懂你英语 Level4-Unit 3 1/4 dialogue 谈论工作

M1: I hear you lost your job, is that right?

M2: Yes, that’s right. I quit. I quit because of the way my boss treats people.

M1: What happen.

M2: I wasn’t feeling good one day and he yelled at me. While I told him not to yell at me, he threatened me.

M1: Is that all. That’s what bosses do.

M2: Sure, sometime maybe. But my treated everyone badly and I was tired of it. It was the less *

M1: The last str ?

M2: Yes, it reached the point where I couldn’t take it anymore.

M1: I see. So now you don’t have a job.

M2: Right, I don’t have a job. But at least I don’t have to deal with my boss thing.

M1: What are you going to do now?

M2: To be honest, I’m not sure. But I’ll fine something. I’ll get a job even if it pays less than before.

M1: Are you sorry your quit.

M2: Yes and no. I guess I should have found another job first and then quit.

M1: Why didn’t you.

M2: As I said, he pushed me too far. There were some things that I just won take.

M1: What about your wife.

M2: She isn’t happy that I don’t have a job but she understands. She knows I have temper. And she knows I wasn’t happy working there.

M1: Well, I get some luck. My job isn’t great. But I like the people I’m working with and I like my manager.

M2: Are you planning to stay there?

M1: I don’t know.For now, it’s ok. But of course it all depends on how things change.

M2: Well if you hear of any job openings, let me know, OK.

M1: Sure, send me your resume and I’ll let people know you’re looking.

M2: Thanks.

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