1)Adobe tackles cross-platform iOS/Android app creation with Flash Builder 4.5
Adobe quietly released an update to its Flash Builder and Flex framework on Monday that lets developers create and deploy apps for Apple's iOS and RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook OS in addition to Android, which it has supported since April.
Statistically, developers who design and release apps for multiple mobile platforms make up only a small portion of the community. But in terms of influence, these are actually some of the biggest companies in the field today, and it is not uncommon for the most popular app on one platform to also be the most popular app on MOST mobile platforms.
For developers looking to create apps that work across multiple mobile operating systems, there are plenty of tools to choose from: Appcelerator, PhoneGap, and Rhomobile, to name just a few.
With Flash Builder 4.5 and Adobe Flex 4.5 SDK, Adobe is pushing cross-platform mobile appdevelopment in the AIR runtime. Developers have access to templates and code autocomplete to help generate the meat of their app, and then they can plug and play all the different platform and device-specific parameters such as screen size and resolution, and on-board peripherals to help appropriately design the application.
With this level of cross-platform testing and design built into Flash Builder, developers can more easily test apps that are compatible with other platforms. Adobe showed us an example of this last week in a demonstration of a video chat enabled financial collaboration app that utilized Android and iOS devices simultaneously.

To see examples of apps for Android, BlackBerry PlayBook and iOS built using Flash Builder 4.5 and Flex 4.5, check out Conqu, Mr. Mixit, Muni Tracker, and Netflix Queue Manager.
The standalone version of Flash Builder 4.5 Standard costs $249, while the Premium version costs $699. Flash Builder 4.5 Premium is also available as part of the Adobe Creative Suite 5.5Web Premium and Master Collections, and upgrades from prior versions cost $49.
XERO CODER is a cross-platform development IDE which provides a Visual RAD (Rapid Application Development) environment for Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and Mobile operating systems such as iOS, Android, and Windows Phone 7.On those mobile platform it can only be used to create web apps which interact withPhonegap for access to hardware and operating system services. Native applications are currently only doable for desktop operating systems.
- ^ http://wiki.freepascal.org/Lazarus_Application_Gallery
- ^ Lazarus (IDE)
- ^ Published Paper of Grid Computing on March 2011 of Phd. Dr. Miriam Ustun (IU)
XERO编码器是一个跨平台的开发IDE ,提供了一个Visual Windows,Linux和Mac OSX上,和移动的iOS ,Android和Windows Phone 7的操作系统,如RAD (快速应用开发)环境。在这些移动平台上,它只能被用来创建Web应用程序访问硬件和操作系统服务互动withPhonegap 。是目前唯一可行的桌面操作系统的本机应用程序。
There's also MoSync Mobile SDK
MoSync SDK - 本地移动应用程序开发多个平台上使用同一个代码库
开放式源MoSync的软件开发工具包(SDK)是一个丰富的跨平台移动应用开发环境,可以很容易地从一个单一的代码库,为所有主要的移动平台开发应用程序。 SDK可帮助移动开发商在一次长达9个不同的平台构建和编译应用程序,使用C / C + +或HTML5/JavaScript ,或两者相结合的混合应用。
在C / C + +或HTML5的开发
MoSync SDK是一个丰富的跨平台IDE的C / C + +基础和紧密地整合在一起MoSync重载,它允许您轻松地创建混合应用,使用也HTML5/JavaScript 。
GPL and commercial licensing. There's a good overview of their approach here.
Latest HTML5/JavaScript Resources
Using MoSync Reload
MoSync? Reload is a tool for the rapid development of mobile applications in HTML5 and JavaScript for iOS, Android and Windows Phone mobile platforms. With MoSync Reload you can... Read more>>
Debugging JavaScript applications on a mobile device.
