


















运行中拓扑的id,由storm name和一个唯一随机数组成。




















Storm UI的服务端口




Storm DRPC的服务端口








































一个spout task中处于pending状态的最大的tuples数量.该配置应用于单个task,而不是整个spouts或topology.














storm由丰富的configure选项, 用来调整nibus、supervisor、以及运行时topologies的行为。某些配置选项是系统配置,例如topology基础配置,修改某个topology的这些选项有可能影响到所有topologies,而某些选项只是涉及到每个topology自身的配置,这就可以根据需要修改了。
每个配置选项在Storm代码库中的defaults.yaml文件中都有它的默认值。你可以通过定义Nimbus和supervisor的classpath下storm.yaml文件进行覆盖默认配置。最后, 可以定义topology-specific配置,这样你就可以使用StormSubmitter类提交topology时一块提交这个配置文件。然而, topology-specific配置仅能覆盖前缀为“TOPOLOGY”的配置选项。
从Storm 0.7.0开始,你可以覆盖每一个bolt或者每个spout自己特有的配置选项。这些配置如下所示:
         4、"topology.kryo.register":这个选项和其他选项的作用方式有点不同, 因为序列对topology中的所有组件都是可用的。 更多信息可以查看序列化。
Java API 允许你使用两种方式制定组件的特定配置选项:
         1、 内部方式: 在任何spout或者bolt中覆盖getComponentConfiguration,然后返回component-specific配置映射。
         2、 外部方式: TopologyBuilder类中setSpout方法和setBolt方法会返回带有addConfiguration以及addConfigurations方法的对象,这个对象可以用来覆盖组件的配置选项。
配置选项值的推荐顺序是: defaults.yaml < storm.yaml < topology specific configuration  
l  Config:所有配置选项的列表, 也是创建特定topology配置的帮助类
l  defaults.yaml:所有配置的默认值
l  配置storm集群:说明了如何创建和配置storm集群
l  在生产集群上运行topologies:列出对运行集群上topologies有用的配置
l  本地模式:列出对使用本地模式有用的配置

