
LoaderManager是与Activity或者Fragment相关联的接口,用于管理与其关联一个或者多个Loader的实例。有助于应用程序长时间管理Activity或者Fragment的生命周期的操作。常见的用途是使用CursorLoader。下面的链接是一个Fragment的完整实现,它显示了一个包含对联系人内容提供者的查询结果的ListView。 它使用CursorLoader来管理提供者上的查询操作。


public interface LoaderCallbacks {

       public Loader onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args);

       public void onLoadFinished(Loader loader, D data);

       public void onLoaderReset(Loader loader);


  • onCreateLoader:
    param id要加载的ID

  • onLoadFinished:



  1. Loader会监听数据的变化,并会通过这个方法通知你,不应该自己去监听数据。例如,如果数据是一个Cursor,并将其放置在CursorAdapter中,则使用CursorAdapter(android.content.Context,android.database.Cursor,int)构造函数,而不传入FLAG_AUTO_REQUERY或FLAG_REGISTER_CONTENT_OBSERVER(即,使用0作为标志参数)。这可以防止CursorAdapter自己观察游标,因为当发生变化时,您将得到一个新的游标在这里再次调用游标。

  2. 一旦应用程序不在使用Loader,Loader将释放数据。例如,如果数据是来自CursorLoader的Cursor,则不应该自己调用close()。如果光标放在CursorAdapter中,则应该使用swapCursor(android.database.Cursor)方法,以便旧的光标未关闭。

loader Loader: The Loader that has finished.
data D: The data generated by the Loader.

  • onLoaderReset
    在之前创建的加载程序正在重置时调用,从而使其数据不可用。 应用程序应该删除对Loader数据的任何引用。
  • initLoader
public abstract  Loader initLoader(int id, Bundle args,
            LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback);

确保加载程序已初始化并处于活动状态。 如果加载器尚不存在,则创建一个加载器(如果活动/片段当前已启动)将启动加载器。 否则,重新使用最后创建的加载器。

在任何情况下,给定的回调都与加载器相关联,并且将在loader状态更改时调用。 如果在调用点处调用者处于启动状态,并且请求的加载器已经存在并且已经生成了它的数据,那么将立即调用onLoadFinished(Loader,D)的回调函数(在这个函数内部),所以你必须准备好 为此发生。

  • restartLoader
    public abstract  Loader restartLoader(int id, Bundle args,
            LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback);


  • destroyLoader
public abstract void destroyLoader(int id);

停止并删除具有指定id的Loader。如果Loader以前通过onLoadFinished(Loader, Object)向客户端发送过数据,则会调用onLoaderReset(Loader)。

  • getLoader
public abstract  Loader getLoader(int id);


  • hasRunningLoaders
    public boolean hasRunningLoaders() { return false; }




public abstract class LoaderManager {
    public interface LoaderCallbacks {

        public Loader onCreateLoader(int id, Bundle args);

        public void onLoadFinished(Loader loader, D data);

        public void onLoaderReset(Loader loader);

    public abstract  Loader initLoader(int id, Bundle args,
            LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback);

    public abstract  Loader restartLoader(int id, Bundle args,
            LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback);

    public abstract void destroyLoader(int id);

    public abstract  Loader getLoader(int id);

    public abstract void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args);

    public static void enableDebugLogging(boolean enabled) {
        LoaderManagerImpl.DEBUG = enabled;

    public boolean hasRunningLoaders() { return false; }

class LoaderManagerImpl extends LoaderManager {
    static final String TAG = "LoaderManager";
    static boolean DEBUG = false;

    // These are the currently active loaders.  A loader is here
    // from the time its load is started until it has been explicitly
    // stopped or restarted by the application.

    final SparseArrayCompat mLoaders = new SparseArrayCompat();

    // These are previously run loaders.  This list is maintained internally
    // to avoid destroying a loader while an application is still using it.
    // It allows an application to restart a loader, but continue using its
    // previously run loader until the new loader's data is available.

