

emnlp 接受论文列表地址:http://emnlp2017.net/accepted-papers.html

EMNLP 2017共接收323篇论文。 其中216篇是长篇论文,107篇是短篇论文。

Accepted short papers

Global Normalization of Convolutional Neural Networks for Joint Entity and Relation Classification 
Authors: Heike Adel and Hinrich Schütze

Sparse Communication for Distributed Gradient Descent 
Authors: Alham Fikri Aji and Kenneth Heafield

A Multilayer Perceptron based Ensemble Technique for Fine-grained Financial Sentiment Analysis 
Authors:Md Shad Akhtar, Abhishek Kumar, Deepanway Ghosal, Asif Ekbal and Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Analogs of Linguistic Structure in Deep Representations 
Authors:Jacob Andreas and Dan Klein

Distinguishing Japanese Non-standard Usages from Standard Ones 
Authors:Tatsuya Aoki, Ryohei Sasano, Hiroya Takamura and Manadu Okumura

Syllable-aware Neural Language Models: A Failure to Beat Character-aware Ones 
Authors:Zhenisbek Assylbekov, Rustem Takhanov, Bagdat Myrzakhmetov and Jonathan N. Washington

AMR Parsing using Stack-LSTMs 
Authors:Miguel Ballesteros and Yaser Al-Onaizan

Regularization techniques for fine-tuning in neural machine translation 
Authors:Antonio Valerio Miceli Barone, Barry Haddow, Ulrich Germann and Rico Sennrich

Machine Translation, it’s a question of style, innit? The case of English tag questions 
Authors:Rachel Bawden

Natural Language Processing with Small Feed-Forward Networks 
Authors:Jan A. Botha, Emily Pitler, Ji Ma, Anton Bakalov, Alex Salcianu, David Weiss, Ryan McDonald and Slav Petrov

CRF Autoencoder for Unsupervised Dependency Parsing 
Authors:Jiong Cai, Yong Jiang and Kewei Tu

Predicting Word Association Strengths 
Authors:Andrew Cattle and Xiaojuan Ma

Source-Side Left-to-Right or Target-Side Left-to-Right? An Empirical Comparison of Two Phrase-Based Decoding Algorithms 
Authors:Yin-Wen Chang and Michael Collins

Neural Machine Translation with Source Dependency Representation 
Authors: Kehai Chen, Rui Wang, Masao Utiyama, Lemao Liu, Akihiro Tamura, Eiichiro Sumita and Tiejun Zhao

A Sequential Model for Classifying Temporal Relations between Intra-Sentence Events 
Authors:Prafulla Kumar Choubey and Ruihong Huang

Identifying attack and support argumentative relations using deep learning 
Authors: Oana Cocarascu and Francesca Toni

Paradigm Completion for Derivational Morphology 
Authors: Ryan Cotterell, Ekaterina Vylomova, Huda Khayrallah, Christo Kirov and David Yarowsky

Sharp Models on Dull Hardware: Fast and Accurate Neural Machine Translation Decoding on the CPU 
Authors: Jacob Devlin

Using Target-side Monolingual Data for Neural Machine Translation through Multi-task Learning 
Authors: Tobias Domhan and Felix Hieber

Capturing User and Product Information for Document Level Sentiment Analysis with Deep Memory Network 
Authors: Zi-Yi Dou

Identifying Where to Focus in Reading Comprehension for Neural Question Generation 
Authors: Xinya Du and Claire Cardie

Argument Mining on Twitter: Arguments, Facts and Sources 
Authors: Mihai Dusmanu, Elena Cabrio and Serena Villata

VecShare: A Framework for Sharing Word Representation Vectors 
Authors: Jared Fernandez, Zhaocheng Yu and Doug Downey

Classification of telicity using cross-linguistic annotation projection 
Authors: Annemarie Friedrich and Damyana Gateva

Video Highlight Prediction Using Audience Chat Reactions 
Authors: Cheng-Yang Fu, Joon Lee, Mohit Bansal and Alexander Berg

Charmanteau: Character Embedding Models For Portmanteau Creation 
Authors: Varun Gangal, Harsh Jhamtani, Graham Neubig, Eduard Hovy and Eric Nyberg

Topic Signatures in Political Campaign Speeches 
Authors: Clément Gautrais, Peggy Cellier, René Quiniou and Alexandre Termier

Image Pivoting for Learning Multilingual Multimodal Representations 
Authors: Spandana Gella, Rico Sennrich, Frank Keller and Mirella Lapata

An Empirical Analysis of Edit Importance between Document Versions 
Authors: Tanya Goyal, Sachin Kelkar, Manas Agarwal and Jeenu Grover

Exploiting Morphological Regularities in Distributional Word Representations 
Authors: Arihant Gupta, Syed Sarfaraz Akhtar, Avijit Vajpayee, Arjit Srivastava, Madan Gopal Jhanwar and Manish Shrivastava

Using Automated Metaphor Identification to Aid in Detection and Prediction of First-Episode Schizophrenia 
Authors: E. Dario Gutierrez, Guillermo Cecchi, Cheryl Corcoran and Philip Corlett

Visual Denotations for Recognizing Textual Entailment 
Authors: Dan Han, Pascual Martínez-Gómez and Koji Mineshima

Dependency Grammar Induction with Neural Lexicalization and Big Training Data 
Authors: Wenjuan Han, Yong Jiang and Kewei Tu

Word Re-Embedding via Manifold Dimensionality Retention 
Authors: Souleiman Hasan and Edward Curry

Revisiting Selectional Preferences for Coreference Resolution 
Authors: Benjamin Heinzerling, Nafise Sadat Moosavi and Michael Strube

High-risk learning: acquiring new word vectors from tiny data 
Authors: Aurélie Herbelot and Marco Baroni

Deep Residual Learning for Weakly-Supervised Relation Extraction 
Authors: YiYao Huang and William Yang Wang

When to Finish? Optimal Beam Search for Neural Text Generation (modulo beam size) 
Authors: Liang Huang, Kai Zhao and Mingbo Ma

A Novel Cascade Model for Learning Latent Similarity from Heterogeneous Sequential Data of MOOC 
Authors: Zhuoxuan Jiang, Shanshan Feng, Gao Cong, Chunyan Miao and Xiaoming Li

Combining Generative and Discriminative Approaches to Unsupervised Dependency Parsing via Dual Decomposition 
Authors: Yong Jiang, Wenjuan Han and Kewei Tu

Patterns of Argumentation Strategies across Topics 
Authors: Khalid Al Khatib, Henning Wachsmuth, Matthias Hagen and Benno Stein

Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning for POS Tagging without Cross-Lingual Resources

Authors: Joo-Kyung Kim, Young-Bum Kim, Ruhi Sarikaya and Eric Fosler-Lussier

Natural Language Does Not Emerge ‘Naturally’ in Multi-Agent Dialog 
Authors: Satwik Kottur, José Moura, Stefan Lee and Dhruv Batra

