GMAT OG2019逻辑新题解析560-570

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[if !supportLists]560. [endif]Enterprise Bank currently requires customers with checking accounts to maintain a minimum balance or pay a monthly fee. Enterprise plans to offer accounts with no monthly fee and no minimum-balance requirement; to cover their projected administrative costs of $3 per account per month they plan to charge $30 for overdrawing an account. Since each month on average slightly more than 10 percent of Enterprise's customers overdraw their accounts, bank officials predict the new accounts will generate a profit.

Which of the fllowing, if true, most strongly supports the bank officials' prediction?

[if !supportLists]A. [endif]Some of Enterprise Bank's current checking account customers are expected to switch to the new accounts once they are offered.

[if !supportLists]B. [endif]One third of Enterprise Bank's revenues are currently derived from monthly fees tied to checking accounts.

[if !supportLists]C. [endif]Many checking account customers who occasionally pay a fee for not maintaining a minimum balance in their account generally maintain a balance well above the minimum.

[if !supportLists]D. [endif]Customers whose checking accounts do not have a minimum-balance requirement are more likely than others to overdraw their checking accounts.

[if !supportLists]E. [endif]Customers whose checking accounts do not have a minimum-balance requirement are more likely than others to write checks for small amounts.











570. Farmer: Worldwide, just three grain crops—rice, wheat, and corn—account for most human caloric intake. To maintain this level of caloric intake and also keep pace with global population growth, yields per acre from each of these crops will have to increase at least 1.5 percent every year, given that the supply of cultivated land is diminishing. Therefore, the government should increase funding for research into new ways to improve yields.

Which of the following is an assumption on which the farmer’s argument depends?

A. It is solely the government’s responsibility to ensure that the amount of rice, wheat, and corn produced worldwide keeps pace with global population growth.

B. Increasing government funding for research into new ways to improve the yields per acre of rice, wheat, and corn crops would help to increase total worldwide annual production of food from these crops.

C. Increasing the yields per acre of rice, wheat, and corn is more important than increasing the yields per acre of other crops.

D. Current levels of funding for research into ways of improving grain crop yields per acre have enabled grain crop yields per acre to increase by more than 1.5 percent per year worldwide.

E. In coming decades, rice, wheat, and corn will become a minor part of human caloric intake, unless there is government-funded research to increase their yields per acre.












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