accountSid = 'xxxxxx; #账号id 首页就可以看到
accountToken = 'xxxxxx'; #账号token 首页就可以看到
appId = 'xxxxxx; #appid 新开户需要创建一个
serverIP = 'app.cloopen.com'; #云通讯生产环境地址,不用变
serverPort = '8883'; #端口号
softVersion = '2013-12-26'; #版本号
# coding=utf-8
from CCPRestSDK import REST
#import ConfigParser #官网sdk带的,没有使用
import logging
# 账号id
accountSid = 'xxxxxx'
# 账号Token
accountToken = 'xxxxxx'
# 应用Id
appId = 'xxxxxx' #token请自行去官网申请
# 服务地址
serverIP = 'app.cloopen.com'
# 服务端口
serverPort = '8883'
# REST版本
softVersion = '2013-12-26'
# def sendTemplateSMS(to,datas,tempId):
# rest = REST(serverIP,serverPort,softVersion)
# rest.setAccount(accountSid,accountToken)
# rest.setAppId(appId)
# result = rest.sendTemplateSMS(to,datas,tempId)
# for k,v in result.iteritems():
# if k=='templateSMS' :
# for k,s in v.iteritems():
# print '%s:%s' % (k, s)
# else:
# print '%s:%s' % (k, v)
class CCP(object):
def __init__(self):
self.rest = REST(serverIP, serverPort, softVersion)
self.rest.setAccount(accountSid, accountToken)
def instance():
if not hasattr(CCP, "_instance"):
CCP._instance = CCP()
return CCP._instance
def sendTemplateSMS(self, to, datas, tempId):
result = self.rest.sendTemplateSMS(to, datas, tempId)
except Exception as e:
raise e
# print result
# for k, v in result.iteritems():
# if k == 'templateSMS':
# for k, s in v.iteritems():
# print '%s:%s' % (k, s)
# else:
# print '%s:%s' % (k, v)
success = "000000 "
if success in result:
return True
return False
ccp = CCP.instance()
if __name__ == "__main__":
ccp = CCP.instance()
res = ccp.sendTemplateSMS("185xxxxxxxx", ["1234", 5], 1)
# 发送模板短信
# @param to 必选参数 短信接收彿手机号码集合,用英文逗号分开
# @param datas 可选参数 内容数据
# @param tempId 必选参数 模板Id
def sendTemplateSMS(self, to, datas, tempId):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/SMS/TemplateSMS?sig=" + sig
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
#print(req.headers) #组装请求头
# 创建包体
b = ''
for a in datas:
b += '%s' % (a)
body = '' + b + ' %s %s %s \
' % (to, tempId, self.AppId)
if self.BodyType == 'json':
# if this model is Json ..then do next code
b = '['
for a in datas:
b += '"%s",' % (a)
b += ']'
body = '''{"to": "%s", "datas": %s, "templateId": "%s", "appId": "%s"}''' % (to, b, tempId, self.AppId)
req.data = body
#print(req.data) #组装请求体
req_headers = req.headers
req_data = req.data
# print(req_headers,req_data)
# print("_______"*20)
data = ''
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
res = requests.post(url, headers=req_headers, data=req_data)
# print(res.status_code,res.content,res.text,)
data = res.text
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2014 The CCP project authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a Beijing Speedtong Information Technology Co.,Ltd license