Temporal dynamics of semantic relations in word embeddings: an application to predicting armed conflict participants 
Authors: Andrey Kutuzov, Erik Velldal and Lilja Øvrelid

Learning the Structure of Variable-Order CRFs: a finite-state perspective 
Authors: Thomas Lavergne and François Yvon

Deep Multi-Task Learning for Aspect Term Extraction with Memory Interaction 
Authors: Xin Li and Wai Lam

Leveraging Linguistic Structures for Named Entity Recognition with Bidirectional Recursive Neural Networks 
Authors: Peng-Hsuan Li, Ruo-Ping Dong, Yu-Siang Wang, Ju-Chieh Chou and Wei-Yun Ma

Initializing Convolutional Filters with Semantic Features for Text Classification 
Authors: Shen Li, Zhe Zhao, Tao Liu, Renfen Hu and Xiaoyong Du

Using Argument-based Features to Predict and Analyse Review Helpfulness 
Authors: Haijing Liu, Yang Gao, Pin Lv, Mengxue Li, Shiqiang Geng, Minglan Li and Hao Wang

A Soft-label Method for Noise-tolerant Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction 
Authors: Tianyu Liu, Kexiang Wang, Baobao Chang and Zhifang Sui

What is it? Disambiguating the different readings of the pronoun ‘it’ 
Authors: Sharid Loáiciga, Liane Guillou and Christian Hardmeier

Why ADAGRAD Fails for Online Topic Modeling 
Authors: You Lu, Jeffrey Lund and Jordan Boyd-Graber

Learning Language Representations for Typology Prediction 
Authors: Chaitanya Malaviya, Graham Neubig and Patrick Littell

Sequence Effects in Crowdsourced Annotations 
Authors: Nitika Mathur, Timothy Baldwin and Trevor Cohn

A Simple Language Model based on PMI Matrix Approximations 
Authors: Oren Melamud, Ido Dagan and Jacob Goldberger

Topic-Based Agreement and Disagreement in US Electoral Manifestos 
Authors: Stefano Menini, Federico Nanni, Simone Paolo Ponzetto and Sara Tonelli

The strange geometry of skip-gram with negative sampling 
Authors: David Mimno and Laure Thompson

How much progress have we made on RST discourse parsing? A replication study of recent results on the RST-DT 
Authors: Mathieu Morey, Philippe Muller and Nicholas Asher

Evaluating Hierarchies of Verb Argument Structure with Hierarchical Clustering 
Authors: Jesse Mu, Joshua K. Hartshorne and Timothy O’Donnell

Word Etymology as Native Language Interference 
Authors: Vivi Nastase and Carlo Strapparava

A Study of Style in Machine Translation: Controlling the Formality of Machine Translation Output 
Authors: Xing Niu, Marianna Martindale and Marine Carpuat

Learning what to read: Focused machine reading 
Authors: Enrique Noriega-Atala, Marco A. Valenzuela-Escárcega, Clayton Morrison and Mihai Surdeanu

Segmentation-Free Word Embedding for Unsegmented Languages 
Authors: Takamasa 

Finding Patterns in Noisy Crowds: Regression-based Annotation Aggregation for Crowdsourced Data 
Authors: Natalie Parde and Rodney Nielsen

Reinforcement Learning for Video Captioning with Entailment Rewards 
Authors: Ramakanth Pasunuru and Mohit Bansal

Deciphering Related Languages 
Authors: Nima Pourdamghani and Kevin Knight

Controlling Human Perception of Basic User Traits 
Authors: Daniel Preoţiuc-Pietro, Sharath Chandra Guntuku and Lyle Ungar

Sparsity and Noise: Where Knowledge Graph Embeddings Fall Short 
Authors: Jay Pujara, Eriq Augustine and Lise Getoor

Truth of Varying Shades: Analyzing Language in Fake News and Political Fact-Checking 
Authors: Hannah Rashkin, Eunsol Choi, Jin Yea Jang, Svitlana Volkova and Yejin Choi

Word Embeddings based on Fixed-Size Ordinally Forgetting Encoding 
Authors: Joseph Sanu, Mingbin Xu, Hui Jiang and Quan Liu

Connotation Frames of Power and Agency in Modern Films 
Authors: Maarten Sap, Marcella Cindy Prasetio, Ari Holtzman, Hannah Rashkin and Yejin Choi

Identifying the Provision of Choices in Privacy Policy Text 
Authors: Kanthashree Mysore Sathyendra, Shomir Wilson, Florian Schaub, Sebastian Zimmeck and Norman Sadeh

Adapting Sequence Models for Sentence Correction 
Authors:Allen Schmaltz, Yoon Kim, Alexander Rush and Stuart Shieber

Sentiment Intensity Ranking among Adjectives Using Sentiment Bearing Word Embeddings 
Authors: Raksha Sharma, Arpan Somani, Lakshya Kumar and Pushpak Bhattacharyya

Speeding up Reinforcement Learning-based Information Extraction Training using Asynchronous Methods 
Authors: Aditya Sharma, Zarana Parekh and Partha Talukdar

GRASP: Rich Patterns for Argumentation Mining 
Authors: Eyal Shnarch, Ran Levy, Vikas Raykar and Noam Slonim

DOC: Deep Open Classification of Text Documents 
Authors: Lei Shu, Hu Xu and Bing Liu

Context-Aware Representations for Knowledge Base Relation Extraction 
Authors: Daniil Sorokin and Iryna Gurevych

Break it Down for Me: A Study in Automated Lyric Annotation 
Authors: Lucas Sterckx, Jason Naradowsky, Bill Byrne, Thomas Demeester and Chris Develder

Effective Inference for Generative Neural Parsing 
Authors: Mitchell Stern, Daniel Fried and Dan Klein

A Sub-Character Architecture for Korean Language Processing 
Authors: Karl Stratos

NITE: A Neural Inductive Teaching Framework for Domain Specific NER 
Authors: Siliang Tang, Ning Zhang, Jinjiang Zhang, Fei Wu and Yueting Zhuang

Preserving Distributional Information in Dialogue Act Classification 
Authors: Quan Hung Tran, Ingrid Zukerman and Gholamreza Haffari

No Need to Pay Attention: Simple Recurrent Neural Networks Work! 
Authors: Ferhan Ture and Oliver Jojic

Ranking Kernels for Structures and Embeddings: A Hybrid Preference and Classification Model 
Authors: Kateryna Tymoshenko, Daniele Bonadiman and Alessandro Moschitti

Sound-Word2Vec: Learning Word Representations Grounded in Sounds 
Authors: Ashwin Vijayakumar, Ramakrishna Vedantam and Devi Parikh

Exploiting Cross-Sentence Context for Neural Machine Translation 
Authors: Longyue Wang, Zhaopeng Tu, Andy Way and Qun Liu

Instance Weighting for Neural Machine Translation Domain Adaptation 
Authors: Rui Wang, Masao Utiyama, Lemao Liu, Kehai Chen and Eiichiro Sumita

Exploiting Word Internal Structures for Generic Chinese Sentence Representation 
Authors: Shaonan Wang, Jiajun Zhang and Chengqing Zong

Learning to Rank Semantic Coherence for Topic Segmentation 
Authors: Liang Wang, Sujian Li, Yajuan Lv and Houfeng WANG

Adversarial Training for Relation Extraction 
Authors: Yi Wu, David Bamman and Stuart Russell

Zipporah: a Fast and Scalable Data Cleaning System for Noisy Web-Crawled Parallel Corpora 
Authors: Hainan Xu and Philipp Koehn

Identifying and Tracking Sentiments and Topics from Social Media Texts during Natural Disasters 
Authors: Min Yang, Jincheng Mei, Heng Ji, zhao wei, Zhou Zhao and Xiaojun Chen

A Simple Regularization-based Algorithm for Learning Cross-Domain Word Embeddings 
Authors: Wei Yang, Wei Lu and Vincent Zheng

Adapting Topic Models using Lexical Associations with Tree Priors 
Authors: Weiwei Yang, Jordan Boyd-Graber and Philip Resnik

Recovering Question Answering Errors via Query Revision 
Authors: Semih Yavuz, Izzeddin Gur, Yu Su and Xifeng Yan

Hierarchically-Attentive RNN for Album Summarization and Storytelling 
Authors: Licheng Yu, Mohit Bansal and Tamara Berg

Refining Word Embeddings for Sentiment Analysis 
Authors: Liang-Chih Yu, Jin Wang, K. Robert Lai and Xuejie Zhang

Joint Embeddings of Chinese Words, Characters, and Fine-grained Subcharacter Components 
Authors: Jinxing Yu, Xun Jian, Hao Xin and Yangqiu Song

Deriving continous grounded meaning representations from referentially structured multimodal contexts 
Authors: Sina Zarrieß and David Schlangen

Towards Compact and Fast Neural Machine Translation Using a Combined Method 
Authors: Xiaowei Zhang, Wei Chen, Shuang Xu and Bo Xu

Noise-Clustered Distant Supervision for Relation Extraction: A Nonparametric Bayesian Perspective 
Authors: Qing Zhang and Houfeng Wang

Stack-based Multi-layer Attention for Transition-based Dependency Parsing 
Authors: Zhirui Zhang, Shujie Liu, Mu Li, Ming Zhou and Enhong Chen

Towards Automatic Construction of News Overview Articles by News Synthesis 
Authors: Jianmin Zhang and Xiaojun Wan

Joint Syntactic and Discourse Parsing with Recurrent Neural Models 
Authors: Kai Zhao, Dapeng Li and Liang Huang

An End-to-End Deep Framework for Answer Triggering with a Novel Group-Level Objective 
Authors: Jie Zhao, Yu Su, Ziyu Guan and Huan Sun

Word-Context Character Embeddings for Chinese Word Segmentation 
Authors: Hao Zhou, Zhenting Yu, Yue Zhang, Shujian Huang, XIN-YU DAI and Jiajun Chen

Accepted long papers

A causal framework for explaining the predictions of black-box sequence-to-sequence model 
Authors:David Alvarez-Melis and Tommi Jaakkola

Repeat before Forgetting: Spaced Repetition for Efficient and Effective Training of Neural Networks 
Authors: Hadi Amiri, Timothy Miller and Guergana Savova

Guided Open Vocabulary Image Captioning with Constrained Beam Search 
Authors: Peter Anderson, Basura Fernando, Mark Johnson and Stephen Gould

Monolingual Phrase Alignment on Parse Forests 
Authors: Yuki Arase and Jun’ichi Tsujii

Identifying Cognate Sets Across Dictionaries of Related Languages 
Authors: Adam St Arnaud, David Beck and Grzegorz Kondrak

Past, Present, Future: A Computational Investigation of the Typology of Tense in 1000 Languages 
Authors: Ehsaneddin Asgari and Hinrich Schütze

Towards Quantum Language Models 
Authors: Ivano Basile and Fabio Tamburini

Graph Convolutional Encoders for Syntax-aware Neural Machine Translation 
Authors: Joost Bastings, Ivan Titov, Wilker Aziz, Diego Marcheggiani and Khalil Simaan

Does syntax help discourse segmentation? Not so much 
Authors: Chloé Braud, Ophélie Lacroix and Anders Søgaard

Efficient Attention using a Fixed-Size Memory Representation 
Authors: Denny Britz, Melody Guan and Minh-Thang Luong

Exploring Hyperparameter Sensitivity in Neural Machine Translation Architectures 
Authors: Denny Britz, Anna Goldie, Minh-Thang Luong and Quoc Le

Speaking, Seeing, Understanding: Correlating semantic models with conceptual representation in the brain 
Authors: Luana Bulat, Stephen Clark and Ekaterina Shutova

Incorporating Global Visual Features into Attention-based Neural Machine Translation. 
Authors: Iacer Calixto, Qun Liu and Nick Campbell

Quasi-Second-Order Parsing for 1-Endpoint-Crossing, Pagenumber-2 Graphs 
Authors: Junjie Cao, Sheng Huang, Weiwei Sun and Xiaojun Wan

Importance sampling for unbiased on-demand evaluation of knowledge base population 
Authors: Arun Chaganty, Ashwin Paranjape, Percy Liang and Christopher D. Manning

Affordable On-line Dialogue Policy Learning 
Authors: Cheng Chang, Runzhe Yang, Lu Chen, Xiang Zhou and Kai Yu

Story Comprehension for Predicting What Happens Next 
Authors: Snigdha Chaturvedi, Haoruo Peng and Dan Roth

Recurrent Attention Network on Memory for Aspect Sentiment Analysis 
Authors: Peng Chen, Zhongqian Sun, Lidong Bing and Wei Yang

Agent-Aware Dropout DQN for Safe and Efficient On-line Dialogue Policy Learning 
Authors:Lu Chen, Xiang Zhou, Cheng Chang, Runzhe Yang and Kai Yu

A Factored Neural Network Model for Characterizing Online Discussions in Vector Space 
Authors: Hao Cheng, Hao Fang and Mari Ostendorf

Event Coreference Resolution by Iteratively Unfolding Inter-dependencies among Events 
Authors: Prafulla Kumar Choubey and Ruihong Huang

Supervised Learning of Universal Sentence Representations from Natural Language Inference Data 
Authors: Alexis Conneau, Douwe Kiela, Holger Schwenk, Loïc Barrault and Antoine Bordes

Efficient Discontinuous Phrase-Structure Parsing via the Generalized Maximum Spanning Arborescence 
Authors: Caio Corro, Joseph Le Roux and Mathieu Lacroix

Cross-lingual Character-Level Neural Morphological Tagging 
Authors: Ryan Cotterell and Georg Heigold

Neural Machine Translation Leveraging Phrase-based Models in a Hybrid Search 
Authors: Leonard Dahlmann, Evgeny Matusov, Pavel Petrushkov and Shahram Khadivi