    final SparseArrayCompat mInactiveLoaders = new SparseArrayCompat();

    final String mWho;

    boolean mStarted;
    boolean mRetaining;
    boolean mRetainingStarted;

    boolean mCreatingLoader;
    FragmentHostCallback mHost;

    final class LoaderInfo implements Loader.OnLoadCompleteListener,
            Loader.OnLoadCanceledListener {
        final int mId;
        final Bundle mArgs;
        LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks mCallbacks;
        Loader mLoader;
        boolean mHaveData;
        boolean mDeliveredData;
        Object mData;
        boolean mStarted;
        boolean mRetaining;
        boolean mRetainingStarted;
        boolean mReportNextStart;
        boolean mDestroyed;
        // 是否已经监听Loader,主要监听两个回调方法:
        //OnLoadCompleteListener OnLoadCanceledListener    
        boolean mListenerRegistered;
        LoaderInfo mPendingLoader;

        public LoaderInfo(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callbacks) {
            mId = id;
            mArgs = args;
            mCallbacks = callbacks;

        void start() {
            if (mRetaining && mRetainingStarted) {
                // Our owner is started, but we were being retained from a
                // previous instance in the started state...  so there is really
                // nothing to do here, since the loaders are still started.
                mStarted = true;
            if (mStarted) {
                // If loader already started, don't restart.

            mStarted = true;

            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Starting: " + this);
            if (mLoader == null && mCallbacks != null) {
               mLoader = mCallbacks.onCreateLoader(mId, mArgs);
            if (mLoader != null) {
                if (mLoader.getClass().isMemberClass()
                        && !Modifier.isStatic(mLoader.getClass().getModifiers())) {
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "Object returned from onCreateLoader must not be a non-static inner member class: "
                            + mLoader);
                if (!mListenerRegistered) {
                    mLoader.registerListener(mId, this);
                    mListenerRegistered = true;

        void retain() {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Retaining: " + this);
            mRetaining = true;
            mRetainingStarted = mStarted;
            mStarted = false;
            mCallbacks = null;
        void finishRetain() {
            if (mRetaining) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Finished Retaining: " + this);
                mRetaining = false;
                if (mStarted != mRetainingStarted) {
                    if (!mStarted) {
                        // This loader was retained in a started state, but
                        // at the end of retaining everything our owner is
                        // no longer started...  so make it stop.
            if (mStarted && mHaveData && !mReportNextStart) {
                // This loader has retained its data, either completely across
                // a configuration change or just whatever the last data set
                // was after being restarted from a stop, and now at the point of
                // finishing the retain we find we remain started, have
                // our data, and the owner has a new callback...  so
                // let's deliver the data now.
                callOnLoadFinished(mLoader, mData);

        void reportStart() {
            if (mStarted) {
                if (mReportNextStart) {
                    mReportNextStart = false;
                    if (mHaveData && !mRetaining) {
                        callOnLoadFinished(mLoader, mData);

        void stop() {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Stopping: " + this);
            mStarted = false;
            if (!mRetaining) {
                if (mLoader != null && mListenerRegistered) {
                    // Let the loader know we're done with it
                    mListenerRegistered = false;

        boolean cancel() {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Canceling: " + this);
            if (mStarted && mLoader != null && mListenerRegistered) {
                final boolean cancelLoadResult = mLoader.cancelLoad();
                if (!cancelLoadResult) {
                return cancelLoadResult;
            return false;

        void destroy() {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Destroying: " + this);
            mDestroyed = true;
            boolean needReset = mDeliveredData;
            mDeliveredData = false;
            if (mCallbacks != null && mLoader != null && mHaveData && needReset) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Resetting: " + this);
                String lastBecause = null;
                if (mHost != null) {
                    lastBecause = mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause;
                    mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause = "onLoaderReset";
                try {
                } finally {
                    if (mHost != null) {
                        mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause = lastBecause;
            mCallbacks = null;
            mData = null;
            mHaveData = false;
            if (mLoader != null) {
                if (mListenerRegistered) {
                    mListenerRegistered = false;
            if (mPendingLoader != null) {

        public void onLoadCanceled(Loader loader) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "onLoadCanceled: " + this);
            if (mDestroyed) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Ignoring load canceled -- destroyed");
            if (mLoaders.get(mId) != this) {
                // This cancellation message is not coming from the current active loader.
                // We don't care about it.
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Ignoring load canceled -- not active");
            LoaderInfo pending = mPendingLoader;
            if (pending != null) {
                // There is a new request pending and we were just
                // waiting for the old one to cancel or complete before starting
                // it.  So now it is time, switch over to the new loader.
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Switching to pending loader: " + pending);
                mPendingLoader = null;
                mLoaders.put(mId, null);

        public void onLoadComplete(Loader loader, Object data) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "onLoadComplete: " + this);
            if (mDestroyed) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Ignoring load complete -- destroyed");
            if (mLoaders.get(mId) != this) {
                // This data is not coming from the current active loader.
                // We don't care about it.
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Ignoring load complete -- not active");

