@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class HibernateUtil { private static final SessionFactory sessionFactory; static { sessionFactory = new AnnotationConfiguration().configure().buildSessionFactory(); } public static Session getOpenSession() { return sessionFactory.openSession(); } public static Session getCurrentSession() { return sessionFactory.getCurrentSession(); } } @Entity public class Employee { private Integer id; private String name; private Integer age; @Id @GeneratedValue public Integer getId() { return id; } public void setId(Integer id) { this.id = id; } @Basic public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } @Basic public Integer getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(Integer age) { this.age = age; } public String toString() { return "id:" + id + " " + "name:" + name + " " + "age:" + age; } } @SuppressWarnings("all") public class HQLDemo { @Test public void testHQL() { Session session = HibernateUtil.getOpenSession(); List<Employee> employeeList = session.createQuery("from Employee as e").list(); for(Employee e : employeeList) System.out.println(e); } @Test public void testHQLHasParameter() { Session session = HibernateUtil.getOpenSession(); List<Employee> employeeList = session.createQuery("from Employee as e where e.name = :personName").setString("personName", "xujianguo").list(); for(Employee e : employeeList) System.out.println(e); } }
HQL是Hibernate Query Language的缩写,语法很想SQL,但是HQL是一种面向对象的查询语言。SQL的操作对象是数据列、表等数据库对象,而HQL操作的是类、实例、属性
1.获取Hibernate Session对象 2.编写HQL语句 3.以HQL语句作为参数,调用Session的createQuery方法创建查询对象 4.如果HQL语句包含参数,则调用Query的setXxx方法为参数赋值 5.调用Query独享的list()或uniqueResult()方法返回查询结果列表
HQL查询的from子句: from是最简单的HQL语句,也是最基本的HQL语句,from关键字后紧跟持久化类的类名,如: from Employee表名从Employee类中选出全部的实例 不过我们常用的是这样做: from employee as e这个e就是Employee的别名,也就是实例名,推荐这么写。 HQL查询的select子句: select子句用于选择指定的属性或直接选择某个实体,当然select选择的属性必须是from后持久化类包含的属性,如: select e.name from Employee as e select可以选择任意属性,即不仅可以选择持久化类的直接属性,还可以选择组件属性包含的属性,如: select e.name.firstName from Employee as eHQL查询的聚集函数: 聚集函数: avg:计算属性的平均值 count:统计选择对象的数量 max:统计属性值的最大值 min:统计属性值的最小值 sum:计算属性值的总和 如:
select count(*) from Employee as e @Test
public void testHQLFunction()
Session session = HibernateUtil.getOpenSession();
System.out.println(session.createQuery("select count(*) from Employee as
from employee as e where e.name like "xjg%" @Test public void testHQLWhere() { Session session = HibernateUtil.getOpenSession(); List<Employee> employeeList = session.createQuery("from Employee as e where e.name like 'zhou%'").list(); for(Employee e : employeeList) System.out.println(e); }
order by子句:
from Employee as e order by e.name desc
from Employee as e where e.age > (select p.age from Person as p) @Test public void testHQLChildQuery() { Session session = HibernateUtil.getOpenSession(); List<Employee> employeeList = session.createQuery("from Employee as e where e.age > (select e1.age from Employee as e1 where e1.name = 'xujianguo')").list(); for(Employee e : employeeList) System.out.println(e); } [code] 命名查询: HQL查询还支持将查询所用的HQL语句放入配置文件中,而不是代码中,在Hibernate映射文件的<hibernate-mapping>元素中使用<query>子元素来定义命名查询,这个<query>元素只需指定一个name属性,指定该命名查询的名字 ,如: [code] <query name="query"> from Employee as e <query />
@Test public void testHQLNamedQuery() { Session session = HibernateUtil.getOpenSession(); List<Employee> employeeList = session.getNamedQuery("query").list(); for(Employee e : employeeList) System.out.println(e); }
