LingPipe White Papers

The following white papers discuss some of the mathematics and bakeoff evaluations of some of the LingPipe modules.

  • Carpenter, Bob. 2011. Sampling, Modeling and Measurement Error in Inference from Clinical Text. Invited talk at ICML 2011 Workshop on Learning from Unstructured Clinical Text.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2010. Integrating out multinomial parameters in latent Dirichlet allocation and naive Bayes for collapsed Gibbs sampling. LingPipe Technical Report.
  • Carpenter, Bob and Massimo Poesio. 2010. Models of Data Annotation. Part II of tutorial presented at LREC.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2010. Whence Linguistic Data? Inferring Ground Truth along with Annotator Accuracy, Bias and Variability. Slides for a talk presented at the University of Edinburgh HCRC and Cog Sci Reunion.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2009. Hierarchical Models of Data Coding. Slides for talk presented at U. Chicago.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2009. Ground Truth, Machine Learning, and the Mechanical Turk. Presented to Mechanical Turk Meetup, San Fransisco.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2008. A Multilevel Bayesian Model of Categorical Data Annotation. Rejected submission to NAACL 2009.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2008. Multilevel Bayesian Models of Categorical Data Annotation Technical Report. Alias-i.
  • Carpenter, Bob, Breck Baldwin, Carlos Cano, and Leon Peshkin. 2008. Known Unknowns in Discharge Summary Mining. Talk presented to the AMIA Second i2b2 Shared-Task and Workshop Challenges in Natural Language Processing for Clinical Data. Obesity Challenge (A Shared-Task on Obesity): Who’s obese and what co-morbidities do they (definitely/likely) have? Washington, D.C.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2008. Hierarchical Bayesian Models of Categorical Data Annotation. 2 pager presented as a poster at the New York Academy of Sciences ML Symposium.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2008. Lazy Sparse Stochastic Gradient Descent for Regularized Multinomial Logistic Regression. Technical Report. Alias-i.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2007. LingPipe for 99.99% Recall of Gene Mentions. In Proceedings of the 2nd Biocreative Workshop. Valencia, Spain. RESULTS RETRACTED/UPDATED HERE
  • Baldwin, Breck and Bob Carpenter. 2006. Linking Genes in LocusLink/Entrez Gene to MEDLINE Citations with LingPipe. Alias-i Technical Report.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2006. Character language models for Chinese word segmentation and named entity recogntion. In Proceedings of the 5th ACL Chinese Special Interest Group (SIGHan). Sydney, Austrlia.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2005. Scaling High-Order Character Language Models to Gigabytes. In Proceedings of the Association for Computational Linguistics Workshop on Software. Ann Arbor.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2005. Contemporary Spelling Correction: Decoding the Noisy Channel. PowerPoint Presentation.
  • Carpenter, Bob. 2004. Phrasal Queries with LingPipe and Lucene. In Proceedings of the 13th Meeting of the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC). Gaithersburg, Maryland.

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