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one  
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file  
# distributed with this work for additional information  
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file  
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the  
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance  
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at  
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0  
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software  
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,  
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.  
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and  
# limitations under the License.  
########### These all have default values as shown  
########### Additional configuration goes into storm.yaml  
java.library.path: "/usr/local/lib:/opt/local/lib:/usr/lib"  
### storm.* configs are general configurations  
# the local dir is where jars are kept  
storm.local.dir: "storm-local"  
    - "localhost"  
storm.zookeeper.port: 2181  
storm.zookeeper.root: "/storm"  
storm.zookeeper.session.timeout: 20000  
storm.zookeeper.connection.timeout: 15000  
storm.zookeeper.retry.times: 5  
storm.zookeeper.retry.interval: 1000  
storm.zookeeper.retry.intervalceiling.millis: 30000  
storm.zookeeper.auth.user: null  
storm.zookeeper.auth.password: null  
storm.cluster.mode: "distributed" # can be distributed or local  
storm.local.mode.zmq: false  
storm.thrift.transport: "backtype.storm.security.auth.SimpleTransportPlugin"  
storm.principal.tolocal: "backtype.storm.security.auth.DefaultPrincipalToLocal"  
storm.group.mapping.service: "backtype.storm.security.auth.ShellBasedGroupsMapping"  
storm.messaging.transport: "backtype.storm.messaging.netty.Context"  
storm.nimbus.retry.times: 5  
storm.nimbus.retry.interval.millis: 2000  
storm.nimbus.retry.intervalceiling.millis: 60000  
storm.auth.simple-white-list.users: []  
storm.auth.simple-acl.users: []  
storm.auth.simple-acl.users.commands: []  
storm.auth.simple-acl.admins: []  
storm.meta.serialization.delegate: "backtype.storm.serialization.DefaultSerializationDelegate"  
### nimbus.* configs are for the master  
nimbus.host: "localhost"  
nimbus.thrift.port: 6627  
nimbus.thrift.threads: 64  
nimbus.thrift.max_buffer_size: 1048576  
nimbus.childopts: "-Xmx1024m"  
nimbus.task.timeout.secs: 30  
nimbus.supervisor.timeout.secs: 60  
nimbus.monitor.freq.secs: 10  
nimbus.cleanup.inbox.freq.secs: 600  
nimbus.inbox.jar.expiration.secs: 3600  
nimbus.task.launch.secs: 120  
nimbus.reassign: true  
nimbus.file.copy.expiration.secs: 600  
nimbus.topology.validator: "backtype.storm.nimbus.DefaultTopologyValidator"  
nimbus.credential.renewers.freq.secs: 600  
### ui.* configs are for the master  
ui.port: 8080  
ui.childopts: "-Xmx768m"  
ui.actions.enabled: true  
ui.filter: null  
ui.filter.params: null  
ui.users: null  
ui.header.buffer.bytes: 4096  
ui.http.creds.plugin: backtype.storm.security.auth.DefaultHttpCredentialsPlugin  
logviewer.port: 8000  
logviewer.childopts: "-Xmx128m"  
logviewer.cleanup.age.mins: 10080  
logviewer.appender.name: "A1"  
logs.users: null  
drpc.port: 3772  
drpc.worker.threads: 64  
drpc.max_buffer_size: 1048576  
drpc.queue.size: 128  
drpc.invocations.port: 3773  
drpc.invocations.threads: 64  
drpc.request.timeout.secs: 600  
drpc.childopts: "-Xmx768m"  
drpc.http.port: 3774  
drpc.https.port: -1  
drpc.https.keystore.password: ""  
drpc.https.keystore.type: "JKS"  
drpc.http.creds.plugin: backtype.storm.security.auth.DefaultHttpCredentialsPlugin  
drpc.authorizer.acl.filename: "drpc-auth-acl.yaml"  
drpc.authorizer.acl.strict: false  
transactional.zookeeper.root: "/transactional"  
transactional.zookeeper.servers: null  
transactional.zookeeper.port: null  
### supervisor.* configs are for node supervisors  
# Define the amount of workers that can be run on this machine. Each worker is assigned a port to use for communication  
    - 6700  
    - 6701  
    - 6702  
    - 6703  
supervisor.childopts: "-Xmx256m"  
supervisor.run.worker.as.user: false  
#how long supervisor will wait to ensure that a worker process is started  
supervisor.worker.start.timeout.secs: 120  
#how long between heartbeats until supervisor considers that worker dead and tries to restart it  
supervisor.worker.timeout.secs: 30  
#how frequently the supervisor checks on the status of the processes it's monitoring and restarts if necessary  
supervisor.monitor.frequency.secs: 3  
#how frequently the supervisor heartbeats to the cluster state (for nimbus)  
supervisor.heartbeat.frequency.secs: 5  
supervisor.enable: true  
supervisor.supervisors: []  
supervisor.supervisors.commands: []  
### worker.* configs are for task workers  
worker.childopts: "-Xmx768m"  
worker.gc.childopts: ""  
worker.heartbeat.frequency.secs: 1  
# control how many worker receiver threads we need per worker  
topology.worker.receiver.thread.count: 1  
task.heartbeat.frequency.secs: 3  
task.refresh.poll.secs: 10  
task.credentials.poll.secs: 30  
zmq.threads: 1  
zmq.linger.millis: 5000  
zmq.hwm: 0  
storm.messaging.netty.server_worker_threads: 1  
storm.messaging.netty.client_worker_threads: 1  
storm.messaging.netty.buffer_size: 5242880 #5MB buffer  
# Since nimbus.task.launch.secs and supervisor.worker.start.timeout.secs are 120, other workers should also wait at least that long before giving up on connecting to the other worker.  
storm.messaging.netty.max_retries: 300  
storm.messaging.netty.max_wait_ms: 1000  
storm.messaging.netty.min_wait_ms: 100  
# If the Netty messaging layer is busy(netty internal buffer not writable), the Netty client will try to batch message as more as possible up to the size of storm.messaging.netty.transfer.batch.size bytes, otherwise it will try to flush message as soon as possible to reduce latency.  
storm.messaging.netty.transfer.batch.size: 262144  
# We check with this interval that whether the Netty channel is writable and try to write pending messages if it is.  
storm.messaging.netty.flush.check.interval.ms: 10  
# By default, the Netty SASL authentication is set to false.  Users can override and set it true for a specific topology.  
storm.messaging.netty.authentication: false  
# default number of seconds group mapping service will cache user group  
storm.group.mapping.service.cache.duration.secs: 120  
### topology.* configs are for specific executing storms  
topology.enable.message.timeouts: true  
topology.debug: false  
topology.workers: 1  
topology.acker.executors: null  
topology.tasks: null  
# maximum amount of time a message has to complete before it's considered failed  
topology.message.timeout.secs: 30  
topology.multilang.serializer: "backtype.storm.multilang.JsonSerializer"  
topology.skip.missing.kryo.registrations: false  
topology.max.task.parallelism: null  
topology.max.spout.pending: null  
topology.state.synchronization.timeout.secs: 60  
topology.stats.sample.rate: 0.05  
topology.builtin.metrics.bucket.size.secs: 60  
topology.fall.back.on.java.serialization: true  
topology.worker.childopts: null  
topology.executor.receive.buffer.size: 1024 #batched  
topology.executor.send.buffer.size: 1024 #individual messages  
topology.receiver.buffer.size: 8 # setting it too high causes a lot of problems (heartbeat thread gets starved, throughput plummets)  
topology.transfer.buffer.size: 1024 # batched  
topology.tick.tuple.freq.secs: null  
topology.worker.shared.thread.pool.size: 4  
topology.disruptor.wait.strategy: "com.lmax.disruptor.BlockingWaitStrategy"  
topology.spout.wait.strategy: "backtype.storm.spout.SleepSpoutWaitStrategy"  
topology.sleep.spout.wait.strategy.time.ms: 1  
topology.error.throttle.interval.secs: 10  
topology.max.error.report.per.interval: 5  
topology.kryo.factory: "backtype.storm.serialization.DefaultKryoFactory"  
topology.tuple.serializer: "backtype.storm.serialization.types.ListDelegateSerializer"  
topology.trident.batch.emit.interval.millis: 500  
topology.testing.always.try.serialize: false  
topology.classpath: null  
topology.environment: null  
dev.zookeeper.path: "/tmp/dev-storm-zookeeper"  


# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

########### These MUST be filled in for a storm configuration
    - ""
    - ""
    - ""

nimbus.host: ""

storm.local.dir: "/data/storm"
storm.log.dir: "/data/logs/storm"

ui.port: 8081

worker.childopts: -Xmx2048m
drpc.childopts: -Xmx2048m

storm.health.check.dir: "healthchecks"
storm.health.check.timeout.ms: 5000

logviewer.port: 8084

    - 6700
    - 6701
    - 6702
    - 6703
    - 6704
    - 6705
    - 6706
    - 6707
    - 6708
    - 6709
    - 6710
    - 6711
    - 6712
    - 6713
    - 6714
    - 6715

最完整的还是要看 backtype.storm.Config 类的定义

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package backtype.storm;

import backtype.storm.serialization.IKryoDecorator;
import backtype.storm.serialization.IKryoFactory;
import com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Serializer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Topology configs are specified as a plain old map. This class provides a 
 * convenient way to create a topology config map by providing setter methods for 
 * all the configs that can be set. It also makes it easier to do things like add 
 * serializations.

