前言:个人实现的一个Huffman编码系统,因为被CSDN(bad table manners)恶心到了,所以无偿地分享给大家,该系统支持键盘、csv文件(即Excel文件)以及txt文本文件的输入。另外两个文件会放在后文中,请自己创建相应的文件并放在同一路径下。接下来就开始对我的代码进行讲解,个人建议有一定程序设计基础的读者先自行学习Huffman编码相关的知识再来看,这里就不做赘述了。
采用静态三叉链表存储Huffman二叉树,这样更有助于建立结点之间的信息。其结点的结构体如下,因为该结构体同时存储了结点的双亲和左右孩子结点的下标信息,而且采用的是值存储而非指针指向的方式,所以名为静态三叉链表。data域本来不想初始化的,但是Visual Studio 2019一直警告我初始化,所以还是随便初始化了一下…
struct HuffmanNode // Huffman结点结构
char data = '\0'; // 存储的字符
int weigth = 0; // 权值
int parent = -1; // 双亲结点的下标
int lchild = -1; // 左孩子的下标
int rchild = -1; // 右孩子的下标
struct HuffmanCodeTable // Huffman编码表结构
char data; // 存储的字符
char code[MAXLEN]; // 该字符的Huffman编码
int InputCharCnt = 0; // 统计字符集中的字符个数
int HuffmanTreeNodeCnt; // 统计Huffman树的结点数
HuffmanNode HN[MAXLEN]; // Huffman结点数组
HuffmanCodeTable HCT[MAXLEN]; // Huffman编码表
A common thread is emerging from the impeachment bombshells, court fights and multiple scandals all coming to head this week inside the one-year mark to the next general election. It’s a picture of a President and his men who subscribe to a staggeringly broad interpretation of executive power and have no reservations about using it often for domestic political ends.The trend, which threatens to recast the conception of the presidency shared by America’s founders, shone through the first witness testimony released from the impeachment inquiry Monday.One former ambassador, Marie Yovanovitch, who apparently had been in the way of Trump’s plans to get dirt from Ukraine on former Vice President Joe Biden, was shocked when the President told his counterpart in Kiev on a phone call that the official US diplomatic representative to his country was “bad news.”
using namespace std;
#define MAXLEN 1024
struct HuffmanNode // Huffman结点结构
char data = '\0'; // 存储的字符
int weigth = 0; // 权值
int parent = -1; // 双亲结点的下标
int lchild = -1; // 左孩子的下标
int rchild = -1; // 右孩子的下标
struct HuffmanCodeTable // Huffman编码表结构
char data; // 存储的字符
char code[MAXLEN]; // 该字符的Huffman编码
int InputCharCnt = 0; // 统计字符集中的字符个数
int HuffmanTreeNodeCnt; // 统计Huffman树的结点数
HuffmanNode HN[MAXLEN]; // Huffman结点数组
HuffmanCodeTable HCT[MAXLEN]; // Huffman编码表
void InputByKeyoard()
char data; // 接受输入的字符
int weight; // 接受输入字符的权值
cout << "请在一行中按照“字符”,“权值”的格式输入数据,并以回车作为输入结束:" << endl;
cin.get(); // 过滤回车
while (cin.peek() != '\n')
cin >> data >> weight;
HN[InputCharCnt].data = data;
HN[InputCharCnt].weigth = weight;
} // i 1 l 2 o 3 v 4 e 5 u 6
void LoadByCSV()
char line[MAXLEN];
ifstream file;
file.open("weight.csv", ios::in);
while (file.getline(line, MAXLEN))
HN[InputCharCnt].data = line[0];
for (int i = 2; line[i] != '\0'; ++i)
HN[InputCharCnt].weigth = HN[InputCharCnt].weigth * 10 + line[i] - '0';
void LoadByTXT()
char line[MAXLEN];
int isRecord = 0;
ifstream file;
file.open("huffman.txt", ios::in);
file.getline(line, MAXLEN);
//cout << line << strlen(line);
for (int i = 0; line[i] != '\0'; ++i) // 遍历读取到的字符串
isRecord = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < InputCharCnt; ++j) // 遍历Huffman结点数组
if (HN[j].data == line[i]) // 已在结点数组中记录该字符
++HN[j].weigth; // 权值+1
isRecord = 1; // 置1表明记录过
if (!isRecord)// 未在结点数组中记录该字符
HN[InputCharCnt].data = line[i]; // 记录该字符
++HN[InputCharCnt].weigth; // 权值+1
++InputCharCnt; // 字符个数+1
void SwitchLoad(int choice)
switch (choice)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
int SearchMinWeight(int newNode)
int min = MAXLEN;
