2,FFT ip核配置
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module fft(
input aclk,
input aresetn,
output [7:0] fft_real,
output [7:0] fft_imag,
output [17:0]data,
output [15:0]dds_m_data_tdata,
output [11:0]xk_index
wire [15:0] dds_m_data_tdata;
wire dds_m_data_tvalid;
wire dds_m_data_tlast;//未使用
dds_compiler_0 dds_MHz (
// .m_axis_data_tready(fft_s_data_tready),
//----------------------FFT core-------------------
wire [7:0] fft_s_config_tdata;//[0:0]FWD_INV_0
wire fft_s_config_tready;
wire fft_s_config_tvalid;
wire [7:0] fft_m_status_tdata;
wire fft_m_status_tvalid;
wire [15:0] fft_m_data_tdata;
wire fft_m_data_tlast;
wire [23:0] fft_m_data_tuser;//[11:0]XK_INDEX
wire fft_m_data_tvalid;
wire fft_event_frame_started;
wire fft_event_tlast_unexpected;
wire fft_event_tlast_missing;
wire fft_event_data_in_channel_halt;
wire [11:0] xk_index;
assign xk_index = fft_m_data_tuser[11:0];
assign fft_s_config_tdata = 8'd1;//定义FFT模块配置信息(第0位为1表示用FFT,为0表示用IFFT)
assign fft_s_config_tvalid = 1'd1;//FFT模块配置使能,从一开始就拉高,表示已经准备好要传入的配置数据了
xfft_0 usr_fft(
.aclk(aclk),//Rising-edge clock
.aresetn(aresetn),//(低有效)Active-Low synchronous clear (optional, always take priority over aclken); A minimum aresetn active pulse of two cycles is required
.s_axis_data_tdata(dds_m_data_tdata),//IN Carries the unprocessed sample data: XN_RE and XN_IM
.s_axis_data_tlast(dds_m_data_tlast),//IN Asserted by the external master on the last sample of the frame
// .s_axis_data_tready(fft_s_data_tready),//OUT Used by the core to signal that it is ready to accept data
.s_axis_data_tvalid(dds_m_data_tvalid),//IN Used by the external master to signal that it is able to provide data
.s_axis_config_tdata(fft_s_config_tdata),//IN Carries the configuration information
.s_axis_config_tready(fft_s_config_tready),//OUT Asserted by the core to signal that it is ready to accept data
.s_axis_config_tvalid(fft_s_config_tvalid),//IN Asserted by the external master to signal that it is able to provide data
.m_axis_data_tdata(fft_m_data_tdata),//OUT Carries the processed sample data XK_RE and XK_IM
.m_axis_data_tlast(fft_m_data_tlast),//OUT Asserted by the core on the last sample of the frame
.m_axis_data_tuser(fft_m_data_tuser),//OUT Carries additional per-sample information: XK_INDEX, OVFLO and BLK_EXP
.m_axis_data_tvalid(fft_m_data_tvalid),//OUT Asserted by the core to signal that it is able to provide status data
.event_frame_started(fft_event_frame_started),//Asserted when the core starts to process a new frame
.event_tlast_unexpected(fft_event_tlast_unexpected),//Asserted when the core sees s_axis_data_tlast High on a data sample that is not the last one in a frame
.event_tlast_missing(fft_event_tlast_missing),//Asserted when s_axis_data_tlast is Low on the last data sample of a frame
.event_data_in_channel_halt(fft_event_data_in_channel_halt)//Asserted when the core requests data from the Data Input channel and none is available
assign fft_real = fft_m_data_tdata[7:0];
assign fft_imag = fft_m_data_tdata[15:8];
assign data=fft_real*fft_real+fft_imag*fft_imag;
`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module fft_testbench( );
reg aclk,aresetn;
wire [7:0] fft_real,fft_imag;
wire [15:0]dds_m_data_tdata;
wire [11:0]xk_index;
wire [17:0]data;
fft fft_test(
initial begin
aclk = 0;
aresetn = 0;//低有效
#10 aresetn = 1;
always #5 aclk=~aclk;//时钟频率100MHz
(1)FFT ip数据输入方式:
(2)FFT ip数据输出方式: