Recent Work about Action Localization and Detection

Recent Work about Action Localization and Detection


本文将列出在Action Localization和Action Detection方面的相关工作,首先这里区分一下什么是Action Localization以及Action Detection。Action Localization的任务是:已知一段视频中包含动作的类型,然后确定动作发生在什么时间点以及什么位置。Action Detection的任务是:给定一段视频,确定一种动作是否发生,以及发生在何时何地。

Action Localization

  1. Tian Lan, Yang Wang, and Greg Mori. Discriminative figure-centric models for joint action localization and recognition. In ICCV, 2011
  2. Shugao Ma, Jianming Zhang, Nazli Ikizler-Cinbis, and Stan Sclaroff. Action recognition and localization by hierarchical space-time segments. In ICCV, 2013.
  3. Michael Raptis, Iasonas Kokkinos, and Stefano Soatto. Discovering discriminative action parts from mid-level video representations. In CVPR, 2012.

Action Detection

  1. Yan Ke, Rahul Sukthankar, and Martial Hebert. Event detection in crowded videos. In ICCV, 2007.
  2. J. C. Niebles, C.-W. Chen, and L. Fei-Fei. Modeling temporal structure of decomposable motion segments for activity classification. In ECCV, 2010.
  3. M. D. Rodriguez, J. Ahmed, and M. Shah. Action mach: A spatio-temporal maximum average correlation height filter for action recognition. In CVPR, 2008.
  4. Y. Tian, R. Sukthankar, and M. Shah. Spatiotemporal deformable part models for action detection. In CVPR, 2013.
  5. Junsong Yuan, Zicheng Liu, and Ying Wu. Discriminative video pattern search for efficient action detection. In PAMI, 2011.


  1. Compositional Structure Learning for Action Understanding
