Unitimes 精选 | Twitter CEO 每周定投比特币;纳斯达克试验代币化平台

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2019 年 3 月 5 日,以太币交易总额为 2,327,731 ETH ,比前日下降7.62%;日活跃用户量 158,786,比前日上升 5.81%;新增合约 33,648 个,比前日下降  0.28%;平均交易费用为 13.42 GWEI,比前日上升 6.64%;最活跃合约为 SUM TOKEN(SUT);通证代币交易总额为 415,284 个,比前日下降 9.23%。



Twitter CEO 每周都会购买价值 1 万美元的比特币

Twitter 首席执行官杰克·多尔西(Jack Dorsey)最近透露,他目前每周都会购买价值 10,000 美元的比特币。目前每周约买 2.7 个比特币,每年总共花费 520,000美元。虽然这对某些人来说似乎很多,但这个数字只相当于多尔西 56 亿美元净资产的 0.0928%。他再次重申,他坚信互联网需要一种货币,而比特币最有可能成为那种货币。

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey Reveals He Buys $10,000 Worth of Bitcoin Every Week

Jack Dorsey, the CEO of Twitter, recently revealed that he is currently buying the limit of $10,000 worth of Bitcoin each and every week. That currently amounts to approximately 2.7 BTC each week, and totals $520,000 spent each year. While that may seem like a lot to some, that figure amounts to 0.0928% of Dorsey’s $5.6 billion net worth. He again reitereated that his faith is driven by his belief that the Internet needs a currency, and BTC has the best chance at being chosen for that.





Nasdaq’sTokenizing Platform In Trial, Product Manager Confirms

Recently, the Nasdaq launched the Bitcoin and Ethereum Liquid indices as they aid in bringing more reliability and preciseness of the asset prices of these two leading crypto assets. Because pricing is a major concern for the US SEC, the involvement of Nasdaq, a trusted exchange drawing their data from vetted firms relying on approved methodologies as they calculate index prices with all variable factored in, is definitely a move in the right direction. As the exchange gravitate towards tokenization, many are banking on Nasdaq to prop the markets since they have the experience, the tech and the infrastructure necessary to prevent manipulation of Bitcoin prices. 




你不知道信息会被发送到哪里,也不知道谁会读到它。但是你输入一条信息,用比特币支付几美分,然后点击“发送”按钮,你的信息就将向空中飞速发送——是的,空中——然后通过卫星广播,推送到全世界。这样一个宇宙的“流浪瓶”成为比特币技术社区最新奇的事物。这是一个一年前发布的古怪项目,其目标是为不能接入互联网的人提供比特币。在 Blockstream 卫星的帮助下,这一切得以实现。随着 spacebit.live 的推出,发送这样的信息变得更加容易了。这个简单的网站,用户只需支付少量费用(默认值为 1 美分的 testnet 比特币),即可通过世界各地的卫星发送信息。

People Are Paying Bitcoin to Send Weird and Wild Messages Into Space

You’re not sure where it will end up exactly or who will actually read it. But you type up a message, pay a couple of cents in bitcoin and click the “send” button. Your message zips through space – yes, space – then is broadcast out of a satellite, blanketing the world. A cosmic “message in a bottle” that’s become the latest novelty in the bitcoin technical community. It’s all possible with the help of Blockstream satellite, an eccentric project released over a year ago with the goal of making bitcoin accessible for people without internet access. Sending messages has gotten easier since then, with the launch of spacebit.live, a simple website that allows users to pay a small fee (the default of which is 3 cents in testnet bitcoin) to send a message via those satellites across the world.



Opera Web 浏览器加密货币钱包将服务扩展至 iOS 用户

据 3 月 5 日星期二发布的官方新闻稿称, Opera 宣布即将推出适用于 iOS 的 Opera Touch 。这是一款 Web 3 浏览器,带有集成的加密货币钱包,支持以太坊 (ETH) 以及去中心化应用程序 (DApps) 。早在去年 12 月, Opera 就为 Android 用户推出了带有内置加密货币钱包的 “Web 3-ready” 浏览器。 Opera 解释称,由于加密货币钱包整合到 Android 的 DApp 浏览器上很成功,因此决定将服务扩展到 iOS。虽然 Opera Touch for iOS 的发布日期尚未得知,但新闻稿指出用户可以通过在网站注册,提前测试应用程序。

Opera Web Browser Crypto Wallet to Expand Services to iOS Users

Major web browser Opera has announced the upcoming launch of Opera Touch for iOS, according to an official press release published Tuesday, March 5. Opera Touch is a Web 3 browser with an integrated crypto wallet and support for Ethereum (ETH) and interactions with decentralized applications (DApps). Back in December, Opera launched its “Web 3-ready” browser with a built-in crypto wallet for Android users. Opera explains the decision to expand its services to iOS as the result of the successful integration of the crypto wallet and DApp explorer for Android. Although the launch date of Opera Touch for iOS had not been stated, the press release notes that users can sign up to test the app through its site.



Preethi Kasireddy

TruStory 创始人兼CEO

This is one of the reasons I always admired Coinbase, and why I chose to work there.

Rather than dismissing their mistakes, they always had the culture of going back and figuring out what they can learn from them.Thank you for being an inspiration  @brian_armstrong

我一直钦佩 Coinbase 的原因之一,也是我选择在那里工作的原因是,比起回避错误,他们总是回头自省,去弄清楚他们可以从中学到什么。感谢你给我灵感@brian_armstrong



Roger Ver


BCH has it all! :

- Payments

- Tokens

- Privacy

- Almost Free Transactions

- An Awesome Community! 

So Start Building today!

所有这些,BCH 都有! :

 - 付款

 - 代币

 - 隐私保障

 - 交易几乎免手续费

 - 社区也非常棒!




Nick Szabo  

Bit Gold 创始人&设计师

Cryptocurrency most important areas for improvement over the next few years:

* More secure storage (key management)

* Trust-minimized (decentralized) exchanges

* Make 2nd layers more user-friendly, especially via automated routing, while not overly sacrificing trust minimization.







Péter Szilágyi


This is the typical solution tech companies do: make the privacy violation a technological issue and avoid getting scrutinized. They feed the public that this is how the tech works. But the reason it works like this is to permit the violation. It is engineered specifically for it.

这是科技公司会做的典型解决方案: 把侵犯隐私搞成一种技术问题, 以此来避免严格的审查。然后他们告诉公众, 这就是技术本来就是这样的。但其实,这些解决方案如此运作的原因就是他们设置了允许侵犯隐私,这些公司就是故意这么做的。


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