

  • Encryption and Decryption
  • traditional cryptography
    • substitution代替 cipher (Caesar cipher)
    • transposition cipher 转移密码
    • Product cipher
  • modern cryptography
    • DES(data encryption standard)
    • Merkle's puzzles and Shamir's method
  • public key encryption
    • RSA algorithm
    • digital signature
    • message digest (MD)

Encryption and Decryption

encryption model
an encryption process E (with an encryption key k, E角标k) transforms a plaintext P to a ciphertext C: C=Ek ( P )
a decryption process D (with a decryption key k’) transforms the ciphertext C to the original message P: P = Dk’ ( C )
– E and D are just mathematical algorithms
– often k = k’

traditional cryptography

substitution代替 cipher (Caesar cipher)

basic idea is replacement between bits

Plaintext: ‘the caesar cipher fooled the carthaginians’

  • shifting each alphabet by k. 假如k=1,每个字母都往后挪一个。 a→ B, b→ C, . . ., z→ A, 码字变成‘ UIF DBFTBS DJQIFS GPPMFE UIF DBSUIBHJOJBOT ’
  • mapping alphabets randomly to others, a→ Q, b→ W, c→ E, . . .码字变成‘ ZIT EQTLQK EOHITK YGGSTR ZIT EQKZIQUOFOQFL ’
  • (a bit more complex) mapping all ASCII characters randomly to others.


– 26!∼4× 1026 possible keys exist for random alphabet mapping — at 1µ(sec) per key, 1000 machines will solve in 1010 years.

– in fact, not difficult to break by exploiting the statistical properties of natural language — e.g., for English,
are most common.

Breaking the subsititution cipher: ‘ ZIT EQTLQK EOHITK YGGSTR ZIT EQKZIQUOFOQFL ’

  • frequent letters: Q (5 times), T (5), I (4), E (3), K (3), O (3), Z (3), .=⇒ they may be substitutions for ‘ e, t, o, a, n, i ’.
  • a trigram三字母组: ZIT (twice) =⇒ possibly ‘ the ’.
  • here is one guess: Z→ t, I→ h, T→ e, Q→ a, O→ i, ‘ the EaeLaK EiHheK YGGSeR the EaKthaUiFiaFL ’
  • and this ‘guessing game’ continues for the rest, using further statistical clues.

transposition cipher 转移密码

basic idea is rearrangement of bits

how to do this cipher:

  • choose a key k to number the columns
  • write the plaintext in rows
  • read the ciphertext by columns, starting with the column whose key letter is the lowest.

breaking the transposition cipher:

  • find a cipher ⇐ test the statistical pattern
    if there are many e, t, o, a, n, i, it is more likely to be a transposition cipher than a substitution cipher.
  • find # columns ⇐ guess for contents of message
    we suppose ‘swiss bank account’ to occur and this cipher to have nine columns, bigrams such as sk, ia, sc, bu, an, nt may appear.
  • order the columns ⇐ test the statistical pattern
    – first we choose two columns that fit best to the bigram pattern of plaintext
    – then we find the third column that fits best to the bigram/trigram patterns (continue for all columns)

Product cipher

combination of elements to build complex ciphers

modern cryptography

compare modern and traditional cryptography:

  • traditional cryptography: uses simple algorithms, but relies on long keys in order to make ciphertxt more cryptic
  • modern cryptography: keeps the keys short, but uses complex procedures to encrypt data

DES(data encryption standard)

  • key is 56 bits length
  • plaintext is encrypted in blocks of 64-bits, yielding 64-bits of ciphertext
  • 19 stages includes 16 functionally identical iterations迭代
  • decryption is done with the same 56-bit key, but run in reverse order

breaking the DES— suppose a small piece of plaintext and matched ciphertext is given:

  • can design a machine that does exhaustive search (256∼7.2× 1016 keys) in less than one day.
  • national lottery attack
    – ten million people own a TV set, installed with a DES chip芯片 that does only one million encryptions per second (very cheap).
    – once a plaintext/ciphertext pair is broadcasted, each of ten million chips begins searching preassigned section of key space.
    – within two hours, one TV set hits a jackpot and the owner wins a fortune. ⇒ DES cannot be used for anything important.

