP

Approaching enterprise level; speed is important; data is usually pulled from server by polling.

Binary data compression makes communications 12 times faster; strong data typing; multiplatform support.


  -LiveCycle Data Services(LCDS),

  -Flash Media Server(FMS)

Enterprise level, messaging, instantaneous UI updates; data can be pushed to the client; streaming media content; data intensive RIAs.

Integrates into existing J2EE infrastructure; document management, rapid data transfer, clustering, data tracking, syncing, paging, and conflict resolution.

Flash Remoting

  -Native to ColdFusion

Robust, enterprise platform for client/server Flex communications; native.

Seamless integration with the Flash platform; removes the need for an intermediate code library to do data type mapping and date serialization.


  -All (JavaScript data objects are serialized and transferred in binary form.)

AIR applications that use AJAX or Flex applications that use the ExternalInterface API.

Easy implementation with the HTTPService object; part of the AS3CorLib library.
