学习笔记:Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture: Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams

1.分享他们对个人和专业旅途的思考和洞察:share with us reflections and insights on their personal and professional journeys.

2.我不想显得很粗鲁地纠正您:I don’t mean to sound ungracious by correcting you.

3.credential ,履历

4.我站在这里其实是有点怪异。It’s a little bizarre for me to be standing here.

bizarre [bi·zarre || bɪ'zɑː]  adj.  奇异的, 异乎寻常的, 极不协调的

5.piss off  vt. 走开(使...厌烦)

e.g Everybody is pissed off (with all the changes of plan). 大家(对计划的诸多变动)均感厌烦.

6.dude [djuːd]  n.  花花公子; 纨绔子弟 ,译为啥子。

7.tenure [ten·ure || 'te‚njə(r)] n.  占有; 占有期; 占有权; 任期 

英文解释就是:If you have tenure in your job, you have the right to keep it until you retire.


8.回首往事, 很难想象在短短三年之间,我们能有如此深厚的友谊:when I look back it’s sort of hard to imagine it’s only been three years given the depth of our friendship.

9.mayo (mayonnaise) [may·o || 'meɪəʊ] 蛋黄酱

10.weave [wɪːv]n.  编法, 编织, 织法 v.  编织, 编排, 组合; 纺织, 摇晃, 迂回行进

11.我们建立了深厚的的友谊,它交织着我们的孩子,妻子, 父母的故事,关于做任何事都以诚信为纲,家庭第一, 宗教信仰的深刻讨论、还有我们让人才和思想能各得其所,运用金钱和影响力去做好事的共同喜悦。以及在这过程中有很多欢笑的重要性。

We developed a deep friendship woven together with stories about our kids, our wives, our parents, as well as deep discussions about the paramount of integrity in everything you do, family first, religion, our shared joy in connecting people and ideas, and deploying money and influence to do good.  And the importance of having a lot of laughs along the way. 

12.self evident 不言自明的

对任何有缘遇见兰迪的人来说, 他对建立一个更好世界的奉献是不言而喻的:Randy’s dedication to making the world a better place is self evident to anyone who has crossed paths with him.

13.philanthropic [phil·an·throp·ic || ‚fɪlən'θrɑpɪk(l) /-rɒ-]  adj.  博爱的

14.entrepreneurial   [ˌɔntrəprə'nə:riəl]   adj. 企业家的, 企业性质的

15.比兰迪的学术, 慈善, 和创业成就跟重要的是他的博爱和每天给学生和同事带来的热忱。 even more important than Randy’s academic, philanthropic, and entrepreneurial accomplishments has been his humanity and the enthusiasm he brings to students, coworkers on a daily basis.

16.zest [zest]  n.  风味, 热情, 强烈的兴趣

17.nail the venue v. 对上号

18.an elephant in the room: 一件大家不可能视而不见,但又不愿谈及的事。

19.liver [liv·er || 'lɪvə(r)] n.  肝脏

20.情况就是这样。我们无法改变它,我们只需要决定如何回应。我们不能改变我们手里的牌,但能调整如何出牌。That is what it is.  We can’t change it, and we just have to decide how we’re
going to respond to that.We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.

21.morose [mo·rose || mə'rəʊs]  adj.  郁闷的; 乖僻的

22.in denial拒不承认。

e.g People are in denial when they cannot bring themselves to admit what is obvious but disagreeable, truths that they do not wish to acknowledge.当你不能使自己承认那些显而易见但又令你讨厌的事情——那些你不想承认的真理,你就是在自我防卫。

23.cognitive dissonance 认知失调, 认知不一致; 内心冲突

cognitive [cog·ni·tive || 'kɒgnɪtɪv] adj.  认知的; 有感知的; 认识的

dissonance [dis·so·nance || 'dɪsənəns]n.  不和谐音; 不一致

24.in good shape  身体 状况良好

25.pushup n.  俯卧撑

26.take that off the table 不提及

27.deathbed   ['deθbed]    n. 临死所卧之床, 临终之时

28.gratifying [grat·i·fy·ing || 'grætɪfaɪɪŋ]  adj.  悦人的; 令人满足的

29.任何事情都可能发生,我们不要忽略灵感和允许梦想的巨大力量。Anything’s possible, and that’s something we should not lose sight of, is that the inspiration and the permission to dream is huge.

