\usepackage[top=1cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}
\renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}} % Use Input in the format of Algorithm
\renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}} % Use Output in the format of Algorithm
\begin{algorithmic}[1] %每行显示行号
\Require 整数a,b
\Ensure 求解一组x,y,满足ax+by=gcd(a,b)
\Function {exgcd}{$a,b,x,y$}//
\State $x0 \gets 1,y0 \gets 0,x1 \gets 0,y1 \gets 1,x \gets 1,y \gets 0$
\State $r \gets a$\%$b$
\State $q \gets (a-r)//b$
\State $x \gets x0-q*x1,y \gets y0-q*y1$
\State $x0 \gets x1,y0 \gets y1$
\State $x1 \gets x,y1 \gets y$
\State $a \gets b,b \gets r,r \gets a$\%$b$
\State $q \gets (a-r)//b$
\State \Return{$a,x,y$}
\usepackage[top=1cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}
\renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}} % Use Input in the format of Algorithm
\renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}} % Use Output in the format of Algorithm
\begin{algorithmic}[1] %每行显示行号
\Require 整数n,随机次数times
\Ensure n是否是素数
\Function {$Is\_Prime$}{$n,times$}//Quick\_Mod为快速模幂算法
\For{$i = 0 \to times$}
\If {$Quick_Mod(1+random(n),n-1,n) \neq 1$}
\State break
\If {$i == 5$}
\State \Return{$True$}
\State \Return{$False$}
\usepackage[top=1cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}
\renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}} % Use Input in the format of Algorithm
\renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}} % Use Output in the format of Algorithm
\begin{algorithmic}[1] %每行显示行号
\State \#define MAX\_COST 1500
\State \#define MAX 110
\State \#define MAX\_LEN 9999
\State const int inf = 0x3f3f3f3f;
\State int n; //节点数
\State int visit[MAX]; //记录节点i是否访问过
\State int currentPath[MAX]; //记录当前路径
\State int shortestPath[MAX]; //记录最短路径
\State int cnt; //最短路径上的节点下标
\State int currentDistance; //记录当前路径的长度
\State int shortestDistance; //记录已知最短路径的长度
\State int currentCost; //记录当前路径的费用
\State int cheappestCost; //记录当前最短路径的费用
\State int shortestDistances[MAX]; //记录从源点到节点i的最短路径长度
\State int cheappestCosts[MAX]; //记录从源点到节点i最短路径对应的费用
\State int citydist[MAX][MAX]; //城市间的距离矩阵
\State int citycost[MAX][MAX]; //城市间彼此到达的花费
\begin{algorithmic}[1] %每行显示行号
\Require $50\times50$有向图邻接矩阵(边权表示路径长度),$50\times50$费用矩阵(对应路径的费用)
\Ensure 花费限制1500下,从甲城市[1]到乙城市[50]的最短路径
\Function {BranchAndBound}{$depth, v$}//分支定界法,deep表示当前搜索深度(最优路径节点数),v代表当前访问的节点
\State add v to currentPath //当前节点添加到路径
\If {$depth = 0$} //第一个添加进来的节点
\State $visit[v] \gets true$ //标记已访问
\If {$depth >= 50$} \Return //回溯(1) \EndIf
\If {$v = 50$} //找到终点,回溯(2)
\State add v to currentPath
\State $shortestPath \gets currentPath$ //当前最优路径赋值给全局最优路径
\State $shortestDistances[50] \gets currentDistance$ //当前最短路径长度赋值给全局最短,更新界
\State $shortestDistance \gets currentDistance$
\State $cheappestCosts[50] \gets currentCost$ //当前最优路径下的费用赋值给全局,更新界
\State $cheappestCost \gets currentCost$
\State \Return
\For{$i = 1 \to 50$}
\If {$citydist[v][i] < MAX\_LEN$} //当前节点V的邻接点
\State $currentDistance \gets currentDistance+citydist[v][i]$ //为当前路径添加一条到邻接点的路径
\State $currentCost \gets currentCost+citycost[v][i]$ //同时添加花费值
\If {$visit[i] = true$} continue //回溯(6)
\If {$currentDistance<=shortestDistances[i]\&\¤tCost<=MAX\_COST$} //剪枝(3)(5)满足if条件,即是在二叉搜索树中选择走左分支,将i节点加入当前路径
\If {$currentCost<=cheappestCosts[i]$} //剪枝(7),更新界
\State $shortestDistances[i] \gets currentDistance$ //更新界
\State $cheappestCosts[i] \gets currentCost$
\If {$currentDistance<=min(shortestDistances[i],shortestDistances[n])$}//剪枝(4)
\State $visit[i] \gets true$ //标记已访问
\State \Call{BranchAndBound}{$depth+1, i$} //向深层搜索
\State $visit[i] \gets false$ //恢复标记,相当于在二叉搜索树中回溯到当前待分支节点,选择走该节点的右分支,即不将i节点加入路径,改走其他邻接点
\State $currentDistance \gets currentDistance-citydist[v][i]$
\State $currentCost \gets currentCost-citycost[v][i]$//将当前最短路径长度和对应花费恢复到深搜前的状态
\usepackage[top=1cm, bottom=2cm, left=2cm, right=2cm]{geometry}
\renewcommand{\algorithmicrequire}{\textbf{Input:}} % Use Input in the format of Algorithm
\renewcommand{\algorithmicensure}{\textbf{Output:}} % Use Output in the format of Algorithm
\begin{algorithmic}[1] %每行显示行号
\Require 整数n,随机次数times
\Ensure n是否是素数
\Function {$Solovay\_Strassen$}{$n,times$}//Quick\_Mod为快速模幂算法,random产生随机数,Jacobi计算雅可比符号
\For{$i = 0 \to times$}
\While{$Rand\_Num > 1 \&\& Rand\_Num <= n-1$}
\State $Rand\_Num \gets random(n)$
\State $r \gets Quick\_Mod(Rand\_Num,(n-1)/2,n)$
\If {$not (r==1 || r==n-1)$}
\State \Return{$0$}
\State $jac \gets Jacobi(Rand\_Num,n) //Jacobi计算雅可比符号$
\If {$jac < 0$}
\State $jac \gets jac+n$
\If {$jac \neq r$}
\State \Return{$0$}
\State \Return{$1$}