在 Swift 中, 值 类 型 , 存 放 在 栈 区 \color{red}{值类型,存放在栈区} 值类型,存放在栈区; 引 用 类 型 , 存 放 在 堆 区 \color{red}{引用类型,存放在堆区} 引用类型,存放在堆区。但是有些值类型,如字符串或数组,会间接地将项保存在堆中。所以它们是由引用类型支持的值类型。
Swift 中,值类型的赋值为深拷贝(Deep Copy),值语义(Value Semantics)即新对象和源对象是独立的,当改变新对象的属性,源对象不会受到影响,反之同理。
struct CoordinateStruct {
var x: Double
var y: Double
var coordA = CoordinateStruct(x: 0, y: 0)
var coordB = coordA
coordA.x = 100.0
print("coordA.x -> \(coordA.x)")
print("coordB.x -> \(coordB.x)")
// coordA.x -> 100.0
// coordB.x -> 0.0
如果声明一个值类型的常量,那么就意味着该常量是不可变的(无论内部数据为 var/let)。
let coordC = CoordinateStruct(x: 0, y: 0)
// WRONG: coordC.x = 100.0
在 Swift中,可以使用 withUnsafePointer(to:_) 函数来打印值类型变量的内存地址,这样就能看出两个变量的内存地址并不相同。
withUnsafePointer(to: &coordA) { print("\($0)") }
withUnsafePointer(to: &coordB) { print("\($0)") }
// 0x00007ffee5eec040
// 0x00007ffee5eec030
在 Swift 中,双等号( = = \color{red}{==} == & ! = \color{red}{!=} !=)可以用来比较变量存储的内容是否一致,如果要让我们的 s t r u c t \color{red}{struct} struct 类型支持该符号,则必须遵守 E q u a t a b l e \color{red}{Equatable} Equatable 协议。
extension CoordinateStruct: Equatable {
static func ==(left: CoordinateStruct, right: CoordinateStruct) -> Bool {
return (left.x == right.x && left.y == right.y)
if coordA != coordB {
print("coordA != coordB")
// coordA != coordB
引用类型的赋值是浅拷贝(Shallow Copy),引用语义(Reference Semantics)即新对象和源对象的变量名不同,但其引用(指向的内存空间)是一样的,因此当使用新对象操作其内部数据时,源对象的内部数据也会受到影响。
class Dog {
var height = 0.0
var weight = 0.0
var dogA = Dog()
var dogB = dogA
dogA.height = 50.0
print("dogA.height -> \(dogA.height)")
print("dogB.height -> \(dogB.height)")
// dogA.height -> 50.0
// dogB.height -> 50.0
let dogC = Dog()
dogC.height = 50
// WRONG: dogC = dogA
在 Swift 中,可以使用以下方法来打印引用类型变量指向的内存地址。从中即可发现,两个变量指向的是同一块内存空间。
// 0x0000600000d6cac0
在 Swift 中,三等号( = = = \color{red}{===} === & ! = = \color{red}{!==} !==)可以用来比较引用类型的引用(即指向的内存地址)是否一致。也可以在遵守 E q u a t a b l e \color{red}{ Equatable} Equatable 协议后,使用双等号( = = \color{red}{==} == & ! = \color{red}{ !=} !=)用来比较变量的内容是否一致。
if (dogA === dogB) {
print("dogA === dogB")
// dogA === dogB
if dogC !== dogA {
print("dogC !== dogA")
// dogC !== dogA
extension Animal: Equatable {
static func ==(left: Animal, right: Animal) -> Bool {
return (left.height == right.height && left.weight == right.weight)
if dogC == dogA {
print("dogC == dogA")
// dogC == dogA
#参数 与 inout
定义一个 R e s o l u t i o n S t r u c t \color{red}{ResolutionStruct} ResolutionStruct结构体,以及一个 R e s o l u t i o n C l a s s \color{red}{ResolutionClass} ResolutionClass 类。这里为了方便打印对象属性, R e s o l u t i o n C l a s s \color{red}{ResolutionClass } ResolutionClass类遵从了 C u s t o m S t r i n g C o n v e r t i b l e \color{red}{CustomStringConvertible} CustomStringConvertible 协议。
struct ResolutionStruct {
var height = 0.0
var width = 0.0
class ResolutionClass: CustomStringConvertible {
var height = 0.0
var width = 0.0
var description: String {
return "ResolutionClass(height: \(height), width: \(width))"
在 Swift 中,函数的参数默认为常量,即在函数体内只能访问参数,而不能修改参数值。具体来说:
func test(sct: ResolutionStruct) {
// WRONG: sct.height = 1080
var sct = sct
sct.height = 1080
func test(clss: ResolutionClass) {
// WRONG: clss = ResolutionClass()
clss.height = 1080
var clss = clss
clss = ResolutionClass()
clss.height = 1440
但是如果要改变参数值或引用,那么就可以在函数体内部直接声明同名变量,并把原有变量赋值于新变量,那么这个新的变量就可以更改其值或引用。那么在函数参数的作用域和生命周期是什么呢?我们来测试一下,定义两个函数,目的为交换内部的 h e i g h t \color{red}{height} height 和 w i d t h \color{red}{width } width。
func swap(resSct: ResolutionStruct) -> ResolutionStruct {
var resSct = resSct
withUnsafePointer(to: &resSct) { print("During calling: \($0)") }
let temp = resSct.height
resSct.height = resSct.width
resSct.width = temp
return resSct
var iPhone4ResoStruct = ResolutionStruct(height: 960, width: 640)
withUnsafePointer(to: &iPhone4ResoStruct) { print("Before calling: \($0)") }
print(swap(resSct: iPhone4ResoStruct))
withUnsafePointer(to: &iPhone4ResoStruct) { print("After calling: \($0)") }
// ResolutionStruct(height: 960.0, width: 640.0)
// Before calling: 0x00000001138d6f50
// During calling: 0x00007fff5a512148
// ResolutionStruct(height: 640.0, width: 960.0)
// ResolutionStruct(height: 960.0, width: 640.0)
// After calling: 0x00000001138d6f50
func swap(resCls: ResolutionClass) {
print("During calling: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(resCls).toOpaque())")
let temp = resCls.height
resCls.height = resCls.width
resCls.width = temp
let iPhone5ResoClss = ResolutionClass()
iPhone5ResoClss.height = 1136
iPhone5ResoClss.width = 640
print("Before calling: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(iPhone5ResoClss).toOpaque())")
swap(resCls: iPhone5ResoClss)
print("After calling: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(iPhone5ResoClss).toOpaque())")
// ResolutionClass(height: 1136.0, width: 640.0)
// Before calling: 0x00006000000220e0
// During calling: 0x00006000000220e0
// ResolutionClass(height: 640.0, width: 1136.0)
// After calling: 0x00006000000220e0
i n o u t \color{red}{inout} inout是 Swift 中的关键字,可以放置于参数类型前,冒号之后。使用 i n o u t \color{red}{inout} inout之后,函数体内部可以直接更改参数值,而且改变会保留。
func swap(resSct: inout ResolutionStruct) {
withUnsafePointer(to: &resSct) { print("During calling: \($0)") }
let temp = resSct.height
resSct.height = resSct.width
resSct.width = temp
var iPhone6ResoStruct = ResolutionStruct(height: 1334, width: 750)
withUnsafePointer(to: &iPhone6ResoStruct) { print("Before calling: \($0)") }
swap(resSct: &iPhone6ResoStruct)
withUnsafePointer(to: &iPhone6ResoStruct) { print("After calling: \($0)") }
// ResolutionStruct(height: 1334.0, width: 750.0)
// Before calling: 0x000000011ce62f50
// During calling: 0x000000011ce62f50
// ResolutionStruct(height: 750.0, width: 1334.0)
// After calling: 0x000000011ce62f50
引用类型也可以使用 i n o u t \color{red}{inout} inout 参数,但意义不大。