This class also provides constants for all the configurations possible on * a Storm cluster and Storm topology. Each constant is paired with a schema * that defines the validity criterion of the corresponding field. Default * values for these configs can be found in defaults.yaml.

* *

Note that you may put other configurations in any of the configs. Storm * will ignore anything it doesn't recognize, but your topologies are free to make * use of them by reading them in the prepare method of Bolts or the open method of * Spouts.

*/ public class Config extends HashMap { /** * The transporter for communication among Storm tasks */ public static final String STORM_MESSAGING_TRANSPORT = "storm.messaging.transport"; public static final Object STORM_MESSAGING_TRANSPORT_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * Netty based messaging: The buffer size for send/recv buffer */ public static final String STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_BUFFER_SIZE = "storm.messaging.netty.buffer_size"; public static final Object STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_BUFFER_SIZE_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * Netty based messaging: The max # of retries that a peer will perform when a remote is not accessible */ public static final String STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_MAX_RETRIES = "storm.messaging.netty.max_retries"; public static final Object STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_MAX_RETRIES_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * Netty based messaging: The min # of milliseconds that a peer will wait. */ public static final String STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_MIN_SLEEP_MS = "storm.messaging.netty.min_wait_ms"; public static final Object STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_MIN_SLEEP_MS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * Netty based messaging: The max # of milliseconds that a peer will wait. */ public static final String STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_MAX_SLEEP_MS = "storm.messaging.netty.max_wait_ms"; public static final Object STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_MAX_SLEEP_MS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * Netty based messaging: The # of worker threads for the server. */ public static final String STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_SERVER_WORKER_THREADS = "storm.messaging.netty.server_worker_threads"; public static final Object STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_SERVER_WORKER_THREADS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * Netty based messaging: The # of worker threads for the client. */ public static final String STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_CLIENT_WORKER_THREADS = "storm.messaging.netty.client_worker_threads"; public static final Object STORM_MESSAGING_NETTY_CLIENT_WORKER_THREADS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * If the Netty messaging layer is busy, the Netty client will try to batch message as more as possible up to the size of STORM_NETTY_MESSAGE_BATCH_SIZE bytes */ public static final String STORM_NETTY_MESSAGE_BATCH_SIZE = "storm.messaging.netty.transfer.batch.size"; public static final Object STORM_NETTY_MESSAGE_BATCH_SIZE_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * We check with this interval that whether the Netty channel is writable and try to write pending messages */ public static final String STORM_NETTY_FLUSH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS = "storm.messaging.netty.flush.check.interval.ms"; public static final Object STORM_NETTY_FLUSH_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The delegate for serializing metadata, should be used for serialized objects stored in zookeeper and on disk. * This is NOT used for compressing serialized tuples sent between topologies. */ public static final String STORM_META_SERIALIZATION_DELEGATE = "storm.meta.serialization.delegate"; public static final Object STORM_META_SERIALIZATION_DELEGATE_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * A list of hosts of ZooKeeper servers used to manage the cluster. */ public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS = "storm.zookeeper.servers"; public static final Object STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.StringsValidator; /** * The port Storm will use to connect to each of the ZooKeeper servers. */ public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_PORT = "storm.zookeeper.port"; public static final Object STORM_ZOOKEEPER_PORT_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * A directory on the local filesystem used by Storm for any local * filesystem usage it needs. The directory must exist and the Storm daemons must * have permission to read/write from this location. */ public static final String STORM_LOCAL_DIR = "storm.local.dir"; public static final Object STORM_LOCAL_DIR_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * A global task scheduler used to assign topologies's tasks to supervisors' wokers. * * If this is not set, a default system scheduler will be used. */ public static final String STORM_SCHEDULER = "storm.scheduler"; public static final Object STORM_SCHEDULER_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * The mode this Storm cluster is running in. Either "distributed" or "local". */ public static final String STORM_CLUSTER_MODE = "storm.cluster.mode"; public static final Object STORM_CLUSTER_MODE_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * The hostname the supervisors/workers should report to nimbus. If unset, Storm will * get the hostname to report by calling InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName(). * * You should set this config when you dont have a DNS which supervisors/workers * can utilize to find each other based on hostname got from calls to * InetAddress.getLocalHost().getCanonicalHostName(). */ public static final String STORM_LOCAL_HOSTNAME = "storm.local.hostname"; public static final Object STORM_LOCAL_HOSTNAME_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * The transport plug-in for Thrift client/server communication */ public static final String STORM_THRIFT_TRANSPORT_PLUGIN = "storm.thrift.transport"; public static final Object STORM_THRIFT_TRANSPORT_PLUGIN_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * The serializer class for ListDelegate (tuple payload). * The default serializer will