Aug. 2017 草莓专题之 Picnic




Summer is here! 微风和煦,阳光明媚的夏季最适合户外郊游啦!今天我们就带宝宝们去户外郊游野餐吧!

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Do you like picnics?

Preparation 整装待发

前我们可以问宝宝 How about we go for a picnic today? 今天我们去郊游野餐怎么样?

外出野餐食物一定要准备充足哦,把宝宝最爱的食物都带上吧!Hamburger,sandwich,cookies,fruit,lollipops,sushi,juice,dessert,pizza,eggs,water…what's your favorite?




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We can rest in the tent.

Picnic mat 野餐垫

把野餐垫铺在草地上,一家人边吃边玩不亦乐乎。如果垫子不太重,可以让宝贝帮忙 carry the mat,还可以让宝贝们帮忙 set up the mat。

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Set up the mat 把垫子铺好东西摆好



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Swing on the hammock 在吊床上摇啊摇

Food & Fun 吃喝玩乐

准备好了野餐需要携带的物品,这次我们就来正式开始野餐吧!Let's enjoy our PICNIC!

爸爸妈妈们是不是带了好多小朋友们喜欢的食物呀。如果宝宝没有帮忙准备食物,我们可以跟他们玩一个猜猜游戏,Can you guess what's in the picnic basket? 猜到的一样样拿出来,猜不到的当然就是 surprise 咯!

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Picnic Basket

享受野餐美食期间,我们可以问 What would you like to eat? What would you like to drink?

吃到差不多了,我们可以问 Would you like any more? 还要再吃一点吗?

如果还想吃一些,可以用 I would like (an apple), please./ One more (banana), please.

如果已经吃饱了,可以让小朋友说 No, thanks. I'm full / I'm stuffed already. I wanna go play!

除了刚才的 guessing game,“酒足饭饱”后,不妨带着宝宝做一些小游戏!Try these easy games on warm, sunny days!

1. Hide-and-seek 捉迷藏

Let's play hide-and-seek. You and Mommy go hide, Daddy will find you. I'll count to 10!

2. Word solitaire 单词接龙


3. Scavenger Hunt 找物件


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Scavenger Hunt

如果对以上游戏都不感兴趣,可以问问宝贝 Do you wanna go feed the ducks? Let's feed the colorful koi fish (锦鲤), too! 如果河比较浅,没有 koi,这个季节我们可以找找看有没有蝌蚪。Let's see if we could spot some tadpoles!

Cleaning Up Time

野餐结束,快乐的一天过去啦,在离开的时候,妈妈收拾好食物,爸爸可以带着小朋友们帮忙 clean up 哦。

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Clean up

拿出垃圾袋,爸爸妈妈可以让小朋友帮忙 put all the trash in the trash bag, please. 或者 Please throw the garbage into the garbage can.

再和宝宝看一次,是不是已经把野餐垫上或是帐篷里的垃圾都捡起来了呢?Did we pick up all the trash on the mat? How about inside the tent? Let's check one more time.

然后再检查下玩具是不是都收拾好了呢?Honey did you pick up all your toys?

要记得多多鼓励我们积极帮忙的宝贝们哦,爸爸妈妈们可以说 Thank you for helping out, honey. You are such a great helper! You did a wonderful job cleaning up!

最后,我们是不是要把把地垫和帐篷收起来呢?Let's fold up the mat and take down the tent, and we are ready to head home!

这样的 picnic 安排有没有很丰富?我们的 picnic 从 preparation 到 clean up 就这样愉快的结束了,hope you all enjoyed your picnic!

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