HQL 查询语句 /** * */ package com.b510.example; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.FetchMode; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.hibernate.Session; /** * * @author XHW * * @date 2011-6-18 * */ public class HibernateTest { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { HibernateTest test = new HibernateTest(); test.where(); test.function(); test.update(); test.jiaoChaCheck(); test.innerJoin(); test.QBC(); test.leftOuterJoin(); test.rightOuterJoin(); } public void where() { // 使用where查询 Session session = HibernateSessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory() .openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session .createQuery("from User where id not between 200 and 2000"); List<User> list = query.list(); for (User user : list) { System.out.println(user.getId() + user.getUsername()); } // 投影查询 中使用where子句 query = session.createQuery("select username from User where id=2"); List<String> listname = query.list(); for (String name : listname) { System.out.println(name); } // in查询 query = session .createQuery("from User where username in ('Hongten','Hanyuan','dfgd')"); List<User> listin = query.list(); for (User user : listin) { System.out.println(user.getId() + user.getUsername()); } // like查询 query = session.createQuery("from User where username not like 'Hon%'"); List<User> listlike = query.list(); for (User user : listlike) { System.out.println(user.getId() + user.getUsername()); } // null查询 query = session.createQuery("from User where password is null"); List<User> listnull = query.list(); for (User user : listnull) { System.out.println(user.getId() + user.getUsername()); } // and查询 query = session .createQuery("from User where password is not null and id<5"); List<User> listand = query.list(); for (User user : listand) { System.out.println(user.getId() + user.getUsername() + user.getPassword()); } // order by query = session.createQuery("from User order by username,id desc"); List<User> listorderby = query.list(); for (User user : listorderby) { System.out.println(user.getId() + user.getUsername()); } // 使用"?"号 作为参数占位符,一条HQL语句中可以使用多个? // query.setInteger(0,2) // query.setString(0,"Hongten") query = session .createQuery("select username from User where username=?"); query.setString(0, "Hongten"); List<String> listwenhao = query.list(); for (String name : listwenhao) { System.out.println(name); } session.getTransaction().commit(); } public void function() {// 把大写字母转化为小写字母 // 作用可以用在:比如在一个用户注册的程序中,大小写不容易区分,但是全部转化为小写后就可以很容易进行比较 Session session = HibernateSessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory() .openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); // 输出原始的数据 Query query = session.createQuery("select username from User"); List<String> list = query.list(); for (String name : list) { System.out.println(name); } System.out.println("-------------------------------------------"); // 输出的数据全部转化为小写 query = session.createQuery("select lower(username) from User"); List<String> listChange = query.list(); for (String name : listChange) { System.out.println(name); } session.getTransaction().commit(); } public void update() { Session session = HibernateSessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory() .openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Query query = session .createQuery("update User set username='洪伟1231' where id=?"); query.setInteger(0, 3); int rowCount = query.executeUpdate(); System.out.println(rowCount); session.getTransaction().commit(); } public void operateProfile() {// 对profile这个类执行HQL语句操作 Session session = HibernateSessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory() .openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); // 执行查询操作 Query query = session.createQuery("from Profile"); List<Profile> list = query.list(); for (Profile profile : list) { System.out.println(profile.getId() + profile.getEmail() + profile.getAddress() + profile.getMobile() + profile.getPostcode()); } // 执行删除操作 query = session.createQuery("delete from Profile where id=?"); query.setInteger(0, 3); int rowCount = query.executeUpdate(); System.out.println(rowCount); session.getTransaction().commit(); } public void jiaoChaCheck() {//交叉查询 //这种方法查询出来的结果是笛卡尔积,对于我们开发中没有多大用处 Session session = HibernateSessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory() .openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Query query=session.createQuery("from User,Profile"); List<Object[]> list=query.list(); for(Object[] values:list){ User user=(User)values[0]; System.out.print("ID :"+user.getId()+",UserName:"+user.getUsername()+",Password:"+user.getPassword()); Profile profile=(Profile)values[1]; System.out.println(profile.getEmail()+profile.getMobile()+profile.getAddress()+profile.getPostcode()); } session.getTransaction().commit(); } public void innerJoin(){//内连接查询 /** * 下面三种hql语句都是可以得到相同的结果 * String hql="select p from Profile as p inner join p.user"; * 在下面的hql语句中加入"fetch"后,此hql语句变为了"迫切HQL"语句,这样的查询效率要比上面的hql语句要高 * String hql="select p from Profile as p inner join fetch p.user"; * * String hql="select p from Profile p,User u where p.user=u"; * String hql="select p from Profile p,User u where p.user.id=u.id"; * */ Session session = HibernateSessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory() .openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); String hql="select p from Profile as p inner join fetch p.user"; //String hql="select p from Profile p,User u where p.user=u"; //String hql="select p from Profile p,User u where p.user.id=u.id"; Query query=session.createQuery(hql); List<Profile> list=query.list(); for(Profile p:list){ System.out.println("ID:"+p.getUser().getId()+" Username: "+p.getUser().getUsername()+" Email: "+p.getEmail()+", Address: "+p.getAddress()); } session.getTransaction().commit(); } public void QBC(){//QBC中实现内连接查询 Session session=HibernateSessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession(); session.beginTransaction(); Criteria criteria=session.createCriteria(Profile.class).createCriteria("user"); List<Profile> list=criteria.list(); for(Profile p:list){ System.out.println("ID:"+p.getUser().getId()+" Username: "+p.getUser().getUsername()+" Email: "+p.getEmail()+", Address: "+p.getAddress()); } //QBC中实现外连接 System.out.println("##################################################"); criteria=session.createCriteria(Profile.class).setFetchMode("user", FetchMode.JOIN); List<Profile> listp=criteria.list(); for(Profile p:list){ System.out.println("ID:"+p.getUser().getId()+" Username: "+p.getUser().getUsername()+" Email: "+p.getEmail()+", Address: "+p.getAddress()); } session.getTransaction().commit(); } public void leftOuterJoin(){//左外连接 /** * String hql="select p from Profile p left outer join p.user order by p.user.id"; * 在下面的hql语句中加入"fetch"后,此hql语句变为了"迫切HQL"语句,这样的查询效率要比上面的hql语句要高 * String hql="select p from Profile p left outer join fetch p.user order by p.user.id"; * * String hqlu="select u from User u left outer join u.profiles"; * 在下面的hql语句中加入"fetch"后,此hql语句变为了"迫切HQL"语句,这样的查询效率要比上面的hql语句要高 * String hqlu="select u from User u left outer join fetch u.profiles"; */ Session session=HibernateSessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); String hql="select p from Profile p left outer join fetch p.user order by p.user.id"; Query query=session.createQuery(hql); List<Profile> list=query.list(); for(Profile p:list){ System.out.println("ID:"+p.getUser().getId()+" Username: "+p.getUser().getUsername()+" Email: "+p.getEmail()+", Address: "+p.getAddress()); } System.out.println("-------------------------------------"); String hqlu="select u from User u left outer join fetch u.profiles"; query=session.createQuery(hqlu); List<User> listu=query.list(); for(User u:listu){ System.out.println(u.getId()+u.getUsername()+u.getProfiles()); } session.getTransaction().commit(); } public void rightOuterJoin(){//右外连接 Session session=HibernateSessionFactoryUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession(); session.beginTransaction(); String hql="select u from User u right outer join u.profiles order by u.id"; Query query=session.createQuery(hql); List<User> listu=query.list(); for(User user:listu){ System.out.println(user.getId()+user.getUsername()+user.getProfiles()); } session.getTransaction().commit(); } } 结果: log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.hibernate.cfg.Environment). log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly. Hibernate: select user0_.id as id0_, user0_.username as username0_, user0_.password as password0_ from users.user