作者 | Wuzebiao2016
来源 | CSDN博客
3. 根据OpenPose的18个关节点的位置,制定切实可行的关节旋转计划,因为旋转需要其余点绕一个定点来旋转,而一个关节的旋转势必会带动与它相关连的所有点的旋转,所以这一部分要考虑清楚。下面是我当时做的各类型的草稿,大致内容是在研究怎么旋转,这里没有详细体现出来。
4. 然后我设计了一个很大致的关节点联系的草图,大家看具体的关节点联系就好了,我当时是给每个关节标号了。
6. 代码细节我就不细讲了,就是些简单的数学旋转变化,再调一调就出来了,另外这个可以加入SVM,将关节点回归某些指定的动作,这样可以实现在动画过程中你做出指定的动作后动画界面做出一些反馈,最简单的就是你比划两下然后头部的颜色就从白色变成黑色,或把它背景颜色改一下,实现一些用户交互性的东西这些自己去研究,SVM这个简单可行,刚好加到VS里面编译一下就出来了,下面是代码,我就加了一些自己的东西。
图片资源在CSDN下载那里搜索“Anima2D的Robot图片 ”就有了。
namespace gflags = google;
void saveBead(cv::Mat *background, cv::Mat *bead, int X_, int Y_, int tarX, int tarY);
int cvAdd4cMat_q(cv::Mat &dst, cv::Mat &scr, double scale);
cv::Mat rotate(cv::Mat src, double angle);
void getPoint(int *point, int srcX, int srcY, double angle, int srcImgCols, int srcImgRows, int tarImgCols, int tarImgRows);
cv::Mat getRobot(op::Array<float> poseKeypoints,double scale);
double getAngle(double p0_x, double p0_y, double p1_x, double p1_y);
void resizeImg(double scale);
// Robot Param
int point[2] = { 0,0 };
double scale = 1;
img0_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/background0.png"),
img1_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/1.png", -1),
img2_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/2.png", -1),
head_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/3.png", -1),
img4_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/4.png", -1),
foot_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/5.png", -1),
leg_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/6.png", -1),
img7_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/7.png", -1),
bead_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/8.png", -1),
m1_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/9.png", -1),
m2_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/10.png", -1),
hand_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/11.png", -1),
neck_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/12.png", -1),
body_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/13.png", -1),
circle_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/14.png", -1),
img15_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/15.png", -1),
handcenter_s = cv::imread("D:/Robot/16.png", -1), background,
b1= cv::imread("D:/Robot/background1.png")
cv::Mat img0 = img0_s.clone(),
img1 = img1_s.clone(),
img2 = img2_s.clone(),
head = head_s.clone(),
img4 = img4_s.clone(),
foot = foot_s.clone(),
leg = leg_s.clone(),
img7 = img7_s.clone(),
bead = bead_s.clone(),
m1 = m1_s.clone(),
m2 = m2_s.clone(),
hand = hand_s.clone(),
neck = neck_s.clone(),
body = body_s.clone(),
circle = circle_s.clone(),
img15 = img15_s.clone(),
handcenter = handcenter_s.clone();
int camera_rows = 720, camera_cols = 1280;
//int ccount = 0;
struct UserDatum : public op::Datum
bool boolThatUserNeedsForSomeReason;
UserDatum(const bool boolThatUserNeedsForSomeReason_ = false) :
boolThatUserNeedsForSomeReason{ boolThatUserNeedsForSomeReason_ }
class WUserOutput : public op::WorkerConsumer
void initializationOnThread() {}
void workConsumer(const std::shared_ptr
if (datumsPtr != nullptr && !datumsPtr->empty())
const auto& poseKeypoints = datumsPtr->at(0).poseKeypoints;
const auto& poseHeatMaps = datumsPtr->at(0).poseHeatMaps
background = img0.clone();
cv::Mat d2 , d1 = datumsPtr->at(0).cvOutputData,temp, d0 = datumsPtr->at(0).cvInputData;
cv::resize(background, temp, cv::Size(640, 360), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
if (poseKeypoints.empty())
cv::imshow("卡通界面", temp);
d2 = getRobot(poseKeypoints, scale);
cv::resize(d2, d2, cv::Size(640, 360), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::imshow("卡通界面", d2);
cv::resize(d0, d0, cv::Size(640, 360), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::imshow("摄像头界面", d0);
const char key = (char)cv::waitKey(1);
if (key == 27)
catch (const std::exception& e)
op::error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
int openPoseDemo()
op::log("Starting OpenPose demo...", op::Priority::High);
const auto timerBegin = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
op::check(0 <= 3 && 3 <= 255, "Wrong logging_level value.",
__LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
const auto outputSize = op::flagsToPoint("-1x-1", "-1x-1");
// netInputSize
const auto netInputSize = op::flagsToPoint("-1x256", "-1x368");
// faceNetInputSize
const auto faceNetInputSize = op::flagsToPoint("368x368", "368x368 (multiples of 16)");
// handNetInputSize
const auto handNetInputSize = op::flagsToPoint("368x368", "368x368 (multiples of 16)");
// producerType
const auto producerSharedPtr = op::flagsToProducer("", "", "", -1,
false, "-1x-1", 30,
"models/cameraParameters/flir/", !false,
(unsigned int)1, -1);
// poseModel
const auto poseModel = op::flagsToPoseModel("COCO");
// JSON saving
//if (!FLAGS_write_keypoint.empty())
// op::log("Flag `write_keypoint` is deprecated and will eventually be removed."
