LeetCode 670. Maximum Swap 字符串有坑
Adagrad求sqrt SGD Momentum Adagrad Adam推导
LeetCode 777. Swap Adjacent in LR String 不能互穿 可达性
726. Number of Atoms FetchNum从字符串中Parse数
LeetCode 316. Remove Duplicate Letters 栈顶
LeetCode 399. Evaluate Division 有向并查集(被指向的作根) 拓扑排序
LeetCode 465. Optimal Account Balancing 互相结账 回溯 组合
LeetCode 1172. Dinner Plate Stacks 设计中间弹栈
LeetCode 843. Guess the Word 题有bug
LeetCode 299. Bulls and Cows 位置相同/不同的个数 遍历一趟
LeetCode 418. Sentence Screen Fitting TextView自适应
LeetCode 444. Sequence Reconstruction Sequence不连续
LeetCode 269. Alien Dictionary 拓扑排序
LeetCode 311. Sparse Matrix Multiplication
Python zip 函数
LeetCode 1060. Missing Element in Sorted Array 二分
LeetCode 1088. Confusing Number II 回溯
LeetCode 642. Design Search Autocomplete System Trie树
LeetCode 727. Minimum Window Subsequence 双指针 NextMatch数组
LeetCode 1153. String Transforms Into Another String 替换问题坑
LeetCode 1055. Shortest Way to Form String 字符串贪心 NextMatch数组
LeetCode 489. Robot Room Cleaner 扫地机器人
LeetCode 362. Design Hit Counter 桶
LeetCode 340. Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters 双指针
LeetCode 249. Group Shifted Strings
LeetCode 1110. Delete Nodes And Return Forest
LeetCode 1240. Tiling a Rectangle with the Fewest Squares 瓷砖
LeetCode 1352. Product of the Last K Numbers 前缀法处理特殊值
LeetCode 1293. Shortest Path in a Grid with Obstacles Elimination 下一层坑
LeetCode 410. Split Array Largest Sum DP 二分
LeetCode 1129. Shortest Path with Alternating Colors 图着色
LeetCode 1042. Flower Planting With No Adjacent 染色
LeetCode 842. Split Array into Fibonacci Sequence
LeetCode 818. Race Car 折返剪枝
LeetCode 856. Score of Parentheses 栈顶
LeetCode 1191. K-Concatenation Maximum Sum
LeetCode 1109. Corporate Flight Bookings
LeetCode 1103. Distribute Candies to People 二分求和推公式
LeetCode 460. LFU Cache 顺带总结一下LRU
LeetCode 887. Super Egg Drop 扔鸡蛋问题四种方法
LeetCode 1111. Maximum Nesting Depth of Two Valid Parentheses Strings
LeetCode 542. 01 Matrix 中离最近0的距离
LeetCode 466. Count The Repetitions 循环节
LeetCode 212. Word Search II 5行内Build Trie树
LeetCode 857. Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers DP坑 反直觉
LeetCode 892. Surface Area of 3D Shapes
LeetCode 930. Binary Subarrays With Sum LeetCode 前缀 双指针 坑
LeetCode 587. Erect the Fence 凸包 向量叉积
LeetCode 975. Odd Even Jump 栈+预排序代替红黑树
LeetCode 454. 4Sum II
LeetCode 395. Longest Substring with At Least K Repeating Characters 假装双指针 分隔符
LeetCode 384. Shuffle an Array
LeetCode 380. Insert Delete GetRandom O(1)
LeetCode 341. Flatten Nested List Iterator
LeetCode 329. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix
LeetCode 315. Count of Smaller Numbers After Self 归并排序
LeetCode 324. Wiggle Sort II A(i)=(2i+1)%(n|1) 荷兰国旗问题 & 376. Wiggle Subsequence & 280
LeetCode 289. Game of Life
LeetCode 621. Task Scheduler
LeetCode 739. Daily Temperatures 栈拧巴着放啥
LeetCode 581. Shortest Unsorted Continuous Subarray
男孩女孩问题 生日悖论 三门问题
LeetCode 218. The Skyline Problem
LeetCode 560. Subarray Sum Equals K
LeetCode 494. Target Sum
LeetCode 347. Top K Frequent Elements
LeetCode 337. House Robber III II
LeetCode 309. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown
LeetCode 301. Remove Invalid Parentheses
LeetCode 287. Find the Duplicate Number
LeetCode 239. Sliding Window Maximum
Leetcode 221. Maximal Square