What is the Essence of a Claim? Cross-Domain Claim Identification 
Authors: Johannes Daxenberger, Steffen Eger, Ivan Habernal, Christian Stab and Iryna Gurevych

An empirical study of the effectiveness of images on Multi-modal Neural Machine Translation 
Authors: Jean-Benoit Delbrouck and Stéphane Dupont

Multi-View Unsupervised User Feature Embedding for Social Media-based Substance Use Prediction 
Authors: Tao Ding, Warren K. Bickel and Shimei Pan

Learning to Paraphrase for Question Answering 
Authors: Li Dong, Jonathan Mallinson, Siva Reddy and Mirella Lapata

Question Generation for Question Answering 
Authors: Nan Duan, Duyu Tang, Peng Chen and Ming Zhou

Outta Control: Laws of Semantic Change and Inherent Biases in Word Representation Models 
Authors: haim dubossarsky, Daphna Weinshall and Eitan Grossman

Identifying Products in Online Cybercrime Marketplaces: A Dataset for Fine-grained Domain Adaptation 
Authors: Greg Durrett, Jonathan K. Kummerfeld, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, Rebecca Portnoff, Sadia Afroz, Damon McCoy, Kirill Levchenko and Vern Paxson

A Simpler and More Generalizable Story Detector using Verb and Character Features 
Authors: Joshua Eisenberg and Mark Finlayson

Speech segmentation with a neural encoder model of working memory 
Authors: Micha Elsner and Cory Shain

Bootstrapping incremental dialogue systems from minimal data: the generalisation power of dialogue grammars 
Authors: Arash Eshghi, Igor Shalyminov and Oliver Lemon

Bringing Structure into Summaries: Crowdsourcing a Benchmark Corpus of Concept Maps 
Authors: Tobias Falke and Iryna Gurevych

Learning how to Active Learn: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach 
Authors: Meng Fang, Yuan Li and Trevor Cohn

Using millions of emoji occurrences to learn any-domain representations for detecting sentiment, emotion and sarcasm 
Authors: Bjarke Felbo, Alan Mislove, Anders Søgaard, Iyad Rahwan and Sune Lehmann

Memory-augmented Neural Machine Translation 
Authors: Yang Feng, Shiyue Zhang, Andi Zhang, Dong Wang and Andrew Abel

Fine Grained Citation Span for References in Wikipedia 
Authors: Besnik Fetahu, Katja Markert and Avishek Anand

An analysis of eye-movements during reading for the detection of mild cognitive impairment 
Authors: Kathleen C. Fraser, Kristina Lundholm Fors, Dimitrios Kokkinakis and Arto Nordlund

Inducing Semantic Micro-Clusters from Deep Multi-View Representations of Novels 
Authors: Lea Frermann and György Szarvas

Learning Generic Sentence Representations Using Convolutional Neural Networks 
Authors: Zhe Gan, Yunchen Pu, Ricardo Henao, Chunyuan Li, Xiaodong He and Lawrence Carin

Deep Joint Entity Disambiguation with Local Neural Attention 
Authors:Octavian-Eugen Ganea and Thomas Hofmann

Demographic-aware word associations 
Authors: Aparna Garimella, Carmen Banea and Rada Mihalcea

MinIE: Minimizing Facts in Open Information Extraction 
Authors: Kiril Gashteovski, Rainer Gemulla and Luciano Del Corro

Magnets for Sarcasm: Making Sarcasm Detection Timely, Contextual and Very Personal 
Authors: Aniruddha Ghosh and Tony Veale

Dual Tensor Model for Detecting Asymmetric Lexico-Semantic Relations 
Authors: Goran Glavaš and Simone Paolo Ponzetto

Two-Stage Synthesis Networks for Transfer Learning in Machine Comprehension 
Authors: David Golub, Po-Sen Huang, Xiaodong He and Li Deng

Multi-Grained Chinese Word Segmentation 
Authors: Chen Gong, Zhenghua Li, Min Zhang and Xinzhou Jiang

Trainable Greedy Decoding for Neural Machine Translation 
Authors: Jiatao Gu, Kyunghyun Cho and Victor O.K. Li

A Question Answering Approach for Emotion Cause Extraction 
Authors: Lin Gui, Jiannan Hu, Yulan He, Ruifeng Xu, Lu Qin and Jiachen Du

Part-of-Speech Tagging for Twitter with Adversarial Neural Networks 
Authors:Tao Gui, Qi Zhang, Haoran Huang, Minlong Peng and Xuanjing Huang

Entity Linking via Joint Encoding of Types, Descriptions, and Context 
Authors: Nitish Gupta, Sameer Singh and Dan Roth

Exploring Vector Spaces for Semantic Relations 
Authors: Kata Gábor, Haifa Zargayouna, Isabelle Tellier, Davide Buscaldi and Thierry Charnois

Neural Machine Translation with Source-Side Latent Graph Parsing 
Authors: Kazuma Hashimoto and Yoshimasa Tsuruoka

A Joint Many-Task Model: Growing a Neural Network for Multiple NLP Tasks 
Authors: Kazuma Hashimoto, caiming xiong, Yoshimasa Tsuruoka and Richard Socher

An Insight Extraction System on BioMedical Literature with Deep Neural Networks 
Authors: Hua He, Kris Ganjam, Navendu Jain, Jessica Lundin, Ryen White and Jimmy Lin

Accurate Supervised and Semi-Supervised Machine Reading for Long Documents 
Authors: Daniel Hewlett, Llion Jones, Alexandre Lacoste and izzeddin gur

Towards Decoding as Continuous Optimisation in Neural Machine Translation 
Authors: Cong Duy Vu Hoang, Gholamreza Haffari and Trevor Cohn

Beyond Sentential Semantic Parsing: Tackling the Math SAT with a Cascade of Tree Transducers 
Authors: Mark Hopkins, Cristian Petrescu-Prahova, Roie Levin, Ronan Le Bras, Alvaro Herrasti and Vidur Joshi

Do LSTMs really work so well for PoS tagging? – A replication study 
Authors: Tobias Horsmann and Torsten Zesch

Filling the Blanks (hint: plural noun) for Mad Libs Humor 
Authors: Nabil Hossain, John Krumm, Lucy Vanderwende, Eric Horvitz and Henry Kautz

Improving Slot Filling Performance with Attentive Neural Networks on Dependency Structures 
Authors: Lifu Huang, Avirup Sil, Heng Ji and Radu Florian

Learning Fine-Grained Expressions to Solve Math Word Problems 
Authors: Danqing Huang, Shuming Shi, Chin-Yew Lin and Jian Yin

PACRR: A Position-Aware Neural IR Model for Relevance Matching 
Authors: Kai Hui, Andrew Yates, Klaus Berberich and Gerard de Melo

A Challenge Set Approach to Evaluating Machine Translation 
Authors: Pierre Isabelle, Colin Cherry and George Foster

Extractive Summarization Using Multi-Task Learning with Document Classification 
Authors: Masaru Isonuma, Toru Fujino, Junichiro Mori, Yutaka Matsuo and Ichiro Sakata

