
This section of the specification defines a set functionalities related to lighting control. This includes dimmable lights as well as tunable and color changing lights. It also includes a light control model that allows specific behaviors triggered by sensors, such as turning lights on based on occupancy or balancing a light level based on ambient light conditions, dimming lights after a period of inactivity and eventually turning lights off.
1、Lighting states
There are different types of light sources with different capabilities. Accordingly, there are different ways to express a state of a light.
The simplest way of controlling a light is turning it on or off. This is done by controlling the Generic OnOff state (see Section 3.1.1).
A more advanced method of controlling a light is changing the lightness. This is done by controlling the Light Lightness Actual state (see Section For an informative discussion of lightness, see Section A.2.
If a light is a tunable white, meaning it is possible to control its color temperature, this is done by controlling the Light CTL state (see Section 6.1.3) along with the DUV (Delta UV). The color temperature corresponds to a particular locus (curve) on the color chart and is equivalent to black body radiation at different temperatures (expressed in Kelvin). Higher color temperatures are more bluish or cool and lower color temperatures are reddish or warm. Incandescent light is typically 2700K to 3000K, while daylight or fluorescent light is typically 5000K. DUV (Delta UV) is the distance from the Black Body curve. It is a range of -1.0 to 1.0 with a 16-bit resolution. The Color Temperatures all fall on the black body locus (curve) and some applications want to slightly deviate from the black body curve (e.g., to accentuate pinks/reds).
如果光是可调谐的白色,这意味着可以控制其色温,这可以通过控制光CTL状态(见第6.1.3节)和DUV(Delta UV)来实现。色温对应色图上的一个特定轨迹(曲线),相当于不同温度下的黑体辐射(以开尔文表示)。色温越高,颜色就越蓝或冷,色温越低,颜色就越红或热。白炽灯一般为2700K至3000K,日光灯或荧光灯一般为5000K。DUV(Delta UV)是与黑体曲线的距离。它的范围是-1.0到1.0,分辨率为16位。色温都落在黑体轨迹(曲线)上,有些应用希望稍微偏离黑体曲线(例如,突出粉红色/红色)。
If a light is a color changing light, meaning it is possible to control all three dimensions (Hue, Saturation, and Lightness or HSL), this is done by controlling each state independently:
     Lightness is controlled by the Light Lightness Actual state (see Section
     Hue is controlled by the Light HSL Hue state (see Section 
     Saturation is controlled by the Light HSL Saturation state (see Section
注:HSL是一种将RGB色彩模型中的点在 圆柱坐标系 中的表示法。这两种表示法试图做到比基于 笛卡尔坐标系 的几何结构RGB更加直观。HSL即 色相 饱和度 亮度 (英语:Hue, Saturation, Lightness)。


The HSL model [4] is considered to be the default model for controlling color light in a mesh network. The RGB model used in computer monitors and printers has several flaws. For example, it depends on having a good source of primary colors. In today s light sources, different primary colors other than RGB are used and often more than three are used; and three variables are required to mix to result in a final color. On the other hand, the HSL model makes it easy to implement in a variety of controllers (smart phone apps and physical color light controllers using so-called color wheels for Hue / Saturation selection and a linear slider for Lightness). It also fits in nicely with the concept of models extending other models. The HS extends L, forming a combined HSL color light control model.
Note: The HSL color space can be converted to other color spaces. For example, the following code may be used when converting HSL to RGB
H = Light HSL Hue / 65535
S = Light HSL Saturation / 65535
L = Light Lightness / 65535
if ( S == 0 )
 R = L
 G = L
 B = L
 if ( L < 0.5 ) var_2 = L * ( 1 + S )
 else var_2 = ( L + S ) - ( S * L )
 var_1 = 2 * L - var_2
 R = Hue_2_RGB( var_1, var_2, H + ( 1/3 )) 
 G = Hue_2_RGB( var_1, var_2, H )
 B = Hue_2_RGB( var_1, var_2, H - ( 1/3 ))
Hue_2_RGB( v1, v2, vH ) //Function Hue_2_RGB
 if ( vH < 0 ) vH += 1
 if ( vH > 1 ) vH -= 1
 if (( 6 * vH ) < 1 ) return ( v1 + ( v2 - v1 ) * 6 * vH )
 if (( 2 * vH ) < 1 ) return ( v2 )
 if (( 3 * vH ) < 2 ) return ( v1 + ( v2 - v1 ) * ( ( 2/3 ) - vH ) * 6 )
 return ( v1 )

Professional color light control applications use a CIE1931 [4] color chart system, created by the Commission on Illumination in 1931. It is the first mathematically defined color chart and can be used as an alternative to the HSL model. It defines human perceptible colors with x, y, and Y coordinates, where x and y are coordinates of the color on the chart, and Y represents luminance.

