使用AOP 使C#代码更清晰



Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)的背景


public bool InsertCustomer(string firstName, string lastName, int age, Dictionary attributes) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstName)) throw new ApplicationException("first name cannot be empty"); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName)) throw new ApplicationException("last name cannot be empty"); if (age < 0) throw new ApplicationException("Age must be non-zero"); if (null == attributes) throw new ApplicationException("Attributes must not be null"); // Log customer inserts and time the execution Logger.Writer.WriteLine("Inserting customer data..."); DateTime start = DateTime.Now; try { CustomerData data = new CustomerData(); bool result = data.Insert(firstName, lastName, age, attributes); if (result == true) { Logger.Writer.Write("Successfully inserted customer data in " + (DateTime.Now-start).TotalSeconds + " seconds"); } return result; } catch (Exception x) { // Try once more, may be it was a network blip or some temporary downtime try { CustomerData data = new CustomerData(); if (result == true) { Logger.Writer.Write("Successfully inserted customer data in " + (DateTime.Now-start).TotalSeconds + " seconds"); } return result; } catch { // Failed on retry, safe to assume permanent failure. // Log the exceptions produced Exception current = x; int indent = 0; while (current != null) { string message = new string(Enumerable.Repeat('\t', indent).ToArray()) + current.Message; Debug.WriteLine(message); Logger.Writer.WriteLine(message); current = current.InnerException; indent++; } Debug.WriteLine(x.StackTrace); Logger.Writer.WriteLine(x.StackTrace); return false; } } }




[EnsureNonNullParameters] [Log] [TimeExecution] [RetryOnceOnFailure] public void InsertCustomerTheCoolway(string firstName, string lastName, int age, Dictionary attributes) { CustomerData data = new CustomerData(); data.Insert(firstName, lastName, age, attributes); }





public void InsertCustomerTheEasyWay(string firstName, string lastName, int age, Dictionary attributes) { AspectF.Define .Log(Logger.Writer, "Inserting customer the easy way") .HowLong(Logger.Writer, "Starting customer insert", "Inserted customer in {1} seconds") .Retry() .Do(() => { CustomerData data = new CustomerData(); data.Insert(firstName, lastName, age, attributes); }); }


(1)     不在方法的外面定义“切面”,而是在方法的内部直接定义。

(2)     取代将“切面”做成类,而是将其构建成方法


(1)     没有很“深奥”的要求(Attributes, ContextBoundObject, Post build event, IL Manipulation,DynamicProxy)

(2)     没有对其他依赖的性能担忧

(3)     直接随意组合你要的“切面”。例如,你可以只对日志记录一次,但尝试很多次操作。

(4)     你可以传递参数,局部变量等到“切面”中,而你在使用第三方类库的时候,通常不能这么做

(5)     这不是一个完整的框架或类库,而仅仅是一个叫做AspectF的类

(6)     可能以在代码的任何地方定义方面,例如你可以将一个for 循环包裹成一个“切面”


[DebuggerStepThrough] public static AspectF Retry(this AspectF aspects) { return aspects.Combine((work) => Retry(1000, 1, (error) => DoNothing(error), DoNothing, work)); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static void Retry(int retryDuration, int retryCount, Action errorHandler, Action retryFailed, Action work) { do { try { work(); } catch (Exception x) { errorHandler(x); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(retryDuration); } } while (retryCount-- > 0); retryFailed(); }

你可以让“切面”调用你的代码任意多次。很容易在Retry切面中包裹对数据库、文件IO、网络IO、Web Service的调用,因为它们经常由于各种基础设施问题而失败,并且有时重试一次就可以解决问题。我有个习惯是总是去尝试数据库插入,更新,删除、web service调用,处理文件等等。而这样的“切面”无疑让我对处理这样的问题时轻松了许多。


Log(() => { HowLong(() => { Retry(() => { Do(() => { CustomerData data = new CustomerData(); data.Insert(firstName, lastName, age, attributes); }); }); }); });



[DebuggerStepThrough] public static AspectF Log(this AspectF aspect, TextWriter logWriter, string beforeMessage, string afterMessage) { return aspect.Combine((work) => { logWriter.Write(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString()); logWriter.Write('\t'); logWriter.Write(beforeMessage); logWriter.Write(Environment.NewLine); work(); logWriter.Write(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString()); logWriter.Write('\t'); logWriter.Write(afterMessage); logWriter.Write(Environment.NewLine); }); }


public class AspectF { /// /// Chain of aspects to invoke /// public Action Chain = null; /// /// Create a composition of function e.g. f(g(x)) /// /// A delegate that offers an aspect's behavior. /// It's added into the aspect chain /// [DebuggerStepThrough] public AspectF Combine(Action newAspectDelegate) { if (this.Chain == null) { this.Chain = newAspectDelegate; } else { Action existingChain = this.Chain; Action callAnother = (work) => existingChain(() => newAspectDelegate(work)); this.Chain = callAnother; } return this; }



/// /// Execute your real code applying the aspects over it /// /// The actual code that needs to be run [DebuggerStepThrough] public void Do(Action work) { if (this.Chain == null) { work(); } else { this.Chain(work); } }



public static class AspectExtensions { [DebuggerStepThrough] public static void DoNothing() { } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static void DoNothing(params object[] whatever) { } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static AspectF Delay(this AspectF aspect, int milliseconds) { return aspect.Combine((work) => { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(milliseconds); work(); }); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static AspectF MustBeNonNull(this AspectF aspect, params object[] args) { return aspect.Combine((work) => { for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { object arg = args[i]; if (arg == null) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Parameter at index {0} is null", i)); } } work(); }); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static AspectF MustBeNonDefault(this AspectF aspect, params T[] args) where T : IComparable { return aspect.Combine((work) => { T defaultvalue = default(T); for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++) { T arg = args[i]; if (arg == null || arg.Equals(defaultvalue)) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Parameter at index {0} is null", i)); } } work(); }); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static AspectF WhenTrue(this AspectF aspect, params Func[] conditions) { return aspect.Combine((work) => { foreach (Func condition in conditions) { if (!condition()) { return; } } work(); }); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static AspectF RunAsync(this AspectF aspect, Action completeCallback) { return aspect.Combine((work) => work.BeginInvoke(asyncresult => { work.EndInvoke(asyncresult); completeCallback(); }, null)); } [DebuggerStepThrough] public static AspectF RunAsync(this AspectF aspect) { return aspect.Combine((work) => work.BeginInvoke(asyncresult => { work.EndInvoke(asyncresult); }, null)); } }




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