be ListDelegateSerializer */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_TUPLE_SERIALIZER = "topology.tuple.serializer"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_TUPLE_SERIALIZER_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * Whether or not to use ZeroMQ for messaging in local mode. If this is set * to false, then Storm will use a pure-Java messaging system. The purpose * of this flag is to make it easy to run Storm in local mode by eliminating * the need for native dependencies, which can be difficult to install. * * Defaults to false. */ public static final String STORM_LOCAL_MODE_ZMQ = "storm.local.mode.zmq"; public static final Object STORM_LOCAL_MODE_ZMQ_SCHEMA = Boolean.class; /** * The root location at which Storm stores data in ZooKeeper. */ public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT = "storm.zookeeper.root"; public static final Object STORM_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * The session timeout for clients to ZooKeeper. */ public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT = "storm.zookeeper.session.timeout"; public static final Object STORM_ZOOKEEPER_SESSION_TIMEOUT_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The connection timeout for clients to ZooKeeper. */ public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = "storm.zookeeper.connection.timeout"; public static final Object STORM_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The number of times to retry a Zookeeper operation. */ public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_TIMES="storm.zookeeper.retry.times"; public static final Object STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_TIMES_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The interval between retries of a Zookeeper operation. */ public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_INTERVAL="storm.zookeeper.retry.interval"; public static final Object STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_INTERVAL_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The ceiling of the interval between retries of a Zookeeper operation. */ public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_INTERVAL_CEILING="storm.zookeeper.retry.intervalceiling.millis"; public static final Object STORM_ZOOKEEPER_RETRY_INTERVAL_CEILING_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The Zookeeper authentication scheme to use, e.g. "digest". Defaults to no authentication. */ public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_AUTH_SCHEME="storm.zookeeper.auth.scheme"; public static final Object STORM_ZOOKEEPER_AUTH_SCHEME_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * A string representing the payload for Zookeeper authentication. It gets serialized using UTF-8 encoding during authentication. */ public static final String STORM_ZOOKEEPER_AUTH_PAYLOAD="storm.zookeeper.auth.payload"; public static final Object STORM_ZOOKEEPER_AUTH_PAYLOAD_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * The id assigned to a running topology. The id is the storm name with a unique nonce appended. */ public static final String STORM_ID = "storm.id"; public static final Object STORM_ID_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * The host that the master server is running on. */ public static final String NIMBUS_HOST = "nimbus.host"; public static final Object NIMBUS_HOST_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * Which port the Thrift interface of Nimbus should run on. Clients should * connect to this port to upload jars and submit topologies. */ public static final String NIMBUS_THRIFT_PORT = "nimbus.thrift.port"; public static final Object NIMBUS_THRIFT_PORT_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The maximum buffer size thrift should use when reading messages. */ public static final String NIMBUS_THRIFT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = "nimbus.thrift.max_buffer_size"; public static final Object NIMBUS_THRIFT_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * This parameter is used by the storm-deploy project to configure the * jvm options for the nimbus daemon. */ public static final String NIMBUS_CHILDOPTS = "nimbus.childopts"; public static final Object NIMBUS_CHILDOPTS_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * How long without heartbeating a task can go before nimbus will consider the * task dead and reassign it to another location. */ public static final String NIMBUS_TASK_TIMEOUT_SECS = "nimbus.task.timeout.secs"; public static final Object NIMBUS_TASK_TIMEOUT_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How often nimbus should wake up to check heartbeats and do reassignments. Note * that if a machine ever goes down Nimbus will immediately wake up and take action. * This parameter is for checking for failures when there's no explicit event like that * occuring. */ public static final String NIMBUS_MONITOR_FREQ_SECS = "nimbus.monitor.freq.secs"; public static final Object NIMBUS_MONITOR_FREQ_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How often nimbus should wake the cleanup thread to clean the inbox. * @see NIMBUS_INBOX_JAR_EXPIRATION_SECS */ public static final String NIMBUS_CLEANUP_INBOX_FREQ_SECS = "nimbus.cleanup.inbox.freq.secs"; public static final Object NIMBUS_CLEANUP_INBOX_FREQ_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The length of time a jar file lives in the inbox before being deleted by the cleanup thread. * * Probably keep this value greater than or equal to NIMBUS_CLEANUP_INBOX_JAR_EXPIRATION_SECS. * Note that the time it takes to delete an inbox jar file is going to be somewhat more than * NIMBUS_CLEANUP_INBOX_JAR_EXPIRATION_SECS (depending on how often NIMBUS_CLEANUP_FREQ_SECS * is set to). * @see NIMBUS_CLEANUP_FREQ_SECS */ public static final String NIMBUS_INBOX_JAR_EXPIRATION_SECS = "nimbus.inbox.jar.expiration.secs"; public static final Object NIMBUS_INBOX_JAR_EXPIRATION_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How long before a supervisor can go without heartbeating before nimbus considers it dead * and stops assigning new work to it. */ public static final String NIMBUS_SUPERVISOR_TIMEOUT_SECS = "nimbus.supervisor.timeout.secs"; public static final Object NIMBUS_SUPERVISOR_TIMEOUT_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * A special timeout used when a task is initially launched. During launch, this is the timeout * used until the first heartbeat, overriding nimbus.task.timeout.secs. * *