// " Please, use `write_json` instead.", op::Priority::Max);
// keypointScale
const auto keypointScale = op::flagsToScaleMode(0);
// heatmaps to add
const auto heatMapTypes = op::flagsToHeatMaps(false, false,
const auto heatMapScale = op::flagsToHeatMapScaleMode(2);
// >1 camera view?
const auto multipleView = (false || 1 > 1 || false);
// Enabling Google Logging
const bool enableGoogleLogging = true;
auto wUserOutput = std::make_shared
// Add custom processing
const auto workerOutputOnNewThread = true;
opWrapper.setWorkerOutput(wUserOutput, workerOutputOnNewThread);
// Pose configuration (use WrapperStructPose{} for default and recommended configuration)
const op::WrapperStructPose wrapperStructPose{
!false, netInputSize, outputSize, keypointScale, -1, 0,
1, (float)0.3, op::flagsToRenderMode(-1, multipleView),
poseModel, !false, (float)0.6, (float)0.7,
0, "models/", heatMapTypes, heatMapScale, false,
(float)0.05, -1, enableGoogleLogging };
// Face configuration (use op::WrapperStructFace{} to disable it)
const op::WrapperStructFace wrapperStructFace{
false, faceNetInputSize, op::flagsToRenderMode(-1, multipleView, -1),
(float)0.6, (float)0.7, (float)0.2 };
// Hand configuration (use op::WrapperStructHand{} to disable it)
const op::WrapperStructHand wrapperStructHand{
false, handNetInputSize, 1, (float)0.4, false,
op::flagsToRenderMode(-1, multipleView, -1), (float)0.6,
(float)0.7, (float)0.2 };
// Extra functionality configuration (use op::WrapperStructExtra{} to disable it)
const op::WrapperStructExtra wrapperStructExtra{
false, -1, false, -1, 0 };
// Producer (use default to disable any input)
const op::WrapperStructInput wrapperStructInput{producerSharedPtr, 0, (unsigned int)-1, false, false, 0, false };
const auto displayMode = op::DisplayMode::NoDisplay;
const bool guiVerbose = false;
const bool fullScreen = false;
const op::WrapperStructOutput wrapperStructOutput{
displayMode, guiVerbose, fullScreen, "",
op::stringToDataFormat("yml"), "", "",
"", "", "png", "",
30, "", "png", "",
"", "", "8051" };
// Configure wrapper
opWrapper.configure(wrapperStructPose, wrapperStructFace, wrapperStructHand, wrapperStructExtra,
wrapperStructInput, wrapperStructOutput);
// Set to single-thread running (to debug and/or reduce latency)
if (false)
op::log("Starting thread(s)...", op::Priority::High);
const auto now = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
const auto totalTimeSec = (double)std::chrono::duration_cast
* 1e-9;
const auto message = "OpenPose demo successfully finished. Total time: "
+ std::to_string(totalTimeSec) + " seconds.";
op::log(message, op::Priority::High);
return 0;
catch (const std::exception& e)
op::error(e.what(), __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__);
return -1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
gflags::ParseCommandLineFlags(&argc, &argv, true);
return openPoseDemo();
cv::Mat getRobot(op::Array<float> poseKeypoints,double scale)
for (int person = 0; person < poseKeypoints.getSize(0); person++)
//std::cout << sqrt((poseKeypoints[{person, 1, 0}] - poseKeypoints[{person, 0, 0}])*(poseKeypoints[{person, 1, 0}] - poseKeypoints[{person, 0, 0}]) + (poseKeypoints[{person, 1, 1}] - poseKeypoints[{person, 0, 1}])*(poseKeypoints[{person, 1, 1}] - poseKeypoints[{person, 0, 1}])) << std::endl;
int center_x = background.cols *poseKeypoints[{person, 1, 0}] * 1.0 / camera_cols;
int center_y = background.rows *poseKeypoints[{person, 1, 1}] * 1.0 / camera_rows;
double p0_x, p0_y, p1_x, p1_y, x, y, a;
double bodyAngle = getAngle(poseKeypoints[{person, 1, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 1, 1}], (poseKeypoints[{person, 8, 0}] + poseKeypoints[{person, 11, 0}]) / 2.0, (poseKeypoints[{person, 8, 1}] + poseKeypoints[{person, 11, 1}]) / 2.0);
if (poseKeypoints[{person, 1, 0}] == 0 || poseKeypoints[{person, 1, 1}] == 0 || poseKeypoints[{person, 8, 0}] == 0 || poseKeypoints[{person, 11, 0}] == 0 || poseKeypoints[{person, 8, 1}] == 0 || poseKeypoints[{person, 11, 0}] == 0)
