【mac】如何修改Mac book上win7系统的触摸屏双指滑动方向

用惯了mac os的双指滑动方向在win7下竟然方向是反的,这太暗黑了有木有,百度到一个方法,改注册表,亲测有效!非常棒

Reversing the direction of wheel scroll to match with Mac OS X Lion in Mac Windows 7 I have been using MacBook Air with Lion. To match with the touch pad behavior, Apple decided to reverse the direction of mouse wheel. Now that I get used to wheel up to make the content to scroll up. I wanted the same behavior on Windows 7. Here's how to do it. - First, find out VID for your mouse. From Control Panel, click Mouse. On Hardware tab, double-click the HID-compliant mouse. When in the details tab and select the Hardware IDs property. The value for the VID_XYZ number is in there. - On RegEdit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Enum\\HID\\VID_{XYZ}\\{some numbers}\\Device Parameters, where VID_{XYZ} is from the first step. - Change the FlipFlopWheel value from 0 to 1. - You may need to unplug and plug back the mouse (or reboot the PC). Enjoy reverse mouse wheeling!修改后重启启动一下电脑就可以了。另推荐使用sharpkeys在win7修改键盘,我将control和command键对调了,和mac上保持一致,再也不纠结了。