            LoaderInfo pending = mPendingLoader;
            if (pending != null) {
                // There is a new request pending and we were just
                // waiting for the old one to complete before starting
                // it.  So now it is time, switch over to the new loader.
//有一个新的请求正在等待,我们只是在开始之前等待旧的请求完成。 所以现在是时候了,切换到新的加载器。
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  Switching to pending loader: " + pending);
                mPendingLoader = null;
                mLoaders.put(mId, null);

            // Notify of the new data so the app can switch out the old data before
            // we try to destroy it.
            if (mData != data || !mHaveData) {
                mData = data;
                mHaveData = true;
                if (mStarted) {
                    callOnLoadFinished(loader, data);

            //if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  onLoadFinished returned: " + this);

            // We have now given the application the new loader with its
            // loaded data, so it should have stopped using the previous
            // loader.  If there is a previous loader on the inactive list,
            // clean it up.
//现在我们已经给应用程序加载了带有加载数据的新加载器,所以它应该停止使用前面的加载器。 如果在非活动列表中有前一个加载器,请清理它。

            LoaderInfo info = mInactiveLoaders.get(mId);
            if (info != null && info != this) {
                info.mDeliveredData = false;

            if (mHost != null && !hasRunningLoaders()) {

        void callOnLoadFinished(Loader loader, Object data) {
            if (mCallbacks != null) {
                String lastBecause = null;
                if (mHost != null) {
                    lastBecause = mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause;
                    mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause = "onLoadFinished";
                try {
                    if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "  onLoadFinished in " + loader + ": "
                            + loader.dataToString(data));
                    mCallbacks.onLoadFinished(loader, data);
                } finally {
                    if (mHost != null) {
                        mHost.mFragmentManager.mNoTransactionsBecause = lastBecause;
                mDeliveredData = true;

        public String toString() {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64);
            sb.append(" #");
            sb.append(" : ");
            DebugUtils.buildShortClassTag(mLoader, sb);
            return sb.toString();

        public void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) {
            writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mId="); writer.print(mId);
                    writer.print(" mArgs="); writer.println(mArgs);
            writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mCallbacks="); writer.println(mCallbacks);
            writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mLoader="); writer.println(mLoader);
            if (mLoader != null) {
                mLoader.dump(prefix + "  ", fd, writer, args);
            if (mHaveData || mDeliveredData) {
                writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mHaveData="); writer.print(mHaveData);
                        writer.print("  mDeliveredData="); writer.println(mDeliveredData);
                writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mData="); writer.println(mData);
            writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mStarted="); writer.print(mStarted);
                    writer.print(" mReportNextStart="); writer.print(mReportNextStart);
                    writer.print(" mDestroyed="); writer.println(mDestroyed);
            writer.print(prefix); writer.print("mRetaining="); writer.print(mRetaining);
                    writer.print(" mRetainingStarted="); writer.print(mRetainingStarted);
                    writer.print(" mListenerRegistered="); writer.println(mListenerRegistered);
            if (mPendingLoader != null) {
                writer.print(prefix); writer.println("Pending Loader ");
                        writer.print(mPendingLoader); writer.println(":");
                mPendingLoader.dump(prefix + "  ", fd, writer, args);

    LoaderManagerImpl(String who, FragmentHostCallback host, boolean started) {
        mWho = who;
        mHost = host;
        mStarted = started;

    void updateHostController(FragmentHostCallback host) {
        mHost = host;

    private LoaderInfo createLoader(int id, Bundle args,
            LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback) {
        LoaderInfo info = new LoaderInfo(id, args,  callback);
        Loader loader = callback.onCreateLoader(id, args);
        info.mLoader = loader;
        return info;

    private LoaderInfo createAndInstallLoader(int id, Bundle args,
            LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback) {
        try {
            mCreatingLoader = true;
            LoaderInfo info = createLoader(id, args, callback);
            return info;
        } finally {
            mCreatingLoader = false;

    void installLoader(LoaderInfo info) {
        mLoaders.put(info.mId, info);
        if (mStarted) {
            // The activity will start all existing loaders in it's onStart(),
            // so only start them here if we're past that point of the activity's
            // life cycle

     * Call to initialize a particular ID with a Loader.  If this ID already
     * has a Loader associated with it, it is left unchanged and any previous
     * callbacks replaced with the newly provided ones.  If there is not currently
     * a Loader for the ID, a new one is created and started.