bodyAngle = 0;
cv::Mat neck_ = rotate(neck, bodyAngle);//脖子的偏转随身体
getPoint(point, neck.cols / 2, neck.rows / 2, bodyAngle, neck.cols, neck.rows, neck_.cols, neck_.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
saveBead(&background, &neck_, center_x, center_y, point[0], point[1]);//将翻转后的部位还原到背景图像中
cv::Mat body_ = rotate(body, bodyAngle + 7);//取得部位以及翻转图像
int body_0_X = body.cols / 2, body_0_Y = 25 * scale, //根据原图我确定了五个关键位置,脖子连接部位以及四肢连接的部位
body_1_X = 15 * scale, body_1_Y = body.rows / 5,
body_2_X = body.cols - 10 * scale, body_2_Y = body.rows / 5,
body_3_X = body.cols / 4, body_3_Y = body.rows * 4 / 5,
body_4_X = body.cols * 3 / 4, body_4_Y = body.rows * 4 / 5;
getPoint(point, body_0_X, body_0_Y, bodyAngle, body.cols, body.rows, body_.cols, body_.rows);
body_0_X = point[0]; body_0_Y = point[1];
getPoint(point, body_1_X, body_1_Y, bodyAngle, body.cols, body.rows, body_.cols, body_.rows);
body_1_X = point[0]; body_1_Y = point[1];
getPoint(point, body_2_X, body_2_Y, bodyAngle, body.cols, body.rows, body_.cols, body_.rows);
body_2_X = point[0]; body_2_Y = point[1];
getPoint(point, body_3_X, body_3_Y, bodyAngle, body.cols, body.rows, body_.cols, body_.rows);
body_3_X = point[0]; body_3_Y = point[1];
getPoint(point, body_4_X, body_4_Y, bodyAngle, body.cols, body.rows, body_.cols, body_.rows);
body_4_X = point[0]; body_4_Y = point[1];
cv::Mat m1_ = rotate(m1, bodyAngle);
saveBead(&background, &m1_, body_3_X - body_0_X + center_x, 15 * scale + body_3_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, m1_.cols / 2, m1_.rows / 2);
saveBead(&background, &m1_, body_4_X - body_0_X + center_x, 15 * scale + body_4_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, m1_.cols / 2, m1_.rows / 2);
saveBead(&background, &body_, center_x, center_y, body_0_X, body_0_Y);//将翻转后的部位还原到背景图像中
double m_1x, m_1y, m_0x, m_0y, m_2x, m_2y, m_3x, m_3y;
double hand1Angle = getAngle(poseKeypoints[{person, 2, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 2, 1}], poseKeypoints[{person, 3, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 3, 1}]);
cv::Mat hand1 = rotate(hand, hand1Angle), m2_ = rotate(m2, hand1Angle);
getPoint(point, hand.cols / 2, 0, hand1Angle, hand.cols, hand.rows, hand1.cols, hand1.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_0x = point[0]; m_0y = point[1];
getPoint(point, hand.cols / 2, hand.rows, hand1Angle, hand.cols, hand.rows, hand1.cols, hand1.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_1x = point[0]; m_1y = point[1];
double hand2Angle = getAngle(poseKeypoints[{person, 3, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 3, 1}], poseKeypoints[{person, 4, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 4, 1}]);
cv::Mat hand2 = rotate(hand, hand2Angle), hand2center = rotate(handcenter, hand2Angle + 180);
getPoint(point, hand.cols / 2, 0, hand2Angle, hand.cols, hand.rows, hand2.cols, hand2.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_2x = point[0]; m_2y = point[1];
getPoint(point, hand.cols / 2, hand.rows, hand2Angle, hand.cols, hand.rows, hand2.cols, hand2.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_3x = point[0]; m_3y = point[1];
saveBead(&background, &hand1, body_1_X - body_0_X + center_x, body_1_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, m_0x, m_0y);
saveBead(&background, &hand2, m_3x - m_2x + m_1x - m_0x + body_1_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_3y - m_2y + m_1y - m_0y + body_1_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, m_3x, m_3y);
saveBead(&background, &circle, m_1x - m_0x + body_1_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_1y - m_0y + body_1_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, circle.cols / 2, circle.rows / 2);