A separate timeout exists for launch because there can be quite a bit of overhead * to launching new JVM's and configuring them.

*/ public static final String NIMBUS_TASK_LAUNCH_SECS = "nimbus.task.launch.secs"; public static final Object NIMBUS_TASK_LAUNCH_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * Whether or not nimbus should reassign tasks if it detects that a task goes down. * Defaults to true, and it's not recommended to change this value. */ public static final String NIMBUS_REASSIGN = "nimbus.reassign"; public static final Object NIMBUS_REASSIGN_SCHEMA = Boolean.class; /** * During upload/download with the master, how long an upload or download connection is idle * before nimbus considers it dead and drops the connection. */ public static final String NIMBUS_FILE_COPY_EXPIRATION_SECS = "nimbus.file.copy.expiration.secs"; public static final Object NIMBUS_FILE_COPY_EXPIRATION_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * A custom class that implements ITopologyValidator that is run whenever a * topology is submitted. Can be used to provide business-specific logic for * whether topologies are allowed to run or not. */ public static final String NIMBUS_TOPOLOGY_VALIDATOR = "nimbus.topology.validator"; public static final Object NIMBUS_TOPOLOGY_VALIDATOR_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * Class name for authorization plugin for Nimbus */ public static final String NIMBUS_AUTHORIZER = "nimbus.authorizer"; public static final Object NIMBUS_AUTHORIZER_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * Storm UI binds to this port. */ public static final String UI_PORT = "ui.port"; public static final Object UI_PORT_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * HTTP UI port for log viewer */ public static final String LOGVIEWER_PORT = "logviewer.port"; public static final Object LOGVIEWER_PORT_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * Childopts for log viewer java process. */ public static final String LOGVIEWER_CHILDOPTS = "logviewer.childopts"; public static final Object LOGVIEWER_CHILDOPTS_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * Appender name used by log viewer to determine log directory. */ public static final String LOGVIEWER_APPENDER_NAME = "logviewer.appender.name"; public static final Object LOGVIEWER_APPENDER_NAME_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * Childopts for Storm UI Java process. */ public static final String UI_CHILDOPTS = "ui.childopts"; public static final Object UI_CHILDOPTS_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * List of DRPC servers so that the DRPCSpout knows who to talk to. */ public static final String DRPC_SERVERS = "drpc.servers"; public static final Object DRPC_SERVERS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.StringsValidator; /** * This port is used by Storm DRPC for receiving DPRC requests from clients. */ public static final String DRPC_PORT = "drpc.port"; public static final Object DRPC_PORT_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * DRPC thrift server worker threads */ public static final String DRPC_WORKER_THREADS = "drpc.worker.threads"; public static final Object DRPC_WORKER_THREADS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * DRPC thrift server queue size */ public static final String DRPC_QUEUE_SIZE = "drpc.queue.size"; public static final Object DRPC_QUEUE_SIZE_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * This port on Storm DRPC is used by DRPC topologies to receive function invocations and send results back. */ public static final String DRPC_INVOCATIONS_PORT = "drpc.invocations.port"; public static final Object DRPC_INVOCATIONS_PORT_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The timeout on DRPC requests within the DRPC server. Defaults to 10 minutes. Note that requests can also * timeout based on the socket timeout on the DRPC client, and separately based on the topology message * timeout for the topology implementing the DRPC function. */ public static final String DRPC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECS = "drpc.request.timeout.secs"; public static final Object DRPC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * Childopts for Storm DRPC Java process. */ public static final String DRPC_CHILDOPTS = "drpc.childopts"; public static final Object DRPC_CHILDOPTS_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * the metadata configed on the supervisor */ public static final String SUPERVISOR_SCHEDULER_META = "supervisor.scheduler.meta"; public static final Object SUPERVISOR_SCHEDULER_META_SCHEMA = Map.class; /** * A list of ports that can run workers on this supervisor. Each worker uses one port, and * the supervisor will only run one worker per port. Use this configuration to tune * how many workers run on each machine. */ public static final String SUPERVISOR_SLOTS_PORTS = "supervisor.slots.ports"; public static final Object SUPERVISOR_SLOTS_PORTS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegersValidator; /** * This parameter is used by the storm-deploy project to configure the * jvm options for the supervisor daemon. */ public static final String SUPERVISOR_CHILDOPTS = "supervisor.childopts"; public static final Object SUPERVISOR_CHILDOPTS_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * How long a worker can go without heartbeating before the supervisor tries to * restart the worker process. */ public static final String SUPERVISOR_WORKER_TIMEOUT_SECS = "supervisor.worker.timeout.secs"; public static final Object SUPERVISOR_WORKER_TIMEOUT_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How long a worker can go without heartbeating during the initial launch before * the supervisor tries to restart the worker process. This value override * supervisor.worker.timeout.secs during launch because there is additional * overhead to starting and configuring the JVM on launch. */ public static final String SUPERVISOR_WORKER_START_TIMEOUT_SECS = "supervisor.worker.start.timeout.secs"; public static final Object SUPERVISOR_WORKER_START_TIMEOUT_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * Whether or not the supervisor should launch workers assigned to it. Defaults * to true -- and you should probably never change this value. This configuration * is used in the Storm unit tests. */ public static final String SUPERVISOR_ENABLE = "supervisor.enable"; public static final Object SUPERVISOR_ENABLE_SCHEMA = Boolean.class; /** * how often the supervisor sends a heartbeat to the master. */ public static final String SUPERVISOR_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_SECS = "supervisor.heartbeat.frequency.secs"; public static final Object SUPERVISOR_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How often the supervisor checks the worker heartbeats to see if any of them * need to be restarted. */ public static final String SUPERVISOR_MONITOR_FREQUENCY_SECS = "supervisor.monitor.frequency.secs"; public static final Object SUPERVISOR_MONITOR_FREQUENCY_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The jvm opts provided to workers launched by this supervisor. All "%ID%", "%WORKER-ID%", "%TOPOLOGY-ID%" * and "%WORKER-PORT%" substrings are replaced with: * %ID% -> port (for backward compatibility), * %WORKER-ID% -> worker-id, * %TOPOLOGY-ID% -> topology-id, * %WORKER-PORT% -> port. */ public static final String WORKER_CHILDOPTS = "worker.childopts"; public static final Object WORKER_CHILDOPTS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.StringOrStringListValidator; /** * control how many worker receiver threads we need per worker */ public static final String WORKER_RECEIVER_THREAD_COUNT = "topology.worker.receiver.thread.count"; public static final Object WORKER_RECEIVER_THREAD_COUNT_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How often this worker should heartbeat to the supervisor. */ public static final String WORKER_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_SECS = "worker.heartbeat.frequency.secs"; public static final Object WORKER_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How often a task should heartbeat its status to the master. */ public static final String TASK_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_SECS = "task.heartbeat.frequency.secs"; public static final Object TASK_HEARTBEAT_FREQUENCY_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How often a task should sync its connections with other tasks (if a task is * reassigned, the other tasks sending messages to it need to refresh their connections). * In general though, when a reassignment happens other tasks will be notified * almost immediately. This configuration is here just in case that notification doesn't * come through. */ public static final String TASK_REFRESH_POLL_SECS = "task.refresh.poll.secs"; public static final Object TASK_REFRESH_POLL_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * True if Storm should timeout messages or not. Defaults to true. This is meant to be used * in unit tests to prevent tuples from being accidentally timed out during the test. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_ENABLE_MESSAGE_TIMEOUTS = "topology.enable.message.timeouts"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_ENABLE_MESSAGE_TIMEOUTS_SCHEMA = Boolean.class; /** * When set to true, Storm will log every message that's emitted. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_DEBUG = "topology.debug"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_DEBUG_SCHEMA = Boolean.class; /** * The serializer for communication between shell components and non-JVM * processes */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_MULTILANG_SERIALIZER = "topology.multilang.serializer"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_MULTILANG_SERIALIZER_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * How many processes should be spawned around the cluster to execute this * topology. Each process will execute some number of tasks as threads within * them. This parameter should be used in conjunction with the parallelism hints * on each component in the topology to tune the performance of a topology. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_WORKERS = "topology.workers"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_WORKERS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How many instances to create for a spout/bolt. A task runs on a thread with zero or more * other tasks for the same spout/bolt. The number of tasks for a spout/bolt is always * the same throughout the lifetime of a topology, but the number of executors (threads) for * a spout/bolt can change over time. This allows a topology to scale to more or less resources * without redeploying the topology or violating the constraints of Storm (such as a fields grouping * guaranteeing that the same value goes to the same task). */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_TASKS = "topology.tasks"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_TASKS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How many executors to spawn for ackers. * *