Dynamic Entity Representations in Neural Language Models 
Authors: Yangfeng Ji, Chenhao Tan, Sebastian Martschat, Yejin Choi and Noah A. Smith

Adversarial Examples for Evaluating Reading Comprehension Systems 
Authors: Robin Jia and Percy Liang

Modeling Dialogue Acts with Content Word Filtering and Speaker Preferences 
Authors: Yohan Jo, Michael Yoder, Hyeju Jang and Carolyn Rose

ConStance: Modeling Annotation Contexts to Improve Stance Classification 
Authors: Kenneth Joseph, Lisa Friedland, William Hobbs, David Lazer and Oren Tsur

Incremental Skip-gram Model with Negative Sampling 
Authors: Nobuhiro Kaji and Hayato Kobayashi

Detecting and Explaining Causes From Text For a Time Series Event 
Authors: Dongyeop Kang, Varun Gangal, Ang Lu, Zheng Chen and Eduard Hovy

TAG Parsing with Neural Networks and Vector Representations of Supertags 
Authors: Jungo Kasai, Bob Frank, Tom McCoy, Owen Rambow and Alexis Nasr

Identifying civilians killed by police with distantly supervised entity-event extraction 
Authors: Katherine Keith, Abram Handler, Michael Pinkham, Cara Magliozzi, Joshua McDuffie and Brendan O’Connor

Where is Misty? Interpreting Spatial Descriptors by Modeling Regions in Space 
Authors: Nikita Kitaev and Dan Klein

Neural Semantic Parsing with Type Constraints for Semi-Structured Tables 
Authors: Jayant Krishnamurthy, Pradeep Dasigi and Matt Gardner

RACE: Large-scale ReAding Comprehension Dataset From Examinations 
Authors: Guokun Lai, Qizhe Xie, Hanxiao Liu, Yiming Yang and Eduard Hovy

A Continuously Growing Dataset of Sentential Paraphrases 
Authors: Wuwei Lan, Siyu Qiu, Hua He and Wei Xu

Multi-task Attention-based Neural Networks for Implicit Discourse Relationship Representation and Identification 
Authors: Man Lan, Jianxiang Wang, Yuanbin Wu, Zheng-Yu Niu and Haifeng Wang

Counterfactual Learning from Bandit Feedback under Deterministic Logging : A Case Study in Statistical Machine Translation 
Authors: Carolin Lawrence, Artem Sokolov and Stefan Riezler

End-to-end Neural Coreference Resolution 
Authors: Kenton Lee, Luheng He, Mike Lewis and Luke Zettlemoyer

MUSE: Modularizing Unsupervised Sense Embeddings 
Authors: Guang-He Lee and Yun-Nung Chen

Deal or No Deal? End-to-End Learning of Negotiation Dialogues 
Authors: Mike Lewis, Denis Yarats, Yann Dauphin, Devi Parikh and Dhruv Batra

Deep Recurrent Generative Decoder for Abstractive Text Summarization 
Authors: Piji Li, Wai Lam, Lidong Bing and Zihao Wang

Cascaded Attention based Unsupervised Information Distillation for Compressive Summarization 
Authors: Piji Li, Wai Lam, Lidong Bing, Weiwei Guo and Hang Li

Investigating Different Syntactic Context Types and Context Representations for Learning Word Embeddings 
Authors: Bofang Li, Tao Liu, Zhe Zhao, Buzhou Tang, Aleksandr Drozd, Anna Rogers and Xiaoyong Du

Neural Net Models of Open-domain Discourse Coherence 
Authors: Jiwei Li and Dan Jurafsky

Adversarial Learning for Neural Dialogue Generation 
Authors: Jiwei Li, Will Monroe, Tianlin Shi, S\’ebastien Jean, Alan Ritter and Dan Jurafsky

Multi-modal Summarization for Asynchronous Collection of Text, Image, Audio and Video 
Authors: Haoran Li, Junnan Zhu, Cong Ma, Jiajun Zhang and Chengqing Zong

Reasoning with Heterogeneous Knowledge for Commonsense Machine Comprehension 
Authors: Hongyu Lin, Le Sun and Xianpei Han

Heterogeneous Supervision for Relation Extraction: A Representation Learning Approach 
Authors: Liyuan Liu, Xiang Ren, Qi Zhu, Shi Zhi, Huan Gui, Heng Ji and Jiawei Han

Structural Embedding of Syntactic Trees for Machine Comprehension 
Authors: Rui Liu, Junjie Hu, Wei Wei, Zi Yang and Eric Nyberg

Using Context Information for Dialog Act Classification in DNN Framework 
Authors:Yang Liu, Kun Han, Zhao Tan and Yun Lei

Learning Contextually Informed Representations for Linear-Time Discourse Parsing 
Authors: Yang Liu and Mirella Lapata

Idiom-Aware Compositional Distributed Semantics 
Authors: Pengfei Liu, Kaiyu Qian, Xipeng Qiu and Xuanjing Huang

A Cognition Based Attention Model for Sentiment Analysis 
Authors: Yunfei Long, Lu Qin, Rong Xiang, Minglei Li and Chu-Ren Huang

World Knowledge for Reading Comprehension: Rare Entity Prediction with Hierarchical LSTMs Using External Descriptions 
Authors: Teng Long, Emmanuel Bengio, Ryan Lowe, Jackie Chi Kit Cheung and Doina Precup

Scientific Information Extraction with Semi-supervised Neural Tagging 
Authors: Yi Luan, Mari Ostendorf and Hannaneh Hajishirzi

Learning to Predict Charges for Criminal Cases with Legal Basis 
Authors: Bingfeng Luo, Yansong Feng, Jianbo Xu, Xiang Zhang and Dongyan Zhao

Human Centered NLP with User-Factor Adaptation 
Authors: Veronica Lynn, Youngseo Son, Vivek Kulkarni, Niranjan Balasubramanian and H. Andrew Schwartz

Further Investigation into Reference Bias in Monolingual Evaluation of Machine Translation 
Authors: Qingsong Ma, Yvette Graham, Timothy Baldwin and Qun Liu

The Promise of Premise: Harnessing Question Premises in Visual Question Answering 
Authors: Aroma Mahendru, Viraj Prabhu, Akrit Mohapatra, Dhruv Batra and Stefan Lee

A Mention-Ranking Model for Abstract Anaphora Resolution 
Authors: Ana Marasovic, Leo Born, Juri Opitz and Anette Frank

Encoding Sentences with Graph Convolutional Networks for Semantic Role Labeling 
Authors: Diego Marcheggiani and Ivan Titov

Learning What’s Easy: Fully Differentiable Neural Easy-First Taggers 
Authors: André F. T. Martins and Julia Kreutzer

Cheap Translation for Cross-Lingual Named Entity Recognition 
Authors: Stephen Mayhew, Chen-Tse Tsai and Dan Roth

