
skyline 地平线 skyscraper 摩天大楼

to unpack 解压 neon 霓虹灯

siren 汽笛

1.Over one billion people worldwide are overweight, estimates the World Health Organization, and that number will increase to 1.5 billion by 2015 unless current trends are reversed.


2.In addition to using newspapers and the phone, the Internet has become the tool of preference for getting more details on job openings, appliactions, and other necessary information.


3.****The U.S. Import Price Index rose 0.2 percent in February. The increase followed a 0.9 percent decline in January and was led by an upturn in petroleum prices.


4.Pollution exposure at home and work is often greater than outdoors. Indoor air pollutant levels are around 35% greater than outside levels and can pose serious health problems.


5.An exhibition of some 117 Cezanne paintings opened on Friday, showing off the works of the man deemed the father of modern art, a bridge between the impressionist and cubist movements.

