
1.1 路线规划采用A*算法
1.2 路线规划转化为实际行驶路线
路线平滑的过程本质上是求解 yi 使得: ||xiyi||2 (平滑后的点与原始点的偏离程度)与 ||yiyi+1|| (平滑后点之间的距离)取值最小,即使得

最小化,其中 c1 c2 是绝对目标路线平滑程度的参数, c1 相对于 c2 越大,平滑后的点就越接近于原始点,反之,路线就越平滑。
求解最优解的方法采用梯度下降法(gradient descent),即通过多次迭代,调整 yi 使得目标函数取得最小值。
yi=xi i=[1,…n]
遍历除起点和终点外的所有点,更新 yi
1.3 算法实现

# ­­­­­­­­­­­
# User Instructions
# Define a function smooth that takes a path as its input
# (with optional parameters for weight_data, weight_smooth)
# and returns a smooth path.
# Smoothing should be implemented by iteratively updating
# each entry in newpath until some desired level of accuracy
# is reached. The update should be done according to the
# gradient descent equations given in the previous video:
# If your function isn't submitting it is possible that the
# runtime is too long. Try sacrificing accuracy for speed.
# ­­­­­­­­­­­
from math import *
# Don't modify path inside your function.
path = [[0, 0],
        [0, 1],
        [0, 2],
        [1, 2],
        [2, 2],
        [3, 2],
        [4, 2],
        [4, 3],
        [4, 4]]

# ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­
# smooth coordinates
def smooth(path, weight_data = 0.5, weight_smooth = 0.1,
tolerance = 0.000001):
    # Make a deep copy of path into newpath
    newpath = [[0 for col in range(len(path[0]))]
        for row in range(len(path))]
    for i in range(len(path)):
        for j in range(len(path[0])):
            newpath[i][j] = path[i][j]
    change = tolerance
    while (change >= tolerance):
        change = 0
        for i in range(1,len(path)­1):
            for j in range(len(path[0])):
                d1 = weight_data * (path[i][j]-­newpath[i][j])
                d2 = weight_smooth * (newpath[i­1][j] +
newpath[i+1][j] ­- 2 * newpath[i][j])
                change += abs(d1 + d2)
                newpath[i][j] += d1 + d2
    return newpath # Leave this line for the grader!
# feel free to leave this and the following lines if you want to print.
newpath = smooth(path)
# thank you ­ EnTerr ­ for posting this on our discussion forum
for i in range(len(path)):
    print '['+ ', '.join('%.3f'%x for x in path[i]) +'] ­> ['+', '.join('%.3f'%x for x in newpath[i]) +']'

2.1 P Controller
当然,首先要控制车辆靠近目标轨迹并且沿着目标轨迹运行,实际操作中我们运用横向轨迹误差法(Cross-track Error,目标轨迹与车辆当前位置的距离)不断的计算调整车辆的状态,使其不断的靠近目标轨迹。Cross-track Error的值越大,车头偏离原行驶方向的角度就越大,随着Cross-track Erro的减小,车辆偏离原行驶方向的角度要不断减小,直至轨迹重合。这种类型的车辆控制称为P controller,P为proportional的简写。之所以称为proportional controller,This is because you steer in proportion to the system error: in this case, the cross-track error.

CTEt 表示Cross-track Error
2.2 车辆抖动
2.3 P Controller算法实现

# -----------
# User Instructions
# Implement a P controller by running 100 iterations
# of robot motion. The desired trajectory for the 
# robot is the x-axis. The steering angle should be set
# by the parameter tau so that:
# steering = -tau * crosstrack_error
# Note that tau is called "param" in the function
# below.
# Your code should print output that looks like
# the output shown in the video. That is, at each step:
# print myrobot, steering
# Only modify code at the bottom!
# ------------

from math import *
import random

# ------------------------------------------------
# this is the robot class

class robot:

    # --------
    # init: 
    #    creates robot and initializes location/orientation to 0, 0, 0

    def __init__(self, length = 20.0):
        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.orientation = 0.0
        self.length = length
        self.steering_noise = 0.0
        self.distance_noise = 0.0
        self.steering_drift = 0.0

    # --------
    # set: 
    #   sets a robot coordinate

    def set(self, new_x, new_y, new_orientation):

        self.x = float(new_x)
        self.y = float(new_y)
        self.orientation = float(new_orientation) % (2.0 * pi)

