
本文为意大利特伦托大学(作者:Massimo Zanetti)的博士论文,共198页。



The increasing availability of newgeneration remote sensing satellite multispectral images provides anunprecedented source of information for Earth observation and monitoring.Multispectral images can be now collected at high resolution covering (almost)all land surfaces with extremely short revisit time (up to a few days), makingit possible the mapping of global changes. Extracting useful information fromsuch huge amount of data requires a systematic use of automatic techiques inalmost all applicative contexts. In some cases, the strict applicationrequirements force the pratictioner to develop strongly data-driven approachesin the development of the processing chain. As a consequence, the exactrelationship between the theoretical models adopted and the physical meaning ofthe solutions is sometimes hidden in the data analysis techniques, or not clearat all. Altough this is not a limitation for the success of the applicationitself, it makes however difficult to transfer the knowledge learned from onespecific problem to another. In this thesis we mainly focus on this aspect andwe propose a general mathematical framework for the representation and analysisof multispectral images. The proposed models are then used in the applicativecontext of change detection. Here, the generality of the proposed models allowsus to both: (1) provide a mathematical explanation of already existingmethodologies for change detection, and (2) extend them to more general casesfor addressing problems of increasing complexity. Typical spatial/spectralproperties of last generation multispectral images emphasize the need of havingmore flexible models to image representation. In fact, classical methods tochange detection that have worked well on previous generations of multispectralimages provide sub-optimal results due to their poor capability of modeling allthe complex spectral/spatial detail available in last generation products. Thetheoretical models presented in this thesis are aimed at giving more degrees offreedom in the representation of the images. The effectiveness of the proposednovel approaches and related techniques is demonstrated on several experimentsinvolving both synthetic datasets and real multispectral images. Here, theimproved flexibility of the models adopted allows for a better representationof the data and is always followed by a substantial improvement of the changedetection performance.

  1. 引言
  2. 项目背景
  3. 变分泛函图像逼近的数值最小化
  4. 向量值图像和曲线的变分逼近
  5. 背景介绍
  6. 用于二元变化检测的Rayleigh-Rice混合模型
  7. 一种用于变化检测的复合多类混合模型
  8. 基于自由间断模型的多光谱图像变化检测的类空间上下文方法
  9. 结论与未来展望

