在计算机领域一般采用一门新的,具备面向对象特征的编程语言实现面向对象的设计,例如常见的编程语言C++,Java,Python等。那么RT-Thread既然有意引入对象系统,为什么不直接采用C++来实现? 这个需要从C++的实现说起,用过C++的开发人员都知道,C++的对象系统中会引入很多未知的东西,例如虚拟重载表、命名粉碎、模板展开等。对于一个需要精确控制的系统,这不是一个很好的方式,假于他人之手不如握入己手。面向对象有它非常优越的地方,取其精华(即面向对象思想,面向对象设计),也就是RT-Thread内核对象模型的来源。RT-Thread实时操作系统中包含一个小型的,非常紧凑的对象系统,这个对象系统完全采用C语言实现。
// shape.h
typedef struct{
int x;
int y;
Shape * Shape_create(int x, int y);
void Shape_init(Shape * self, int x, int y);
void Shape_move(Shape * self, int dx, int dy);
// shape.c
Shape * Shape_create(int x, int y)
Shape * s = malloc(sizeof(Shape));
s->x = x;
s->y = y;
return s;
void Shape_init(Shape * self, int x, int y)
self->x = x;
self->y = y;
void Shape_move(Shape * self, int dx, int dy)
self->x += dx;
self->y += dy;
// main.c
#include "shape.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Shape * s = Shape_create(0, 0);
Shape_move(s, 10, 10);
return 0;
这里定义了一个叫做 Shape 的结构体,外界只能通过相关的函数来对这个 Shape 进行操作,例如创建(Shape_create), 初始化(Shape_init), 移动(Shape_move)等,不能直接访问 Shape 的内部数据结构。
虽然这里没有 class 这样的关键字,数据结构和相关操作是分开写的,看起来不太完美, 但确实是实现了封装。
// rectangle.h
#include "shape.h"
typedef struct{
Shape base;
int width;
int height;
Rectangle * Rectangle_create(int x, int y, int width, int height);
// rectangle.c
Rectangle * Rectangle_create(int x, int y, int width, int height)
Rectangle * r = malloc(sizeof(Rectangle));
Shape_init((Shape *) r, x, y);
r->width = width;
r->height = height;
return r;
// main.c
include "rectangle.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Rectangle * r = Rectangle_create(5, 5, 20, 10);
Shape_move((Shape *) r, 30, 40);
return 0;
// shape.h
typedef struct{
float (* area)(Shape * self);
void (* draw)(Shape * self);
typedef struct{
ShapeVtbl * vptr;
int x;
int y;
float Shape_area(Shape * self);
// shape.c
float Shape_area(Shape * self)
return (* self->vptr->area)(self);
无论是 Rectangle 对象,还是 Square 对象,在调用 Shape_area 方法的时候, 都需要通过 vptr 这个指针找到虚函数表中的 area 方法,对于 Rectangle,找到的是 Rectangel_area 方法,对于 Square,找到的是 Square_area 方法。
// rt-thread-4.0.1\include\rtdef.h
* operations set for device object
struct rt_device_ops
/* common device interface */
rt_err_t (*init) (rt_device_t dev);
rt_err_t (*open) (rt_device_t dev, rt_uint16_t oflag);
rt_err_t (*close) (rt_device_t dev);
rt_size_t (*read) (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
rt_size_t (*write) (rt_device_t dev, rt_off_t pos, const void *buffer, rt_size_t size);
rt_err_t (*control)(rt_device_t dev, int cmd, void *args);
RT-Thread 内核采用面向对象的设计思想进行设计,系统级的基础设施都是一种内核对象,例如线程,信号量,互斥量,定时器等。内核对象分为两类:静态内核对象和动态内核对象,静态内核对象通常放在 RW 段和 ZI 段中,在系统启动后在程序中初始化;动态内核对象则是从内存堆中创建的,而后手工做初始化。
STM32 在上电启动之后默认从 Flash 启动,启动之后会将 RW 段中的 RW-data(初始化的全局变量)搬运到 RAM 中,但不会搬运 RO 段,即 CPU 的执行代码从 Flash 中读取,另外根据编译器给出的 ZI 地址和大小分配出 ZI 段,并将这块 RAM 区域清零。
静态对象会占用 RAM 空间,不依赖于内存堆管理器,内存分配时间确定。动态对象则依赖于内存堆管理器,运行时申请 RAM 空间,当对象被删除后,占用的 RAM 空间被释放。这两种方式各有利弊,可以根据实际环境需求选择具体使用方式。
静态对象创建 / 析构: rt_sem_init / rt_sem_detach
动态对象创建 / 析构: rt_sem_create / rt_sem_delete
RT-Thread 采用内核对象管理系统来访问 / 管理所有内核对象,内核对象包含了内核中绝大部分设施,这些内核对象可以是静态分配的静态对象,也可以是从系统内存堆中分配的动态对象。通过这种内核对象的设计方式,RT-Thread 做到了不依赖于具体的内存分配方式,系统的灵活性得到极大的提高。
RT-Thread 内核对象包括:线程,信号量,互斥量,事件,邮箱,消息队列和定时器,内存池,设备驱动等。对象容器中包含了每类内核对象的信息,包括对象类型,大小等。对象容器给每类内核对象分配了一个链表,所有的内核对象都被链接到该链表上,如图 RT-Thread 的内核对象容器及链表如下图所示:
对于每一种具体内核对象和对象控制块,除了基本结构外,还有自己的扩展属性(私有属性),例如,对于线程控制块,在基类对象基础上进行扩展,增加了线程状态、优先级等属性,这些属性在基类对象的操作中不会用到,只有在与具体线程相关的操作中才会使用。因此从面向对象的观点,可以认为每一种具体对象是抽象对象的派生,继承了基本对象的属性并在此基础上扩展了与自己相关的属性。下图则显示了 RT-Thread 中各类内核对象的派生和继承关系:
// rt-thread-4.0.1\include\rtdef.h
* Base structure of Kernel object
struct rt_object
char name[RT_NAME_MAX]; /**< name of kernel object */
rt_uint8_t type; /**< type of kernel object */
rt_uint8_t flag; /**< flag of kernel object */
void *module_id; /**< id of application module */
rt_list_t list; /**< list node of kernel object */
typedef struct rt_object *rt_object_t; /**< Type for kernel objects. */
* The object type can be one of the follows with specific
* macros enabled:
* - Thread
* - Semaphore
* - Mutex
* - Event
* - MailBox
* - MessageQueue
* - MemHeap
* - MemPool
* - Device
* - Timer
* - Module
* - Unknown
* - Static
enum rt_object_class_type
RT_Object_Class_Null = 0, /**< The object is not used. */
RT_Object_Class_Thread, /**< The object is a thread. */
RT_Object_Class_Semaphore, /**< The object is a semaphore. */
RT_Object_Class_Mutex, /**< The object is a mutex. */
RT_Object_Class_Event, /**< The object is a event. */
RT_Object_Class_MailBox, /**< The object is a mail box. */
RT_Object_Class_MessageQueue, /**< The object is a message queue. */
RT_Object_Class_MemHeap, /**< The object is a memory heap */
RT_Object_Class_MemPool, /**< The object is a memory pool. */
RT_Object_Class_Device, /**< The object is a device */
RT_Object_Class_Timer, /**< The object is a timer. */
RT_Object_Class_Module, /**< The object is a module. */
RT_Object_Class_Unknown, /**< The object is unknown. */
RT_Object_Class_Static = 0x80 /**< The object is a static object. */
* Double List structure
struct rt_list_node
struct rt_list_node *next; /**< point to next node. */
struct rt_list_node *prev; /**< point to prev node. */
typedef struct rt_list_node rt_list_t; /**< Type for lists. */
// projects\stm32l4xx\rtconfig.h
#define RT_NAME_MAX 8
从类型说明看,如果是静态对象,对象类型的最高位是 1(是RT_Object_Class_Static 与其他对象类型的与操作),否则就是动态对象,系统最多能够容纳的对象类别数目是 127 个。
内核对象标志在不同的派生对象类型中含义不同,比如在IPC(Inter-Process Communication)中flag bit0若为0表示RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO:按消息队列先进先出的方式处理.,若为1表示RT_IPC_FLAG_PRIO:按线程优先级的方式处理。
// rt-thread-4.0.1\include\rtservice.h
* @brief initialize a list
* @param l list to be initialized
rt_inline void rt_list_init(rt_list_t *l)
l->next = l->prev = l;
* @brief insert a node after a list
* @param l list to insert it
* @param n new node to be inserted
rt_inline void rt_list_insert_after(rt_list_t *l, rt_list_t *n)
l->next->prev = n;
n->next = l->next;
l->next = n;
n->prev = l;
* @brief insert a node before a list
* @param n new node to be inserted
* @param l list to insert it
rt_inline void rt_list_insert_before(rt_list_t *l, rt_list_t *n)
l->prev->next = n;
n->prev = l->prev;
l->prev = n;
n->next = l;
* @brief remove node from list.
* @param n the node to remove from the list.
rt_inline void rt_list_remove(rt_list_t *n)
n->next->prev = n->prev;
n->prev->next = n->next;
n->next = n->prev = n;
* @brief tests whether a list is empty
* @param l the list to test.
rt_inline int rt_list_isempty(const rt_list_t *l)
return l->next == l;
* @brief get the list length
* @param l the list to get.
rt_inline unsigned int rt_list_len(const rt_list_t *l)
unsigned int len = 0;
const rt_list_t *p = l;
while (p->next != l){
p = p->next;
len ++;
return len;
* @brief get the struct for this entry
* @param node the entry point
* @param type the type of structure
* @param member the name of list in structure
#define rt_list_entry(node, type, member) \
rt_container_of(node, type, member)
* rt_container_of - return the member address of ptr, if the type of ptr is the
* struct type.
#define rt_container_of(ptr, type, member) \
((type *)((char *)(ptr) - (unsigned long)(&((type *)0)->member)))
int main(int argc, char **argv)
struct rt_object obj, *pobj;
obj.list = object_list;
pobj = rt_container_of(&obj.list, struct rt_object, list);
return 0;
// rt-thread-4.0.1\include\rtdef.h
* The information of the kernel object
struct rt_object_information
enum rt_object_class_type type; /**< object class type */
rt_list_t object_list; /**< object list */
rt_size_t object_size; /**< object size */
一类对象由一个 rt_object_information 结构体来管理,每一个这类对象的具体实例都通过链表的形式挂接在 object_list 上。而这一类对象的内存块尺寸由 object_size 标识出来(每一类对象的具体实例,他们占有的内存块大小都是相同的)。
// rt-thread-4.0.1\src\object.c
{&(rt_object_container[c].object_list), &(rt_object_container[c].object_list)}
static struct rt_object_information rt_object_container[RT_Object_Info_Unknown] =
/* initialize object container - thread */
{RT_Object_Class_Thread, _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(RT_Object_Info_Thread), sizeof(struct rt_thread)},
/* initialize object container - semaphore */
{RT_Object_Class_Semaphore, _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(RT_Object_Info_Semaphore), sizeof(struct rt_semaphore)},
/* initialize object container - mutex */
{RT_Object_Class_Mutex, _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(RT_Object_Info_Mutex), sizeof(struct rt_mutex)},
/* initialize object container - event */
{RT_Object_Class_Event, _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(RT_Object_Info_Event), sizeof(struct rt_event)},
/* initialize object container - mailbox */
{RT_Object_Class_MailBox, _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(RT_Object_Info_MailBox), sizeof(struct rt_mailbox)},
/* initialize object container - message queue */
{RT_Object_Class_MessageQueue, _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(RT_Object_Info_MessageQueue), sizeof(struct rt_messagequeue)},
/* initialize object container - memory heap */
{RT_Object_Class_MemHeap, _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(RT_Object_Info_MemHeap), sizeof(struct rt_memheap)},
/* initialize object container - memory pool */
{RT_Object_Class_MemPool, _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(RT_Object_Info_MemPool), sizeof(struct rt_mempool)},
/* initialize object container - device */
{RT_Object_Class_Device, _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(RT_Object_Info_Device), sizeof(struct rt_device)},
/* initialize object container - timer */
{RT_Object_Class_Timer, _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(RT_Object_Info_Timer), sizeof(struct rt_timer)},
/* initialize object container - module */
{RT_Object_Class_Module, _OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT(RT_Object_Info_Module), sizeof(struct rt_dlmodule)},
* define object_info for the number of rt_object_container items.