LeetCode 295. Find Median from Data Stream
LeetCode 169. Majority Element
Leetcode 152. Maximum Product Subarray
LeetCode 394. Decode String
LeetCode 1048. Longest String Chain
Leetcode 282. Expression Add Operators
LeetCode 753. Cracking the Safe
LeetCode 312. Burst Balloons
LeetCode 1090. Largest Values From Labels
Leetcode 1000. Minimum Cost to Merge Stones
Leetcode 829. Consecutive Numbers Sum
Leetcode 1339. Maximum Product of Splitted Binary Tree
Leetcode 488. Zuma Game
LeetCode 406. Queue Reconstruction by Height 冒泡
Leetcode 528. Random Pick with Weight LowerBound
Leetcode 398. Random Pick Index
Leetcode 336. Palindrome Pairs
Leetcode 928. Minimize Malware Spread II
Leetcode 839. Similar String Groups 并查集
Leetcode 519. Random Flip Matrix
Leetcode 1005. Maximize Sum Of Array After K Negations
Leetcode 1105. Filling Bookcase Shelves
Leetcode 352. Data Stream as Disjoint Intervals
Leetcode 1278. Palindrome Partitioning III
Leetcode 785 Is Graph Bipartite? 图着色
Leetcode Contain Virus
Leetcode 220. Contains Duplicate III 桶排序
Leetcode Circular Permutation in Binary Representation 格雷码 gray code
Leetcode 332. Reconstruct Itinerary
Leetcode Remove Sub-Folders from the Filesystem
Leetcode Maximum XOR of Two Numbers in an Array
Leetcode Permutation in String 双指针
Leetcode Valid Permutations for DI Sequence
Leetcode Perfect Squares 拉格朗日四平方
Leetcode 1147. Longest Chunked Palindrome Decomposition
python str ord chr 字符串赋值 trailing comma 尾巴逗号
Leetcode Super Palindromes Next Palindrome
leetcode Word Subsets
Python collections Counter defaultdict itertools permutations functools lru_cache
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Leetcode Lexicographical Numbers 数字字典序列输出
Leetcode 440 K-th Smallest in Lexicographical Order n叉树快速按层遍历
Leetcode Path with Maximum Gold
Python reverse list 局部反转 逆向切片 多维 slice list拼接
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编程之美 判断点是否在多边形内 射线法
Python heapq
Python模块(Package Module)import陷阱
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Python Lambda表达式 for else all any
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BK树 拼写检查器
PCA和Fisher LDA
多层感知机Perceptron反向传播BP算法推导(Back Propagation)
LR(logistic regression)逻辑回归Loss和梯度的推导
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序列标注:Bi-LSTM + CRF
NNLM Word2Vec FastText LSA Glove 总结
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TensorFlow LSTM Shape变换
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c# 非async方法调用async方法
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如何通俗理解 beta 分布?
递归转非递归 栈模拟 Recursive to Non-recursive stack simulated 总结
手机的九宫格图案解锁总共能绘出多少种图案?LeetCode 351. Android Unlock Patterns
Python 生成器
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Windows CMD中 findstr命令
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TensorFlow LSTM Shape变换 for ptb model
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学会区分 RNN 的 output 和 state
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Python模块之 future
TensorFlow 辨异 —— tf.placeholder 与 tf.Variable
BP 算法之一种直观的解释
对角矩阵的性质(diagonal matrix)
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Common Git Alias For Copy
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How do I start Notepad++ from cmd?
