首先看下单链表的实现,通常单链表中的节点一般包含两个属性,一是存储该节点的数据,二是指向下一节点的指针。因此,在实现单链表之前,我们需要定义如下的 单链表节点
class SingleLinkNode:
Single Link Node definition
def __init__(self, data=None):
self.data = data
self.next = None
(print_all方法)。以下是上面所有方法的实现代码,值得注意的是在 insert 和 getValue 方法中,需要对 index 为负数的情况进行处理下(即加上单链表的长度),因为理论上索引是支持负数的。
class SingleLinkList:
Single Link List implement
def __init__(self):
Initialize an empty pointer
self.__head = None
def append(self, obj):
append an element at tail
:param obj: object for appending
node = SingleLinkNode(obj)
if self.isEmpty():
self.__head = node
curr = self.__head
while curr.next:
curr = curr.next
curr.next = node
def insert(self, obj, index):
insert an element at specific position
:param obj: object for inserting
:param index: target position
node = SingleLinkNode(obj)
if self.isEmpty():
self.__head = node
length = self.length()
index = index if index >= 0 else length + index
# insert at the first position
if index == 0:
curr = self.__head
node.next = curr
self.__head = node
elif 0 < index < length:
count = 1
curr = self.__head
while curr.next:
if count == index:
node.next = curr.next
curr.next = node
count += 1
curr = curr.next
# if index is out of range, insert at last position
def remove(self, obj):
remove the first element of target object
:param obj: target object
if self.isEmpty():
# remove the first element
elif self.__head.data == obj:
self.__head = self.__head.next
curr = self.__head
while curr.next:
if curr.next.data == obj:
curr.next = curr.next.next
curr = curr.next
def getValue(self, index):
get value of specific position
:param index: specific position
:return: value
if self.isEmpty():
return None
length = self.length()
index = index if index >= 0 else length + index
if 0 <= index < length:
count = 0
curr = self.__head
while curr:
if count == index:
return curr.data
count += 1
curr = curr.next
return None
def clear(self):
clear the whole Single Link List
self.__head = None
def reverse(self):
reverse the Single Link List
if self.isEmpty() or self.length() == 1:
curr = self.__head
prev = None
while curr:
back = curr.next
curr.next = prev
prev = curr
curr = back
self.__head = prev
def length(self):
get the length of Single Link List
count = 0
curr = self.__head
while curr:
count += 1
curr = curr.next
return count
def isEmpty(self):
judge the Single Link List is empty or not
:return: bool value
return self.__head is None
def print_all(self):
print all elements of Single Link List
element = []
curr = self.__head
while curr:
curr = curr.next
然后是双链表的实现,对比于单链表而言,双链表中的节点除了有存储该节点的值和指向下一节点的指针外,还需有指向前一节点的指针,所以首先需要定义好 双链表节点
class DoubleLinkNode:
Double Link Node definition
def __init__(self, data=None):
self.data = data
self.prev = None
self.next = None
class DoubleLinkList:
Double Link List implement
def __init__(self):
Initialize Double Link List
self.__head = DoubleLinkNode()
self.__tail = DoubleLinkNode()
self.__head.next = self.__tail
self.__tail.prev = self.__head
def append(self, obj):
append an element at tail
:param obj: object for appending
node = DoubleLinkNode(obj)
prev_node = self.__tail.prev
self.__tail.prev = node
node.next = self.__tail
node.prev = prev_node
prev_node.next = node
def insert(self, obj, index):
insert an element at specific position
:param obj: object for inserting
:param index: target position
node = DoubleLinkNode(obj)
length = self.length()
index = index if index >= 0 else length + index
# insert at the first position
if index == 0:
back = self.__head.next
self.__head.next = node
node.prev = self.__head
node.next = back
back.prev = node
elif 0 < index < length:
count = 1
curr = self.__head
while curr.next != self.__tail:
if count == index:
node.prev = curr
node.next = curr.next
curr.next.prev = node
curr.next = node
count += 1
curr = curr.next
# if index is out of range, insert at last position
def remove(self, obj):
remove the first element of target object
:param obj: target object
if self.isEmpty():
curr = self.__head.next
while curr != self.__tail:
if curr.data == obj:
prev_node = curr.prev
prev_node.next = curr.next
curr.next.prev = prev_node
curr = curr.next
def getValue(self, index):
get value of specific position
:param index: specific position
:return: value
if self.isEmpty():
return None
length = self.length()
index = index if index >= 0 else length + index
if 0 <= index < length:
count = 0
curr = self.__head.next
while curr != self.__tail:
if count == index:
return curr.data
count += 1
curr = curr.next
return None
def clear(self):
clear the whole Double Link List
self.__head.next = self.__tail
self.__tail.prev = self.__head
def reverse(self):
reverse the Double Link List
if self.isEmpty() or self.length() == 1:
prev = self.__tail
curr = self.__head.next
while curr != self.__tail:
back = curr.next
if back != self.__tail:
curr.prev = back
# deal with head
curr.prev = self.__head
self.__head.next = curr
curr.next = prev
# deal with tail
if prev == self.__tail:
self.__tail.prev = curr
prev = curr
curr = back
self.__head.prev = self.__tail.next = None
def length(self):
get the length of Double Link List
count = 0
curr = self.__head
while curr.next != self.__tail:
count += 1
curr = curr.next
return count
def isEmpty(self):
judge the Double Link List is empty or not
:return: bool value
return self.__head.next == self.__tail
def print_all(self):
print all elements of Double Link List
element = []
curr = self.__head.next
while curr != self.__tail:
curr = curr.next