Texas Law May Require Stablecoin Issuers to Obtain Licenses
According to recently updated guidance from the state Department of Banking in Texas, stablecoins may now fall under existing definitions of “money” or “monetary value,” and therefore anyone who purchases the stablecoin has a claim to the sovereign currency assets underlying the tokens they possess. This development means that issuers of stablecoins may now be required to obtain a license to operate in the state. Exchanges and other startups are being warned that they must comply with relevant laws, particularly if they conduct money transmission.
Dark Overlord 黑客集团在 Steemit 平台公布 911 相关文件
一家名为Dark Overlord 的黑客集团因入侵几家知名保险公司并盗取了 911 世界贸易中心恐怖袭击事件相关文档而成为近期的头条新闻。该集团在被推特和 Reddit 相继禁封之后,转向了区块链社交媒体平台 Steemit。起初,他们向被入侵的几家公司索要比特币作为这些文件的赎金,但现在他们改变了策略,希望从公众获取捐款来公布这些文件。该集团自周三起一直在 Steemit 上发布这些文件。
Dark Overlord Hacker Group Now Posting 9/11 Documents on Steemit Platform
The Dark Overlord hacker group who recently made headlines by announcing that they had hacked files related to the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks from several prominent insurance companies has officially moved to the blockchain-based social media platform Steemit after being banned from Twitter and Reddit. Originally they demanded Bitcoin in return for the documents, but now they have changed tactics and are seeking donations from the public in order to release the data. The group has been posting on Steemit since Wednesday.
中国银行业协会(CBA)公布推出区块链平台的计划,旨在提高银行业的效率。该平台将利用区块链技术简化金融交易。参与该计划的银行包括汇丰银行、中国银行和平安银行等。汇丰中国的副总裁方啸称,新平台将“打通了不同银行之间的壁垒,实现了信息流的互通。” 区块链超级账本(Hyperledger)成员北京众享比特科技有限公司(PeerSafe)以及联合国家开发银行也参与了该平台的搭建。
China's Banking Association will Launch a Multi-Use Blockchain Platform for all Major Banks
The China Banking Association (CBA) has announced plans to launch a blockchain-based platform which will improve the efficiency of the banking sector. The system will utilize blockchain to streamline financial transactions and participants include HSBC, the Bank of China and Ping An Bank. HSBC China vice president Fang Xiao said that the new platform will “open up barriers between different banks and realize the interflow of information”. Hyperledger consortium participant PeerSafe and the United Nations Development Bank are involved with the platform’s construction.
Craig Wright 称 Andreas Antonopoulos 是‘垃圾币专家’
自称比特币创造者的 Craig Wright 近期发推特称比特币支持者 Andreas Antonopoulos 是‘垃圾币专家’。他怼 Andreas 说他对比特币的认知只有“比特币这个词的拼写”。据 Wright 称,他从 Andreas 对什么是数字货币什么不是数字货币的定义中看出,Andreas 是一个无政府主义者。Craig 还劝那些关注了 Andreas 的人不要读他写的那本《精通比特币》(Mastering Bitcoin),说这本书有潜在危害,它充满了错误。
Craig Wright Says Andreas Antonopoulos is a ‘S**tcoin Expert’
Craig Wright, a self-proclaimed bitcoin creator, recently took to Twitter to call bitcoin proponent Andreas Antonopoulos, a ‘s**tcoin expert.’ Wright then dismissed Andreas’ knowledge on bitcoin saying that the only thing he knows is how to ‘spell Bitcoin.’ According to Wright, Andreas is an anarchist because of his beliefs of what digital currencies should and should not be. Craig went on to discourage his followers from reading Andreas’ book titled Mastering Bitcoin, stating that it is insidious and full of errors.
Gemini 新广告宣传语称加密领域需要监管条规
据华尔街日报报道,加密交易所 Gemini 通过新的广告牌标语呼吁订立更多的规则对加密领域进行监管。该公司用“crypto needs rules(加密领域需要规则)”等标语制作了广告牌,并将这些广告牌放在出租车上和纽约地铁上。Gemini 的营销总监 Chris Roan 称,该公司认为加密领域的投资者应该得到与传统市场投资者相等程度的保护。然而,并不是每个人都认同该公司的观点,有些人认为像 KYC(了解你的客户)和 AML(反洗钱)这样的规则不符合道德规范。
New Gemini Ad Campaign Says the Crypto Sector Needs Regulation
According to a Wall Street Journal on January 4, the Gemini crypto exchange called for regulation in the crypto-verse through a new ad campaign. The startup created placards with slogans like ‘crypto needs rules’ and placed them on taxis and in the New York City subway. Chris Roan, Gemini’s head of marketing said that they believe investors in the crypto space deserve the same protection as those in traditional markets. However, not everyone shares the firm’s sentiments as some individuals believe rules like KYC and AML are not ethical.
Joseph Young
Every year Bitcoin survives, it demonstrates the resilience and robustness of the protocol, market, and industry that supports it.
As crypto assets mature, investors who previously considered them as a fad will start to acknowledge them as an established asset class.
Eric Conner
The Ethereum network is going through an upgrade on January 16th. However, only 12% of nodes have upgraded to Constantinople compatible versions.
Please update your nodes!
Harry Halpin
“The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks” The entire point of Bitcoin is an p2p cryptocurrency that cannot be censored by nation-states or banks. Let’s keep true to the original vision, and not be distracted in the decade to come.
Anthony Lusardi
Cryptocurrency is about transacting *with the people you want to* in a highly adversarial and permissionless environment.
It says nothing about having to transact or engage with those you don't.
Craig S Wright
If you HODL - you do NOT support Bitcoin.
It is a system for use.
Just want to HODL - enough the poorhouse.
Money means use.
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