func swap(clss: inout ResolutionClass) {
print("During calling: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(clss).toOpaque())")
let temp = clss.height
clss.height = clss.width
clss.width = temp
var iPhone7PlusResClss = ResolutionClass()
iPhone7PlusResClss.height = 1080
iPhone7PlusResClss.width = 1920
print("Before calling: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(iPhone7PlusResClss).toOpaque())")
swap(clss: &iPhone7PlusResClss)
print("After calling: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(iPhone7PlusResClss).toOpaque())")
// ResolutionClass(height: 1080.0, width: 1920.0)
// Before calling: 0x000060000003e580
// During calling: 0x000060000003e580
// ResolutionClass(height: 1920.0, width: 1080.0)
// After calling: 0x000060000003e580
使用 i n o u t \color{red}{inout} inout 关键字的函数,在调用时需要在该参数前加上 & 符号
i n o u t \color{red}{inout} inout 参数在传入时必须为变量,不能为常量或字面量(literal)
i n o u t \color{red}{inout} inout 参数不能有默认值,不能为可变参数
i n o u t \color{red}{inout} inout 参数不等同于函数返回值,是一种使参数的作用域超出函数体的方式
多个 i n o u t \color{red}{inout} inout参数不能同时传入同一个变量,因为拷入拷出的顺序不定,那么最终值也不能确定
struct Point {
var x = 0.0
var y = 0.0
struct Rectangle {
var width = 0.0
var height = 0.0
var origin = Point()
var center: Point {
get {
print("center GETTER call")
return Point(x: origin.x + width / 2,
y: origin.y + height / 2)
set {
print("center SETTER call")
origin.x = newValue.x - width / 2
origin.y = newValue.y - height / 2
func reset(center: inout Point) {
center.x = 0.0
center.y = 0.0
var rect = Rectangle(width: 100, height: 100, origin: Point(x: -100, y: -100))
rect.reset(center: &rect.center)
// center GETTER call
// Point(x: -50.0, y: -50.0)
// center GETTER call
// center SETTER call
// center GETTER call
// Point(x: 0.0, y: 0.0)
i n o u t \color{red}{inout} inout 参数的传递过程:
官方称这个行为为: c o p y − i n c o p y − o u t \color{red}{copy-in copy-out} copy−incopy−out 或 c a l l b y v a l u e r e s u l t \color{red}{call by value result} callbyvalueresult。我们可以使用 KVO 或计算属性来跟踪这一过程,这里以计算属性为例。排除在调用函数之前与之后的 c e n t e r − G E T T E R − c a l l \color{red}{center-GETTER- call} center−GETTER−call,从中可以发现:参数值先被获取到(setter 被调用),接着被设值(setter 被调用)。
根据 i n o u t \color{red}{inout} inout 参数的传递过程,可以得知: i n o u t \color{red}{inout} inout 参数的本质与引用类型的传参并不是同一回事。 i n o u t \color{red}{inout} inout参数打破了其生命周期,是一个可变浅拷贝。在 Swift 中,也彻底摒除了在逃逸闭包(Escape Closure)中被捕获。苹果官方也有如下的说明:
As an optimization, when the argument is a value stored at a physical address in memory, the same memory location is used both inside and outside the function body. The optimized behavior is known as call by reference; it satisfies all of the requirements of the copy-in copy-out model while removing the overhead of copying. Write your code using the model given by copy-in copy-out, without depending on the call-by-reference optimization, so that it behaves correctly with or without the optimization.
