Cyber security和Network security的区别

由于近期关注中国网络安全法,英文叫法为China Cyber Security Law, 但是印象中网络安全有Network Security, 哪么这两种有什么区别呢。



Network Security:



  1. 用户ID和密码--保证他们定期更换以及定时更新
  2. 防火墙-设置安全策略并监控流量
  3. internet访问-监控公司内员工访问网站
  4. 加密-加密重要员工的电脑以及公司重要文件,防止人为传播
  5. 备份-制定并遵循公司备份策略
  6. 扫描-定期扫描服务器弱点并监控客户端病毒
  7. 服务器连接监控-定期监控服务器日志以及不正常连接(个人增加)
  8. 网络安全培训-定期给员工做安全培训(个人增加)

Cyber security和Network security的区别_第1张图片

Cyber Security:

主要是应对外部的威胁,network security 主要是应对内部网络安全,cyber security 主要是监控谁要翻越我们这座墙,或者在我们没有充分照顾到的地方打洞进来。这两项工作有重叠的地方,但是cyber security 更象是十字军东片保卫国王的骑士以及看管大门口外的野蛮人,同时他们也要兼顾这个城堡如何连接到外部的通道。


  1. 网络保护-监测并保护外部试图非法进入我们内部网络的不良分子
  2. 更新信息-跟踪黑客最新的攻击手段以及攻击方法
  3. 情报-识别外部攻击源并拒绝他们
  4. 应用程序-监控应用程序的指控并避免来自内部的意外违规


Where Does Cyber Security Differ?

Cyber security is much more concerned with threats from outside the castle. Where network security is worried about what is going on within the castle walls, cyber security is watching who is trying to pass through the gate or breach the parapets. The two areas have a lot of overlap, but their areas of concern are quite different. The cyber security specialist is the crusading knight defending the kingdom. Cyber security focuses on the barbarians at the gate and how the castle connects to the world around it. 

Network protection - detecting and protecting against outside attempts to get into the network

Up-to-date information - staying informed on how attackers and hackers are improving their efforts Intelligence - identifying the sources of outside attacks and protecting against them Applications - monitoring the use of applications to avoid unintended breaches from within

What is Network Security?

If the field of internet security is attractive to you, you need to know the important distinction between network security and cyber security. If you think of a company as castle fortified against outside threats, network security is concerned about maintaining peace and calm within the walls of the castle. It focuses on maintaining the fortifications, of course, but its primary purpose is to guard against problems from within. A person concerned with network security will be focusing on protecting a company's internal information by monitoring employee and network behavior in several ways. They are the shire reeve responsible for keeping peace in the land.

IDs and passwords - making certain they are effective and updated frequently

Firewalls - keeping outside threats at bay Internet access - monitoring the sites employees visit on the company's computers Encryption - making certain that company information is useless to anyone outside the company Backups - scheduling regular backups of company information in case of a hardware malfunction or successful outside threat Scans - conducting regular virus and malware scans to detect any outside infection
