VR系列——Oculus Audio sdk文档:八、Oculus Spatializer AAX集成指南(3)——音轨参数

音轨参数(Track Parameters)

本地音轨参数(Local Track Parameters)

  The top section of the plugin interface contains parameters that affect the individual track.

  Local track parameters are used to set up the location of a sound source in 3D space, and to shape the attenuation of the sound as it gets further away from the listener.

  These parameters are stored with the project when saving and loading.

Bypass 防止音频被空间化处理
Prevents audio from being processed through the spatializer.
Increases processed signal volume (in decibels).
Sets the distance from the listener at which a sound source will start controlling the attenuation curve (in meters). The attenuation curve approximates an inverse square and reaches maximum attenuation when it reaches the Far parameter.
In the 2D grid display, the radius is represented by an orange disk around the sound position.
Sets the distance from the listener at which a sound source reaches maximum attenuation value (in meters).
In the 2D grid display, the radius will be represented by a red disk around the sound position.
X/Y/Z Pos(m)
Sets the location of the sound relative to the listener (in meters). The co-ordinate system is right-handed, with Y-axis pointing up and the Z-axis pointing toward the screen (a.k.a. Oculus coordinate system).
Sets the scale of the 2D grid display (in meters). This allows the user to have greater control over the sound position placement.

全局音轨参数(Global Track Parameters )

  These parameters are global to all instances of the plugin within the DAW. Any parameter changed in one global parameter plugin instance will be reflected in all global parameter plugin instances, allowing the user to easily set global parameters for all tracks.

  These parameters are stored with the project when saving and loading.

REFLECTIONS 定义反射全局参数来切换反射引擎。这增强了空间化效果,但会有一定的性能损失。
Toggles the reflection engine, as defined by the reflection global parameters. This enhances the spatialization effect but incurs a commensurate performance penalty.
REVERB 当启用时,一个固定的混响将被混入输出,从而使空间化效果的声音更自然。它基于空间大小和反射值(参照X/Y/Z Size和LEFT/RIGHT, FORWARD/ BACKWARD,UP/DOWN)。
When enabled, a fixed reverberation is mixed into the output, providing a more natural-sounding spatialization effect. Based on room size and reflection values (see X/Y/Z Size and Left/Right, Forward/Backward, Up/Down Refl.).
若X/Y/Z Size, Near, Far, 或 Refl.参数改变,混响必须开了再关才能生效(避免关联事物冲突)。Reflections参数必须启用。
If X/Y/Z Size, Near, Far, or Refl. parameters are changed, reverb must be turned on and off again for the changes to take effect (this avoids hitching artifacts). Reflections must be enabled to use.
X/Y/Z Size(m)
[1.0 - 200.0]
Sets the dimensions of the theoretical room used to calculate reflections. The greater the dimensions, the further apart the reflections.
In the 2D grid display, the room will be represented by a cyan box (this will only display if Reflections are enabled).
[0.0 - 0.97]
设置由X/Y/Z Size参数指定面积大小的空间的每一面墙所反射的声音的百分比。当值为0时,反射被完全吸收。值为1.0时,反射将完全不会被吸收地从墙上弹回。为避免反馈,其值上限为0.97。
Sets the percentage of sound reflected by each wall in a room with the dimensions specified by the X/Y/Z SIZE parameters. At 0, the reflection is fully absorbed. At 1.0, the reflection bounces from the wall without any absorption. Capped at 0.97 to avoid feedback.

其他按钮和切换(Other Buttons and Toggles)

  Note: If you are using a scrolling mouse, you may change the rotaries with it by placing the cursor over the rotary and scrolling up or down.

ABOUT 显示当前VST的版本(匹配Oculus Audio SDK的版本使用)。更新按钮导航至Oculus开发网站上最新的Audio SDK。
Displays the current version (which matches the version of the Oculus Audio SDK being used). The Update button navigates to the latest Audio SDK in the Oculus developer site.
XZ/XY (toggle) 将2D网格显示由自顶向下(XZ)改为正面(XY)。网格中心的头部模型将会改变以表明你所在的视图,从而更容易理解声音位置和头部位置的关系。
Changes the 2D grid display from top-down (XZ) to front-face (XY). The head model in the center of the grid will change to indicate which view you are in, making it easier to understand the relationship between the sound location and head position.