This function should generally be used when a component is initializing, * to ensure that a Loader it relies on is created. This allows it to re-use * an existing Loader's data if there already is one, so that for example * when an {@link Activity} is re-created after a configuration change it * does not need to re-create its loaders. * *

Note that in the case where an existing Loader is re-used, the * args given here will be ignored because you will * continue using the previous Loader. * * @param id A unique (to this LoaderManager instance) identifier under * which to manage the new Loader. * @param args Optional arguments that will be propagated to * {@link android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks#onCreateLoader(int, Bundle) LoaderCallbacks.onCreateLoader()}. * @param callback Interface implementing management of this Loader. Required. * Its onCreateLoader() method will be called while inside of the function to * instantiate the Loader object. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Loader initLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback) { //如果Loade正在创建则抛异常。正在创建是在createAndInstallLoader方法中体现。 if (mCreatingLoader) { throw new IllegalStateException("Called while creating a loader"); } //根据传入的id在正在活动中的LoaderInfo集合中查找指定id的LoaderInfo。 LoaderInfo info = mLoaders.get(id); if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "initLoader in " + this + ": args=" + args); //如果找到指定的LoaderInfo则复用以前的LoaderInfo。并重新指定回调方法。 //如果LoaderInfo不存在,则创建一个新的LoaderInfo。 if (info == null) { // Loader doesn't already exist; create. info = createAndInstallLoader(id, args, (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks)callback); if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Created new loader " + info); } else { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Re-using existing loader " + info); info.mCallbacks = (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks)callback; } //如果LoaderInfo中存在数据,并在启动状态下,则开始分发数据。 if (info.mHaveData && mStarted) { // If the loader has already generated its data, report it now. info.callOnLoadFinished(info.mLoader, info.mData); } return (Loader)info.mLoader; } /** * Call to re-create the Loader associated with a particular ID. If there * is currently a Loader associated with this ID, it will be * canceled/stopped/destroyed as appropriate. A new Loader with the given * arguments will be created and its data delivered to you once available. * *

This function does some throttling of Loaders. If too many Loaders * have been created for the given ID but not yet generated their data, * new calls to this function will create and return a new Loader but not * actually start it until some previous loaders have completed. * *

