使用supervisor管理python web服务


编写的Python web 程序在centos6.5上可以通过python3 app.py执行,但是退出ssh登陆之后,进程也随之结束。通过安装并配置supervisor就可以把命令行程序变成“deamon”随系统自动运行。

supervisor VS. rc.d scripts

rc.d scripts实现了基本的进程初始化、重启、管理特性,但rc.d scripts不好维护和管理。supervisor可以实现rc.d scripts同样的功能,并且能在进程崩溃时候自动重启该进程。


在centos 6.5 环境下使用下面命令安装supervisor,并且使用yum info 命令看到安装的supervisor版本为2.1。
#安装 supervisor
yum install supervisor
yum info  supervisor

Loaded plugins: security
Installed Packages
Name        : supervisor
Arch        : noarch
Version     : 2.1
Release     : 9.el6
Size        : 1.1 M
Repo        : installed
From repo   : epel
Summary     : A System for Allowing the Control of Process State on UNIX
URL         : http://www.plope.com/software/supervisor2/
License     : ZPLv2.1 and BSD and MIT
Description : The supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to control a
            : number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems.


command     = /srv/awesome/www/app.py
directory   = /srv/awesome/www
user        = root
startsecs   = 3
redirect_stderr         = true
stdout_logfile_maxbytes = 50MB
stdout_logfile_backups  = 10
stdout_logfile          = /srv/awesome/log/app.log


在使用输入supervisorctl reload 或者 supervisorctl 前,必须先用service supervisord start 命令启动服务,否则会提示下面错误:

[root@localhost etc]# supervisorctl reload
error: , [Errno 2] No such file or directory: file:  line: 1
[root@localhsot etc]# supervisorctl
error: , [Errno 2] No such file or directory: file:  line: 1
[root@localhsot etc]# service supervisord start
Starting supervisord:                                      [  OK  ]
[root@localhost etc]# supervisorctl
awesome        RUNNING    pid 28877, uptime 0:00:38

然后退出ssh登陆,app.py 可以后台运行啦!
