GRE / GMAT / LSAT长难句300句(31)

In experiments, an injection of cytoplasm from dextral eggs changes the pattern of sinistral eggs, but an injection from sinistral eggs does not influence dextral eggs.

在试验中,从右旋卵细胞中提取出细胞质注入左旋卵细胞中,可以改变左旋卵细胞的模式,但是从左旋卵细胞中 提取出细胞质注入右旋卵细胞中,却不会影响右旋卵细胞。


1、experiment n.实验

  ex[向外] + peri[词根:实验;尝试] + ment[名词后缀] --> 实验

2、cytoplasm n.细胞质

  cyto[词根:细胞] + plasm[后缀:形成] --> 细胞质

3、dextral adj.右旋的

  dextr[词根:右] + al[形容词后缀] --> 右旋的

4、eggs n.卵细胞

5、sinistral adj.左旋的

  sinistr[sinister adj.左边的;凶兆的] + al[形容词后缀] --> 左旋的

  sinister adj.左边的;凶兆的 --> s[死] + in[在...里面] + ist[名词后缀] + er[形容词后缀] --> 凶兆 的,于古代欧洲人认为左为凶兆 --> sinister adj.左边的;凶兆的


In experiments, an injection 1[of cytoplasm] 2[from dextral eggs] changes the pattern 3[of  sinistral eggs], but an injection 4[] 5[from sinistral eggs] does not influence dextral eggs.

1. 介词结构倒装。of cytoplasm修饰injection。

2. 介词结构倒装。from dextral eggs修饰cytoplasm。

3. 介词结构倒装。of sinistral eggs修饰pattern。

4. 平行结构省略。but连接的平行结构中省略了of cytoplasm。

5. 介词结构倒装。from sinistral eggs修饰cytoplasm。


In experiments[状], an injection[主] of cytoplasm[定] from dextral eggs[定] changes[谓] the  pattern[宾] of sinistral eggs[定], [连]but an injection[主] from sinistral eggs[定] does not  influence[谓] dextral eggs[宾].




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