cf-tool 简易使用教程

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第一步:CF tool 下载



cf config

配置CF tool



Language list:
   14: ActiveTcl 8.5
   33: Ada GNAT 4
   18: Befunge
    9: C# Mono 5.18
   52: Clang++17 Diagnostics
   28: D DMD32 v2.086.0
    3: Delphi 7
   39: FALSE
   25: Factor
    4: Free Pascal 3.0.2
   45: GNU C++11 5 ZIP
   42: GNU G++11 5.1.0
   50: GNU G++14 6.4.0
   54: GNU G++17 7.3.0
   43: GNU GCC C11 5.1.0
   32: Go 1.12.6
   12: Haskell GHC 8.6.3
   15: Io-2008-01-07 (Win32)
   47: J
   36: Java 1.8.0_162
   60: Java 11.0.5
   46: Java 8 ZIP
   34: JavaScript V8 4.8.0
   48: Kotlin 1.3.10
   56: Microsoft Q#
    2: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010
   59: Microsoft Visual C++ 2017
   38: Mysterious Language
   55: Node.js 9.4.0
   19: OCaml 4.02.1
   22: OpenCobol 1.0
    6: PHP 7.2.13
   51: PascalABC.NET 3.4.2
   13: Perl 5.20.1
   44: Picat 0.9
   17: Pike 7.8
   40: PyPy 2.7 (7.2.0)
   41: PyPy 3.6 (7.2.0)
    7: Python 2.7.15
   31: Python 3.7.2
   27: Roco
    8: Ruby 2.0.0p645
   49: Rust 1.35.0
   20: Scala 2.12.8
   26: Secret_171
Select a language (e.g. "42"):

  You can insert some placeholders into your template code. When generate a code from the
  template, cf will replace all placeholders by following rules:

  $%U%$   Handle (e.g. xalanq)
  $%Y%$   Year   (e.g. 2019)
  $%M%$   Month  (e.g. 04)
  $%D%$   Day    (e.g. 09)
  $%h%$   Hour   (e.g. 08)
  $%m%$   Minute (e.g. 05)
  $%s%$   Second (e.g. 00)
Template absolute path(e.g. "~/template/io.cpp"):

输入模板代码文件所在路径,如 D:/a.cpp

The suffix of template above will be added by default.
Other suffix? (e.g. "cxx cc"), empty is ok:


Template's alias (e.g. "cpp" "py"):

此处是修改模板文件名,输入想要的命名如 abc

Script in template:
Template will run 3 scripts in sequence when you run "cf test":
    - before_script   (execute once)
    - script          (execute the number of samples times)
    - after_script    (execute once)
  You could set "before_script" or "after_script" to empty string, meaning not executing.
  You have to run your program in "script" with standard input/output (no need to redirect).

  You can insert some placeholders in your scripts. When execute a script,
  cf will replace all placeholders by following rules:

  $%path%$   Path to source file (Excluding $%full%$, e.g. "/home/xalanq/")
  $%full%$   Full name of source file (e.g. "a.cpp")
  $%file%$   Name of source file (Excluding suffix, e.g. "a")
  $%rand%$   Random string with 8 character (including "a-z" "0-9")
Before script (e.g. "g++ $%full%$ -o $%file%$.exe -std=c++11"), empty is ok:


 - before_script   (execute once)
 - script          (execute the number of samples times)
 - after_script    (execute once)

如果想在打比赛时在CF tool中测试样例,如下设置,达到自动编译自动执行的效果:


g++ $%full%$ -o $%file%$.exe -std=c++11







输入以下命令进入相应的比赛,如cf race 1328。比赛id可从cf网站相应页面的地址栏获得。

cf race 比赛id


cf-tool 简易使用教程_第1张图片


输入以下指令 ,进入想要提交/测试的题目的相应目录,以A题为例

cd C:\Users\18372\cf\contest\1328\a


cf test

*如果此处g++有报错,请参考:windows下’g++'不是内部或外部命令 解决方法



cf submit 提交
cf test 在当前目录下执行模板里的命令,并测试全部样例。如果你想加一组新的测试数据,
        新建两个文件 "inK.txt" 和 "ansK.txt" 即可,其中 K 是包含 0~9 的字符串。
cf list 列出当前比赛的题目通过、时限等情况
cf watch 查看自己在当前比赛的最后 10 次提交结果。


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