该博客写作之前,已经将分析源码的PPT上传,客官可移步: 基于RSA的PyCryptodome库讲解.pptx.(为卑微的一级菜鸡捐献一点点积分)
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
import Crypto.Cipher.PKCS1_v1_5 as cipher
def generate_key(bits):
:param bits: the length of RSA key
:return: RSAKey object
return RSA.generate(bits)
def encrypt(message, pk):
:param message: the message would be encrypted
:param pk: the public key
:return: a cipher text for the message though encrypt
:rtype: bytes
cipher_obj = cipher.new(RSA.importKey(pk))
org_bytes = message.encode()
length_en = RSA.RsaKey.size_in_bytes(RSA.importKey(pk)) - 11 # 2048/8-11=245
res_en = b''
for i in range(0, len(org_bytes), length_en):
res_en += cipher_obj.encrypt(org_bytes[i: i + length_en])
cipher_text = res_en
return cipher_text
def decrypt(cipher_text, sk):
:param message: the cipher text would be decrypted
:param pk: the private key
:return: a message for the cipher text though decrypt
:rtype: string
cipher_obj = cipher.new(RSA.importKey(sk))
length_de = RSA.RsaKey.size_in_bytes(RSA.importKey(sk))
res_de = b''
for i in range(0, len(cipher_text), length_de):
res_de += cipher_obj.decrypt(cipher_text[i:i + length_de], 'DecryptError') # for pkcs
plaint_text = res_de.decode()
return plaint_text
if __name__ == "__main__":
key = generate_key(2048) # 2048 is the length of RSA key
pk = key.publickey().export_key() # for public key
sk = key.export_key() # for private key
message = "We are different, work hard!" * 100
cipher_text = encrypt(message, pk)
plaint_text = decrypt(cipher_text, sk)
print(message == plaint_text)
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
import Crypto.Cipher.PKCS1_OAEP as cipher
from Crypto import Hash
def generate_key(bits):
:param bits: the length of RSA key
:return: RSAKey object
return RSA.generate(bits)
def encrypt(message, pk, hasher=Hash.SHA1):
:param message: the message would be encrypted
:param pk: the public key
:param hasher: sha1 is the default in the source code
:return: a cipher text for the message though encrypt
:rtype: bytes
cipher_obj = cipher.new(RSA.importKey(pk))
org_bytes = message.encode()
length_en = RSA.RsaKey.size_in_bytes(RSA.importKey(pk)) - 2 * hasher.digest_size - 2 # 2048/8-(2*20+2) -- SHA1
res_en = b''
for i in range(0, len(org_bytes), length_en):
res_en += cipher_obj.encrypt(org_bytes[i: i + length_en])
cipher_text = res_en
return cipher_text
def decrypt(cipher_text, sk):
:param message: the cipher text would be decrypted
:param pk: the private key
:return: a message for the cipher text though decrypt
:rtype: string
cipher_obj = cipher.new(RSA.importKey(sk))
length_de = RSA.RsaKey.size_in_bytes(RSA.importKey(sk))
res_de = b''
for i in range(0, len(cipher_text), length_de):
temp = cipher_obj.decrypt(cipher_text[i:i + length_de]) # for oaep
return "解密失败"
res_de += temp
plaint_text = res_de.decode()
return plaint_text
if __name__ == "__main__":
key = generate_key(2048) # 2048 is the length of RSA key
pk = key.publickey().export_key() # for public key
sk = key.export_key() # for private key
message = "We are different, work hard!" * 100
cipher_text = encrypt(message, pk)
plaint_text = decrypt(cipher_text, sk)
print(message == plaint_text)
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
import Crypto.Signature.PKCS1_v1_5 as signer
from Crypto import Hash
def generate_key(bits):
:param bits: the length of RSA key
:return: RSAKey object
return RSA.generate(bits)
def sign(plaint_text, sk):
:param plaint_text: the plaint text would be signated
:param sk: the private key
:return: a signature for the message though sign
:rtype: bytes
signer_obj = signer.new(RSA.importKey(sk))
hash_obj = Hash.SHA256.new()
signature = signer_obj.sign(hash_obj)
return signature
def verify(signature, plaint_text, pk):
:param signature: the signature exited
:param plaint_text: the plaint text would be signated
:param pk: the public key
:return: a signature for the message though sign
:rtype: boolean
verify_obj = signer.new(RSA.importKey(pk))
hash_obj = Hash.SHA256.new()
verify = verify_obj.verify(hash_obj, signature)
return verify
if __name__ == "__main__":
key = generate_key(2048)
pk = key.publickey().export_key()
sk = key.export_key()
message = "We are different, work hard!" * 100
signature = sign(message, sk)
flag = verify(signature, message, pk)
import Crypto.Signature.PKCS1_PSS as signer
pss由于其有掩码生成函数,所以安全性比pkcs for singnature要强很多,但是由于都是用的hash,所以在时间上并不能感受到差别。
欢迎大佬们指正。^ _ ^