30.You bastard!你这个混蛋。

bastard [bas·tard || 'bæstəd] n.  非婚生子; 假冒品; 非婚生子女 adj.  私生的, 不合标准的, 不纯的

31.hulk of a guy 大块头。

32.old school 守旧派

33.trick play  耍把戏,小聪明

34.We were all scared to death of him.   我们都怕死他了。

35.Fundamentals, fundamentals, fundamentals.  You’ve got to get the fundamentals down because otherwise the fancy stuff isn’t going to work. 基本功,基本功,基本功。你必须把基础打好, 要不然那些花俏的东西就玩不转。

36.When you’re screwing up and nobody’s saying anything to you anymore, that means they gave up. 当你搞砸了而没有人对你说任何东西,这意味着他们放弃了.

37.That’s a lesson that stuck with me my whole life 这是一终生铭记的一堂课。

38.When you see yourself doing something badly and nobody’s bothering to tell you anymore, that’s a very bad place to be.  Your critics are your ones telling you the still love you and care.  当你看到自己把事情搞糟而没人劳神告诉你,这处境就很不妙。批评你的人是告诉你他们仍然爱和关心你。

39.Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.自由就是无所顾忌的同义词。

40.pertain [per·tain || pɜr'teɪn /pɜː-] v.  属于, 附属, 关于    Phr .~ to 属于

41.perseverance   [ˌpə:si'viərəns]   n. 毅力, 忍耐, 不屈不挠

42.etcetera   [it'setrə]n. 以及其它, 等等 etc

43.Head fake learning are absolutely important.  And you should keep your eye out for
them because they’re everywhere. 障眼法学习是绝对重要的。你应该留意这些,因为它们无所不在。 (意思就是要用心做每一个事情并且留心其中能得到的东西)。

44.cynic   ['sinik]   n. 愤世嫉俗者

45.bide [baɪd]   v.  面临, 禁得起

46.Remember, the brick walls are there for a reason.  The brick walls are not there to keep us out.  The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something. 请记住,砖墙在那里是有原因的。砖墙不是要挡住我们。砖墙是要给我们机会说明我们有多迫切的想得到。因为砖墙是要阻挡那些不诚心的人,那些其他人。

47.Maybe I can make it.  Maybe I do belong.  也许我能够成功。也许我确实属于这一行.

48.footage [foot·age || 'fʊtɪdʒ]n.  以尺计算长度的影片

49.jackpot   ['dʒækpɔt]   n. (彩票等)头奖, 十分成功  ,口语中“太幸运了!”

50.channel [chan·nel || 'tʃænl]  v. 引用

51.sabbatical [sab'bat·i·cal || sə'bætɪkl] n.  休假; 公休假; 公休; 安息年

52.Wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you.When you’re
pissed off at somebody and you’re angry at them, you just haven’t given them
enough time. 等足够长的时间,人们会让你惊讶,让你叹服。当你对别人怨恼

53.That really stuck with me.我觉得这真对。

54.insane   [in'sein]   adj. 疯狂的, 精神错乱的, 荒唐的

55.It’s very important to know when you’re in a pissing match.  And it’s very
important to get out of it as quickly as possible.   及早知道你在与人斗气非常重要,同样重要的是尽快从中解脱。

56.Back off  退避  ,e.g Let’s ~ 让我们先退一步

57.common ground n. 一致之处(共同点)

58.Some brick walls are made of flesh.一些砖墙是由人组成。

59.do sth in mass 批量做sth。

60.shuffle   ['ʃʌfl]   v. 洗纸牌

61.Tiger by the tail :If you have gotten into something dangerous that you can't get out of, or don't see your way out of, you have a tiger by the tail.

e.g It is impossible to describe how much of a tiger by the tail we had.


62.对……是一种伤害:do Sb. a disservice

e.g You obviously don’t know where the bar should be, and you’re only going to do them a disservice by putting it anywhere. 很显然你不知道标准要定多高,你主观的把标准定在哪儿对他们都不好。

63.aisle [aɪl] n.  走道, 通道; 侧廊

64.scoot   [sku:t]   n. 疾走, 迅速跑开 v. 溜走

65.prop [prɑp /prɒp] n.  道具

66.dredge [dredʒ] v.  疏浚; 捞取; 挖掘; 发掘; 疏浚; 采捞; 挖掘; 深挖; 撒, 涂; 撒于 , 延伸出的含义是“费力的去找”

67.What a privilege and an honor it was to teach that course for something like ten years.