The Labeled Segmentation of Printed Books 
Authors: Lara McConnaughey, Jennifer Dai and David Bamman

SCDV : Sparse Composite Document Vectors using soft clustering over distributional representations 
Authors: Dheeraj Mekala, Vivek Gupta, Bhargavi Paranjape and Harish Karnick

Temporal Information Extraction for Question Answering Using Syntactic Dependencies in an LSTM-based Architecture 
Authors: Yuanliang Meng, Anna Rumshisky and Alexey Romanov

Mapping Instructions and Visual Observations to Actions with Reinforcement Learning 
Authors: Dipendra Misra, John Langford and Yoav Artzi

Identifying Humor in Reviews using Background Text Sources 
Authors: Alex Morales and Chengxiang Zhai

Labeling Gaps Between Words: Recognizing Overlapping Mentions with Mention Separators 
Authors: Aldrian Obaja Muis and Wei Lu

Knowledge Distillation for Bilingual Dictionary Induction 
Authors: Ndapandula Nakashole and Raphael Flauger

Split and Rephrase 
Authors: Shashi Narayan, Claire Gardent, Shay B. Cohen and Anastasia Shimorina

Reinforcement Learning for Bandit Neural Machine Translation with Simulated Human Feedback 
Authors: Khanh Nguyen, Hal Daumé III and Jordan Boyd-Graber

Hierarchical Embeddings for Hypernymy Detection and Directionality 
Authors: Kim Anh Nguyen, Maximilian Köper, Sabine Schulte im Walde and Ngoc Thang Vu

Shortest-Path Graph Kernels for Document Similarity 
Authors: Giannis Nikolentzos, Polykarpos Meladianos, Francois Rousseau, Yannis Stavrakas and Michalis Vazirgiannis

A Structured Learning Approach to Temporal Relation Extraction 
Authors: Qiang Ning, Zhili Feng and Dan Roth

Task-Oriented Query Reformulation with Reinforcement Learning 
Authors: Rodrigo Nogueira and Kyunghyun Cho

Why We Need New Evaluation Metrics for NLG 
Authors: Jekaterina Novikova, Ondřej Dušek, Amanda Cercas Curry and Verena Rieser

KGEval: Accuracy Estimation of Automatically Constructed Knowledge Graphs 
Authors: Prakhar Ojha and Partha Talukdar

Latent Space Embedding for Retrieval in Question-Answer Archives 
Authors: Deepak P, Dinesh Garg and Shirish Shevade

Rotated Word Vector Representations and their Interpretability 
Authors: Sungjoon Park, JinYeong Bak and Alice Oh

Train-O-Matic: Large-Scale Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation in Multiple Languages without Manual Training Data 
Authors: Tommaso Pasini and Roberto Navigli

All that is English may be Hindi: Enhancing language identification through automatic ranking of the likeliness of word borrowing in social media 
Authors: Jasabanta Patro, Bidisha Samanta, Saurabh Singh, Abhipsa Basu, Prithwish Mukherjee, Monojit Choudhury and Animesh Mukherjee

Deeper Attention to Abusive User Content Moderation 
Authors: John Pavlopoulos, Prodromos Malakasiotis and Ion Androutsopoulos

Maximum Margin Reward Networks for Learning from Explicit and Implicit Supervision 
Authors: Haoruo Peng, Ming-Wei Chang and Wen-tau Yih

Composite Task-Completion Dialogue Policy Learning via Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning 
Authors: Baolin Peng, Xiujun Li, Lihong Li, Jianfeng Gao, Asli Celikyilmaz, Sungjin Lee and Kam-Fai Wong

Mimicking Word Embeddings using Subword RNNs 
Authors: Yuval Pinter, Robert Guthrie and Jacob Eisenstein

Author-aware Aspect Topic Sentiment Model to Retrieve Supporting Opinions from Reviews 
Authors: Lahari Poddar, Wynne Hsu and Mong Li Lee

Towards Debate Automation: a Recurrent Model for Predicting Debate Winners 
Authors: Peter Potash and Anna Rumshisky

Here’s My Point: Joint Pointer Architecture for Argument Mining 
Authors: Peter Potash, Alexey Romanov and Anna Rumshisky

Neural Sequence Learning Models for Word Sense Disambiguation 
Authors: Alessandro Raganato, Claudio Delli Bovi and Roberto Navigli

Continuous Representation of Location for Geolocation and Lexical Dialectology using Mixture Density Networks 
Authors: Afshin Rahimi, Timothy Baldwin and Trevor Cohn

Globally Normalized Reader 
Authors: Jonathan Raiman and John Miller

Improving sequence to sequence learning with unlabeled data 
Authors: Prajit Ramachandran, Peter Liu and Quoc Le

Dimensions of Interpersonal Relationships: Corpus and Experiments 
Authors: Farzana Rashid and Eduardo Blanco

Universal Semantic Parsing 
Authors: Siva Reddy, Oscar Täckström, Slav Petrov, Mark Steedman and Mirella Lapata

Grasping the Finer Point: A Supervised Similarity Network for Metaphor Detection 
Authors: Marek Rei, Luana Bulat, Douwe Kiela and Ekaterina Shutova

Reporting Score Distributions Makes a Difference: Performance Study of LSTM-networks for Sequence Tagging 
Authors: Nils Reimers and Iryna Gurevych

Learning Word Relatedness over Time 
Authors: Guy D. Rosin, Kira Radinsky and Eytan Adar

Learning to select data for transfer learning with Bayesian Optimization 
Authors: Sebastian Ruder and Barbara Plank

From Textbooks to Knowledge: A Case Study in Harvesting Axiomatic Knowledge from Textbooks to Solve Geometry Problems 
Authors: Mrinmaya Sachan, Kumar Dubey and Eric Xing

Measuring Thematic Fit with Distributional Feature Overlap 
Authors: Enrico Santus, Emmanuele Chersoni, Alessandro Lenci and Philippe Blache

Quantifying the Effects of Text Duplication on Semantic Models 
Authors: Alexandra Schofield, Laure Thompson and David Mimno

Multi-modular domain-tailored OCR post-correction 
Authors: Sarah Schulz and Jonas Kuhn

Assessing Objective Recommendation Quality through Political Forecasting 
Authors: H. Andrew Schwartz, Masoud Rouhizadeh, Michael Bishop, Philip Tetlock, Barbara Mellers and Lyle Ungar

A Hybrid Convolutional Variational Autoencoder for Text Generation 
Authors: Stanislau Semeniuta, Aliaksei Severyn and Erhardt Barth

Piecewise Latent Variables for Neural Variational Text Processing 
Authors: Iulian Vlad Serban, Alexander G. Ororbia, Joelle Pineau and Aaron Courvill

Generating High-Quality and Informative Conversation Responses with Sequence-to-Sequence Models 
Authors: Yuanlong Shao, Stephan Gouws, Denny Britz, Anna Goldie, Brian Strope and Ray Kurzweil

Inter-Weighted Alignment Network for Sentence Pair Modeling 
Authors: Gehui Shen, Yunlun Yang and Zhi-Hong Deng