If this is set to 0, then Storm will immediately ack tuples as soon * as they come off the spout, effectively disabling reliability.

*/ public static final String TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS = "topology.acker.executors"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The maximum amount of time given to the topology to fully process a message * emitted by a spout. If the message is not acked within this time frame, Storm * will fail the message on the spout. Some spouts implementations will then replay * the message at a later time. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS = "topology.message.timeout.secs"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * A list of serialization registrations for Kryo ( http://code.google.com/p/kryo/ ), * the underlying serialization framework for Storm. A serialization can either * be the name of a class (in which case Kryo will automatically create a serializer for the class * that saves all the object's fields), or an implementation of com.esotericsoftware.kryo.Serializer. * * See Kryo's documentation for more information about writing custom serializers. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER = "topology.kryo.register"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.KryoRegValidator; /** * A list of classes that customize storm's kryo instance during start-up. * Each listed class name must implement IKryoDecorator. During start-up the * listed class is instantiated with 0 arguments, then its 'decorate' method * is called with storm's kryo instance as the only argument. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_KRYO_DECORATORS = "topology.kryo.decorators"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_KRYO_DECORATORS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.StringsValidator; /** * Class that specifies how to create a Kryo instance for serialization. Storm will then apply * topology.kryo.register and topology.kryo.decorators on top of this. The default implementation * implements topology.fall.back.on.java.serialization and turns references off. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_KRYO_FACTORY = "topology.kryo.factory"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_KRYO_FACTORY_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * Whether or not Storm should skip the loading of kryo registrations for which it * does not know the class or have the serializer implementation. Otherwise, the task will * fail to load and will throw an error at runtime. The use case of this is if you want to * declare your serializations on the storm.yaml files on the cluster rather than every single * time you submit a topology. Different applications may use different serializations and so * a single application may not have the code for the other serializers used by other apps. * By setting this config to true, Storm will ignore that it doesn't have those other serializations * rather than throw an error. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_SKIP_MISSING_KRYO_REGISTRATIONS= "topology.skip.missing.kryo.registrations"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_SKIP_MISSING_KRYO_REGISTRATIONS_SCHEMA = Boolean.class; /* * A list of classes implementing IMetricsConsumer (See storm.yaml.example for exact config format). * Each listed class will be routed all the metrics data generated by the storm metrics API. * Each listed class maps 1:1 to a system bolt named __metrics_ClassName#N, and it's parallelism is configurable. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_METRICS_CONSUMER_REGISTER = "topology.metrics.consumer.register"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_METRICS_CONSUMER_REGISTER_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.MapsValidator; /** * The maximum parallelism allowed for a component in this topology. This configuration is * typically used in testing to limit the number of threads spawned in local mode. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_MAX_TASK_PARALLELISM="topology.max.task.parallelism"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_MAX_TASK_PARALLELISM_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The maximum number of tuples that can be pending on a spout task at any given time. * This config applies to individual tasks, not to spouts or topologies as a whole. * * A pending tuple is one that has been emitted from a spout but has not been acked or failed yet. * Note that this config parameter has no effect for unreliable spouts that don't tag * their tuples with a message id. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING="topology.max.spout.pending"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * A class that implements a strategy for what to do when a spout needs to wait. Waiting is * triggered in one of two conditions: * * 1. nextTuple emits no tuples * 2. The spout has hit maxSpoutPending and can't emit any more tuples */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_SPOUT_WAIT_STRATEGY="topology.spout.wait.strategy"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_SPOUT_WAIT_STRATEGY_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * The amount of milliseconds the SleepEmptyEmitStrategy should sleep for. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_SLEEP_SPOUT_WAIT_STRATEGY_TIME_MS="topology.sleep.spout.wait.strategy.time.ms"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_SLEEP_SPOUT_WAIT_STRATEGY_TIME_MS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The maximum amount of time a component gives a source of state to synchronize before it requests * synchronization again. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_STATE_SYNCHRONIZATION_TIMEOUT_SECS="topology.state.synchronization.timeout.secs"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_STATE_SYNCHRONIZATION_TIMEOUT_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The percentage of tuples to sample to produce stats for a task. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_STATS_SAMPLE_RATE="topology.stats.sample.rate"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_STATS_SAMPLE_RATE_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.DoubleValidator; /** * The time period that builtin metrics data in bucketed into. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_BUILTIN_METRICS_BUCKET_SIZE_SECS="topology.builtin.metrics.bucket.size.secs"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_BUILTIN_METRICS_BUCKET_SIZE_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * Whether or not to use Java serialization in a topology. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_FALL_BACK_ON_JAVA_SERIALIZATION="topology.fall.back.on.java.serialization"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_FALL_BACK_ON_JAVA_SERIALIZATION_SCHEMA = Boolean.class; /** * Topology-specific options for the worker child process. This is used in addition to WORKER_CHILDOPTS. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_WORKER_CHILDOPTS="topology.worker.childopts"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_WORKER_CHILDOPTS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.StringOrStringListValidator; /** * Topology-specific classpath for the worker child process. This is combined to the usual classpath. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_CLASSPATH="topology.classpath"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_CLASSPATH_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.StringOrStringListValidator; /** * Topology-specific environment variables for the worker child process. * This is added to the existing environment (that of the supervisor) */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_ENVIRONMENT="topology.environment"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_ENVIRONMENT_SCHEMA = Map.class; /** * This config is available for TransactionalSpouts, and contains the id ( a String) for * the transactional topology. This id is used to store the state of the transactional * topology in Zookeeper. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_TRANSACTIONAL_ID="topology.transactional.id"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_TRANSACTIONAL_ID_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * A list of task hooks that are automatically added to every spout and bolt in the topology. An example * of when you'd do this is to add a hook that integrates with your internal * monitoring system. These hooks are instantiated using the zero-arg constructor. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_AUTO_TASK_HOOKS="topology.auto.task.hooks"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_AUTO_TASK_HOOKS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.StringsValidator; /** * The size of the Disruptor receive queue for each executor. Must be a power of 2. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_EXECUTOR_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE="topology.executor.receive.buffer.size"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_EXECUTOR_RECEIVE_BUFFER_SIZE_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.PowerOf2Validator; /** * The maximum number of messages to batch from the thread receiving off the network to the * executor queues. Must be a power of 2. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_RECEIVER_BUFFER_SIZE="topology.receiver.buffer.size"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_RECEIVER_BUFFER_SIZE_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.PowerOf2Validator; /** * The size of the Disruptor send queue for each executor. Must be a power of 2. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_EXECUTOR_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE="topology.executor.send.buffer.size"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_EXECUTOR_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.PowerOf2Validator; /** * The size of the Disruptor transfer queue for each worker. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE="topology.transfer.buffer.size"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_TRANSFER_BUFFER_SIZE_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How often a tick tuple from the "__system" component and "__tick" stream should be sent * to tasks. Meant to be used as a component-specific configuration. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_TICK_TUPLE_FREQ_SECS="topology.tick.tuple.freq.secs"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_TICK_TUPLE_FREQ_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * Configure the wait strategy used for internal queuing. Can be used to tradeoff latency * vs. throughput */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_DISRUPTOR_WAIT_STRATEGY="topology.disruptor.wait.strategy"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_DISRUPTOR_WAIT_STRATEGY_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * The size of the shared thread pool for worker tasks to make use of. The thread pool can be accessed * via the TopologyContext. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_WORKER_SHARED_THREAD_POOL_SIZE="topology.worker.shared.thread.pool.size"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_WORKER_SHARED_THREAD_POOL_SIZE_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The interval in seconds to use for determining whether to throttle error reported to Zookeeper. For example, * an interval of 10 seconds with topology.max.error.report.per.interval set to 5 will only allow 5 errors to be * reported to Zookeeper per task for every 10 second interval of time. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_ERROR_THROTTLE_INTERVAL_SECS="topology.error.throttle.interval.secs"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_ERROR_THROTTLE_INTERVAL_SECS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * See doc for TOPOLOGY_ERROR_THROTTLE_INTERVAL_SECS */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_MAX_ERROR_REPORT_PER_INTERVAL="topology.max.error.report.per.interval"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_MAX_ERROR_REPORT_PER_INTERVAL_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How often a batch can be emitted in a Trident topology. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_TRIDENT_BATCH_EMIT_INTERVAL_MILLIS="topology.trident.batch.emit.interval.millis"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_TRIDENT_BATCH_EMIT_INTERVAL_MILLIS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * Name of the topology. This config is automatically set by Storm when the topology is submitted. */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_NAME="topology.name"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_NAME_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * Max pending tuples in one ShellBolt */ public static final String TOPOLOGY_SHELLBOLT_MAX_PENDING="topology.shellbolt.max.pending"; public static final Object TOPOLOGY_SHELLBOLT_MAX_PENDING_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The root directory in ZooKeeper for metadata about TransactionalSpouts. */ public static final String TRANSACTIONAL_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT="transactional.zookeeper.root"; public static final Object TRANSACTIONAL_ZOOKEEPER_ROOT_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * The list of zookeeper servers in which to keep the transactional state. If null (which is default), * will use storm.zookeeper.servers */ public static final String TRANSACTIONAL_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS="transactional.zookeeper.servers"; public static final Object TRANSACTIONAL_ZOOKEEPER_SERVERS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.StringsValidator; /** * The port to use to connect to the transactional zookeeper servers. If null (which is default), * will use storm.zookeeper.port */ public static final String TRANSACTIONAL_ZOOKEEPER_PORT="transactional.zookeeper.port"; public static final Object TRANSACTIONAL_ZOOKEEPER_PORT_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The number of threads that should be used by the zeromq context in each worker process. */ public static final String ZMQ_THREADS = "zmq.threads"; public