In a mesh network, the color light control model for professional applications is the xyL model, where x and y have the same meaning of chromaticity coordinates as in the xyY model. L is the perceived lightness, represented by the Light Lightness Actual state (see Section The x and y are represented by the Light xyL x (see Section and Light xyL y (see Section states, extending the L by xy to form a combined Light xyL Server model.
在mesh网络中,专业应用的色光控制模型是xyL模型,其中x和y具有与xyY模型中相同的色度坐标意义。L是可感知的亮度,由灯光亮度实际状态表示(见第6.1.2.1节)。x和y由Light xyL x(见第6.1.5.1节)和Light xyL y(见第6.1.5.2节)状态表示,用xy扩展L以形成组合的Light xyL服务器模型。
It should be noted that the Light HSL Hue, Light HSL Saturation, and the Light xyL x and Light xyL y states are related. Changing one of them results in the others being changed.
应注意的是,光HSL色调、光HSL饱和度以及光xyL x和光xyL y状态是相关的。改变其中一个会导致另一个被改变。
Since modern light sources and controllers allow for very precise light control, all the light control states have 16-bit precision.
1.2、Light Lightness state
The Light Lightness state is a composite state that includes the Light Lightness Linear, the Light Lightness Actual, the Light Lightness Last, and the Light Lightness Default states.
1.2.1、Light Lightness Linear
The Light Lightness Linear state represents the lightness of a light on a linear scale. The state is   bound to the Light Lightness Actual state. The values for the state are defined in the following table.
Table 6.1: Light Lightness Linear states(光亮度线性状态)
Light is not emitted by the element.
The lightness of a light emitted by the element.
The highest lightness of a light emitted by the element.


The linear lightness of a light is equal to the measured light intensity (Y), from 0 to 65535.
光的线性亮度等于从0到65535的测量光强度(Y)。、Binding with the Light Lightness Actual state
The Light Lightness Linear state is bound to an instance of the Light Lightness Actual state (see Section, meaning that whenever the Light Lightness Linear state of an element changes as a result of an action other than the change of the bound Light Lightness Actual state (see Section, the following calculation shall be performed:
1.2.2、Light Lightness Actual
The Light Lightness Actual state represents the lightness of a light on a perceptually uniform lightness scale [6]. The state is bound to the Generic Level state and the Generic OnOff state. The values for the state are defined in the following table.
Table 6.2: Light Lightness Actual states(灯光亮度实际状态)
Light is not emitted by the element.
The perceived lightness of a light emitted by the element.
The highest perceived lightness of a light emitted by the element.