saveBead(&background, &hand2center, m_3x - m_2x + m_1x - m_0x + body_1_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_3y - m_2y + m_1y - m_0y + body_1_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, hand2center.cols / 2, hand2center.rows / 2);
saveBead(&background, &bead, body_1_X - body_0_X + center_x, body_1_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, bead.cols / 2, bead.rows / 2);
double headAngle = getAngle(poseKeypoints[{person, 0, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 0, 1}], poseKeypoints[{person, 1, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 1, 1}]);
cv::Mat head_ = rotate(head, headAngle);
getPoint(point, head.cols / 2 - 30 * scale, head.rows, headAngle, head.cols, head.rows, head_.cols, head_.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
saveBead(&background, &head_, center_x, center_y, point[0], point[1]);//将翻转后的部位还原到背景图像中
double hand3Angle = getAngle(poseKeypoints[{person, 5, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 5, 1}], poseKeypoints[{person, 6, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 6, 1}]);
cv::Mat hand3 = rotate(hand, hand3Angle);
getPoint(point, hand.cols / 2, 0, hand3Angle, hand.cols, hand.rows, hand3.cols, hand3.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_0x = point[0]; m_0y = point[1];
getPoint(point, hand.cols / 2, hand.rows, hand3Angle, hand.cols, hand.rows, hand3.cols, hand3.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_1x = point[0]; m_1y = point[1];
double hand4Angle = getAngle(poseKeypoints[{person, 6, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 6, 1}], poseKeypoints[{person, 7, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 7, 1}]);
cv::Mat hand4 = rotate(hand, hand4Angle), hand4center = rotate(handcenter, hand4Angle);
getPoint(point, hand.cols / 2, 0, hand4Angle, hand.cols, hand.rows, hand4.cols, hand4.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_2x = point[0]; m_2y = point[1];
getPoint(point, hand.cols / 2, hand.rows, hand4Angle, hand.cols, hand.rows, hand4.cols, hand4.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_3x = point[0]; m_3y = point[1];
saveBead(&background, &hand3, body_2_X - body_0_X + center_x, body_2_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, m_0x, m_0y);
saveBead(&background, &hand4, m_3x - m_2x + m_1x - m_0x + body_2_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_3y - m_2y + m_1y - m_0y + body_2_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, m_3x, m_3y);
saveBead(&background, &circle, m_1x - m_0x + body_2_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_1y - m_0y + body_2_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, circle.cols / 2, circle.rows / 2);
saveBead(&background, &hand4center, m_3x - m_2x + m_1x - m_0x + body_2_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_3y - m_2y + m_1y - m_0y + body_2_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, hand4center.cols / 2, hand4center.rows / 2);
saveBead(&background, &bead, body_2_X - body_0_X + center_x, body_2_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, bead.cols / 2, bead.rows / 2);
double leg1Angle = getAngle(poseKeypoints[{person, 8, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 8, 1}], poseKeypoints[{person, 9, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 9, 1}]);
cv::Mat leg1 = rotate(leg, leg1Angle);
getPoint(point, leg.cols / 2, 0, leg1Angle, leg.cols, leg.rows, leg1.cols, leg1.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_0x = point[0]; m_0y = point[1];
getPoint(point, leg.cols / 2, leg.rows, leg1Angle, leg.cols, leg.rows, leg1.cols, leg1.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_1x = point[0]; m_1y = point[1];
double leg2Angle = getAngle(poseKeypoints[{person, 9, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 9, 1}], poseKeypoints[{person, 10, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 10, 1}]);
cv::Mat leg2 = rotate(leg, leg2Angle), foot2 = rotate(foot, leg2Angle);