Brute-force attack

  • also known as an exhaustive详尽的 search for discovering keys
  • try every combination until the correct key is found
  • can be used against most of encrypted data
  • often prohibitively过分地 inefficient
  • national lottery attack is one example for a brute-force attack

Merkle’s puzzles and Shamir’s method

Merkle’s puzzles
Shamir’s method:

  • each of k persons - neither of them knows the key --carries unique data point (xi,yi)
  • k points uniquely determine the polynomial, whose coefficients系数 (ai’s) are then used to derive a key
  • if less than k persons arrives the destination, a polynomial cannot be uniquely determined, but it is still possible to find a relation between coefficients

public key encryption

There is no reason encryption algorithm cannot be made public, suppose

  • D(E§) =P
    where E/D: encryption / decryption algorithms, P: plaintext
  • it is exceedingly difficult to deduce推论 D from E


  • encryption algorithm E with key k is made public, but decryption algorithm D, whose key k ′ is different from k, is kept secret.
  • anybody, wishing to send a message, encrypts with E.
  • ciphertext cannot be read unless you know D.

RSA algorithm

  • parameter selection:
    – choose two large primes质数, p and q. (typically greater than 10的100次方)
    – compute n = pq, and z = (p-1)(q-1)
    – choose a number relatively prime to z and call it d
    – find e such that e × d e \times d e×d modz =1
  • procedure:
    – the pair (e,n) is made public.
    – the rest (p,q,z,d) is kept private.

Why is the RSA algorithm secure?

  • n is made public , n=pq
  • difficult to fatoring large numbers 分解大的数字难
  • Estimation — using a computer that makes one calculation per one micro second: factoring 200-digit number requires four billion years ; factoring 500-digit number requires 1025 years


digital signature

Signed message’ system签名系统 should satisfy

  • authentication of the process: the receiver can verify the claimed声明 identity of the sender
    (e.g.) a bank needs a authorised signature for transaction.
  • protection of message receiver: the sender cannot later change the contents of the message.
    (e.g.) a dishonest customer might withdraw money, then sue the bank that he never did such transaction.
  • protection of the message sender: the receiver cannot forge伪造 the message
    (e.g.) a stock broker might buy a junk stock without a customer’s approval.

Secret key signature:


  • fast and efficient


  • the secret key is required to verify the authenticity of the message, leading to a key distribution problem;
  • or find a third party that moderate协调 the communication.

Secret key system:

  • needs a moderator that everyone trusts
  • not that easy to find such moderator

Public/private key signature:


  • public keys can be freely and openly distributed分发


  • calculations for encryption/decryption are very costly

signing the message签署消息 using a public/private key system:

  • authentication of message
  • sender digitally signs a message using the private key
  • suppose a public key encryption/decryption algorithm can do E(D§) = P
  • of the recipient can decrypt this message using sender’s public key, it is the proof for authenticity真实性 of the sender

signing and encoding a message using the public/private key system:

  • suppose D(E§) = P , E (D§) = P
    (e.g.) RSA algorithm has this property
  • the recipient (‘B’) is sure that
    – ‘A’ is the actual sender of the message
    – only the recipient can read the message

message digest (MD)

  • also known as a hash value散列值 (or simply a hash)
  • a fixed size, quasi-unique fingerprint generated by a formula from an arbitrary任意值 sized message
  • similar in principle to the computation of CRC
  • typical digest size of 128 to 256 bits to represent 10的38次方 to 10的77次方 different values
  • much less costly than encrypting the entire message
  • detection of corrupted message
  • protection against unauthorised modification, achieved by encryption. (note) MD alone does not offer any protection

Sending a message:

  • compute MD from a plaintext P using a hash function
  • encrypt MD using the sender’s private key
  • send the plaintext P and the encrypted MD

Receiving a message:

  • compute MD′ from P using the same hash function
  • decrypt MD using the sender’s public key
  • compare MD′ with MD

A good hash function:

  • efficient to compute MDs
  • virtually impossible to find a message having the
    identical MD
  • dependent on every bit of the message
    (i.e., two nearly identical messages to have totally different hash values)