The perceived lightness of a light (L) is the square root of the measured light intensity (Y):
Where L is the perceived lightness and Y is the measured light intensity (from 0 to 65535).
Note: The scientific community s understanding of the exact relationship between the L and Y variables has changed over time. Appendix A.2 summarizes these changes. For a detailed history, see The Basis of Physical Photometry [17] from the International Commmission of Illumination (CIE). The CIE works with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to define global standards for various types of illumination. The organization s published illumination standards and research publications are available on the CIE website.
注:科学界对L和Y变量之间确切关系的理解随着时间的推移而改变。附录A.2总结了这些变化。有关详细历史,请参见国际照明委员会(CIE)的《物理光度测定基础》[17]。CIE与国际标准化组织(ISO)合作,为各种类型的照明定义全球标准。该组织出版的照明标准和研究出版物可在CIE网站上查阅。、Binding with the Light Lightness Linear state
The Light Lightness Actual state is bound to an instance of the Light Lightness Linear state (see Section, meaning that whenever the Light Lightness Linear state of an element changes as a result of an action other that the change of the bound Light Lightness Linear state (see Section, the following calculation shall be performed:
光亮度实际状态被绑定到光亮度线性状态的实例(见第6.1.2.1节),这意味着当一个元素的光亮度线性状态由于动作而改变时,而不是绑定光亮度线性状态的改变(见第6.节),应进行以下计算:、Binding with the Generic Level state
The Light Lightness Actual state is bound to an instance of the Generic Level state (see Section 3.1.2), meaning that whenever the Generic Level state of an element changes, the following calculation shall be performed:
A reverse binding is also defined, meaning that whenever the Light Lightness Actual state of an element changes, the following calculation shall be performed:
The Light Lightness Actual state shall not wrap around when reaching the maximum or minimum values.
当达到最大值或最小值时,光亮度实际状态不应卷绕(环绕)。、Binding with the Generic OnOff state
The Light Lightness Actual state is bound to an instance of the Generic OnOff state (see Section  3.1.1), meaning that whenever the Generic OnOff state of an element is set, the following calculations shall be performed:
A reverse binding is also defined, meaning that whenever the Light Lightness Actual state of an element changes, the following calculations shall be performed:
Mesh模型——Lighting_第5张图片、Binding with the Generic OnPowerUp state
The Light Lightness Actual state is bound to an instance of the Generic OnPowerUp state (see Section 3.1.4), meaning that during a power up sequence (when an element is physically powered up), the following calculations shall be performed:
Mesh模型——Lighting_第6张图片、Binding with the Light Lightness Range state
The Light Lightness Actual state is bound to an instance of the Light Lightness Range state (see Section, meaning that whenever the Light Lightness Actual state of an element changes, the following calculations shall be performed:
1.2.3、Light Lightness Last
The Light Lightness Last state represents the lightness of a light on a perceptually uniform lightness scale [6].
The purpose of the Light Lightness Last state is to store the last known non-zero value of the Light Lightness Actual state, which is a result of a completed transactional change of the state. This allows restoring the value of the Light Lightness Actual state to its previous non-zero value when the bound Generic OnOff state is set back to 1. Depending on the value of the Generic OnPowerUp state (see Section 3.1.4), It may also be used as a default value when an element is powered up.
Light Lightness Last state的目的是存储Light Lightness实际状态的最后一个已知的非零值,这是完成状态事务性更改的结果。当绑定的泛型打开关闭状态设置回1时,这允许将灯光亮度实际状态的值还原为其以前的非零值。根据通用OnPowerUp状态的值(请参阅第3.1.4节),当元素通电时,它也可以用作默认值。
Whenever the Light Lightness Actual state is changed with a non-transactional message or a completed sequence of transactional messages to a non-zero value, the value of the Light Lightness Last shall be set to the value of the Light Lightness Actual.
The default value for the Light Lightness Last is 0xFFFF. The values for the state are defined in the following table.
Table 6.3: Light Lightness Last states(光亮度最后状态)
The perceived lightness of a light emitted by the element
The highest perceived lightness of a light emitted by the element


1.2.4、Light Lightness Default
The Light Lightness Default state is a value ranging from 0x0000 to 0xFFFF, representing a default lightness level for the Light Lightness Actual state. The purpose of the Light Lightness Default state is to determine the lightness level of an element when powered up and when the Generic OnPowerUp state (see Section 3.1.4) bound to the Light Lightness state is set to 0x01 (Default). The values for the state are defined in the following table.
Table 6.4: Light Lightness Default states(灯光亮度默认状态)
Use the Light Lightness Last value (see Section )
The perceived lightness of a light emitted by the element
The highest perceived lightness of a light emitted by the element


The default value for the Light Lightness Default state is 0x0000.
1.2.5、Light Lightness Range
The Light Lightness Range state determines the minimum and maximum lightness of an element.
This is a pair of 16-bit unsigned integers: Light Lightness Range Min and Light Lightness Range Max.


The Light Lightness Range Min state determines the minimum non-zero lightness an element is configured to emit. The Light Lightness Range Max state determines the maximum lightness an element is configured to emit. The values for the state are defined in the following table.
Table 6.5: Light Lightness Min and Light Lightness Max states(最小亮度和最大亮度状态)
The lightness of an element


The default values for the Light Lightness Range Min and Light Lightness Range Max are product specific and are decided by a vendor. The value of the Light Lightness Range Max state shall be greater than or equal to the value of the Light Lightness Range Min state.
1.3、Light CTL state
The Light CTL state is a composite state that includes the Light CTL Temperature, the Light CTL   Temperature Range, the Light CTL Temperature Default, the Light CTL Delta UV, the Light CTL Delta UV Default, and the Light CTL Lightness states.
Light CTL state是一个复合状态,它包括Light CTL Temperature、Light CTL Temperature Range、Light CTL Temperature Default、Light CTL Delta UV、Light CTL Delta UV Default和Light CTL Lightness状态。