getPoint(point, leg.cols / 2, 0, leg2Angle, leg.cols, leg.rows, leg2.cols, leg2.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_2x = point[0]; m_2y = point[1];
getPoint(point, leg.cols / 2, leg.rows, leg2Angle, leg.cols, leg.rows, leg2.cols, leg2.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_3x = point[0]; m_3y = point[1];
double f_x, f_y;
getPoint(point, foot.cols * 3 / 5 + 10 * scale, 0, leg2Angle, foot.cols, foot.rows, foot2.cols, foot2.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
f_x = point[0]; f_y = point[1];
saveBead(&background, &leg1, body_3_X - body_0_X + center_x, body_3_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, m_0x, m_0y);
saveBead(&background, &leg2, m_1x - m_0x + body_3_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_1y - m_0y + body_3_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, m_2x, m_2y);
saveBead(&background, &bead, m_1x - m_0x + body_3_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_1y - m_0y + body_3_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, bead.cols / 2, bead.rows / 2);
saveBead(&background, &foot2, m_3x - m_2x + m_1x - m_0x + body_3_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_3y - m_2y + m_1y - m_0y + body_3_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, f_x, f_y);
saveBead(&background, &circle, m_3x - m_2x + m_1x - m_0x + body_3_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_3y - m_2y + m_1y - m_0y + body_3_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, circle.cols / 2, circle.rows / 2);
double leg3Angle = getAngle(poseKeypoints[{person, 11, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 11, 1}], poseKeypoints[{person, 12, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 12, 1}]);
cv::Mat leg3 = rotate(leg, leg3Angle);
getPoint(point, leg.cols / 2, 0, leg3Angle, leg.cols, leg.rows, leg3.cols, leg3.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_0x = point[0]; m_0y = point[1];
getPoint(point, leg.cols / 2, leg.rows, leg3Angle, leg.cols, leg.rows, leg3.cols, leg3.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_1x = point[0]; m_1y = point[1];
double leg4Angle = getAngle(poseKeypoints[{person, 12, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 12, 1}], poseKeypoints[{person, 13, 0}], poseKeypoints[{person, 13, 1}]);
cv::Mat leg4 = rotate(leg, leg4Angle), foot4 = rotate(foot, leg4Angle);
getPoint(point, leg.cols / 2, 0, leg4Angle, leg.cols, leg.rows, leg4.cols, leg4.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_2x = point[0]; m_2y = point[1];
getPoint(point, leg.cols / 2, leg.rows, leg4Angle, leg.cols, leg.rows, leg4.cols, leg4.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
m_3x = point[0]; m_3y = point[1];
getPoint(point, foot.cols * 3 / 5 + 10 * scale, 0, leg4Angle, foot.cols, foot.rows, foot4.cols, foot4.rows);//获得翻转部位指定关键点
f_x = point[0]; f_y = point[1];
saveBead(&background, &leg3, body_4_X - body_0_X + center_x, body_4_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, m_0x, m_0y);
saveBead(&background, &leg4, m_1x - m_0x + body_4_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_1y - m_0y + body_4_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, m_2x, m_2y);
saveBead(&background, &bead, m_1x - m_0x + body_4_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_1y - m_0y + body_4_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, bead.cols / 2, bead.rows / 2);
saveBead(&background, &foot4, m_3x - m_2x + m_1x - m_0x + body_4_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_3y - m_2y + m_1y - m_0y + body_4_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, f_x, f_y);
saveBead(&background, &circle, m_3x - m_2x + m_1x - m_0x + body_4_X - body_0_X + center_x, m_3y - m_2y + m_1y - m_0y + body_4_Y - body_0_Y + center_y, circle.cols / 2, circle.rows / 2);
return background;
double getAngle(double p0_x, double p0_y, double p1_x, double p1_y)
double bodyAngle, body_X, body_Y, x, y, a;
x = p1_x - p0_x, y = -(p1_y - p0_y);
a = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
if (a == 0) bodyAngle = 0;
else if (p0_x == 0 || p0_y == 0 || p1_x == 0 || p1_y == 0) bodyAngle = 0;
bodyAngle = asin(abs(x) / a)*180.0 / pi;
if (x / y < 0)
if (y>0)
bodyAngle = bodyAngle - 180;
if (y < 0)
bodyAngle = -bodyAngle;
bodyAngle = 180 - bodyAngle;
return bodyAngle;
void saveBead(cv::Mat *background, cv::Mat *bead, int X_, int Y_, int tarX, int tarY)
if (X_ == 0 || Y_ == 0 || tarX == 0 || tarY == 0) return;
if ((X_ - tarX) >= 0 && (Y_ - tarY) >= 0)
if ((X_ - tarX) + (*bead).cols > (*background).cols || (Y_ - tarY) + (*bead).rows > (*background).rows) return;
if (X_ - tarX == 0 || Y_ - tarY == 0) return;
cv::Mat middle(
X_ - tarX,
Y_ - tarY,
cvAdd4cMat_q(middle, *bead, 1.0);
else return;
void getPoint(int *point, int srcX, int srcY, double angle, int srcImgCols, int srcImgRows, int tarImgCols, int tarImgRows)
int tarX = cos(angle*(pi / 180.0))*(srcX - srcImgCols / 2)
- sin(angle*(pi / 180.0))*(-(srcY - srcImgRows / 2))
+ tarImgCols / 2,
tarY = -(sin(angle*(pi / 180.0))*(srcX - srcImgCols / 2)
+ cos(angle*(pi / 180.0))*(-(srcY - srcImgRows / 2)))
+ tarImgRows / 2;
point[0] = tarX;
point[1] = tarY;
int cvAdd4cMat_q(cv::Mat &dst, cv::Mat &scr, double scale)
if (dst.channels() != 3 || scr.channels() != 4)
return true;
if (scale < 0.01)
return false;
split(scr, scr_channels);
split(dst, dstt_channels);
CV_Assert(scr_channels.size() == 4 && dstt_channels.size() == 3);
if (scale < 1)
scr_channels[3] *= scale;
scale = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
dstt_channels[i] = dstt_channels[i].mul(255.0 / scale - scr_channels[3], scale / 255.0);
dstt_channels[i] += scr_channels[i].mul(scr_channels[3], scale / 255.0);
merge(dstt_channels, dst);
return true;
void resizeImg(double scale)
cv::resize(img1_s, img1, cv::Size(img1_s.cols *scale, img1_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(img2_s, img2, cv::Size(img2_s.cols *scale, img2_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(head_s, head, cv::Size(head_s.cols *scale, head_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(img4_s, img4, cv::Size(img4_s.cols *scale, img4_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(foot_s, foot, cv::Size(foot_s.cols *scale, foot_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(leg_s, leg, cv::Size(leg_s.cols *scale, leg_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(img7_s, img7, cv::Size(img7_s.cols *scale, img7_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(bead_s, bead, cv::Size(bead_s.cols *scale, bead_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(m1_s, m1, cv::Size(m1_s.cols *scale, m1_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(m2_s, m2, cv::Size(m2_s.cols *scale, m2_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(hand_s, hand, cv::Size(hand_s.cols *scale, hand_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(neck_s, neck, cv::Size(neck_s.cols *scale, neck_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(body_s, body, cv::Size(body_s.cols *scale, body_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(circle_s, circle, cv::Size(circle_s.cols *scale, circle_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(img15_s, img15, cv::Size(img15_s.cols *scale, img15_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::resize(handcenter_s, handcenter, cv::Size(handcenter_s.cols *scale, handcenter_s.rows *scale), (0, 0), (0, 0), cv::INTER_LINEAR);
cv::Mat rotate(cv::Mat src, double angle)
cv::Point2f center(src.cols / 2, src.rows / 2);
cv::Mat rot = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(center, angle, 1);
cv::Rect bbox = cv::RotatedRect(center, src.size(), angle).boundingRect();
rot.at<double>(0, 2) += bbox.width / 2.0 - center.x;
rot.at<double>(1, 2) += bbox.height / 2.0 - center.y;
cv::Mat dst;
cv::warpAffine(src, dst, rot, bbox.size());
return dst;
限量 5 折票开售,数量有限,扫码购买,先到先得!