enum rt_object_info_type
RT_Object_Info_Thread = 0, /**< The object is a thread. */
RT_Object_Info_Semaphore, /**< The object is a semaphore. */
RT_Object_Info_Mutex, /**< The object is a mutex. */
RT_Object_Info_Event, /**< The object is a event. */
RT_Object_Info_MailBox, /**< The object is a mail box. */
RT_Object_Info_MessageQueue, /**< The object is a message queue. */
RT_Object_Info_MemHeap, /**< The object is a memory heap */
RT_Object_Info_MemPool, /**< The object is a memory pool. */
RT_Object_Info_Device, /**< The object is a device */
RT_Object_Info_Timer, /**< The object is a timer. */
RT_Object_Info_Module, /**< The object is a module. */
RT_Object_Info_Unknown, /**< The object is unknown. */
内核对象容器数组rt_object_container[RT_Object_Info_Unknown]中的每个成员都是一个内核对象信息结构体rt_object_information,数组元素个数为RT_Object_Info_Unknown (RT_Object_Info_Unknown为枚举类型rt_object_info_type最后一个元素,可以表示该枚举类型的元素数量)。rt_object_information结构体中的三个成员变量前面已经介绍过了,其中对象类型和对象大小两个成员变量的初始化不难理解,但rt_object_container[]中使用_OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT©宏定义来初始化内核对象容器链表乍一看可能有些费解。其实宏定义_OBJ_CONTAINER_LIST_INIT©的意思是将链表c的前一节点和后一节点在初始化时都指向本身所在地址,相当于下面的代码:
rt_object_container[c].object_list *next = &(rt_object_container[c].object_list);
rt_object_container[c].object_list *prev = &(rt_object_container[c].object_list);
// rt-thread-4.0.1\src\object.c
* This function will return the specified type of object information.
* @param type the type of object
* @return the object type information or RT_NULL
struct rt_object_information *rt_object_get_information(enum rt_object_class_type type)
int index;
for (index = 0; index < RT_Object_Info_Unknown; index ++)
if (rt_object_container[index].type == type)
return &rt_object_container[index];
return RT_NULL;
// rt-thread-4.0.1\src\object.c
* This function will initialize an object and add it to object system
* management.
* @param object the specified object to be initialized.
* @param type the object type.
* @param name the object name. In system, the object's name must be unique.
void rt_object_init(struct rt_object *object,
enum rt_object_class_type type,
const char *name)
register rt_base_t temp;
struct rt_list_node *node = RT_NULL;
struct rt_object_information *information;
struct rt_dlmodule *module = dlmodule_self();
/* get object information */
information = rt_object_get_information(type);
RT_ASSERT(information != RT_NULL);
/* check object type to avoid re-initialization */
/* enter critical */
/* try to find object */
for (node = information->object_list.next;
node != &(information->object_list);
node = node->next)
struct rt_object *obj;
obj = rt_list_entry(node, struct rt_object, list);
RT_ASSERT(obj != object);
/* leave critical */
/* initialize object's parameters */
/* set object type to static */
object->type = type | RT_Object_Class_Static;
/* copy name */
rt_strncpy(object->name, name, RT_NAME_MAX);
RT_OBJECT_HOOK_CALL(rt_object_attach_hook, (object));
/* lock interrupt */
temp = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();
if (module)
rt_list_insert_after(&(module->object_list), &(object->list));
object->module_id = (void *)module;
/* insert object into information object list */
rt_list_insert_after(&(information->object_list), &(object->list));
/* unlock interrupt */
* This function will detach a static object from object system,
* and the memory of static object is not freed.
