

Subversion client displays the following error message when trying to address the repository using an inappropriate URL copied from the web browser's address bar.

Subversion 1.11.x

The Subversion 1.11.x client displays the following error message:

svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://svn.example.com/!/%23MyRepo/'
svn: E175003: The server at 'https://svn.example.com/!/%23MyRepo/' does not support the HTTP/DAV protocol

Subversion 1.9.x and 1.10.x

The Subversion 1.9.x and 1.10.x clients display the following error message:

svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://svn.example.com/!/%23MyRepo/view/head/paint/trunk'
svn: E175009: The XML response contains invalid XML
svn: E130003: Malformed XML: no element found

Subversion 1.8.x

The Subversion 1.8.x client displays the following error message:

svn: E175002: Unexpected HTTP status 405 'Method Not Allowed' on '/!/%23MyRepo/view/head/paint/trunk'
svn: E175002: Additional errors:
svn: E175002: PROPFIND request on '/!/%23MyRepo/view/head/paint/trunk' failed: 405 Method Not Allowed


The error indicates that the URL used to address the repository using Subversion client is inappropriate.

Most likely, the URL was copied from the web browser's address bar when exploring the repository through the web interface of VisualSVN Server. Subversion client programs are not capable of handling the syntax of such URLs. The appropriate URLs should be obtained by clicking the Checkout button in the web interface.


When you are going to check out a working copy or one way or another use a Subversion client to access a repository, you should obtain the appropriate Subversion repository URL by pressing the Checkout button.

Follow these steps to obtain the Subversion repository URL that can be used with a Subversion client program:

  1. On the VisualSVN Server web interface, navigate to the desired path in the Subversion repository.
  2. Click the Checkout button at the top right-hand side of the web interface.
  3. Copy the repository URL to clipboard.
  4. Paste the repository URL to your Subversion client program.
Last Modified:  November 18, 2016


当复制Web浏览器的SVN地址到TorioseSVN上时显示错误,无法解析URL_第1张图片 当复制Web浏览器的SVN地址到TorioseSVN上时显示错误,无法解析URL_第2张图片