最大似然估计 (MLE) 最大后验概率(MAP)
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linux find grep组合使用
Probability to form a triangle by splitting a stick
C# String与string的区别 以及 C# Swap string
The problem of deleting the remote branch
Minimum Queue with Constant Increment
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Serialize a Binary Tree or a General Tree
hihoCoder 1054 : 滑动解锁
关于autorelease pool一个较好的理解
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C++ bitset的实现
puttty 安装zsh后字符问题
C++ protected成员访问权限
sizeof 是运算符而不是关键字 数组地址和数组首元素地址的不同
printf 格式问题
工厂设计模式 factory
抛硬币 连续n个正面
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C++ 虚继承 虚基类
我使用过的Linux命令之join - 根据关键字合并数据文件
斐波拉切字符串统计个数 Fibonacci String
【C++ Primer】 神秘的 sizeof(union) 、sizeof(struct) 和内存对齐技术
线段树+离散化 IP地址段检查 SEGMENT TREE
poj 1151 Atlantis 二分查找+离散化
C++ 多态 从不同数据源获取数据 多路归并
分数转化为小数LeetCode 166. Fraction to Recurring Decimal
将n进制的数组压缩成字符串(0-9 a-z)同时解压
九度1535 重叠的最长字串 字符串哈希
扩展KMP算法 Extend KMP
Given a tree, find the node with the minimum sum of distances to other nodes
C++ 文件include规则 常量定义
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Brews Python 2.7.7 shows up as 2.7.5
CareerCup Facebook Total number of substring palindrome Leetcode 647
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数据库范式小结 1NF 2NF BCNF 3NF 4NF DB normal form
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C++ 异常处理
编程之美初赛第一场 树
Delegate & Block
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Android Dalvik虚拟机初识
Android Service
Android 非主进程更改界面
C++ 虚函数表解析
开关灯 动态规划
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n个球放入m个盒子的方法 第二类斯特林数
【合集】【更新中】C++ pointer 之指针大乱指
Disk Scheduling 磁盘调度
信号量 semaphore
编程之美 24点 LeetCode 679. 24 Game
杨氏矩阵找第N大(小)的O(N)线性算法 LeetCode 378. Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix
Cyclic balance
C++ boost::asio::serial_port 串口通信类 使用 封装
C++中std::tr1::function和bind 组件的使用 和 以boost::function和boost:bind取代虚函数
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智能指针 std::auto_ptr 和 shared_ptr
Prim Kruskal LeetCode 1135. Connecting Cities With Minimum Cost
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编程之美 求二叉树中节点的最大距离 非递归
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伙伴地址 Buddy System 二进制地址为011011110000,大小为4(10进制数)和16(10进制数)块的伙伴地址分别为
用C语言实现一个公用库函数void * memmove(void *dest,const void src,size_t n)
awk 使用方法
c++ 友元类
异常安全的赋值运算符重载函数 C++ String实现
Recursive backtrack & Non-recursive backtrack & Subset Tree & Permutation Tree 递归回溯与非递归回溯 排列树与子集树
poj 1330 Nearest Common Ancestors LCA targin
对于一个整数矩阵,存在一种运算,对矩阵中任意元素加一时,需要其相邻(上下左右)某一个元素也加一, 现给出一正数矩阵,判断其是否能够由一个全零矩阵经过上述运算得到。
编程之美 斐波拉契数列 log(n) Fibonacci
Merge Rectanles
Dijkstra Floyd
Memory Allocation of C++
leetcode ZigZag Conversion
数据库 索引
Brain Teaser 球变色
CareerCup Program an iterator for a Linked List which may include nodes which are nested within othe
CareerCup Brain Teaser
CareerCup Round-robin tournament
CareerCup How would you implement a secondary sorting
CareerCup Median of three numbers
Morris Traversal方法遍历二叉树(非递归,不用栈,O(1)空间,修改二叉树)
CareerCup An in-place algorithm for String Transformation
CareerCup Add two number
CareerCup Find out the winning probability given n, m and x
CareerCup Find top k values (asec) which can either be the number from the array A
CareerCup Insert 0s to maximize AB
CareerCup Find if an array is a sequence
CareerCup Compute the rearrangement of x that is closest to y but still greater than y
CareerCup Randomly return a number inside of this range
CareerCup Given an array A[], find (i, j) such that A[i] < A[j] and (j - i) is maximum.