user0_ where user0_.id not between 200 and 2000 1hongten 2hanyuan 3hongwei 4mingliu 5shouzhang Hibernate: select user0_.username as col_0_0_ from users.user user0_ where user0_.id=2 hanyuan Hibernate: select user0_.id as id0_, user0_.username as username0_, user0_.password as password0_ from users.user user0_ where user0_.username in ( 'Hongten' , 'Hanyuan' , 'dfgd' ) 1hongten 2hanyuan Hibernate: select user0_.id as id0_, user0_.username as username0_, user0_.password as password0_ from users.user user0_ where user0_.username not like 'Hon%' 2hanyuan 4mingliu 5shouzhang Hibernate: select user0_.id as id0_, user0_.username as username0_, user0_.password as password0_ from users.user user0_ where user0_.password is null Hibernate: select user0_.id as id0_, user0_.username as username0_, user0_.password as password0_ from users.user user0_ where ( user0_.password is not null ) and user0_.id<5 1hongten123 2hanyuan5645645 3hongwei5645645 4mingliu5645645 Hibernate: select user0_.id as id0_, user0_.username as username0_, user0_.password as password0_ from users.user user0_ order by user0_.username, user0_.id desc 2hanyuan 1hongten 3hongwei 4mingliu 5shouzhang Hibernate: select user0_.username as col_0_0_ from users.user user0_ where user0_.username=? hongten Hibernate: select user0_.username as col_0_0_ from users.user user0_ hongten hanyuan hongwei mingliu shouzhang ------------------------------------------- Hibernate: select lower(user0_.username) as col_0_0_ from users.user user0_ hongten hanyuan hongwei mingliu shouzhang Hibernate: update users.user set username='Hongwei1231' where id=? 1 Hibernate: select user0_.id as id0_0_, profile1_.id as id1_1_, user0_.username as username0_0_, user0_.password as password0_0_, profile1_.user_id as user2_1_1_, profile1_.email as email1_1_, profile1_.phone as phone1_1_, profile1_.mobile as mobile1_1_, profile1_.address as address1_1_, profile1_.postcode as postcode1_1_ from users.user user0_, users.profile profile1_ ID :1,UserName:hongten,Password:123hongtenzone@foxmail.com45464Guangzhoushi65465 ID :1,UserName:hongten,Password:123hanyuan@foxmail.com45648255GuangzhoushiDianbian65465 ID :1,UserName:hongten,Password:123hanyuan@foxmail.com45648255GuangzhoushiDianbian65465 ID :2,UserName:hanyuan,Password:5645645hongtenzone@foxmail.com45464Guangzhoushi65465 ID :2,UserName:hanyuan,Password:5645645hanyuan@foxmail.com45648255GuangzhoushiDianbian65465 ID :2,UserName:hanyuan,Password:5645645hanyuan@foxmail.com45648255GuangzhoushiDianbian65465 ID :3,UserName:Hongwei1231,Password:5645645hongtenzone@foxmail.com45464Guangzhoushi65465 ID :3,UserName:Hongwei1231,Password:5645645hanyuan@foxmail.com45648255GuangzhoushiDianbian65465 ID :3,UserName:Hongwei1231,Password:5645645hanyuan@foxmail.com45648255GuangzhoushiDianbian65465 ID :4,UserName:mingliu,Password:5645645hongtenzone@foxmail.com45464Guangzhoushi65465 ID :4,UserName:mingliu,Password:5645645hanyuan@foxmail.com45648255GuangzhoushiDianbian65465 ID :4,UserName:mingliu,Password:5645645hanyuan@foxmail.com45648255GuangzhoushiDianbian65465 ID :5,UserName:shouzhang,Password:5645645hongtenzone@foxmail.com45464Guangzhoushi65465 ID :5,UserName:shouzhang,Password:5645645hanyuan@foxmail.com45648255GuangzhoushiDianbian65465 ID :5,UserName:shouzhang,Password:5645645hanyuan@foxmail.com45648255GuangzhoushiDianbian65465 Hibernate: select profile0_.id as id1_0_, user1_.id as id0_1_, profile0_.user_id as user2_1_0_, profile0_.email as email1_0_, profile0_.phone as phone1_0_, profile0_.mobile as mobile1_0_, profile0_.address as address1_0_, profile0_.postcode as postcode1_0_, user1_.username as username0_1_, user1_.password as password0_1_ from users.profile profile0_ inner join users.user user1_ on profile0_.user_id=user1_.id ID:1 Username: hongten Email: hongtenzone@foxmail.com, Address: Guangzhoushi ID:2 Username: hanyuan Email: hanyuan@foxmail.com, Address: GuangzhoushiDianbian ID:3 Username:Hongwei1231 Email: hanyuan@foxmail.com, Address: GuangzhoushiDianbian Hibernate: select this_.id as id1_1_, this_.user_id as user2_1_1_, this_.email as email1_1_, this_.phone as phone1_1_, this_.mobile as mobile1_1_, this_.address as address1_1_, this_.postcode as postcode1_1_, user1_.id as id0_0_, user1_.username as username0_0_, user1_.password as password0_0_ from users.profile this_ inner join users.user user1_ on this_.user_id=user1_.id ID:1 Username: hongten Email: hongtenzone@foxmail.com, Address: Guangzhoushi ID:2 Username: hanyuan Email: hanyuan@foxmail.com, Address: GuangzhoushiDianbian ID:3 Username: Hongwei1231 Email: hanyuan@foxmail.com, Address: GuangzhoushiDianbian ################################################## Hibernate: select this_.id as id1_1_, this_.user_id as user2_1_1_, this_.email as email1_1_, this_.phone as phone1_1_, this_.mobile as mobile1_1_, this_.address as address1_1_, this_.postcode as postcode1_1_, user2_.id as id0_0_, user2_.username as username0_0_, user2_.password as password0_0_ from users.profile this_ left outer join users.user user2_ on this_.user_id=user2_.id ID:1 Username: hongten Email: hongtenzone@foxmail.com, Address: Guangzhoushi ID:2 Username: hanyuan Email: hanyuan@foxmail.com, Address: GuangzhoushiDianbian ID:3 Username: 洪伟1231 Email: hanyuan@foxmail.com, Address: GuangzhoushiDianbian Hibernate: select profile0_.id as id1_0_, user1_.id as id0_1_, profile0_.user_id as user2_1_0_, profile0_.email as email1_0_, profile0_.phone as phone1_0_, profile0_.mobile as mobile1_0_, profile0_.address as address1_0_, profile0_.postcode as postcode1_0_, user1_.username as username0_1_, user1_.password as password0_1_ from users.profile profile0_ left outer join users.user user1_ on profile0_.user_id=user1_.id order by profile0_.user_id ID:1 Username: hongten Email: hongtenzone@foxmail.com, Address: Guangzhoushi ID:2 Username: hanyuan Email: hanyuan@foxmail.com, Address: GuangzhoushiDianbian ID:3 Username: 洪伟1231 Email: hanyuan@foxmail.com, Address: GuangzhoushiDianbian ------------------------------------- Hibernate: select user0_.id as id0_0_, profiles1_.id as id1_1_, user0_.username as username0_0_, user0_.password as password0_0_, profiles1_.user_id as user2_1_1_, profiles1_.email as email1_1_, profiles1_.phone as phone1_1_, profiles1_.mobile as mobile1_1_, profiles1_.address as address1_1_, profiles1_.postcode as postcode1_1_, profiles1_.user_id as user2_0__, profiles1_.id as id0__ from users.user user0_ left outer join users.profile profiles1_ on user0_.id=profiles1_.user_id 1hongten[com.b510.example.Profile@14eaec9] 2hanyuan[com.b510.example.Profile@569c60] 3Hongwei1231[com.b510.example.Profile@d67067] 4mingliu[] 5shouzhang[] Hibernate: select user0_.id as id0_, user0_.username as username0_, user0_.password as password0_ from users.user user0_ right outer join users.profile profiles1_ on user0_.id=profiles1_.user_id order by user0_.id Hibernate: select profiles0_.user_id as user2_1_, profiles0_.id as id1_, profiles0_.id as id1_0_, profiles0_.user_id as user2_1_0_, profiles0_.email as email1_0_, profiles0_.phone as phone1_0_, profiles0_.mobile as mobile1_0_, profiles0_.address as address1_0_, profiles0_.postcode as postcode1_0_ from users.profile profiles0_ where profiles0_.user_id=? 1hongten[com.b510.example.Profile@10c0f66] Hibernate: select profiles0_.user_id as user2_1_, profiles0_.id as id1_, profiles0_.id as id1_0_, profiles0_.user_id as user2_1_0_, profiles0_.email as email1_0_, profiles0_.phone as phone1_0_, profiles0_.mobile as mobile1_0_, profiles0_.address as address1_0_, profiles0_.postcode as postcode1_0_ from users.profile profiles0_ where profiles0_.user_id=? 2hanyuan[com.b510.example.Profile@e265d0] Hibernate: select profiles0_.user_id as user2_1_, profiles0_.id as id1_, profiles0_.id as id1_0_, profiles0_.user_id as user2_1_0_, profiles0_.email as email1_0_, profiles0_.phone as phone1_0_, profiles0_.mobile as mobile1_0_, profiles0_.address as address1_0_, profiles0_.postcode as postcode1_0_ from users.profile profiles0_ where profiles0_.user_id=?