Rational 2002产品的安装问题释疑 选择自 lb_zhao 的 Blog

鉴于许多网友经常询问Rational 2002产品的安装问题,我现总结一下,希望


Analyst Studio 主要面向系统分析员 
Development Studio 主要面向软件开发者 
Test Studio 主要面向测试工作者 
Performance Studio 
Enterprise 主要面向企业

All rational products can be downloaded at:

Rational的各个不同套件的安装方式基本相同,现以Development Studio的

Rational Suite Development Studio RealTime Edition
Version 2002.05.20.468.000

1. This exe file will self extract a temp file "***.pkg" in disk c:, at least  750M.
2. The setup src file will be unpacked from the "***.pkg" to a directory
(795M, you can specify the directory when the exe file begins running, if
not specified, default in disk C:).
3. After the setup src file is unpacked, the "***.pkg" file will be deleted,
and the setup will begin.
4. Follow the setup step, finish the installation, need about 1.1G space.
5. If you want to setup this suite on windows XP, and you have not enough
space, you can delete these two directories: "C:/windows/system32/dllcache"
and "C:/windows/Driver Cache", it will free almost 450M space.

License Key:
After setup, overwrite "c:/Program Files/Rational/common/rational_perm.dat"
with the file "rational_perm.dat"(该文件可以向我要:加QQ:173897148,请留言:Rational CC) that has correct licenses, the suite will be
registered correctly.

Rational Suite DevelopmentStudio是Rational公司开发的一套为协助软件开发者进行软
件开发的协助工具套件,RealTime Edition主要由以下几个软件构成:
01. Rational Administrator (Rational工程管理)
02. Rational ClearCase LT Client (配置管理工具客户端,版本管理、进程控制)
03. Rational ClearQuest (变更请求管理工具,整个开发过程)
04. Rational License Key Administrator (所有软件的许可证管理器)
05. Rational ProjectConsole Template Builder (工程控制台模板生成器)
06. Rational PureCoverage (测试时用,能自动检查那些代码没有被测试)
07. Rational Purify (测试时用,检查运行时内存错误)
08. Rational Quantify (性能检测工具,查出系统瓶颈以便改进运行速度)
09. Rational Requisite Pro (需求管理工具,整个开发过程)
10. Rational Rose Realtime (可视化建模工具,建立软件模型,正逆向软件工程)
11. Rational SoDA for Word (自动文档管理工具,整个开发过程)
12. Rational Software Installed Prodect Information (已安装Rational产品信息)
13. Rational TestManager (测试管理)
14. Rational Unified Process (Rational统一过程)
15. SQL Anywhere (SQL数据库管理系统)

01. Clear Case (配置管理工具,整个开发过程,版本管理、进程控制)
02. Robot (软件测试用,通过Script自动模拟输入输出)
03. TestFactory (软件测试用)
04. LoadTest
05. Performance Architect
06. ... ...
