@author: redtree
@contact: [email protected]
@time: 17-12-28 下午4:09
@desc: gobang AI base on decision tree method
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
import random
class game_log:
list_black = [] # Black chess pieces positions
list_white = [] # White chess pieces positions
turn = 1 # 1 : Turn to black side / 0 : Turn to white side
cursetX = 0 # The current mouse click coordinates
cursetY = 0 #
can_down =True
# Whether the rules of victory check
def check_win(check_list):
# First cross calibration (horizontal) (vertical) (oblique side)
for slb in check_list:
horizontal_check = vertical_check = oblique_left = oblique_right = 0
for x in range(1, 5):
if ([slb[0] + x, slb[1]] in check_list) or ([slb[0] - x, slb[1]] in check_list):
horizontal_check = horizontal_check + 1
if ([slb[0], slb[1] + x] in check_list) or ([slb[0], slb[1] - x] in check_list):
vertical_check = vertical_check + 1
if ([slb[0] + x, slb[1] - x] in check_list) or ([slb[0] - x, slb[1] + x] in check_list):
oblique_right = oblique_right + 1
if ([slb[0] - x, slb[1] - x] in check_list) or ([slb[0] + x, slb[1] + x] in check_list):
oblique_left = oblique_left + 1
# When there are five in a row, you win
if oblique_left >= 4 or oblique_right >= 4 or horizontal_check >= 4 or vertical_check >= 4:
if game_log.turn == 1:
messagebox._show('GameOver', 'Black_Win')
messagebox._show('GameOver', 'White_Win')
# Battlefield build
def create_ground():
# Initialize window and brush
root = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, width=500, height=500)
# Draw 24 * 24 square checkerboard pen
for x in range(20, 490, 20):
canvas.create_line(20, x, 480, x)
for y in range(20, 490, 20):
canvas.create_line(y, 20, y, 480)
def quit(event):
root.quit() # exit game
# Click event callback method
def callback(event):
# Get click coordinates to find the approach point
pointX = int(event.x)
pointY = int(event.y)
after_down(pointX, pointY)
pechX = pointX+(random.randint(-20,20))
pechY = pointY+(random.randint(-20,20))
after_down(pechX, pechY)
while game_log.can_down==False:
pechX = pointX + (random.randint(-20, 20))
pechY = pointY + (random.randint(-20, 20))
after_down(pechX, pechY)
def after_down(pointX,pointY):
addX = delX = pointX
addY = delY = pointY
while (not (addX % 20) == 0) and (not (delX % 20) == 0):
addX = addX + 1
delX = delX - 1
while (not (addY % 20) == 0) and (not (delY % 20) == 0):
addY = addY + 1
delY = delY - 1
# After getting the approach point, input the game parameters
if (addX % 20) == 0:
game_log.cursetX = addX
game_log.cursetX = delX
if (addY % 20) == 0:
game_log.cursetY = addY
game_log.cursetY = delY
tmp_point [110,110,130,130] :
For the drop brush marker, respectively,
said the starting point of the circular coordinates and end coordinates
Into the array should be converted to:
tmp_point_2d [6,6]
That means the pawn is in the 6th row, 6th row
# Through the brush drop and record the location, perform a victory rule check every time an action is performed
if game_log.turn == 1:
tmp_point = [game_log.cursetX - 10, game_log.cursetY - 10, game_log.cursetX + 10, game_log.cursetY + 10]
tmp_point_2d = [(tmp_point[0] + tmp_point[2]) / 40, (tmp_point[1] + tmp_point[3]) / 40]
if tmp_point_2d[0] < 1 or tmp_point_2d[0] > 24 or tmp_point_2d[1] < 1 or tmp_point_2d[1] > 24:
print('Lots cross the border')
elif (not (tmp_point_2d in game_log.list_black)) and (not (tmp_point_2d in game_log.list_white)):
canvas.create_arc(game_log.cursetX - 10, game_log.cursetY - 10, game_log.cursetX + 10,
game_log.cursetY + 10, extent=359, fill='black')
check_win(game_log.list_black) # Whether the victory check
game_log.turn = 0 # Rotation
print('down success')
print(' hasbean down')
tmp_point = [game_log.cursetX - 10, game_log.cursetY - 10, game_log.cursetX + 10, game_log.cursetY + 10]
tmp_point_2d = [(tmp_point[0] + tmp_point[2]) / 40, (tmp_point[1] + tmp_point[3]) / 40]
if tmp_point_2d[0] < 1 or tmp_point_2d[0] > 24 or tmp_point_2d[1] < 1 or tmp_point_2d[1] > 24:
print('Lots cross the border')
elif (not (tmp_point_2d in game_log.list_white)) and (not (tmp_point_2d in game_log.list_black)):
canvas.create_arc(game_log.cursetX - 10, game_log.cursetY - 10, game_log.cursetX + 10,
game_log.cursetY + 10, extent=359, fill='white')
game_log.turn = 1
print('down success')
print(' hasbean down')
game_log.can_down = False
# Bind the left mouse button and right
root.bind("", callback)
root.bind("", quit)
# The main window into the performance cycle