    # --------
    # set_noise: 
    #   sets the noise parameters

    def set_noise(self, new_s_noise, new_d_noise):
        # makes it possible to change the noise parameters
        # this is often useful in particle filters
        self.steering_noise = float(new_s_noise)
        self.distance_noise = float(new_d_noise)

    # --------
    # set_steering_drift: 
    #   sets the systematical steering drift parameter

    def set_steering_drift(self, drift):
        self.steering_drift = drift

    # --------
    # move: 
    #    steering = front wheel steering angle, limited by max_steering_angle
    #    distance = total distance driven, most be non-negative

    def move(self, steering, distance, 
             tolerance = 0.001, max_steering_angle = pi / 4.0):

        if steering > max_steering_angle:
            steering = max_steering_angle
        if steering < -max_steering_angle:
            steering = -max_steering_angle
        if distance < 0.0:
            distance = 0.0

        # make a new copy
        res = robot()
        res.length         = self.length
        res.steering_noise = self.steering_noise
        res.distance_noise = self.distance_noise
        res.steering_drift = self.steering_drift

        # apply noise
        steering2 = random.gauss(steering, self.steering_noise)
        distance2 = random.gauss(distance, self.distance_noise)

        # apply steering drift
        steering2 += self.steering_drift

        # Execute motion
        turn = tan(steering2) * distance2 / res.length

        if abs(turn) < tolerance:

            # approximate by straight line motion

            res.x = self.x + (distance2 * cos(self.orientation))
            res.y = self.y + (distance2 * sin(self.orientation))
            res.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * pi)


            # approximate bicycle model for motion

            radius = distance2 / turn
            cx = self.x - (sin(self.orientation) * radius)
            cy = self.y + (cos(self.orientation) * radius)
            res.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * pi)
            res.x = cx + (sin(res.orientation) * radius)
            res.y = cy - (cos(res.orientation) * radius)

        return res

    def __repr__(self):
        return '[x=%.5f y=%.5f orient=%.5f]'  % (self.x, self.y, self.orientation)

############## ADD / MODIFY CODE BELOW ####################

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# run - does a single control run

def run(param):
    myrobot = robot()
    myrobot.set(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    speed = 1.0 # motion distance is equal to speed (we assume time = 1)
    N = 100
    for i in range (N):
        crosstrack_error = myrobot.y
        steer = ­param * crosstrack_error
        myrobot = myrobot.move(steer, speed)
        print myrobot, steer

run(0.1) # call function with parameter tau of 0.1 and print results

2.3 PD Control
如何消除车辆在目标路线附近来回波动?PD Control可用来解决这一问题。PD Control不仅考虑Cross-Track Error还考虑到Cross-Track Error对时间的微分。



为简单期间,取 t=1

这样一来,车辆的运动就不仅仅由Cross-Track Error相关,还与相邻Step之间的Cross-Track Error差值相关。
2.4 PD Control实现

# -----------
# User Instructions
# Implement a PD controller by running 100 iterations
# of robot motion. The steering angle should be set
# by the parameter tau so that:
# steering = -tau_p * CTE - tau_d * diff_CTE
# where differential crosstrack error (diff_CTE)
# is given by CTE(t) - CTE(t-1)
# Your code should print output that looks like
# the output shown in the video.
# Only modify code at the bottom!
# ------------

from math import *
import random

# ------------------------------------------------
# this is the robot class

class robot:

    # --------
    # init: 
    #    creates robot and initializes location/orientation to 0, 0, 0

    def __init__(self, length = 20.0):
        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.orientation = 0.0
        self.length = length
        self.steering_noise = 0.0
        self.distance_noise = 0.0
        self.steering_drift = 0.0

    # --------
    # set: 
    #   sets a robot coordinate

    def set(self, new_x, new_y, new_orientation):

        self.x = float(new_x)
        self.y = float(new_y)
        self.orientation = float(new_orientation) % (2.0 * pi)

    # --------
    # set_noise: 
    #   sets the noise parameters

    def set_noise(self, new_s_noise, new_d_noise):
        # makes it possible to change the noise parameters
        # this is often useful in particle filters
        self.steering_noise = float(new_s_noise)
        self.distance_noise = float(new_d_noise)