# that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the web site.
# http://www.yuntongxun.com
# An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
# in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
# be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
from hashlib import md5
import base64
import datetime
import urllib.request
import requests
import json
from xmltojson import xmltojson
from xml.dom import minidom
class REST:
AccountSid = ''
AccountToken = ''
AppId = ''
SubAccountSid = ''
SubAccountToken = ''
ServerIP = ''
ServerPort = ''
SoftVersion = ''
Iflog = True # 是否打印日志
Batch = '' # 时间戳
BodyType = 'xml' # 包体格式,可填值:json 、xml
# 初始化
# @param serverIP 必选参数 服务器地址
# @param serverPort 必选参数 服务器端口
# @param softVersion 必选参数 REST版本号
def __init__(self, ServerIP, ServerPort, SoftVersion):
self.ServerIP = ServerIP
self.ServerPort = ServerPort
self.SoftVersion = SoftVersion
# 设置主帐号
# @param AccountSid 必选参数 主帐号
# @param AccountToken 必选参数 主帐号Token
def setAccount(self, AccountSid, AccountToken):
self.AccountSid = AccountSid
self.AccountToken = AccountToken
# 设置子帐号
# @param SubAccountSid 必选参数 子帐号
# @param SubAccountToken 必选参数 子帐号Token
def setSubAccount(self, SubAccountSid, SubAccountToken):
self.SubAccountSid = SubAccountSid
self.SubAccountToken = SubAccountToken
# 设置应用ID
# @param AppId 必选参数 应用ID
def setAppId(self, AppId):
self.AppId = AppId
def log(self, url, body, data):
# 创建子账号
# @param friendlyName 必选参数 子帐号名称
def CreateSubAccount(self, friendlyName):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/SubAccounts?sig=" + sig
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
# xml格式
body = '''%s \
%s \
''' % (self.AppId, friendlyName)
if self.BodyType == 'json':
# json格式
body = '''{"friendlyName": "%s", "appId": "%s"}''' % (friendlyName, self.AppId)
data = ''
req.data = body
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
res = requests.post(url, headers=req.headers, data=req.data)
#print(res.status_code, res.content, res.text, )
data = res.text
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# 获取子帐号
# @param startNo 可选参数 开始的序号,默认从0开始
# @param offset 可选参数 一次查询的最大条数,最小是1条,最大是100条
def getSubAccounts(self, startNo, offset):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/GetSubAccounts?sig=" + sig
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
# xml格式
body = '''%s \
%s %s \
''' % (self.AppId, startNo, offset)
if self.BodyType == 'json':
# json格式
body = '''{"appId": "%s", "startNo": "%s", "offset": "%s"}''' % (self.AppId, startNo, offset)
data = ''
req.data = body
res = requests.get(url, headers=req.headers)
#print(res.status_code, res.content, res.text, )
data = res.text
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# 子帐号信息查询
# @param friendlyName 必选参数 子帐号名称
def querySubAccount(self, friendlyName):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/QuerySubAccountByName?sig=" + sig
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
# 创建包体
body = '''%s \
%s \
''' % (self.AppId, friendlyName)
if self.BodyType == 'json':
body = '''{"friendlyName": "%s", "appId": "%s"}''' % (friendlyName, self.AppId)
data = ''
req.data = body
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
res = requests.get(url, headers=req.headers, data=req.data)
#print(res.status_code, res.content, res.text, )
data = res.text
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# 发送模板短信
# @param to 必选参数 短信接收彿手机号码集合,用英文逗号分开
# @param datas 可选参数 内容数据
# @param tempId 必选参数 模板Id
def sendTemplateSMS(self, to, datas, tempId):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/SMS/TemplateSMS?sig=" + sig
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
#print(req.headers) #组装请求头
# 创建包体
b = ''
for a in datas:
b += '%s' % (a)
body = '' + b + ' %s %s %s \
' % (to, tempId, self.AppId)
if self.BodyType == 'json':
# if this model is Json ..then do next code
b = '['
for a in datas:
b += '"%s",' % (a)
b += ']'
body = '''{"to": "%s", "datas": %s, "templateId": "%s", "appId": "%s"}''' % (to, b, tempId, self.AppId)
req.data = body
#print(req.data) #组装请求体
req_headers = req.headers
req_data = req.data
# print(req_headers,req_data)
# print("_______"*20)
data = ''
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
res = requests.post(url, headers=req_headers, data=req_data)
# print(res.status_code,res.content,res.text,)
data = res.text
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# 外呼通知