After calling this function, any previous Loaders associated with * this ID will be considered invalid, and you will receive no further * data updates from them. * * @param id A unique (to this LoaderManager instance) identifier under * which to manage the new Loader. * @param args Optional arguments that will be propagated to * {@link android.support.v4.app.LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks#onCreateLoader(int, Bundle) LoaderCallbacks.onCreateLoader()}. * @param callback Interface implementing management of this Loader. Required. * Its onCreateLoader() method will be called while inside of the function to * instantiate the Loader object. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Loader restartLoader(int id, Bundle args, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks callback) { //如果loader正在创建中,则抛出异常。 if (mCreatingLoader) { throw new IllegalStateException("Called while creating a loader"); } //根据传入的id,到集合中去拿LoaderInfo, LoaderInfo info = mLoaders.get(id); if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "restartLoader in " + this + ": args=" + args); //如果取出的LoaderInfo不存在,那就简单了,在方法的末尾,创建一个新的LoaderInfo并返回。 if (info != null) { //获取不活动的LoaderInfo LoaderInfo inactive = mInactiveLoaders.get(id); //不活跃的Loader如果是空,则loader调用abandon方法,并把loader放入不活跃的集合。 if (inactive != null) { //查看Loader是否有数据。 销毁不活跃的loader。则loader调用abandon方法,表示已经被放弃,最后把指定id的loader放入不活跃的集合中。 if (info.mHaveData) { //如果有数据。那么有可能正在调用onLoadComplete方法,还没有销毁最后一个不活跃的loader。那么现在来销毁它。 // This loader now has data... we are probably being // called from within onLoadComplete, where we haven't // yet destroyed the last inactive loader. So just do // that now. if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Removing last inactive loader: " + info); inactive.mDeliveredData = false; inactive.destroy(); info.mLoader.abandon(); mInactiveLoaders.put(id, info); } else { //info中没有要发送的数据。 //我们已经有了一个不活动的加载器,这个ID正在等待! 尝试取消; 如果这返回true,那么任务仍在运行,我们还有更多的工作要做。 // We already have an inactive loader for this ID that we are // waiting for! Try to cancel; if this returns true then the task is still // running and we have more work to do. //loader没有在运行 if (!info.cancel()) { //当前的Loader还没有启动或者被成功取消,我们没有理由保留它。 删除它,下面将创建一个新的LoaderInfo。 // The current Loader has not been started or was successfully canceled, // we thus have no reason to keep it around. Remove it and a new // LoaderInfo will be created below. if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Current loader is stopped; replacing"); mLoaders.put(id, null); info.destroy(); } else { //cancel返回的是true,表示loader仍然在运行。 //现在我们有三个活动的装载机...一旦其他装载机完成,我们将排队这个请求进行处理。 // Now we have three active loaders... we'll queue // up this request to be processed once one of the other loaders // finishes. if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Current loader is running; configuring pending loader"); //如果有等待的laoder,销毁它 if (info.mPendingLoader != null) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Removing pending loader: " + info.mPendingLoader); info.mPendingLoader.destroy(); info.mPendingLoader = null; } //为loader创建一个等待的loader。 if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Enqueuing as new pending loader"); info.mPendingLoader = createLoader(id, args, (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks)callback); return (Loader)info.mPendingLoader.mLoader; } } } else { 如果这个LoaderInfo是null,把loaderInfo放入mInactiveLoaders集合中, //跟踪这个加载器的前一个实例,以便在新加载完成时我们可以销毁它。 // Keep track of the previous instance of this loader so we can destroy // it when the new one completes. if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, " Making last loader inactive: " + info); //调用Loader中的方法,表示要放弃此Loader。 info.mLoader.abandon(); //把指定id的Info存入不活跃的Loader集合中。 mInactiveLoaders.put(id, info); } } info = createAndInstallLoader(id, args, (LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks)callback); return (Loader)info.mLoader; } /** * Rip down, tear apart, shred to pieces a current Loader ID. After returning * from this function, any Loader objects associated with this ID are * destroyed. Any data associated with them is destroyed. You better not * be using it when you do this. * @param id Identifier of the Loader to be destroyed. */ @Override public void destroyLoader(int id) { //loader正在创建是不能被销毁的。 if (mCreatingLoader) { throw new IllegalStateException("Called while creating a loader"); } if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "destroyLoader in " + this + " of " + id); //从活动的laoder中删除。然后销毁。 int idx = mLoaders.indexOfKey(id); if (idx >= 0) { LoaderInfo info = mLoaders.valueAt(idx); mLoaders.removeAt(idx); info.destroy(); } //从不活动的loader中删除,并销毁。 idx = mInactiveLoaders.indexOfKey(id); if (idx >= 0) { LoaderInfo info = mInactiveLoaders.valueAt(idx); mInactiveLoaders.removeAt(idx); info.destroy(); } if (mHost != null && !hasRunningLoaders()) { mHost.mFragmentManager.startPendingDeferredFragments(); } } /** * Return the most recent Loader object associated with the * given ID. */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Loader getLoader(int id) { if (mCreatingLoader) { throw new IllegalStateException("Called while creating a loader"); } //根据id获取loader。 