    # --------
    # set_steering_drift: 
    #   sets the systematical steering drift parameter

    def set_steering_drift(self, drift):
        self.steering_drift = drift

    # --------
    # move: 
    #    steering = front wheel steering angle, limited by max_steering_angle
    #    distance = total distance driven, most be non-negative

    def move(self, steering, distance, 
             tolerance = 0.001, max_steering_angle = pi / 4.0):

        if steering > max_steering_angle:
            steering = max_steering_angle
        if steering < -max_steering_angle:
            steering = -max_steering_angle
        if distance < 0.0:
            distance = 0.0

        # make a new copy
        res = robot()
        res.length         = self.length
        res.steering_noise = self.steering_noise
        res.distance_noise = self.distance_noise
        res.steering_drift = self.steering_drift

        # apply noise
        steering2 = random.gauss(steering, self.steering_noise)
        distance2 = random.gauss(distance, self.distance_noise)

        # apply steering drift
        steering2 += self.steering_drift

        # Execute motion
        turn = tan(steering2) * distance2 / res.length

        if abs(turn) < tolerance:

            # approximate by straight line motion

            res.x = self.x + (distance2 * cos(self.orientation))
            res.y = self.y + (distance2 * sin(self.orientation))
            res.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * pi)


            # approximate bicycle model for motion

            radius = distance2 / turn
            cx = self.x - (sin(self.orientation) * radius)
            cy = self.y + (cos(self.orientation) * radius)
            res.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * pi)
            res.x = cx + (sin(res.orientation) * radius)
            res.y = cy - (cos(res.orientation) * radius)

        return res

    def __repr__(self):
        return '[x=%.5f y=%.5f orient=%.5f]'  % (self.x, self.y, self.orientation)

############## ADD / MODIFY CODE BELOW ####################

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# run - does a single control run.

def run(param1, param2):
    myrobot = robot()
    myrobot.set(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    speed = 1.0 # motion distance is equal to speed (we assume time = 1)
    N = 100
    crosstrack_error = myrobot.y
    for i in range(N):
    diff_crosstrack_error = myrobot.y-crosstrack_error
    crosstrack_error = myrobot.y
    steer = ­ -param1 * crosstrack_error - param2 * diff_crosstrack_error
    myrobot = myrobot.move(steer, speed)
    print myrobot, steer

# Call your function with parameters of 0.2 and 3.0 and print results
run(0.2, 3.0)

还要注意一个问题是,车辆的系统偏差(systematic bias)问题。比如汽车的初始状态,比如车辆启动的时候,如果车辆的车轮方向存在倾斜,这对于人类司机不会造成困扰,但是对于自动驾驶的车辆,会导致行驶位置的偏离。
2.4 解决系统偏差(systematic bias)问题


这就是PID Controller,它包含了proportional、differential、integral三个部分。

def run(param1, param2, param3):
    myrobot = robot()
    myrobot.set(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    speed = 1.0 # motion distance is equal to speed (we assume time = 1)
    N = 100
    myrobot.set_steering_drift(10.0 / 180.0 * pi) # 10 degree bias
    int_crosstrack_error = 0
    for i in range(N):
        int_crosstrack_error += crosstrack_error
        diff_crosstrack_error = myrobot.y-crosstrack_error
        crosstrack_error = myrobot.y
        steer = ­- param1 * crosstrack_error
­               - param2 * diff_crosstrack_error
­               - param3 * int_crosstrack_error
    myrobot = myrobot.move(steer, speed)
    print myrobot, steer

2.5 参数优化问题
1) 初始化参数集合p=[0,0,0],表示我们目前为止对参数集最好的估计;初始化增量数组dp=[1,1,1],表示我们将要用来调整p的数值。
2) 选择参数集中的一个参数(假设为p[0]),更新p[0]的值p[0]=p[0]+dp[0],然后将参数集p代入PID算法,计算error,如果计算出的Error优于之前发现的所有Error,则保留p[0]的值,并更新dp[0]=dp[0]*1.1;反之,还原p[0]的值至更新前的值,然后更新p[0]=p[0]-dp[0],并将参数集p代入PID算法计算Error,如果计算出的Error优于之前发现的所有Error,则保留p[0]的值,并更新dp[0]=dp[0]*1.1,否则还原p[0]至原始值,并且更新dp[0]=dp[0]*0.9,继续重复上述过程,直至找到合适的值或则dp数组元素的和超出设定阈值。

# ----------------
# User Instructions
# Implement twiddle as shown in the previous two videos.
# Your accumulated error should be very small!
# Your twiddle function should RETURN the accumulated
# error. Try adjusting the parameters p and dp to make
# this error as small as possible.
# Try to get your error below 1.0e-10 with as few iterations
# as possible (too many iterations will cause a timeout).
# No cheating!
# ------------

from math import *
import random

# ------------------------------------------------
# this is the robot class

class robot:

    # --------
    # init: 
    #    creates robot and initializes location/orientation to 0, 0, 0

    def __init__(self, length = 20.0):
        self.x = 0.0
        self.y = 0.0
        self.orientation = 0.0
        self.length = length
        self.steering_noise = 0.0
        self.distance_noise = 0.0
        self.steering_drift = 0.0

    # --------
    # set: 
    #   sets a robot coordinate

    def set(self, new_x, new_y, new_orientation):

        self.x = float(new_x)
        self.y = float(new_y)
        self.orientation = float(new_orientation) % (2.0 * pi)

    # --------
    # set_noise: 
    #   sets the noise parameters

    def set_noise(self, new_s_noise, new_d_noise):
        # makes it possible to change the noise parameters
        # this is often useful in particle filters
        self.steering_noise = float(new_s_noise)
        self.distance_noise = float(new_d_noise)

    # --------
    # set_steering_drift: 
    #   sets the systematical steering drift parameter

    def set_steering_drift(self, drift):
        self.steering_drift = drift

    # --------
    # move: 
    #    steering = front wheel steering angle, limited by max_steering_angle
    #    distance = total distance driven, most be non-negative

    def move(self, steering, distance, 
             tolerance = 0.001, max_steering_angle = pi / 4.0):

        if steering > max_steering_angle:
            steering = max_steering_angle
        if steering < -max_steering_angle:
            steering = -max_steering_angle
        if distance < 0.0:
            distance = 0.0

        # make a new copy
        res = robot()
        res.length         = self.length
        res.steering_noise = self.steering_noise
        res.distance_noise = self.distance_noise
        res.steering_drift = self.steering_drift

        # apply noise
        steering2 = random.gauss(steering, self.steering_noise)
        distance2 = random.gauss(distance, self.distance_noise)

        # apply steering drift
        steering2 += self.steering_drift

        # Execute motion
        turn = tan(steering2) * distance2 / res.length

        if abs(turn) < tolerance:

            # approximate by straight line motion

            res.x = self.x + (distance2 * cos(self.orientation))
            res.y = self.y + (distance2 * sin(self.orientation))
            res.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * pi)


            # approximate bicycle model for motion

            radius = distance2 / turn
            cx = self.x - (sin(self.orientation) * radius)
            cy = self.y + (cos(self.orientation) * radius)
            res.orientation = (self.orientation + turn) % (2.0 * pi)
            res.x = cx + (sin(res.orientation) * radius)
            res.y = cy - (cos(res.orientation) * radius)

        return res

    def __repr__(self):
        return '[x=%.5f y=%.5f orient=%.5f]'  % (self.x, self.y, self.orientation)

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# run - does a single control run.

def run(params, printflag = False):
    myrobot = robot()
    myrobot.set(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
    speed = 1.0
    err = 0.0
    int_crosstrack_error = 0.0
    N = 100
    # myrobot.set_noise(0.1, 0.0)
    myrobot.set_steering_drift(10.0 / 180.0 * pi) # 10 degree steering error

    crosstrack_error = myrobot.y

    for i in range(N * 2):

        diff_crosstrack_error = myrobot.y - crosstrack_error
        crosstrack_error = myrobot.y
        int_crosstrack_error += crosstrack_error

        steer = - params[0] * crosstrack_error  \
            - params[1] * diff_crosstrack_error \
            - int_crosstrack_error * params[2]
        myrobot = myrobot.move(steer, speed)
        if i >= N:
            err += (crosstrack_error ** 2)
        if printflag:
            print myrobot, steer
    return err / float(N)

def twiddle(tol = 0.2): #Make this tolerance bigger if you are timing out!
############## ADD CODE BELOW ####################
    n_params = 3
    dparams = [1.0 for row in range(n_params)]
    params = [0.0 for row in range(n_params)]
    best_error = run(params)
    n = 0
    while sum(dparams) > tol:
        for i in range(len(params)):
            params[i] += dparams[i]
            err = run(params)
            if err < best_error:
                best_error = err
                dparams[i] *= 1.1
                params[i] ­= 2.0 * dparams[i]
                err = run(params)
                if err < best_error:
                    best_error = err
                    dparams[i] *= 1.1
                    params[i] += dparams[i]
                    dparams[i] *= 0.9

    return run(params)