# @param to 必选参数 被叫号码
# @param mediaName 可选参数 语音文件名称,格式 wav。与mediaTxt不能同时为空。当不为空时mediaTxt属性失效。
# @param mediaTxt 可选参数 文本内容
# @param displayNum 可选参数 显示的主叫号码
# @param playTimes 可选参数 循环播放次数,1-3次,默认播放1次。
# @param respUrl 可选参数 外呼通知状态通知回调地址,云通讯平台将向该Url地址发送呼叫结果通知。
# @param userData 可选参数 用户私有数据
# @param maxCallTime 可选参数 最大通话时长
# @param speed 可选参数 发音速度
# @param volume 可选参数 音量
# @param pitch 可选参数 音调
# @param bgsound 可选参数 背景音编号
def landingCall(self, to, mediaName, mediaTxt, displayNum, playTimes, respUrl, userData, maxCallTime, speed, volume,
pitch, bgsound):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/Calls/LandingCalls?sig=" + sig
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
# 创建包体
body = '''\
%s %s %s %s %s \
%s %s %s %s %s
%s %s %s \
''' % (
to, mediaName, mediaTxt, self.AppId, displayNum, playTimes, respUrl, userData, maxCallTime, speed, volume,
pitch, bgsound)
if self.BodyType == 'json':
body = '''{"to": "%s", "mediaName": "%s","mediaTxt": "%s","appId": "%s","displayNum": "%s","playTimes": "%s","respUrl": "%s","userData": "%s","maxCallTime": "%s","speed": "%s","volume": "%s","pitch": "%s","bgsound": "%s"}''' % (
to, mediaName, mediaTxt, self.AppId, displayNum, playTimes, respUrl, userData, maxCallTime, speed, volume,
pitch, bgsound)
req.data = body
data = ''
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
res = requests.post(url, headers=req.headers, data=req.data)
#print(res.status_code, res.content, res.text, )
data = res.text
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# 语音验证码
# @param verifyCode 必选参数 验证码内容,为数字和英文字母,不区分大小写,长度4-8位
# @param playTimes 可选参数 播放次数,1-3次
# @param to 必选参数 接收号码
# @param displayNum 可选参数 显示的主叫号码
# @param respUrl 可选参数 语音验证码状态通知回调地址,云通讯平台将向该Url地址发送呼叫结果通知
# @param lang 可选参数 语言类型
# @param userData 可选参数 第三方私有数据
def voiceVerify(self, verifyCode, playTimes, to, displayNum, respUrl, lang, userData):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/Calls/VoiceVerify?sig=" + sig
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
# 创建包体
body = '''\
%s %s %s %s %s \
%s %s %s \
''' % (self.AppId, verifyCode, playTimes, to, respUrl, displayNum, lang, userData)
if self.BodyType == 'json':
# if this model is Json ..then do next code
body = '''{"appId": "%s", "verifyCode": "%s","playTimes": "%s","to": "%s","respUrl": "%s","displayNum": "%s","lang": "%s","userData": "%s"}''' % (
self.AppId, verifyCode, playTimes, to, respUrl, displayNum, lang, userData)
req.data = body
data = ''
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
res = requests.post(url, headers=req.headers, data=req.data)
#print(res.status_code, res.content, res.text, )
data = res.text
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# IVR外呼
# @param number 必选参数 待呼叫号码,为Dial节点的属性
# @param userdata 可选参数 用户数据,在通知中返回,只允许填写数字字符,为Dial节点的属性
# @param record 可选参数 是否录音,可填项为true和false,默认值为false不录音,为Dial节点的属性
def ivrDial(self, number, userdata, record):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/ivr/dial?sig=" + sig
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header("Accept", "application/xml")
req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/xml;charset=utf-8")
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
# 创建包体
body = '''
''' % (self.AppId, number, userdata, record)
req.data = body
data = ''
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
res = requests.post(url, headers=req.headers, data=req.data)
#print(res.status_code, res.content, res.text, )
data = res.text
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# 话单下载
# @param date 必选参数 day 代表前一天的数据(从00:00 – 23:59),目前只支持按天查询
# @param keywords 可选参数 客户的查询条件,由客户自行定义并提供给云通讯平台。默认不填忽略此参数
def billRecords(self, date, keywords):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/BillRecords?sig=" + sig
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
# 创建包体
body = '''\
%s %s %s \
''' % (self.AppId, date, keywords)
if self.BodyType == 'json':
# if this model is Json ..then do next code
body = '''{"appId": "%s", "date": "%s","keywords": "%s"}''' % (self.AppId, date, keywords)
req.data = body
data = ''
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
res = requests.post(url, headers=req.headers, data=req.data)
#print(res.status_code, res.content, res.text, )
data = res.text
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# 主帐号信息查询
def queryAccountInfo(self):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/AccountInfo?sig=" + sig
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
body = ''
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
data = ''
