


‘Pooh, I’m not frightened,’ said Lena. Suddenly she gave a little squeal and danced in front of the other girls. ‘What! Watch me! Watch me now!’ said Lena. And sliding, gliding, dragging one foot, giggling behind her hand, Lena went over to the Kelveys.

Lil looked up from her dinner. She wrapped the rest quickly away. Our Else stopped chewing. What was coming now?

‘It is true you’re going to be a servant when you grow up, Lil Kelvey ?’ shrilled Lena.

Dead silence. But instead of answering, Lil only gave her silly, shamefaced smile. She didn’t seem to mind the question at all. What a sell for Lena! The girls began to titter.

Lena couldn’t stand that. She put her hands on her hips; she shot forward. ‘Yah, yer father’s in prison!’ she hissed, spitefully.

This was such a marvellous thing to have said that the lilltle girls rushed away in a body, deeply, deeply excited, wild with joy. Some one found a long rope, and they began skipping. And never did they skip so high, run in and out so fast, or do such daring things as on that morning.

In the afternoon Pat called for the Burnell children with the buggy and they drove home. There were visitors. Isabel and Lottie, who liked visitors, went upstairs to change their pinafores. But Kezia thieved out at the back. Nobody was about; she began to swing on the big white gates of the courtyard. Presently, looking along the road, she saw two little dots. They grew bigger, they were coming towards her. Now she could see that one was in front and one close behind. Now she could see that they were the Kelveys …










“呸,我才不怕呢,” Lena 尖声道——跳到 Kelvey 姐妹面方,“喂!大家看过来!立马看着我!” Lena 大摇大摆,背着手,一脸坏笑地朝 Kelvey 姐妹走过来。

Lil 抬起头,迅速把剩下的午餐包好。宝贝 Else 哽咽了。这是什么情况?

“你长大后肯定会当佣人。是吧, Lil Kelvey? ” Lena 耸肩问道。

死一般的寂静。出乎意料, Lil 没有回答,只是对 Lena 傻笑。她看似一点也不在乎这个问题。 Lena 多尴尬呀!女孩儿们开始偷笑。

Lena 愤怒了。她把手指放在嘴唇上,得寸进尺:“你爸爸在监狱里!”


那条下午, Pat 用马车将 Burnell 家的孩子接了回去。她们看起来像游客。 Isabel 和 Lottie

——她们喜欢“游客”——上楼穿上了自己的围裙。但是 Kezia 偷偷溜到后门,打开庭院里的白色大门。片刻后,沿着路望去,她看到了两个小点。小点越来越大,朝着她走来。她们一前一后走着。终于,她看清了,原来是 Kelvey 姐妹。



  • 开头写Lena当着大家的面嘲弄Kelvey姐妹俩,一系列动作描写——sliding,gliding,giggling,有重复的节奏感,画面生动。

  • ‘Yah, yer father’s in prison!’——此句中Yah、yer、father都是底层工人阶级的语言。Lena以语言模仿来挖苦对方,企图达到嘲讽效果。十分符合小孩子的恶作剧心理。


  • Kelvey小姐妹遭到同学嘲弄,整个事件明显分为三个阶段。
  1. 伦娜说出了“长大当女佣”为导火索;
  2. Lena当众讲出Kelvey姐妹父亲在监狱。事件达到高潮;
  3. 小孩子都疏散,跳绳去了。即高潮后的纾解阶段。


  • 为什么小孩在眼睁睁看到Kelvey姐妹遭到嘲弄后,会出现'deeply excited'
    的心理状态?为什么跳绳会'skip so high'?因为伦娜做了大家都不敢做的事情,群童得到 vicarious satisfacation (替代的满足)因此欢天喜地不能自已。跳绳也是某种兴奋之后的 catharsis (宣泄)。