CareerCup Given a binary matrix of N X N of integers , you need to return only unique rows of binary
CareerCup Balanced Fermat Point
CareerCup Write a function that given a position returns the digit in that 0123456789101112131415…
CareerCup Implement a stack that pops out the most frequently added item
CareerCup the Lexicographically Smallest Permutation
CareerCup Given a dictionary, how would you add spaces in this string
CareerCup Generate all the possible substrings
CareerCup Given an array having positive integers, find a subarray which adds to a given number
CareerCup A Ctrl+A Ctrl+C Ctrl+V
CareerCup Given preorder traversal array of a BST, recontruct the BST.
CareerCup Car races 锦标赛问题 败者树 赛马
CareerCup Old cell-phones game “snake”
The most elegant way to print a Binary Tree
CareerCup Find at-least one triplet such that A[n-1] >= A[n] <= A[n+1].
CareerCup perform increment operation on ai = ai+1 and decrements operation on aj = aj - 1
CareerCup Given an array of (unsorted) integers, arrange them such that a 小于 b 大于 c 小于 d … etc.
CareerCup How to find medium of 1 billion numbers across N distributed machines efficiently?
CareerCup Fermat point of a traingle
CareerCup Find the diameter of the tree
利用栈求解算术表达式 利用递归求解算术表达式
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CareerCup how will you test if the random number generator is generating actual random numbers
CareerCup Fill the array with product of all numbers except the number in that cell
CareerCup Find the usernames existing in both documents
CareerCup Find the representation as a tree with the least height
CareerCup Find all the conflicting appointments from a given list of n appointments.
Number of 1s
Balanced Partition
Build a key-value data structure which can perform lookup and rangeLookup(key1, key2)
CareerCup The number of pairs (x, y) of distinct elements with condition x + y <= Threshold
CareerCup Given a sorted array which contains scores. Write a program to find occurrence
CareerCup Randomly return a node in a binary tree
CareerCup Divide n cakes to k different people
CareerCup Binary Tree the Maximum of 人
CareerCup calculate (x^y)%z without pow();
Find the number of subsets such that the sum of numbers in the subset is a prime number
CareerCup Cost of cutting wood
CareerCup Write the code to find lexicographic minimum in a circular array
CareerCup Output the amount of all possible strings of length N that don’t of have consecutive a,b,c
Calling conventions 函数调用约定
c++ const
c++ 多态性以及虚函数 重载 覆盖 隐藏
排序算法的稳定性 The stabilization of sort
Weight Balls
Rats and Poisoned water
B+ Tree & Unicode & UTF-8 & 判断是否为UTF-8 & 几种常见中文的编解码表
Catalan Number 卡特兰数
CareerCup Trie Prefix Tree
CareerCup Find 3 indexes i,j,k such that, i
CareerCup String getSentence(String text, Set dictionary); O(n)
CareerCup Maximum of all subarrays of size k (Added a O(n) method)
CareerCup Match Problems
CareerCup Josephus Problem 约瑟夫环
CareerCup Fork Problem
CareerCup What is the difference between a computers heap and it’s stack?
CareerCup Arrange the 2 x 1 boards on the 2 x n board
CareerCup Find the no. of expressions that evaluate to a Walprime
CareerCup Find a subarray
Longest increasing sub sequence poj 1080 LeetCode 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium
CareerCup Find the ceiling value present in the BST of a given ke
CareerCup Number of ways to take n identical objects out of a bucket
Partition a set of numbers into two so that difference between their sum is minimum with equal size
Knapsack problem poj 3624
poj 2388 Heap Sort Heap Median
CareerCup Finds all the elements that appear more than n/3 times in the list
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Primes 质数筛法
DP for bombs
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CareerCup Find the biggest interval that has all its members in list in O(n)
CareerCup Rearrange an array using swap with 0
CareerCup 2^i * 3^j * 5^k * 7^l
CareerCup the maximum longest continous sequence of 0s
CareerCup Sort an array in a special way
CarreerCup Sort Height
CareerCup Find the smallest range that includes at least one number from each of the k sorted lists.
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leetcode Unique Paths II
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正确使用stl map的erase方法
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Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II
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