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WebOnSwing Application Framework
WebOnSwing is a revolutionary multiple environment application framework that allows you to create web applications in the same way you develope a desktop one. You dont need to use JSP files, special tags, XML files, requests, posts, etc. Everything is Java and pure HTML files that comes directly from the graphic designer.

WebOnSwing is an open source project distributed under LGPL license.

This framework constructs and handles html pages with Swing components, allowing to use MVC architecture and all the facilities provided by Swing in the web.

The main purpose of WebOnSwing is not to provide a migration tool for preexisting Swing applications to a web environment, although you can use this framework to do that kind of tasks. WebOnSwing make a re use of a solid, tested and well known architecture like Swing's one in web developement process.

Provides a powerful template engine that simplify the integration of components and windows with html templates. WebOnSwing templates dont need any special tag and dont have absolutly nothing of logic inside, so you can interchange those in a polimorphic way to create differents skins of your component, pages or entire site, with no recoding.

WebOnSwing default window manager allows the use of modal windows transparently, keeping the stack of windows and each one state within the html page, to be able to reconstruct navigation completely, with no need to maintain any data in the server session. With this aproach passing parameters throught differents windows is easy and dont need a special treatment.

Another interesting feature is the capacity to refresh components, that allows to update single parts of the page which have changed from last request, remarkably lowering to the traffic of the sucesive requirements and increasing the speed of page responses. Also using the automatic refresh feature is possible to simulate the behavior of a desktop application from web, obtaining the differences of the view by periodics polling from client side to server.

Why should I use WebOnSwing instead of other web application framework?

Because WebOnSwing provides the following advantages:

  • You are going to develope a web application in the same way you create a desktop one, totally object oriented, using Model View Controller pattern, components, events, listeners, etc. You dont have to deal with requests, responses, web sessions, query strings, forms, etc.
  • It is a true UI abstraction layer that hides completly web specific issues.
  • WebOnSwing separate totally the view from bussiness logic, so you can interchange view easy, with no recoding, using skins.
  • You can re use any Swing editor, component, layoutmanager, etc to create your web application. For example in validation tutorial we use VEP editor of Eclipse, drag & drop components into a dialog, associates validation components to input fields and use it directly on web, also applying templates over this form to provide the desired look&feel for a professional presentation.
  • Provides a powerful validation framework very easy to use.
  • Your pages will be able to refresh part of its contents, decreasing the traffic in web and making your application run faster.
  • Your application will run not only in a web environment, you can use it as a desktop application, deploy to flash animations, to native OS widgets, etc
  • WebOnSwing is not neccesarilly a page controled framework, you can use a controller like Struts to perform page navigation centralized.
  • Is totally dynamic, you can exchange skins, components, templates, hierarchies, events, listeners, or anything in runtime.
  • Is simpler: you work with java classes and really pure html files.
Most Viewed Topics
Forum Topic Replies Views Last Post
Comments IDE Integration 2 185 2004/7/4 19:01 Anonymous
Comments Could you give us a swing component list supported by WebOnSwing? 1 91 2004/7/7 21:02 Anonymous
Comments Does it violate the license agreement of Sun using WebOnSwingBoot through -Xbootclasspath? 2 85 2004/7/7 22:28 Anonymous
Comments Is WebOnSwing thread safe? 1 71 2004/7/7 7:53 paton
Comments how to remove the dependency with WebOnSwingBoot.jar in bootclasspath? 3 59 2004/7/7 7:37 paton
Comments Help me! how to deploy the swing classes? 2 57 2004/7/5 18:45 Anonymous
Comments Do the html template support table render? 3 44 2004/7/13 20:23 paton
Comments WebOnSwing support Swing Component, does WebOnSwing also support AWT? 1 39 2004/7/12 4:36 paton
Comments Why do you use SwingWT as Swing base to avoid static show and hide methods? and the effort? 3 34 2004/7/7 21:50 Anonymous
Comments using SwingWT as Swing base to avoid static show and hide methods? 1 28 2004/7/7 6:56 paton
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