68.All good things come to an end.天下没有不散的宴席。

69.take it up to the next notch使它更上一层楼

70.If there’s anything I’ve been raised to do, it’s to share.

71.If you’re going to do anything that pioneering you will get those arrows in the back, and you just have to put up with it. 枪打出头鸟,你只能面对现实。

72.When you’ve had something for ten years that you hold so precious, it’s the toughest thing in the world to hand it over. And the only advice I can give you is, find somebody better than you to hand it to.当你在你如此珍惜的事业上干了 10年,把它交给别人真是难舍难分。我能给的唯一的忠告就是,把它交给比你更优秀的人。

73.opportunistic ['ɑpərtuː'nɪstɪk /'ɒpətjuː-] adj.  机会主义的; 投机取巧的

74.the lion’s share of 其中的最大份额

75.circus [cir·cus || 'sɜːkəs] n.  马戏团, 竞技场, 马戏

76.give us the reins 完全放手。

77.provost [prov·ost || 'prɑvəst ,'prəʊ- /'prɒ-] n.  监管者; 院长; 教务长; 教长

78.mold (Amer.) [məʊld] n.  旧模式

79.These are the kind of things that I think everybody ought to be doing:Helping others.

80.Mothers are people who love even when you pull their hair.母亲是即使你们拽它们头发也仍爱你们的人。

81.If your kids want to paint their bedroom, as a favor to me let them do it.  It’ll be OK.  Don’t worry about resale value on the house. 如果您的孩 子想画自己的卧室,作为对我的好意,让他们去画。

82.on leave 在休假中

83.centaur [cen·taur || 'sentɔː] n.  人首马身的怪物; 半人马座

84.arrogant ['ar·ro·gant || 'ærəgənt] adj.  傲慢的; 自负的; 自大的

85.so to speak  正可谓,所谓

86.Never lose the childlike wonder.It’s just too important.  It’s what drives us.  


87.it’s kind of fun to do the impossible.

88.We keep what is valuable to us, what we cherish. 我们把对我们弥足珍贵的东西都留着。

89.Loyalty is a two way street.忠诚是相互的。

90.vouch [vaʊtʃ]  v.  保证, 证明, 担保; 担保, 断定, 证明

91.obnoxious [ob·nox·ious || əb'nɑkʃəs /-'nɒk-] adj.  可憎的, 讨厌的, 不愉快的

92.There are moments that change your life.  And ten years later if you know in retrospect it was one of those moments, you’re blessed. But to know it at the moment….

有些改变人生的时刻,如果 10年后,你回想起来,知道这些时刻,你就是有福的人。当时就知道(就更好了)…

93.You can’t get there alone.  你不能单打独斗。

94.Being earnest.  I’ll take an earnest person over a hip person every day, because hip is short term.  Earnest is long term.  真挚做人。我会毫不犹豫的选择一个真诚的人,而不是一

95.Apologize when you screw up and focus on other people, not on yourself.当你做砸了,道歉。注意力在别人身上,而不是自己。

96.Remember brick walls let us show our dedication.  They are there to separate us from the people who don’t really want to achieve their childhood dreams.  Don’t bail.  The best of the gold’s at the bottom of barrels of crap.记住砖墙让我们显示我们的热诚。它们在那里把我们从那些并不真正想要实现自己的童年梦想的人分开。不要逃避。最好的黄金是在粪桶的底部 。

97.When you do the right thing, good stuff has a way of happening. 当你做正确的事情,好事情就会飘然而至。

98.Be good at something, it makes you valuable.

99.Show gratitude. 表达谢意。

100.Don’t complain.  Just work harder. 不要抱怨。而要加倍努力。

101.Be good at something, it makes you valuable. 有一技之长,它使你有价值。

102.Work hard. 努力工作

103.Find the best in everybody.  Just keep waiting no matter how long it takes.  No one is all evil.  Everybody has a good side, just keep waiting, it will come out.每个人都有闪光点。没人是完全邪恶。每一个人都有善的一面,只要继续等待,它就会显现。

104.Be prepared.  Luck is truly where preparation meets opportunity. 有所准备。运气真的是机会与准备的结合。

105.My wife Jai has been an incredible source of stability and courage through all this. We both agree that "you can't control the cards you're dealt, just how you play the hand." 

在整个过程中, 我妻子洁一直是一个超乎寻常的稳定和勇气的源泉。我们都同意, "你不能控制发给你的牌,只能控制如何打牌。"