* @param object the specified object to be detached.
void rt_object_detach(rt_object_t object)
register rt_base_t temp;
/* object check */
RT_ASSERT(object != RT_NULL);
RT_OBJECT_HOOK_CALL(rt_object_detach_hook, (object));
/* reset object type */
object->type = 0;
/* lock interrupt */
temp = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();
/* remove from old list */
/* unlock interrupt */
#define RT_OBJECT_HOOK_CALL(func, argv) \
do { if ((func) != RT_NULL) func argv; } while (0)
// rt-thread-4.0.1\src\object.c
* This function will allocate an object from object system
* @param type the type of object
* @param name the object name. In system, the object's name must be unique.
* @return object
rt_object_t rt_object_allocate(enum rt_object_class_type type, const char *name)
struct rt_object *object;
register rt_base_t temp;
struct rt_object_information *information;
struct rt_dlmodule *module = dlmodule_self();
/* get object information */
information = rt_object_get_information(type);
RT_ASSERT(information != RT_NULL);
object = (struct rt_object *)RT_KERNEL_MALLOC(information->object_size);
if (object == RT_NULL)
/* no memory can be allocated */
return RT_NULL;
/* clean memory data of object */
rt_memset(object, 0x0, information->object_size);
/* initialize object's parameters */
/* set object type */
object->type = type;
/* set object flag */
object->flag = 0;
/* copy name */
rt_strncpy(object->name, name, RT_NAME_MAX);
RT_OBJECT_HOOK_CALL(rt_object_attach_hook, (object));
/* lock interrupt */
temp = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();
if (module)
rt_list_insert_after(&(module->object_list), &(object->list));
object->module_id = (void *)module;
/* insert object into information object list */
rt_list_insert_after(&(information->object_list), &(object->list));
/* unlock interrupt */
/* return object */
return object;
* This function will delete an object and release object memory.
* @param object the specified object to be deleted.
void rt_object_delete(rt_object_t object)
register rt_base_t temp;
/* object check */
RT_ASSERT(object != RT_NULL);
RT_ASSERT(!(object->type & RT_Object_Class_Static));
RT_OBJECT_HOOK_CALL(rt_object_detach_hook, (object));
/* reset object type */
object->type = 0;
/* lock interrupt */
temp = rt_hw_interrupt_disable();
/* remove from old list */
/* unlock interrupt */
/* free the memory of object */
// rt-thread-4.0.1\include\rtdef.h
#define RT_KERNEL_MALLOC(sz) rt_malloc(sz)
#define RT_KERNEL_FREE(ptr) rt_free(ptr)
* This function will judge the object is system object or not.
* Normally, the system object is a static object and the type
* of object set to RT_Object_Class_Static.
* @param object the specified object to be judged.
* @return RT_TRUE if a system object, RT_FALSE for others.
rt_bool_t rt_object_is_systemobject(rt_object_t object)
/* object check */
RT_ASSERT(object != RT_NULL);
if (object->type & RT_Object_Class_Static)
return RT_TRUE;
return RT_FALSE;
* This function will return the type of object without
* RT_Object_Class_Static flag.
* @param object the specified object to be get type.
* @return the type of object.
rt_uint8_t rt_object_get_type(rt_object_t object)
/* object check */
RT_ASSERT(object != RT_NULL);
return object->type & ~RT_Object_Class_Static;
* This function will find specified name object from object
* container.
* @param name the specified name of object.
* @param type the type of object
* @return the found object or RT_NULL if there is no this object
* in object container.
* @note this function shall not be invoked in interrupt status.
rt_object_t rt_object_find(const char *name, rt_uint8_t type)
struct rt_object *object = RT_NULL;
struct rt_list_node *node = RT_NULL;
struct rt_object_information *information = RT_NULL;
/* parameter check */
if ((name == RT_NULL) || (type > RT_Object_Class_Unknown))
return RT_NULL;
/* which is invoke in interrupt status */
/* enter critical */
/* try to find object */
if (information == RT_NULL)
information = rt_object_get_information((enum rt_object_class_type)type);
RT_ASSERT(information != RT_NULL);
for (node = information->object_list.next;
node != &(information->object_list);
node = node->next)
object = rt_list_entry(node, struct rt_object, list);
if (rt_strncmp(object->name, name, RT_NAME_MAX) == 0)
/* leave critical */
return object;
/* leave critical */
return RT_NULL;