Fast(er) Exact Decoding and Global Training for Transition-Based Dependency Parsing via a Minimal Feature Set 
Authors: Tianze Shi, Liang Huang and Lillian Lee

Never Abandon Minorities: Exhaustive Extraction of Bursty Phrases on Microblogs Using Set Cover Problem 
Authors: Masumi Shirakawa, Takahiro Hara and Takuya Maekawa

Neural Lattice-to-Sequence Models for Uncertain Inputs 
Authors: Matthias Sperber, Graham Neubig, Jan Niehues and Alex Waibel

Joint Concept Learning and Semantic Parsing from Natural Language Explanations 
Authors: Shashank Srivastava, Igor Labutov and Tom Mitchell

Unfolding and Shrinking Neural Machine Translation Ensembles 
Authors: Felix Stahlberg and Bill Byrne

Neural Discontinuous Constituency Parsing 
Authors: Miloš Stanojević and Raquel Garrido Alhama

Fast and Accurate Entity Recognition with Iterated Dilated Convolutions 
Authors: Emma Strubell, Patrick Verga, David Belanger and Andrew McCallum

Learning Chinese Word Representations From Glyphs Of Characters 
Authors: Tzu-ray Su and Hung-yi Lee

Cross-domain Semantic Parsing via Paraphrasing 
Authors: Yu Su and Xifeng Yan

“i have a feeling trump will win………………”: Forecasting Winners and Losers from User Predictions on Twitter 
Authors: Sandesh Swamy, Alan Ritter and Marie-Catherine de Marneffe

Entity Linking for Queries by Searching Wikipedia Sentences 
Authors: Chuanqi Tan, Furu Wei, Pengjie Ren, Weifeng Lv and Ming Zhou

Dict2vec : Learning Word Embeddings using Lexical Dictionaries 
Authors: Julien Tissier, Christopher Gravier and Amaury Habrard

Detecting Perspectives in Political Debates 
Authors: David Vilares and Yulan He

Cross-Lingual Induction and Transfer of Verb Classes Based on Word Vector Space Specialisation 
Authors: Ivan Vulić, Nikola Mrkšić and Anna Korhonen

The Impact of Modeling Overall Argumentation with Tree Kernels 
Authors: Henning Wachsmuth, Giovanni Da San Martino, Dora Kiesel and Benno Stein

Getting the Most out of AMR Parsing 
Authors: Chuan Wang and Nianwen Xue

Affinity-Preserving Random Walk for Multi-Document Summarization 
Authors: Kexiang Wang, Tianyu Liu, Zhifang Sui and Baobao Chang

Steering Output Style and Topic in Neural Response Generation 
Authors: Di Wang, Nebojsa Jojic, Chris Brockett and Eric Nyberg

Opinion Recommendation Using A Neural Model 
Authors: Zhongqing Wang and Yue Zhang

A Short Survey on Taxonomy Learning from Text Corpora: Issues, Resources and Recent Advances 
Authors: Chengyu Wang, Xiaofeng He and Aoying Zhou

Learning Fine-grained Relations from Chinese User Generated Categories 
Authors: Chengyu Wang, Yan Fan, Xiaofeng He and Aoying Zhou

Translating Phrases in Neural Machine Translation 
Authors: Xing Wang, Zhaopeng Tu, Deyi Xiong and Min Zhang

Sentiment Lexicon Expansion Based on Neural PU Learning, Double Dictionary Lookup, and Polarity Association 
Authors: Yasheng Wang, Yang Zhang and Bing Liu

Sentiment Lexicon Construction with Representation Learning Based on Hierarchical Sentiment Supervision 
Authors: Leyi Wang and Rui Xia

Integrating Order Information and Event Relation for Script Event Prediction 
Authors: Zhongqing Wang, Yue Zhang and Ching-Yun Chang

Deep Neural Solver for Math Word Problems 
Authors: Yan Wang, Xiaojiang Liu and Shuming Shi

CROWD-IN-THE-LOOP: A Hybrid Approach for Annotating Semantic Roles 
Authors: Chenguang Wang, Alan Akbik, laura chiticariu, Yunyao Li, Fei Xia and Anbang Xu

Transition-Based Disfluency Detection using LSTMs 
Authors: Shaolei Wang, Wanxiang Che, Yue Zhang, Meishan Zhang and Ting Liu

Dynamic Data Selection for Neural Machine Translation 
Authors: Marlies van der Wees, Arianna Bisazza and Christof Monz

Neural Machine Translation with Word Predictions 
Authors: Rongxiang Weng, Shujian Huang, Zaixiang Zheng, XIN-YU DAI and Jiajun CHEN

Learning Paraphrastic Sentence Embeddings from Back-Translated Bitext 
Authors: John Wieting, Jonathan Mallinson and Kevin Gimpel

Learning Translations via Matrix Completion 
Authors: Derry Tanti Wijaya, Brendan Callahan, John Hewitt, Jie Gao, Xiao Ling, Marianna Apidianaki and Chris Callison-Burch

Challenges in Data-to-Document Generation 
Authors: Sam Wiseman, Alexander Rush and Stuart Shieber

DeepPath: A Reinforcement Learning Method for Knowledge Graph Reasoning 
Authors: Wenhan Xiong, Thien Hoang and William Yang Wang

Neural Response Generation via GAN with an Approximate Embedding Layer 
Authors: Zhen Xu, Bingquan Liu, Baoxun Wang, Chengjie SUN, Xiaolong Wang, Zhuoran Wang and Chao Qi

Towards a Universal Sentiment Classifier in Multiple languages 
Authors: Kui Xu and Xiaojun Wan

Determining Semantic Textual Similarity using Natural Deduction Proofs 
Authors: Hitomi Yanaka, Koji Mineshima, Pascual Martínez-Gómez and Daisuke Bekki

Satirical News Detection and Analysis using Attention Mechanism and Linguistic Features 
Authors: Fan Yang, Arjun Mukherjee and Eduard Dragut

Identifying Semantic Edit Intentions from Revisions in Wikipedia 
Authors: Diyi Yang, Aaron Halfaker, Robert Kraut and Eduard Hovy

Reference-Aware Language Models 
Authors: Zichao Yang, Phil Blunsom, Chris Dyer and Wang Ling

A Joint Sequential and Relational Model for Frame-Semantic Parsing 
Authors: Bishan Yang and Tom Mitchell

Towards Bidirectional Hierarchical Representations for Attention-based Neural Machine Translation 
Authors: Baosong Yang, Derek F. Wong, Tong Xiao, Lidia S. Chao and Jingbo Zhu

Neural Sequence-Labelling Models for Grammatical Error Correction 
Authors: Helen Yannakoudakis, Marek Rei, Øistein E. Andersen and Zheng Yuan

Towards Implicit Content-Introducing for Generative Short-Text Conversation Systems 
Authors: Lili Yao, Yaoyuan Zhang, Yansong Feng, Dongyan Zhao and Rui Yan