This screencast shows you the new JavaScript on Device debugging feature that's now available in MoSync 3.2. This feature can be used on iOS Simulator, Android Emulator, iOS devices (e.g. iPhone,... Read more>>
Latest C/C++ Resources
Creating your first C/C++ Application
This tutorial walks you through the creation of a simple "Hello World" application in C/C++ using the MoSync IDE and introduces you to some of the basic terminology we use throughout our guides, tutorials... Read more>>
Using the NativeUI Map Widget
The MoSync Widget C API's Map widget makes it possible for you to add a map to your application and perform different operations on it. This widget is only available for Windows Phone 7 and iOS.... Read more>>
MoSync ?重载是一种工具,适用于iOS , Android和Windows Phone移动平台的移动应用HTML5和JavaScript的快速发展。随着MoSync重装,你可以......阅读更多>>
该截屏显示你现在MoSync 3.2设备调试功能,新的JavaScript 。此功能可用于iOS设备(如iPhone , iPhone模拟器, Android模拟器, ...阅读更多>>
最新的C / C + +资源
创建你的第一个C / C + +应用程序
本教程将引导您通过创建一个简单的Hello World “应用程序中的C / C + +使用的MoSync的IDE ,并介绍了一些我们使用的基本术语在我们的指南,教程...阅读更多>>
MoSync控件C API的地图小工具可以使你将地图添加到您的应用程序,并执行不同的操作。这个小工具是仅适用于Windows Phone 7和iOS的10 。阅读更多>>
What cross-platform development environments exist for iOS / Android (and/or other devices)?
What has your experience been with these tools? (this is what I'm really keen to know)
什么跨平台开发环境,适用于iOS / Android的(和/或其他设备)的存在吗?
什么,你的经验是使用这些工具呢? (这是什么,我真的很想知道)
Disclaimer: I work for a company, Particle Code, that makes a cross-platform framework. There are a ton of companies in this space. New ones seem to spring up every week. Good news for you: you have a lot of choices.
These frameworks take different approaches, and many of them are fundamentally designed to solve different problems. Some are focused on games, some are focused on apps. I would ask the following questions:
What do you want to write? Enterprise application, personal productivity application, puzzle game, first-person shooter?
What kind of development environment do you prefer? IDE or plain ol' text editor?
Do you have strong feelings about programming languages? Of the frameworks I'm familiar with, you can choose from ActionScript, C++, C#, Java, Lua, and Ruby.
My company is more in the game space, so I haven't played as much with the JavaScript+CSS frameworks like Titanium, PhoneGap, and Sencha. But I can tell you a bit about some of the games-oriented frameworks. Games and rich internet applications are an area where cross-platform frameworks can shine, because these applications tend to place more importance of being visually unique and less on blending in with native UIs. Here are a few frameworks to look for:
Unity www.unity3d.com is a 3D games engine. It's really unlike any other development environment I've worked in. You build scenes with 3D models, and define behavior by attaching scripts to objects.You can script in JavaScript, C#, or Boo. If you want to write a 3D physics-based game that will run on iOS, Android, Windows, OS X, or consoles,this is probably the tool for you. You can also write 2D games using 3D assets--a fine example of this is indie game Max and the Magic Marker, a 2D physics-based side-scroller written in Unity. If you don't know it, I recommend checking it out (especially if there are any kids in your household). Max is available for PC, Wii, iOS and Windows Phone 7 (although the latter version is a port, since Unity doesn't support WinPhone). Unity comes with some sample games complete with 3D assets and textures, which really helps getting up to speed with what can be a pretty complicated environment.
Corona www.anscamobile.com/corona is a 2D games engine that uses the Lua scripting language and supports iOS and Android. The selling point of Corona is the ability to write physics-based games very quickly in few lines of code, and the large number of Corona-based games in the iOS app store is a testament to its success. The environment is very lean, which will appeal to some people. It comes with a simulator and debugger. You add your text editor of choice, and you have a development environment. The base SDK doesn't include any UI components, like buttons or list boxes, but a CoronaUI add-on is available to subscribers.
The Particle SDK www.particlecode.com is a slightly more general cross-platform solution with a background in games. You can write in either Java or ActionScript, using a MVC application model. It includes an Eclipse-based IDE with a WYSIWYG UI editor. We currently support building for Android, iOS, webOS, and Windows Phone 7 devices. You can also output Flash or HTML5 for the web. The framework was originally developed for online multiplayer social games, such as poker and backgammon, and it suits 2D games and apps with complex logic. The framework supports 2D graphics and includes a 2D physics engine.
Today we announced that Particle Code has been acquired by Appcelerator, makers of the Titanium cross-platform framework.
As of January 1, 2012, [Particle Code] will no longer officially support the [Particle SDK] platform.
- The Airplay SDK www.madewithmarmalade.com is a C++ framework that lets you develop in either Visual Studio or Xcode. It supports both 2D and 3D graphics. Airplay targets iOS, Android, Bada, Symbian, webOS, and Windows Mobile 6. They also have an add-on to build AirPlay apps for PSP. My C++ being very rusty, I haven't played with it much, but it looks cool.
In terms of learning curve, I'd say that Unity had the steepest learning curve (for me), Corona was the simplest, and Particle and Airplay are somewhere in between.
Another interesting point is how the frameworks handle different form factors. Corona supports dynamic scaling, which will be familiar to Flash developers. This is very easy to use but means that you end up wasting screen space when going from a 4:3 screen like the iPhone to a 16:9 like the new qHD Android devices. The Particle SDK's UI editor lets you design flexible layouts that scale, but also lets you adjust the layouts for individual screen sizes. This takes a little more time but lets you make the app look custom made for each screen.
Of course, what works for you depends on your individual taste and work style as well as your goals -- so I recommend downloading a couple of these tools and giving them a shot. All of these tools are free to try.
Also, if I could just put in a public service announcement -- most of these tools are in really active development. If you find a framework you like, by all means send feedback and let them know what you like, what you don't like, and features you'd like to see. You have a real opportunity to influence what goes into the next versions of these tools.
Hope this helps.
你喜欢什么样的开发环境? IDE或纯醇'的文本编辑器?
你有强烈的感情的编程语言吗?我很熟悉的框架,你可以选择从ActionScript,C + +,C#,Java中,南湖,和Ruby。
我公司是更多的游戏空间,所以我没有发挥尽可能多的JavaScript + CSS框架,如钛,PhoneGap的,煎茶。但我可以告诉你一些关于一些游戏为导向的框架。游戏和丰富的互联网应用是一个跨平台的框架,可以照的地方,因为这些应用往往更看重的是视觉上的独特和减少对原生用户界面融合在一起。这里有几个框架,以寻找:
统一www.unity3d.com是一个3D游戏引擎。这真是我的工作。您建立与三维模型的场景,并定义将脚本附加到对象的行为不同于任何其他的开发环境。您可以编写脚本的JavaScript,C#,或嘘。如果你想编写一个基于3D物理游戏将运行在IOS,Android的中,Windows,OS X或控制台,这可能是你的工具。你也可以写2D游戏使用3D的资产 - 这是一个很好的例子独立游戏马克斯与魔法标记,写在统一的2D物理为基础的侧滚轮。如果你不知道的话,我建议你检查出来(特别是如果您家中有孩子)。最大可为PC,Wii游戏机,iOS和Windows Phone 7的(尽管后者的版本是一个端口,因为Unity不支持WinPhone)。统一配备了完整的3D的资产和纹理,这确实有助于得到了什么可以是一个非常复杂的环境,以加快一些示例游戏。
电晕www.anscamobile.com /电晕是一个2D游戏引擎,使用Lua脚本语言,并支持iOS和Android。电晕的卖点是能够非常迅速地在几行代码写的基于物理学的游戏,以及大量的基于电晕游戏在iOS应用程序商店是证明了它的成功。环境是很瘦,这将吸引一些人。它配备了一个模拟器和调试器。你把你的文本编辑器的选择,你有一个开发环境。基地SDK不包括任何UI组件,如按钮或列表框,但添加一个CoronaUI是提供给用户。
该的粒子SDK www.particlecode.com是一个更一般的跨平台解决方案,在游戏的背景。你可以写在Java或ActionScript中,使用MVC应用程序模型。一个所见即所得的用户界面编辑器,它包括一个基于Eclipse的IDE。目前,我们支持建设的Android,IOS,webOS的Windows Phone 7设备。您也可以输出Flash或HTML5的Web。该框架最初开发的多人在线社交游戏,如扑克和西洋双陆棋,适合2D游戏和应用程序的复杂逻辑。该框架支持2D图形和2D物理引擎。
With no end to technology and innovation am sure developers face increidble challenge to design develop apps for various platfroms. Gone are the days when organizations were able to choose either iphone or android or others platforms and ignore the rest, but guess its becoming evident these days you got to have your app ready for cross platforms and if i have to say andrioid, iphone, blackberry and others. Few tools that our community have been using are listed below. Please feel free to add to below list if you have come across any that we may have missed in the comments to this list. We shall be happy to update this article at all times with your suggestions.
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Rhomobile provides a complete set of products for managing an enterprise’s mobile apps and data. Specifically the product suite RhoMBUS consists ofRhodes, RhoSync, RhoHub and RhoGallery. These components effectively create a new era in enterprise mobility. Unlike previous approaches to mobilizing enterprise apps, Rhomobile uses the power and productivity of web technology and the cloud to allow enterprises to more easily DEVELOP, DISTRIBUTE, DEPLOY and MANAGE native smartphone apps and data. One of the best out there.
