Unitimes 精选 | 以太坊君士坦丁堡升级预计在 2 月28日;微软发布新平台帮助 1CO 项目管理代币...

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2019 年 2 月 25 日,以太币交易总额为 3,736,113 ETH ,比前日上升 30.13%;日活跃用户量 131,807,比前日下降 2.53%;新增合约 7,773 个,比前日上升  57.28%;平均交易费用为 17.02 GWEI,比前日上升 4.90%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN (SUT);通证代币交易总额为 328,901 个,比前日下降 3.28%。



微软发布新平台帮助 1CO 项目管理代币

最近微软在 Microsoft Azure 系统内发布了 Stratis 平台。这个平台由伦敦的 Stratis 团队设计而成,为用户提供一个网页界面,用户能使用这个界面进行 1CO 代币发行的管理。通过这个平台,用户在首次发行前购买代币时,可确保支付的安全性和灵活性。用户可选择 Strat 支付,即 Stratis 的代币,或选择比特币支付。1CO 的参与者可将法币或加密货币兑换为 Strat。近期,微软将在 1CO 市场寻找新的立足点。这意味着,从长期来看,1CO 市场将在稳定缓慢地增长的同时,拥有满足 AML和 KYC要求的对应解决方案。

Microsoft Launch a New Platform to help ICO projects manage their token distribution

Microsoft recently listed a Stratis platform in its Microsoft Azure section.This platform, designed by the Stratis Group out of London, gives users a web-based interface which gives ICO project the ability to manage their token distribution. By using the platform, users can ensure that secure and flexible payments are made when purchasing tokens before the initial allocation. These are paid for either by using Strat, which is Stratis’ native token or with Bitcoin. Those who are participating in the ICO can easily convert their fiat currency or crypto into Strat.In the near-term, Microsoft will start looking to gain a larger foothold in the ICO market. This means that over the long run, the ICO market will have a solution in place to meet AML and KYC requirements while also enjoying growth at a nice, slow pace.



以太坊君士坦丁堡升级预计在 2 月28日

人们期待已久的君士坦丁堡升级将在本周最后几天开始。具体来说,这次升级将在以太坊达到 7,280,000 的区块高度上线,从目前的挖矿速度来看,升级会在 2 月 28 日开始。然而升级的确切时间会因挖矿的多与少产生变动。本次新升级将对基础以太坊协议进行更改,而根据 EIP 提案改善系统。对于以太坊用户来说,君士坦丁堡升级将主要在于提高网络的效率,延迟以太坊“难度炸弹”对挖矿算力的影响以及减少挖矿的以太币奖励。周四的升级还包含争议不断的“CREATE 2”EIP的实施,这将使用户能够通过智能合约进行交互,而现在智能合约还没有出现在区块链中。

Ethereum (ETH) Constantinople Upgrade Set to Launch February 28th 

The long-anticipated launch of Ethereum’s Constantinople upgrade is set to occur later this week. Specifically, the update is scheduled to go live during Ethereum’s 7,280,000 mined block, which at the current rate of production should occur on Thursday Feb. 28. However, there is some variability in the exact timing of the update, given to the rise and fall of mining. The new update is set to change the underlying Ethereum protocol in an effort to improve the system according to proposed Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs). For Ethereum users, the primary changes of the Constantinople upgrade will be multiple enhancements of network efficiency, a delay in the Ethereum “difficulty bomb” affecting mining hash power, and a decrease in the amount of ETH reward for mined block. Thursday’s upgrade will also include the controversial “CREATE2” EIP implementation, which will allow users to interact with smart contracts that do not presently exist on the blockchain. 