Depression and Self-Harm Risk Assessment in Online Forums 
Authors: Andrew Yates, Arman Cohan and Nazli Goharian

Document-Level Multi-Aspect Sentiment Classification as Machine Comprehension 
Authors: Yichun Yin, Yangqiu Song and Ming Zhang

Obj2Text: Generating Visually Descriptive Language from Object Layouts 
Authors: Xuwang Yin and Vicente Ordonez

Chinese Zero Pronoun Resolution with Deep Memory Network 
Authors: Qingyu Yin, Yu Zhang, Weinan Zhang and Ting Liu

Tensor Fusion Network for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis 
Authors: Amir Zadeh, Minghai Chen, Soujanya Poria, Erik Cambria and Louis-Philippe Morency

Don’t Throw Those Morphological Analyzers Away Just Yet: Neural Morphological Disambiguation for Arabic 
Authors: Nasser Zalmout and Nizar Habash

Zero-Shot Activity Recognition with Verb Attribute Induction 
Authors: Rowan Zellers and Yejin Choi

Incorporating Relation Paths in Neural Relation Extraction 
Authors: Wenyuan Zeng, Yankai Lin, Zhiyuan Liu and Maosong Sun

Semi-supervised Structured Prediction with Neural CRF Autoencoder 
Authors: Xiao Zhang, Yong Jiang, Hao Peng, Kewei Tu and Dan Goldwasser

Sentence Simplification with Deep Reinforcement Learning 
Authors: Xingxing Zhang and Mirella Lapata

End-to-End Neural Relation Extraction with Global Optimization 
Authors: Meishan Zhang, Yue Zhang and Guohong Fu

Position-aware Attention and Supervised Data Improve Slot Filling 
Authors: Yuhao Zhang, Victor Zhong, Danqi Chen, Gabor Angeli and Christopher D. Manning

Earth Mover’s Distance Minimization for Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction 
Authors: Meng Zhang, Yang Liu, Huanbo Luan and Maosong Sun

Macro Grammars and Holistic Triggering for Efficient Semantic Parsing 
Authors: Yuchen Zhang, Panupong Pasupat and Percy Liang

Asking too much? The rhetorical role of questions in political discourse 
Authors: Justine Zhang, Arthur Spirling and Cristian Danescu-Niculescu-Mizil

Men Also Like Shopping: Reducing Gender Bias Amplification using Corpus-level Constraints 
Authors: Jieyu Zhao, Tianlu Wang, Mark Yatskar, Vicente Ordonez and Kai-Wei Chang

Ngram2vec: Learning Improved Word Representations from Ngram Co-occurrence Statistics 
Authors: Zhe Zhao, Tao Liu, Shen Li, Bofang Li and Xiaoyong Du

ncremental Graph-based Neural Dependency Parsing 
Authors: Xiaoqing Zheng

Identifying Semantically Deviating Outlier Documents 
Authors: Honglei Zhuang, Chi Wang, Fangbo Tao, Lance Kaplan and Jiawei Han

Accepted demo papers 
QUINT: Interpretable Question Answering over Knowledge Bases 
Authors: QUINT: Interpretable Question Answering over Knowledge Bases

LangPro: Natural Language Theorem Prover 
Authors: Lasha Abzianidze

The Projector: An Interactive Annotation Projection Visualization Tool 
Authors: Alan Akbik and Roland Vollgraf

An Analysis and Visualization Tool for Case Study Learning of Linguistic Concepts 
Authors: Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm, Benjamin Meyers and Emily Prud’hommeaux

NeuroNER: an easy-to-use program for named-entity recognition based on neural networks 
Authors: Franck Dernoncourt, Ji Young Lee and Peter Szolovits

GraphDocExplore: A Framework for the Experimental Comparison of Graph-based Document Exploration Techniques 
Authors: Tobias Falke and Iryna Gurevych

Argotario: Computational Argumentation Meets Serious Games 
Authors: Ivan Habernal, Raffael Hannemann, Christian Pollak, Christopher Klamm, Patrick Pauli and Iryna Gurevych

MoodSwipe: A Soft Keyboard that Suggests MessageBased on User-Specified Emotions 
Authors: Chieh-Yang Huang, Tristan Labetoulle, Ting-Hao Huang, Yi-Pei Chen, Hung-Chen Chen, Vallari Srivastava and Lun-Wei Ku

nteractive Visualization and Manipulation of Attention-based Neural Machine Translation 
Authors: Jaesong Lee, Joong-Hwi Shin and Jun-Seok Kim

KnowYourNyms? A Game of Semantic Relationships 
Authors: Ross Mechanic, Dean Fulgoni, Hannah Cutler, Sneha Rajana, Zheyuan Liu, Bradley Jackson, Anne Cocos, Chris Callison-Burch and Marianna Apidianaki

ParlAI: A Dialog Research Software Platform 
Authors:Alexander Miller, Will Feng, Dhruv Batra, Antoine Bordes, Adam Fisch, Jiasen Lu, Devi Parikh and Jason Weston

Unsupervised, Knowledge-Free, and Interpretable Word Sense Disambiguation 
Authors: Alexander Panchenko, Fide Marten, Eugen Ruppert, Stefano Faralli, Dmitry Ustalov, Simone Paolo Ponzetto and Chris Biemann

SupWSD: A Flexible Toolkit for Supervised Word Sense Disambiguation 
Authors: Simone Papandrea, Alessandro Raganato and Claudio Delli Bovi

Function Assistant: A Tool for NL Querying of APIs 
Authors: Kyle Richardson and Jonas Kuhn

HeidelPlace: An Extensible Framework for Geoparsing 
Authors: Ludwig Richter, Johanna Geiß, Andreas Spitz and Michael Gertz

Interactive Visualization for Linguistic Structure 
Authors: Aaron Sarnat, Vidur Joshi, Cristian Petrescu-Prahova, Alvaro Herrasti, Brandon Stilson and Mark Hopkins

The NLTK FrameNet API: Designing for Discoverability with a Rich Linguistic Resource 
Authors: Nathan Schneider and Chuck Wooters

DLATK: Differential Language Analysis ToolKit 
Authors: H. Andrew Schwartz, Salvatore Giorgi, Maarten Sap, Patrick Crutchley, Lyle Ungar and Johannes Eichstaedt

Interactive Abstractive Summarization for Event News Tweets 
Authors: Ori Shapira, Hadar Ronen, Meni Adler, Yael Amsterdamer, Judit Bar-Ilan and Ido Dagan

SGNMT – A Flexible NMT Decoding Platform for Quick Prototyping of New Models and Search Strategies 
Authors: Felix Stahlberg, Eva Hasler, Danielle Saunders and Bill Byrn

StruAP: A Tool for Bundling Linguistic Trees through Structure-based Abstract Pattern 
Authors: Kohsuke Yanai, Misa Sato, Toshihiko Yanase, Kenzo Kurotsuchi, Yuta Koreeda and Yoshiki Niwa