Platforms: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile License: Free |
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appMobi has created a complete, integrated, mobile PAAS technology solution for carriers, device manufacturers, retailers, service providers, and others who wish to "get into the mobile game" in a big way. The appMobi platform provides a superset of the features and functions that have driven the industry leader's early success in the smartphone market, in a tightly integrated, "white label" platform-as-a-service package. appMobi's mobile technology starts with the XDK, a cross-platform native app development tool that addresses ten times as many potential developers as native development tools. Unlike native tools, the XDK uses standard web languages HTML (and HTML5), CSS, and JavaScript to create native apps for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets (with more devices coming soon). Uniquely, your developers can use the tools they already know and love to create apps with the XDK - it's completely up to them. Macintosh, PC, DreamWeaver, Visual Studio - whatever they want.
Platforms: iOS, Android based mobiles and tablets License: Free |
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appcelerator is a free and open source application development platform, Titanium lets you create native mobile, tablet and desktop application experiences using existing web skills like Javascript, HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby, and PHP. It comes with an in built language-OS bridge and a runtime shell that compiles and packages your applications for cross platform distribution. Thoroughly recommended.
Platforms: iOS, Android based mobiles and tablets and windows/linux/mac desktop based apps License: Free |
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DragonRAD is a cross-platform mobile application development tool for building, deploying, managing, and securing mobile enterprise applications. DragonRAD greatly simplifies the Design, Deployment, Maintenance, and Administration of database-driven mobile applications. In a nutshell it allows you to
- Accelrate mobile applciation development
- Simplify deployment and maintenance
- Connect to any database or webservice
- Build once and deploy cross platform
Platforms: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile License: Commercial though a Free version is also available
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Sencha Touch is the world's first app framework built specifically to leverage HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript for the highest level of power, flexibility, and optimization. We make specific use of HTML5 to deliver components like audio and video, as well as a localStorage proxy for saving data offline. We have made extensive use of CSS3 in our stylesheets to provide the most robust styling layer possible.
Platforms: iOS 3+, Android 2.1+, and BlackBerry 6+ License: Free |
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AppLoader, is primarily aimed at small and enterprise businesses who needs effective mobile solutions for thier business. The product comes with easy getting started tools, domain & account management, editing & content management, content & media, mobile commerce, mobile advertising, publishing and distribution, analytics and others. It comes in various flavours as One, Express, Advanced and Pro versions.
Platforms: iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Symbion License: Commercial
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PhoneGap is a HTML5 app platform that allows you to author native applications with web technologies and get access to api's and appstore. Allows to develop applications for iPhone, iTouch, iPAD, Android, Blackberry, Symbian and Palm becoming one of the few products that supports almost all major platforms. The company offers a cross-platform simulator (an Adobe AIR app), as well as online training sessions to help you access native APIs and build functioning mobile apps on the PhoneGap platform.
Platforms: iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Symbian and Palm License: Free (Open Source)
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MoSync makes it easy, fun and cost efficient to develop mobile application for all the major platforms. Using C++ and a set of powerful APIs, you can harness the full power of modern smartphone platforms while still supporting Java ME devices using a single codebase. If you develop Free Open Source Software (FOSS) applications that you distribute under the terms of the GPL license, the open-source community version of the MoSync SDK is all you need. Platforms: iOS, Android, Windows Mobile, Java ME, Symbian, Moblin/MeeGo, MoRE (MoSync Emulator) License: Free (Open Source)
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Qt is a cross-platform application and UI framework. Using Qt, you can write web-enabled applications once and deploy them across desktop, mobile and embedded operating systems without rewriting the source code. It comes with "Qt Creator", a cross-platform Qt IDE. It is available as a stand-alone package or in combination with the Qt libraries and development tools as a complete SDK and supports all major databases.
Platforms: Windows Desktop/CE/Mobile, Linux/X11, Embedded Linux, Mac OS X, Symbian, Maemo/MeeGo Licence: Free |
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TotalCross (totally cross-platform) is a mobile development platform for PDA and smartphones. Using the Java language it makes possible to develop portable applications to deploy in a wide range of market smartphones without any adaptation in the source code (“write once run anywhere” concept) since TotalCross virtual machine has been installed. TotalCross comes with powerful SDK along with network connectivity management support, component editing with masks, applications without graphical interface, line and bar graphs, preemptive threads, SSL support and native implementation of the most used encryption algorithms, an unlimited sized anti-aliases fonts and support for screen rotation on devices like the Tungsten TX, Qtec, iPhone etc.
Platforms: Palm OS, Windows Mobile, Blackberry and iPhone Licence: Commercial