static final Object ZMQ_THREADS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * How long a connection should retry sending messages to a target host when * the connection is closed. This is an advanced configuration and can almost * certainly be ignored. */ public static final String ZMQ_LINGER_MILLIS = "zmq.linger.millis"; public static final Object ZMQ_LINGER_MILLIS_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * The high water for the ZeroMQ push sockets used for networking. Use this config to prevent buffer explosion * on the networking layer. */ public static final String ZMQ_HWM = "zmq.hwm"; public static final Object ZMQ_HWM_SCHEMA = ConfigValidation.IntegerValidator; /** * This value is passed to spawned JVMs (e.g., Nimbus, Supervisor, and Workers) * for the java.library.path value. java.library.path tells the JVM where * to look for native libraries. It is necessary to set this config correctly since * Storm uses the ZeroMQ and JZMQ native libs. */ public static final String JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH = "java.library.path"; public static final Object JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * The path to use as the zookeeper dir when running a zookeeper server via * "storm dev-zookeeper". This zookeeper instance is only intended for development; * it is not a production grade zookeeper setup. */ public static final String DEV_ZOOKEEPER_PATH = "dev.zookeeper.path"; public static final Object DEV_ZOOKEEPER_PATH_SCHEMA = String.class; /** * A map from topology name to the number of machines that should be dedicated for that topology. Set storm.scheduler * to backtype.storm.scheduler.IsolationScheduler to make use of the isolation scheduler. */ public static final String ISOLATION_SCHEDULER_MACHINES = "isolation.scheduler.machines"; public static final Object ISOLATION_SCHEDULER_MACHINES_SCHEMA = Map.class; public static void setClasspath(Map conf, String cp) { conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_CLASSPATH, cp); } public void setClasspath(String cp) { setClasspath(this, cp); } public static void setEnvironment(Map conf, Map env) { conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_ENVIRONMENT, env); } public void setEnvironment(Map env) { setEnvironment(this, env); } public static void setDebug(Map conf, boolean isOn) { conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_DEBUG, isOn); } public void setDebug(boolean isOn) { setDebug(this, isOn); } public static void setNumWorkers(Map conf, int workers) { conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_WORKERS, workers); } public void setNumWorkers(int workers) { setNumWorkers(this, workers); } public static void setNumAckers(Map conf, int numExecutors) { conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_ACKER_EXECUTORS, numExecutors); } public void setNumAckers(int numExecutors) { setNumAckers(this, numExecutors); } public static void setMessageTimeoutSecs(Map conf, int secs) { conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT_SECS, secs); } public void setMessageTimeoutSecs(int secs) { setMessageTimeoutSecs(this, secs); } public static void registerSerialization(Map conf, Class klass) { getRegisteredSerializations(conf).add(klass.getName()); } public void registerSerialization(Class klass) { registerSerialization(this, klass); } public static void registerSerialization(Map conf, Class klass, Class serializerClass) { Map register = new HashMap(); register.put(klass.getName(), serializerClass.getName()); getRegisteredSerializations(conf).add(register); } public void registerSerialization(Class klass, Class serializerClass) { registerSerialization(this, klass, serializerClass); } public static void registerMetricsConsumer(Map conf, Class klass, Object argument, long parallelismHint) { HashMap m = new HashMap(); m.put("class", klass.getCanonicalName()); m.put("parallelism.hint", parallelismHint); m.put("argument", argument); List l = (List)conf.get(TOPOLOGY_METRICS_CONSUMER_REGISTER); if (l == null) { l = new ArrayList(); } l.add(m); conf.put(TOPOLOGY_METRICS_CONSUMER_REGISTER, l); } public void registerMetricsConsumer(Class klass, Object argument, long parallelismHint) { registerMetricsConsumer(this, klass, argument, parallelismHint); } public static void registerMetricsConsumer(Map conf, Class klass, long parallelismHint) { registerMetricsConsumer(conf, klass, null, parallelismHint); } public void registerMetricsConsumer(Class klass, long parallelismHint) { registerMetricsConsumer(this, klass, parallelismHint); } public static void registerMetricsConsumer(Map conf, Class klass) { registerMetricsConsumer(conf, klass, null, 1L); } public void registerMetricsConsumer(Class klass) { registerMetricsConsumer(this, klass); } public static void registerDecorator(Map conf, Class klass) { getRegisteredDecorators(conf).add(klass.getName()); } public void registerDecorator(Class klass) { registerDecorator(this, klass); } public static void setKryoFactory(Map conf, Class klass) { conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_FACTORY, klass.getName()); } public void setKryoFactory(Class klass) { setKryoFactory(this, klass); } public static void setSkipMissingKryoRegistrations(Map conf, boolean skip) { conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_SKIP_MISSING_KRYO_REGISTRATIONS, skip); } public void setSkipMissingKryoRegistrations(boolean skip) { setSkipMissingKryoRegistrations(this, skip); } public static void setMaxTaskParallelism(Map conf, int max) { conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_TASK_PARALLELISM, max); } public void setMaxTaskParallelism(int max) { setMaxTaskParallelism(this, max); } public static void setMaxSpoutPending(Map conf, int max) { conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_MAX_SPOUT_PENDING, max); } public void setMaxSpoutPending(int max) { setMaxSpoutPending(this, max); } public static void setStatsSampleRate(Map conf, double rate) { conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_STATS_SAMPLE_RATE, rate); } public void setStatsSampleRate(double rate) { setStatsSampleRate(this, rate); } public static void setFallBackOnJavaSerialization(Map conf, boolean fallback) { conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_FALL_BACK_ON_JAVA_SERIALIZATION, fallback); } public void setFallBackOnJavaSerialization(boolean fallback) { setFallBackOnJavaSerialization(this, fallback); } private static List getRegisteredSerializations(Map conf) { List ret; if(!conf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER)) { ret = new ArrayList(); } else { ret = new ArrayList((List) conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER)); } conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_REGISTER, ret); return ret; } private static List getRegisteredDecorators(Map conf) { List ret; if(!conf.containsKey(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_DECORATORS)) { ret = new ArrayList(); } else { ret = new ArrayList((List) conf.get(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_DECORATORS)); } conf.put(Config.TOPOLOGY_KRYO_DECORATORS, ret); return ret; } }