作为一种优化,当参数是一个存储于内存中实际地址的值时,函数体内外共用相同的一块内存地址。该优化行为被称作通过引用调用;其满足 copy-in copy-out 模型的所有必需条件,同时消除了拷贝时的开销。不依赖于通过引用调用的优化,使用 copy-in copy-out 提供的模型来写代码,以便在进不进行优化时(都能)正确运行。
顶级修饰 | 次级修饰 | 赋值类型 | 存储类型 |
值类型 | 值类型 | 深拷贝 | 栈 |
值类型 | 引用类型 | 浅拷贝 | 堆 |
引用类型 | 值类型 | 浅拷贝 | 堆 |
引用类型 | 引用类型 | 浅拷贝 | 堆 |
struct Circle {
var radius: Double
var circleA = Circle(radius: 5.0)
var circleB = circleA
circleA.radius = 10
withUnsafePointer(to: &circleA) { print("circleA: \($0)") }
withUnsafePointer(to: &circleB) { print("circleB: \($0)") }
withUnsafePointer(to: &circleA.radius) { print("circleA.radius: \($0)") }
withUnsafePointer(to: &circleB.radius) { print("circleB.radius: \($0)") }
// Circle(radius: 10.0)
// Circle(radius: 5.0)
// circleA: 0x000000011dc6dc90
// circleB: 0x000000011dc6dc98
// circleA.radius: 0x000000011dc6dc90
// circleB.radius: 0x000000011dc6dc98
class PointClass: CustomStringConvertible {
var x: Double
var y: Double
var description: String {
return "(\(x), \(y))"
init(x: Double, y: Double) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
struct Circle {
var center: PointClass
var circleA = Circle(center: PointClass(x: 0.0, y: 0.0))
var circleB = circleA
circleA.center.x = 10.0
withUnsafePointer(to: &circleA) { print("circleA: \($0)") }
withUnsafePointer(to: &circleB) { print("circleB: \($0)") }
print("circleA.center: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(circleA.center).toOpaque())")
print("circleB.center: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(circleB.center).toOpaque())")
// Circle(center: (10.0, 0.0))
// Circle(center: (10.0, 0.0))
// circleA: 0x0000000118251fa0
// circleB: 0x0000000118251fa8
// circleA.center: 0x000060000003e100
// circleB.center: 0x000060000003e100
class Circle: CustomStringConvertible {
var radius: Double
var description: String {
return "Radius:\(radius)"
init(radius: Double) {
self.radius = radius
var circleA = Circle(radius: 0.0)
var circleB = circleA
circleA.radius = 5.0
print("circleA: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(circleA).toOpaque())")
print("circleB: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(circleB).toOpaque())")
withUnsafePointer(to: &circleA.radius) { print("circleA.radius: \($0)") }
withUnsafePointer(to: &circleB.radius) { print("circleB.radius: \($0)") }
// Radius:5.0
// Radius:5.0
// circleA: 0x000060000003bc80
// circleB: 0x000060000003bc80
// circleA.radius: 0x000060000003bc90
// circleB.radius: 0x000060000003bc90
class PointClass: CustomStringConvertible {
var x: Double
var y: Double
init(x: Double, y: Double) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
var description: String {
return "(\(x), \(y))"
class Circle: CustomStringConvertible {
var center: PointClass
var description: String {
return "Center:\(center)"
init(center: PointClass) {
self.center = center
var circleA = Circle(center: PointClass(x: 0.0, y: 0.0))
let circleB = circleA
circleA.center.x = 5.0
print("circleA: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(circleA).toOpaque())")
print("circleB: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(circleB).toOpaque())")
print("circleA.center: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(circleA.center).toOpaque())")
print("circleB.center: \(Unmanaged.passUnretained(circleB.center).toOpaque())")
// Center:(5.0, 0.0)
// Center:(5.0, 0.0)
// circleA: 0x0000608000025fa0
// circleB: 0x0000608000025fa0
// circleA.center: 0x0000608000025820
// circleB.center: 0x0000608000025820