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
res = requests.post(url, headers=req.headers, data=req.data)
#print(res.status_code, res.content, res.text, )
data = res.text
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# 短信模板查询
# @param templateId 必选参数 模板Id,不带此参数查询全部可用模板
def QuerySMSTemplate(self, templateId):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/SMS/QuerySMSTemplate?sig=" + sig
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
# 创建包体
body = '''\
%s %s
''' % (self.AppId, templateId)
if self.BodyType == 'json':
# if this model is Json ..then do next code
body = '''{"appId": "%s", "templateId": "%s"}''' % (self.AppId, templateId)
req.data = body
data = ''
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
res = requests.post(url, headers=req.headers, data=req.data)
#print(res.status_code, res.content, res.text, )
data = res.text
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main2(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# 呼叫结果查询
# @param callsid 必选参数 呼叫ID
def CallResult(self, callSid):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/CallResult?sig=" + sig + "&callsid=" + callSid
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
body = ''
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
data = ''
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
res = requests.post(url, headers=req_headers, data=req_data)
#print(res.status_code, res.content, res.text, )
data = res.text
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# 呼叫状态查询
# @param callid 必选参数 一个由32个字符组成的电话唯一标识符
# @param action 可选参数 查询结果通知的回调url地址
def QueryCallState(self, callid, action):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/ivr/call?sig=" + sig + "&callid=" + callid
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
# 创建包体
body = '''\
%s \
''' % (self.AppId, callid, action)
if self.BodyType == 'json':
# if this model is Json ..then do next code
body = '''{"Appid":"%s","QueryCallState":{"callid":"%s","action":"%s"}}''' % (self.AppId, callid, action)
req.data = body
data = ''
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
res = requests.post(url, headers=req.headers, data=req.data)
#print(res.status_code, res.content, res.text, )
data = res.text
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# 语音文件上传
# @param filename 必选参数 文件名
# @param body 必选参数 二进制串
def MediaFileUpload(self, filename, body):
nowdate = datetime.datetime.now()
self.Batch = nowdate.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
# 生成sig
signature = self.AccountSid + self.AccountToken + self.Batch
sig = md5(signature.encode()).hexdigest().upper()
# 拼接URL
url = "https://" + self.ServerIP + ":" + self.ServerPort + "/" + self.SoftVersion + "/Accounts/" + self.AccountSid + "/Calls/MediaFileUpload?sig=" + sig + "&appid=" + self.AppId + "&filename=" + filename
# 生成auth
src = self.AccountSid + ":" + self.Batch
auth = base64.encodestring(src.encode()).strip().decode()
req = urllib.request.Request(url)
req.add_header("Authorization", auth)
if self.BodyType == 'json':
req.add_header("Accept", "application/json")
req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
req.add_header("Accept", "application/xml")
req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
# 创建包体
req.data = body
# res = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
# data = res.read()
# res.close()
res = requests.post(url, headers=req.headers, data=req.data)
#print(res.status_code, res.content, res.text, )
data = res.text
# if self.BodyType == 'json':
# # json格式
# locations = json.loads(data)
# else:
# # xml格式
# xtj = xmltojson()
# locations = xtj.main(data)
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return data
except Exception as error:
if self.Iflog:
self.log(url, body, data)
return {'172001': '网络错误'}
# 子帐号鉴权
def subAuth(self):
if (self.ServerIP == ""):
if (self.ServerPort <= 0):
if (self.SoftVersion == ""):
if (self.SubAccountSid == ""):
if (self.SubAccountToken == ""):
if (self.AppId == ""):
# 主帐号鉴权
def accAuth(self):
if (self.ServerIP == ""):
if (int(self.ServerPort) <= 0):
if (self.SoftVersion == ""):
if (self.AccountSid == ""):
if (self.AccountToken == ""):
if (self.AppId == ""):
# 设置包头
def setHttpHeader(self, req):
if self.BodyType == 'json':
req.add_header("Accept", "application/json")
req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=utf-8")
req.add_header("Accept", "application/xml")
req.add_header("Content-Type", "application/xml;charset=utf-8")