LoaderInfo loaderInfo = mLoaders.get(id); if (loaderInfo != null) { //如果指定id的loader有等待的loader,则返回等待的loader。如果没有等待的loader,则返回当前的loader。 if (loaderInfo.mPendingLoader != null) { return (Loader)loaderInfo.mPendingLoader.mLoader; } return (Loader)loaderInfo.mLoader; } return null; } //这个方法会启动所有正在活动集合的loader。最后放入的最先执行。LoaderManager的mStarted变true。 void doStart() { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Starting in " + this); if (mStarted) { RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException("here"); e.fillInStackTrace(); Log.w(TAG, "Called doStart when already started: " + this, e); return; } mStarted = true; //调用子类以便启动加载程序让现有的加载程序知道我们希望在加载完成时收到通知 // Call out to sub classes so they can start their loaders // Let the existing loaders know that we want to be notified when a load is complete for (int i = mLoaders.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { mLoaders.valueAt(i).start(); } } //停止所有活动中的loader。LoaderManager的mStarted为false。 void doStop() { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Stopping in " + this); if (!mStarted) { RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException("here"); e.fillInStackTrace(); Log.w(TAG, "Called doStop when not started: " + this, e); return; } for (int i = mLoaders.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { mLoaders.valueAt(i).stop(); } mStarted = false; } //mStarted必须处于启动的状态。然后改变其状态,并执行所有正在活动的loader的retain方法。 void doRetain() { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Retaining in " + this); if (!mStarted) { RuntimeException e = new RuntimeException("here"); e.fillInStackTrace(); Log.w(TAG, "Called doRetain when not started: " + this, e); return; } mRetaining = true; mStarted = false; for (int i = mLoaders.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { mLoaders.valueAt(i).retain(); } } //mRetaining必须为true。改变其状态,执行所有活动的loader的finishRetain方法。 void finishRetain() { if (mRetaining) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Finished Retaining in " + this); mRetaining = false; for (int i = mLoaders.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { mLoaders.valueAt(i).finishRetain(); } } } //当Fragment执行到onDestroyView生命周期时,对自己的LoaderManager发出请求:即使现在有数据也不要进行上报,等我重做再到onStart生命周期时再给我。 void doReportNextStart() { for (int i = mLoaders.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { mLoaders.valueAt(i).mReportNextStart = true; } } //如果Fragment上一次在销毁并重做,而且数据有效的话会在这里主动上报数据,最终走到callback的onLoadFinished中。 void doReportStart() { for (int i = mLoaders.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { mLoaders.valueAt(i).reportStart(); } } //这里有个参数mRetaining,如果mRetaining是否保留,如果为false。表示不保留,那么活动的loader都会被彻底销毁;如果mRetaining是true,则表示需要保留,那么将跳过销毁正在活动的loader。 //不活跃的loader会被无情的销毁。 void doDestroy() { if (!mRetaining) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Destroying Active in " + this); for (int i = mLoaders.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { mLoaders.valueAt(i).destroy(); } mLoaders.clear(); } if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Destroying Inactive in " + this); for (int i = mInactiveLoaders.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) { mInactiveLoaders.valueAt(i).destroy(); } mInactiveLoaders.clear(); mHost = null; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(128); sb.append("LoaderManager{"); sb.append(Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(this))); sb.append(" in "); DebugUtils.buildShortClassTag(mHost, sb); sb.append("}}"); return sb.toString(); } @Override public void dump(String prefix, FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter writer, String[] args) { if (mLoaders.size() > 0) { writer.print(prefix); writer.println("Active Loaders:"); String innerPrefix = prefix + " "; for (int i=0; i < mLoaders.size(); i++) { LoaderInfo li = mLoaders.valueAt(i); writer.print(prefix); writer.print(" #"); writer.print(mLoaders.keyAt(i)); writer.print(": "); writer.println(li.toString()); li.dump(innerPrefix, fd, writer, args); } } if (mInactiveLoaders.size() > 0) { writer.print(prefix); writer.println("Inactive Loaders:"); String innerPrefix = prefix + " "; for (int i=0; i < mInactiveLoaders.size(); i++) { LoaderInfo li = mInactiveLoaders.valueAt(i); writer.print(prefix); writer.print(" #"); writer.print(mInactiveLoaders.keyAt(i)); writer.print(": "); writer.println(li.toString()); li.dump(innerPrefix, fd, writer, args); } } } //判断的是loader是否已经看起,但是没有分发消息。 @Override public boolean hasRunningLoaders() { boolean loadersRunning = false; final int count = mLoaders.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final LoaderInfo li = mLoaders.valueAt(i); loadersRunning |= li.mStarted && !li.mDeliveredData; } return loadersRunning; } }