int minNum = MAXLEN - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < HuffmanTreeNodeCnt; ++i)
if (HN[i].weigth < min && HN[i].parent == -1) // 权值更小且没有双亲结点
min = HN[i].weigth;
minNum = i;
HN[minNum].parent = newNode; // 标记该结点双亲结点
return minNum;
void CreatHuffmanTree()
int lchild, rchild;
HuffmanTreeNodeCnt = InputCharCnt; // InputCharCnt是输入字符个数不能改变,变的是树结点个数
for (int i = InputCharCnt; i < 2 * InputCharCnt - 1; ++i) // 循环建立n - 1个新的Huffman结点
lchild = SearchMinWeight(i); // 寻找权重最小的两个结点
rchild = SearchMinWeight(i);
if (lchild > rchild) // 下标小的做左孩子
int temp = rchild;
rchild = lchild;
lchild = temp;
HN[i].lchild = lchild; // 标记左孩子
HN[i].rchild = rchild; // 标记右孩子
HN[i].weigth = HN[lchild].weigth + HN[rchild].weigth; // 双亲结点的权重为孩子权重之和
void ReverseCode(char code[], int length)
char temp;
for (int i = 0; i < length / 2; ++i)
temp = code[i];
code[i] = code[length - i - 1];
code[length - i - 1] = temp;
void CreatHuffmanCodeTable()
for (int i = 0; i < InputCharCnt; ++i) // 遍历字符集
int len = 0;
int parent, child = i;
HCT[i].data = HN[i].data;
while (HN[child].parent != -1) // 不断地跟踪双亲结点直到根结点为止,只有根结点的双亲为-1
parent = HN[child].parent;
if (HN[parent].lchild == child) // 该结点是左孩子时编码为0
HCT[i].code[len++] = '0';
else if (HN[parent].rchild == child) // 该结点是右孩子编码为1
HCT[i].code[len++] = '1';
child = parent;
ReverseCode(HCT[i].code, len);
void PrintHuffmanCodeTable()
cout << setiosflags(ios::left)
<< setw(5) << "Num"
<< setw(10) << "Data"
<< setw(10) << "Weigth"
<< setw(10) << "Parent"
<< setw(10) << "Lchild"
<< setw(10) << "Rchild"
<< setw(15) << "Code"
<< "\n" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < InputCharCnt; i++)
cout << setiosflags(ios::left)
<< setw(5) << i
<< setw(10) << HN[i].data
<< setw(10) << HN[i].weigth
<< setw(10) << HN[i].parent
<< setw(10) << HN[i].lchild
<< setw(10) << HN[i].rchild
<< setw(15) << HCT[i].code
<< endl;
cout << endl;
cout << setiosflags(ios::left)
<< setw(5) << "Num"
<< setw(10) << "Data"
<< setw(10) << "Weigth"
<< setw(10) << "Parent"
<< setw(10) << "Lchild"
<< setw(10) << "Rchild"
<< setw(15) << "Code"
<< "\n" << endl;
for (int i = InputCharCnt; i < HuffmanTreeNodeCnt; i++)
cout << setiosflags(ios::left)
<< setw(5) << i
<< setw(10) << "NULL"
<< setw(10) << HN[i].weigth
<< setw(10) << HN[i].parent
<< setw(10) << HN[i].lchild
<< setw(10) << HN[i].rchild
<< setw(15) << "NULL"
<< endl;
void HuffmanDecode()
cout << "请输入要解码的二进制码:";
char Binary[MAXLEN];
char* s = Binary;
cin >> Binary;
cout << "解码后的数据为:";
int track = HuffmanTreeNodeCnt - 1;
while (*s != '\0') // 用*s代替数组下标移动
if (*s == '0')
track = HN[track].lchild;
track = HN[track].rchild;
if (HN[track].lchild == -1) // 只用判断一个孩子,因为只要没左孩子必然就是叶结点也即字符结点
cout << HN[track].data;
track = HuffmanTreeNodeCnt - 1;
if (HN[track].lchild != -1) // 二进制码没有完全的读取到叶结点,输出二进制码缺省
cout << "\n部分解码成功!存在二进制码缺省!" << endl;
cout << endl;
void SwitchOperation(int choice)
switch (choice)
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
int main(void)
int choice;
cout << "欢迎使用本Huffman编码系统" << endl;
cout << "请选择您字符集的加载方式:" << endl;
cout << "1--键盘数据输入\n2--加载CSV文件\n3--加载txt文本文件" << endl;
cin >> choice;
CreatHuffmanTree(); // 创建Huffman树
CreatHuffmanCodeTable(); // 创建Huffman编码表
cout << "加载成功!请输入您接下来的操作:" << endl;
while (1)
cout << "1--打印Huffman编码表" << endl;
cout << "2--进行Huffman解码" << endl;
cout << "3--不操作了,退出程序" << endl;
cin >> choice;