Warren Buffett :比特币是一种“错觉”,但区块链是“独创”的

亿万富翁投资家 Warren Buffett 认为区块链技术“很重要”,但他对比特币的看法远没有那么乐观。“区块链具有独创性并且很重要,而比特币却没有任何独特的价值,” Buffett 说。“它不会产生任何东西,你可以整天盯着它看,但盯着它不会让它生出小比特币或其他类似的东西。” Buffett 承认他是从别人那里了解比特币和区块链的,他补充道:“但是区块链并不是非比特币不可。”不过他没有详细说明为什么他认为区块链很重要。

Warren Buffet: Bitcoin Is a ‘Delusion’ But Blockchain Is ‘Ingenious’

Billionaire investor Warren Buffett thinks blockchain technology “is important,” but remains far less bullish on bitcoin. “It’s ingenious and blockchain is important but bitcoin has no unique value at all,” Buffett said. “It doesn’t produce anything, you can stare at it all day and no little bitcoins come out or anything like that.” Acknowledging that bitcoin and blockchain were explained to him by others, Buffett added:“… blockchain does not depend on [bitcoin].” He did not elaborate on why he sees blockchain as being important.



太阳能供应商 Kyocera 与区块链公司合作改善能源分配

据 2 月 25 日发布的一份新闻稿称,日本太阳能供应商 Kyocera 已与 LO3 Energy 达成合作,测试基于区块链的虚拟电厂( VPP ),以改善能源分配。该测试计划于 2019 年 2 月 28 日进行,将允许两家公司评估基于 P2P 分布式共识网络( distributed consensus network ,  P2P )的 VPPs 在推进无燃料无碳排放的低碳社会发展的可行性。在这个联合项目中, Kyocera 将利用其太阳能光伏组件和电池建立小型 VPPs ,而总部位于纽约的 LO3 Energy 将负责基于其分布式账本技术管理能源流。

Solar Power Supplier Kyocera Teams up With Blockchain Firm to Improve Energy Distribution

Japan’s solar power supplier Kyocera has partnered with LO3 Energy to test blockchain-based virtual power plants (VPP) for improved energy distribution, according to a press release published on Feb. 25. Scheduled for Feb. 28, 2019, the test will allow the companies to evaluate the the feasibility of VPPs that promote a low-carbon society without fuels or carbon emissions based on peer-to-peer (P2P) distributed consensus network. Within the joint project, Kyocera will set up small VPPs using its solar photovoltaic (PV) modules and batteries, while New York-based LO3 Energy will be responsible for managing energy flow based on its distributed ledger technology.





Last 2 weeks for Coinbase:

- Cloud storage backup of private keys

- Get free $3 of $ZEC

- Acquired Hacking Team

- Added BCash to the wallet

- Added Ripple to the exchange



-$ZEC 中免费获得3美元



-交易所增加了 Ripple



Corbin Page

MeridioRE 联合创始人


2016年的赏金是原始的高级 dapps。



2019 年的稳定币 / CDPs是杀手级应用

2020年的稳定币 / CDPs是一个原始的应用

2015 Bounties are the killer app of Ethereum.

2016 Bounties are a primitive of higher-level dapps.

2017 Tokens are the killer app.

2018 Tokens are simply a primitive.

2019 Stablecoins / CDPs are the killer app.

2020 Stablecoins / CDPs are a primitive.



Jimmy Song




Worrying about what others are doing is a pathology.

Control what you can control and be at peace. Bitcoin is one of the few ways ways where you can control your own wealth instead of depending on others and inducing worry.



Ryan Sean Adams

Mythos Capital 创始人

The biggest threat to all the Ethereum killers isn't the Eth 2.0 of the future.

It's the Eth 1.0 of today with Loom Plasma chains, xDai sidechains, Celer state channels & the dozen or so other Ethereum L2 projects launching this year.

对所有以太坊杀手最大的威胁不是未来的ETH 2.0。

而是如今推出的Eth 1.0与Loom Plasma 链,xDai侧链,Celer状态通道和其他十几个以太坊的 L2项目。


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Unitimes 精选 | 以太坊君士坦丁堡升级预计在 2 月28日;微软发布新平台帮助 1CO 项目管理代币..._第1张图片

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